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Resource.MessageObject=({"zc_js_edit_criteria" : "Edit Criteria", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_move_master_to_regular_list" : "All the set criteria will be discarded when you change a master list to a regular list. Do you want to continue?", "zc_js_cant_schedule_past_date" : "You cannot schedule for a past time.", "zc_js_signupform_tracking_generalreports" : "General Reports", "zc_onepage_import_tags_heading" : "For easy search and filter Tag your contacts", "zc_js_email_address_member_of_campaign_list" : "You are already a contact. To update your profile click on the Update Profile link in the email footer.", "zc_leadstats_Last_Seven_Days" : "Last seven days", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_not_empty" : "Can not delete trigger, workflow is not empty.", "zc_js_calendar_nameerr" : "Please enter a holiday name.", "zc_js_sm_cd_popup_heading" : "Data common for both Zoho Campaigns and Zoho Marketing Automation", "zc_editor_no_mergetag_found" : "No Merge Tag Found", "zc_ab_attachmentexpired" : "You cannot send this campaign as the associated attachment has expired. To send the campaign, change the poll's date of expiry.", "zc_js_dash_cancel" : "Canceled on", "zc_js_customprograms_field_text" : "Field", "zc_campaign_images_import_start" : "Importing Images", "zc_programs_trigger_attachment_download" : "DOWNLOADED ATTACHMENT", "zc_same_tag_selected" : "Tag names cannot be the same for both actions.", "zc_js_is_clicked_any_link" : "is clicked any link", "zc_common_workflowv2_choose_segment" : "Please choose the segment", "zc_js_contacts_sync_errorrequest" : "An unknown error occured while processing your request. Please try again later.", "zc_js_programs_trace_migrate_out" : "Migrated out", "zc_journey_list_trigger_trigger_for_existing" : "Only existing contacts already  present in the selected list", "zc_zw_user_nopriv" : "You don't have the privilege to perform this integration. Please contact your organization administrator to integrate with your Zoho Meeting account.", "zc_zs_user_nopriv" : "You don't have the privilege to perform this integration. Please contact your organization administrator to integrate with your Zoho Survey account.", "zc_js_programs_simple_case_clicked" : "is clicked", "zc_journey_ea_path_not_clicked_on_any_link" : "Not Clicked On Any Link", "zc_js_products_product_customer_import_successfully" : "Customers imported successfully", "zc_js_create_topic" : "Create Topic", "zc_js_programs_ab_random_test_text" : "A/B RANDOM TEST", "zc_js_calendar_filtershowingresults1" : "Showing results for", "zc_js_not_replied" : "Not Replied", "zc_dashboard_send_campaign6activity" : "Campaigns Sent in Past 6 Months", "zc_js_programs_tag_load_error" : "Unable to load tags. Please try again.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_anonymize1_enabled" : "Anonymous tracking enabled successfully.", "zc_js_sync_mapping_error_analytics" : "Please map the email address field of Zoho Analytics with email address of Zoho Campaigns.", "zc_js_cv_invalid_err1" : "This is an invalid number", "zc_js_Company_name_not_valid" : "Invalid company name.", "zs_js_select_contact" : "Please select the contacts.", "zc_js_select_merge_tag" : "Select Merge tag.", "zc_js_campaigns_smartsend" : "on individual recipient's optimal open time", "zc_js_settings_companyprofile_imgerror" : "This browser does not support HTML5 FileReader.", "zc_editor_width_maxmsg" : "Width should be between 600px and 800px.", "zc_js_campaigns_org_inactive_msg" : "Your organization account has been blocked. This might be due to high number of bounces, unsubscribes, or spam complaints. Please contact our support team at", "zc_js_email_added_successfully" : "Email address added Successfully.", "zc_js_settings_email_emailauth_dkim" : "Dkim Record copied", "zc_js_sf_crm_push_no_field_config" : "Not congigured fields to CRM push action", "zc_websiteautomation_all_data" : "All Data", "zc_js_cmp_service_sync_data_common" : "Common limit", "zc_js_tag_sort_new_first" : "Newest First", "zc_error_msg_schedule" : "An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later.", "zc_error_subscription_attachment_edit_ecsub" : "You cannot edit an attachment in Email-based plan.", "zc_js_webhook_disconnected_succ" : "disconnected successfully.", "zc_js_role_name_cannot_be_empty" : "Role name cannot be empty!", "zc_js_workflow_response" : "Response action will be triggered as soon as the contacts survey completed to the email.", "zc_js_workflowv2_version_desc" : "Any changes you make to this workflow will be saved to a new version. When you're done editing, activate the new version to add all future contacts to that version.", "zc_js_media_duplicate" : "Video tags cannot be duplicated.", "zc_js_settings_integ_flickr_change_msg" : "Are you sure you want to associate a different Flickr account?", "zc_js_websiteautomation_noactivedomain" : "There is no active domain.", "zc_js_settings_integ_zenurl_msg" : "Please enter a valid URL", "zc_settings_sync_add_new_sync" : "Add New Sync", "zc_js_wf_activating" : "activating", "zc_js_golive_no_more_fields_added" : "No more fields to be added", "zc_leadsub_select_valid_date" : "Please select the Valid Date", "zc_journey_signup_form_s_caps" : "Signup form", "zc_js_calender" : "Calendar", "zc_brand_topic_last_topic" : "You cannot delete this brand topic. At least one topic must be present.", "zc_selection_error_message" : "Please select a $1", "zc_advworkflow_msg_change_alert" : "Any change made in a reviewed message will automatically move the message to Draft ", "zc_js_campaigns_license_error_msg" : "We encountered an unforseen error while checking your license. Please retry after some time or send an email to to report this issue.", "zc_js_programs_server_error" : "An unknown error occurred. Please try again or contact us at", "zc_js_numbers_only" : "Only numbers are allowed.", "zc_editor_html_editor_varenda" : "Verdana", "zc_js_noclickcontent" : "No recipient has clicked the links in the sent campaigns yet.", "zc_setting_integ_false" : "Let the campaign owner decide", "zc_js_sync_make_selection" : "Make a selection", "zc_js_emoji_objects" : "Objects", "zc_js_cannot_add_more_criteria" : "You cannot add more than $1 criteria.", "zc_js_product_rp_list_import" : "You do not have permission to import leads to this product. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_delete_custom_score_heading" : "Are you sure you want to delete this scoring?", "zc_campaigns_dynamic_replyto_info" : "Uses contacts' specific custom field values to dynamically change the reply-to address.", "zc_programs_ignore_reason_unresponsive" : "Consent unresponsive", "zc_js_domain_spf_matched_dup_record_fix" : "Add $1 in that record immediately after 'v=spf1'.", "zc_js_not_clicked_any_link" : "Not Clicked any link", "zc_js_drip_one_message_per_day" : "You can schedule only one message per day.", "zc_js_campaigns_consent_nocontacts_create_msg" : "Since there are no remaining contacts to get consent, you cannot create a new consent campaign now.", "zc_js_programs_hours" : "hours", "zc_js_program_timeline_chart_xaxis" : "Time (timezone)", "zc_topic_goals_type_switch" : "On switching to Consent Required basis, can restrict you from sending the mails to users.Do you want to proceed?", "zc_no_active_products" : "No Active Products", "zc_integration_denied_msgBird_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with MessageBird.</span></div>", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_process_exit_desc" : "Set conditions to decide when a contact should exit the process or the workflow.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_trigger_on_updating_field" : "This workflow will be triggered when you select and update a contact field.", "zc_js_sf_optin_double" : "Confirmation emails turned on", "zc_js_html_editor_from_web_url" : "From Web URL", "zc_webhook_actionperformer_adminanduser" : "Administrator/user", "zc_gotowebinar_integrate_msg" : "Integrate your GoToWebinar account with Zoho Campaigns", "zc_js_Sellistex" : "Selected Lists", "zc_autoresponders_calendar_before_add_content" : "You haven't added content for this message", "zc_html_editor_left" : "Left", "zc_journey_on_subscripiton_management" : "On Subscription Management", "zc_js_test_email_format_issue" : "Delivered with formatting issues", "zc_js_subscribers_blocked_status" : "Blocked", "zc_js_settings_edit_custom_field_entites" : "Editing a custom field will affect the following entities:", "zc_topic_multi_list_to_multi_topic" : "Multiple lists subscription is enabled for the signup form. As Topic Management is enabled, the mailing lists in the signup form will be replaced by your topics.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Every" : "Every", "zc_js_deprecated_eop_tag_based_action" : "The End of Workflow component is deprecated. Replace it with the \"Tag based actions\" component available under the Process section.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>", "zc_js_bookmark_deletemsg" : "Remove this component from bookmarks", "zc_js_products_product_customers" : "Product customers", "zc_js_text_cannot_empty" : "You haven't added any content yet.", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_tag_assign_text" : "The workflow will trigger when the contacts are assigned with the tag you select", "zc_js_select_destination_version" : "Select destination version", "zc_bulkseg_del_err" : "This segment cannot be edited as a custom field associated with it is deleted.", "zc_advanced_campaign_not_editable_msg" : "You cannot edit this campaign as the integration with $1 has been denied.", "zc_js_cannot_add_more_$1_items_to_pick_list" : "You cannot add more than $1 items to your pick list.", "zc_campaigns_editplaintextcontent" : "Edit Plain Text Content", "zc_js_webhooks_module_status_suspended" : "Suspended", "zc_js_drag_and_connect" : "Drag and connect", "zc_js_lead_generation_lead_stage_no_privilege" : "You are not having enough privilege to access this option.", "zc_editor_tour_signupenable" : "Signup form Subscription enabled", "zc_js_programs_error_minimum_one_day" : "Minimum interval between messages should be 1 day.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_zdesk" : "Zoho Desk", "zc_editor_component_widget_properties" : "Social Widgets", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_shutting_down_program" : "Shutting down workflow...", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_video_click" : "Video click", "zc_js_sms_content_empty" : "Please enter message content.", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_activated" : "Setup activated", "zc_js_massupdate_update" : "Update to", "zc_js_images_invalid_file_format" : "Improper file format found. Supported image formats are - jpg, jpeg, png, bmp and gif.", "zc_js_calendar_dec" : "Dec", "zc_js_sync_other_users_info" : "Permission denied! You cannot edit or delete other user's sync details.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_this_segment" : "Are you sure you want to delete this segment?", "zc_js_delete_notefield_value_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to delete this note?", "zc_js_go_live_event_name" : "Event name", "zc_editor_poll_display_icon" : "Icon Only", "zc_js_editor_please_enter_a_value_to_search" : "Please enter a value to search", "zc_scoring_score_range_error" : "The score can only be between $1 and $2", "zc_js_brand_name" : "Brand Name", "zc_js_subscriber_campaignsummary" : "Campaign Summary", "zc_js_subscriber_lead_stage_update_error" : "Unable to process lead stage updation at this time.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_noreports_note1" : "Link click tracking disabled for this campaign.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_actions" : "Actions", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_noreports_note2" : "Email open or Link click tracking disabled for this campaign.", "zc_js_html_editor_vertical" : "Vertical", "zc_js_product_rp_edit" : "You do not have permission to edit a product. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_event_chooseEvent" : "Select event.", "zc_js_subscriber_socialmediasummary_name" : "SocialMediaActivity", "zc_js_programs_order_follow_trigger" : "PURCHASE FOLLOW-UP", "zc_js_programs_schedule_for_msg" : "Send message", "zc_single_purpose_topic_config" : "You cannot configure a topic when you only have a single purpose for your email marketing.", "zc_js_alert_push_cms_shortly" : "Campaign member status will be updated soon.", "zc_js_list_priv_revoke" : "Revoke List Privileges", "zc_js_cv_empty_err" : "Field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_configure_err_new" : "Configure <span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>$1</span> action", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_trigger_same_start_and_end_time" : "The start time time and end time cannot be the same. Please specify the correct time.", "zc_list_migrate_already_progress" : "Migration is already in progress.", "zc_js_settings_merge_tag_delete_entites" : "Deletion of a merge tag will affect the following entities:", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_manual_migration" : "Manual migration", "zc_custom_score_option_from" : "FROM", "zc_js_want_to_clear_contacts_note_seg1" : "Note: Contacts, if present in other lists, will not be deleted from those lists. Deletion of contacts from organization depends on your privilege.", "zc_js_webhook_invalid_parameter_value" : "Please enter a parameter value.", "zc_js_subscriber_campaignsummary_name" : "CampaignSummary", "zc_js_settings_sender_address" : "Sender address added successfully", "zc_export_pass_enabled" : "Password protection enabled", "zc_js_sync_v3_errmsg_only_admin" : "Users with admin role only can perform this action. Please contact an admin", "zc_settings_sync_pushAs_contacts" : "Push as Contacts", "zc_js_reauthorize_picasa" : "Please reauthorize your Google account to access Photos.", "zc_js_settings_apicallback_title" : "API & Call Back", "zc_js_product_leads_remove_success" : "Leads removed successfully", "zc_journey_on_using_api" : "ON USING API", "zc_editor_poll_answer" : "Answer", "zc_sms_integration_messagemedia_secret_code" : "API secret code", "zc_js_custom_field_encryption_completed" : "Encrytion turned on", "zc_js_here" : "here.", "zc_js_note" : "Note", "zc_unassociate_list" : "If you remove a list from a topic, consent expressed by your contacts for that list will  become invalid. Are you sure you want to remove the list?", "zc_js_workflowv2_abandon_delay" : "Contacts with abandoned carts will enter this workflow after", "zc_js_industry_choose" : "Choose an industry", "zc_js_complaince_gdpr_settings_on" : "Consent GDPR setup enabled", "zc_js_sf_field_already_mapped" : "$1 field has been mapped already", "zc_js_webhook_sub_associate" : "Associate Contact Webhook", "zc_journey_smart_popup_form_s_caps" : "Smart pop-up form", "zc_js_autoresponder_addedto_list" : "Contacts added to the list successfully", "zc_editor_html_editor_calibri" : "Calibri", "zc_js_programs_msg_start" : "Start Message", "" : "Your account has reached maximum contact limit. <a id=\"SyncUpgradeLink\">Upgrade</a> your plan and restart import.", "zc_js_link" : "Please enter the video URL", "zc_js_template_deleted" : "Your template has been deleted.", "zc_js_enter_web_campaign_page" : "Enter the web campaign page that needs to be imported.", "zc_js_programs_copy_api_key" : "Copy API key to clipboard", "zc_js_contacts_sync_select_list" : "Select a list", "zc_js_schedule_normal" : "Schedule as normal", "zc_js_bothversion" : "HTML & Text Version", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_override_before_days" : "days before the selected date", "zc_js_calendar_campdetnameerr" : "Please enter some reminder message.", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_aln_right" : "Align Text Right (Ctrl+R)", "zc_js_shp_product_not_found" : "The products is not fount in your Shopify account.", "zc_js_images_enter_folder_name" : "Provide a folder name.", "zc_js_product_lead_one" : "Please select at least one lead", "zc_contacts_sync_change_sync_type" : "Change Sync Type", "zc_editor_builder_weburl_emptymsg" : "Please enter a valid URL.", "zc_file_allowed_ext" : "We do not support this file format.  Try importing a file with .pdf, .doc(x), .txt, .rtf, .odt, .xls(x), .csv, .sxc, .ods, .tsv .ppt(x), .pps(x), .odp or .sxi   extensions.", "zc_js_workflow_update_date_time_msg" : "Update to the date and time of action", "zc_programs_ignore_reason_unknow" : "Unknown", "zc_js_rp_campaigns_no_self_edit_privilege_msg" : "You do not have privilege to modify your campaign. Contact your organization admin.", "zc_js_consent_subs_mail" : "Consent contacts from Consent mail", "zc_js_contacts_sheets_nocontacts" : "No contacts are present in the selected Google Docs SpreadSheet.", "zc_sms_cred_error_code" : "Please provide correct credentials, $1 gave response code:$2 and error code:$3 with your credentials.", "zc_js_programs_after" : "After", "zc_js_list_delete_modules_configured_modules_info" : "Deleting this list will disable the following activities. Do you want to proceed?", "zc_js_programs_condition_not_allowed" : "Condition not allowed", "zc_js_not_previlege_create_new_chain_campaign" : "You do not have permission to create a new chain campaign.", "zc_manage_list_type_smart_list_heading" : "Smart List", "zc_js_editor_close_warning_msg" : "Content that is not saved will be lost. Are you sure you want to close this editor?", "zc_js_emoji_foodsmall" : "Food", "zc_js_filtered" : "Filter applied", "zc_js_consent_crm_push" : "CRM Push Report", "zc_unsubscribed_contacts" : "Unsubscribed Contacts", "zc_js_sf_reports_browsers" : "Browsers", "zc_js_programs_action_updated" : "Action updated successfully.", "zc_integration_survey_deny_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Scheduled $1 campaigns will be moved to draft.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Scheduled $1 A/B test campaigns will be stopped.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Processes associated to the Survey component in any workflow will be stopped.</span></div>", "zc_js_bulk_contacts_multiple_topic_associate_msg" : "Selected contacts were associated with the chosen topics successfully", "zc_js_journey_selected_all_the_list_nomore_list" : "You have selected all the lists. No more lists are available.", "zc_autoresponder_freezemsg" : "The autoresponder will stop accepting new contacts and will send messages to contacts who had already entered. Are you sure you want to freeze it?", "zc_js_signupform_form_body" : "Form body", "zc_js_subscriber_Lead_tags_name" : "ContactTags", "zc_js_copy_link" : "Copy Link", "zc_js_nimble_account_fail" : "Unable to identify your Nimble account.", "zc_js_campaign_schedule_cancel_msg" : "Are you sure you want to cancel the campaign schedule?", "zc_js_previous" : "Previous", "zc_js_sm_cf_popup_heading" : "Migrate custom fields data to $1", "zc_js_workflow_name_max_length" : "Workflow name is too long.", "zc_js_SaveandExit" : "Save and Exit", "zc_js_already_a_sync_running_now" : "A sync is currently running for this module. You can change the sync type only after the records are synced.", "zc_js_sms_choose_gateway_error" : "Please choose a gateway", "zc_campaigns_comment" : "Comment", "zc_webinar_attended_for" : "attended", "zc_plan_not_supported_follow_up_surveycamp_description" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to follow up on sent survey campaigns.", "zc_js_programs_converted_leads" : "Converted Contacts", "zc_js_select_atleast_tag" : "Select at least one tag.", "zc_js_programs_not_scheduled_msg" : "Schedule before starting the message.", "zc_js_product_rp_delete" : "You do not have permission to delete a product. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_leadgeneration_enter_valid_email" : "Enter a valid email address", "zc_js_limit_exceed_msg" : "You cannot delete more than 20 campaigns.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_trigger_pause_alert" : "This message will not be sent to your contacts. Are you sure you want to pause this message?", "zc_js_sync_v3_crm_move_to_newtopics.integration" : "This integration cannot be completed as the new CRM integration model supports the <a class=\"linktxt mr20\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">updated version of Topics</a>. Go to Contact -> Topics and proceed.", "zc_autoresponder_enabled_successfully" : "Autoresponder enabled successfully.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_send_event_email" : "Sent event email", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_valid_number" : "Please enter a valid number", "zc_autoresponders_first_message" : "First Message", "zc_js_cmp_theme_notvalid_ln_link" : "Enter a valid linkedin page's link.", "zc_js_programs_reminder_get_links" : "Connect component with email to fetch links", "zc_js_subscriber_moreoptions" : "MoreOptions", "zc_def_topic_last_purpose" : "The default topic cannot be deleted", "zc_js_Autoresponder_ContentToBeReviewed" : "ContentToBeReviewed", "zc_js_webhooks_parameter_value_ph" : "Enter the parameter value", "zc_js_programs_version_success" : "Version created successfully", "zc_js_calendar_action" : "Action", "zc_a_bookmark_with_this_name_exists_already" : "A bookmark with this name exists already", "zc_integration_denied_vonage_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Vonage.</span></div>", "zc_js_journey_deal_mapping_data" : "Field mapping data", "zc_js_contacts_sync_recruit" : "Recruit", "zc_js_pc_end" : "Are you sure you want to end this campaign?", "zc_js_signup_pages_and_emails" : "Signup Pages and Emails", "zc_list_migrate_entities_associated" : "Following entities associated with the list will also be migrated.", "zc_js_journey_existing_leads" : "Existing leads/contacts", "zc_js_no_contact_in_list" : "There are no contacts in this mailing list.", "zc_js_want_to_clear_contacts_from_List_new_note_roles_privilege" : "Note: This contact if present in other lists, will not be deleted from those lists. Deletion of contacts from organization depends on your privilege.", "zc_js_error_zm_addfromaddressapifail" : "An internal error occurred while adding your email address. Please try again after sometime or contact us at to resolve the problem.", "zc_js_GoogleDocs" : "GoogleDocs", "zc_leadstats_Lead_criteria_pattern" : "Criteria pattern", "zc_custom_birthdayfield_sampletext" : "Field value will look like \"$1\".", "zc_js_contacts_sync_servicelimitmsg" : "You cannot enable new sync as the the daily sync limit of 10 is reached.", "zc_list_prompt" : "Are you sure you want to move the selected list(s) to another folder?", "zc_js_editor_alt_txt" : "Alternative text", "hubspot" : "HubSpot", "zc_js_domain_spf_empty_record" : "There are no SPF records in your DNS.", "zc_js_page_tab_create_failed" : "Unable to create Page Tab. Try again later.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_freezeing_program" : "Freezing workflow...", "zc_js_settings_manage_user" : "Manage Users", "zc_js_settings_message_unsubscribe_off" : "Are you sure you do not want to send an unsubscribe confirmation email?", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_under_process_list" : "Contacts Under Process", "zc_dashboard_search_create" : "Search and create", "zc_js_duplicate_phone_field" : "Duplicate value is found for Phone field", "zc_js_is_notallowed" : "Not Allowed", "zc_js_consent_subs_1_rem" : "Consent contacts from 1st Remainder mail", "zc_js_customfield_decimalMsg" : "Decimal places should less than the field length.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_event" : "Event", "zc_js_tags_assigned_success_msg" : "The tags have been successfully assigned.", "zc_js_contacts_mass_copytolistcontacts_scheduled" : "Copying the contacts in this view has been scheduled, you will be notified once the process is completed.", "zc_js_settings_sync_account_already_used" : "This Zoho CRM account is already used in another organization.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_trigger_leadstage_desc" : "This workflow will trigger when a lead reaches the stage you specify.", "zc_js_reauthorize" : "An unknown error occured. Please refresh and try again.", "zc_js_dont_permission_in_associate_topics" : "You don't have sufficient privilege to perform this action. Please contact your admin to proceed", "zc_folder_unclassified" : "Unclassified", "zc_campaigns_images" : "Images", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_cannot_add_error" : "You can add up to a maximum of $1 criteria.", "zc_js_CloudPicker" : "Import from Cloud", "zc_js_common_desc" : "Description", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_emailaction" : "ON EMAIL ACTION", "zc_js_programs_trigger_pagevisit_any" : "Any page", "zc_manage_list_split_cannot_select_smart_list" : "You cannot set a smart list as the primary list of a topic", "zc_js_test_mails_moreemail_send" : "You can send $1 more test emails only.", "zc_settings_campaign_policy_email_limits" : "Email Limits", "zc_js_workflowv2_journey_journey_to_be_moved_to" : "Workflow to be moved to", "zc_js_error_occured" : "Unknown error occurred. Please try again.", "zc_js_sync_v3_errmsg_sel_lawbas" : "Please select 'Lawful Basis' to proceed", "zc_js_programs_status_cloning" : "Cloning", "zc_js_calendar_markadate" : "Mark a date", "zc_js_programs_trigger_closed" : "Closed group trigger", "zc_js_autoupgrade_details" : "Auto Upgrade Details", "zc_tools_close_message" : "There are some unsaved changes. Do you want to save the changes or continue?", "zc_js_signupform_overlay" : "Overlay", "zc_js_select_one_list" : "Select at least one list.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_contacts" : "Selected contacts will be removed from other users' mailing lists too.", "zc_js_programs_trace_trigger_condition" : "Exited through Trigger condition.", "zc_js_mailing_lists_merge_scheduler_invoked_note_message_multiple" : "Note: The source lists are locked as we're merging the contacts and you cannot edit, add, or delete any contacts to the mailing lists. You'll receive a notification email once the contacts are merged to the target list.", "zc_shopify_integration_product_select" : "You have selected a product in this collection. Do you want to add the product in your campaign?", "zc_leadstats_date_notblank" : "Date field cannot be left blank.", "zc_webhook_listview_webhooknotinvoked" : "Webhook not invoked", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_field_deleted" : "Field <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted. Select another field.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Check_mypage" : "Check my page", "zc_js_contacts_topic_enter_valid_number_exceed" : "This value must not exceed $1", "zc_js_all_segments" : "All Segments", "zc_js_condition_cannot_be_$1" : "Criteria condition cannot be_$1", "zc_js_customprograms_schedule_before" : "Before $1 $2", "zc_js_w_action_alreay_selected" : "You have already selected one follow-up action for this response. Click <i class=' zcicon-plus-circle-outline  f14 vm' style='cursor:default' ></i> to select a different follow-up action for the same response.", "zc_js_sync_othersync_msg" : "You cannot view other user's sync details.", "zc_js_campaigns_normalschedule_describenew" : "We will schedule and send the campaign on the date and time you specify.", "zc_js_common_filter_ascending_order" : "Ascending Order", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_goal_deleted" : "Goal <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted. Select another goal.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_send_email" : "Send email", "zc_js_recom_colanr" : "Who bought this also bought", "zc_js_delete_not_possible" : "is not possible since you are trying to delete list(s) owned by other users.", "zc_js_programs_hour" : "hour", "zc_js_signupform_removal_captcha" : "Captcha", "zc_js_sync_v3_crm_sync_initiated" : "This sync has been initiated.", "zc_js_programs_simple_case_not_open" : "is not opened", "zc_js_purpose_level_basis_selected_consent_emails_specific" : "Purpose level basis has been selected and hence consent emails can be sent only to that specific lists under the consent required basis", "zc_js_ImportHistory" : "Import Overview", "zc_js_singupform_disabled" : "Signup form disabled for this mailing list successfully.", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_video_popup_title" : "The workflow will trigger when contacts click the video you select.", "zc_js_sort_by_text" : "Sort by", "zc_js_images_name_exist" : "Name already exists.", "zc_integration_denied_smsMagic_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with SMSMagic.</span></div>", "zc_unsaved_changes" : "Unsaved changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_scoring_criteria_select_error" : "Please select a criteria", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_lead" : "Lead Score", "zc_subscriber_disabled_delete_action_tooltip" : "Please select contacts to delete.", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_no_active_item" : "There should be at least one active process element before activating the workflow.", "zc_js_is_before" : "is before", "zc_js_contact_support_exceed_maximum_limit" : "You've exceed the maximum character limit", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_remove_lnk" : "Remove Link", "zc_js_segment_trigger_trigger_for_existing" : "Only contacts already  present in the selected segment", "zc_js_contacts_sync_both_recipients_msg" : "Push data to lead/contact is limited to records that have mandatory fields such as first name, last name, etc.\n\nDo you want to continue?", "zc_file_name" : "File Name", "zc_js_programs_condition_campaign_label" : "If lead", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Event_AlreadyUsed" : "Event Already Used", "zc_js_filter_empty_view_name" : "Please enter a name for the view", "zc_js_settings_senderaddress_sendmail" : "Send Verification Email", "zc_score_invalid_score" : "Please put a valid score", "zc_js_customprograms_select_goal" : "Select a goal", "zc_js_products_product_select_level" : "Please select a level", "zc_js_customprograms_attachmentfile_text" : "File", "zc_js_select_and_search_cart" : "Search and choose a store", "zc_js_customprograms_item_internal_notification_email" : "Internal notification email", "zc_dashboard_recent_activities" : "Recent Activities", "zc_journey_emailactivity_error_no_email_action" : "Please select at least one email action.", "zc_js_programs_integrate_eventbrite" : "Integrate your account with Eventbrite so your events can be fetched.", "zc_editor_phone" : "Phone", "zc_js_Autoresponder_delete_confirm" : "Your configuration will be deleted.", "zc_js_settings_integ_google_account_change_msg" : "Are you sure you want to associate a different Google account?", "zc_js_programs_reminder_add_openpath" : "Add path for opens", "zc_journey_selected_invalid_sender_address" : "The sender address was deleted.", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_view_Browser" : "Provide a View in Browser link.", "zc_js_programs_selected_leadstage_deleted" : "The action is stopped as the lead stage associated with it has been deleted", "zc_js_none" : "None", "zc_js_programs_msg_sendforreview" : "Send for Review", "zc_js_contact_custom_fields" : "Contact Custom Fields", "zc_js_contacts_sync_zendesk" : "Zendesk", "zc_js_export_unassociate_alert_msg" : "Do you want to download the export file $1 now?", "zc_js_external_empty_field_msg" : "Please map form fields with Campaign fields", "zc_js_list_sub_allow_help" : "Using the signup form in your website or with the help of the subscribe link in your email footer, anyone can sign up to you mailing lists.", "zc_js_library_images_folder_rename_success" : "Folder renamed successfully.", "zc_js_sync_field_select" : "Sorry Data Type mismatch, Kindly select another field combination", "zc_js_deleterole_user_single_content" : "This role is assigned to $1 user.", "zc_js_list_signupform_add_custom_field" : "Add custom field", "zc_js_tag_sort_z_to_a" : "Z to A", "zc_js_workflowv2_browser_support_feature" : "This browser does not support this feature", "zc_js_zcrm_invalid_user" : "You need to be an active administrator in the organization to proceed.", "zc_js_calendar_may" : "May", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_goal" : "Goal achieved", "zc_integration_denied_flickr_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your Flickr photos will not be imported.</span></div>", "zc_js_user_already_invited" : "This user is already invited.", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_exit_list" : "Contacts Exited", "zc_js_product_no_permission" : "You do not have permission to perform this operation. Please contact your organization administrator.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_no" : "Do Not Track", "zc_journey_subscripiton_management_lawful_basis" : "Lawful basis of communication", "zc_js_not_allowed_to_export_more_than_$1_rows_in_$2_type" : "You are not allowed to export more than $1 rows in $2 type.", "zc_disassociate_button" : "Disassociate", "zc_js_settings_integ_eventbrite_account_change_msg" : "Are you sure you want to associate a different Eventbrite account?", "zc_js_no_lists" : "No mailing lists available", "zc_js_campaigns_create_ab_eventcampaign" : "Eventbrite A/B Campaign", "zc_js_library_images_folder_created_success_new" : "Collection created successfully.", "zc_js_campaigns_timewarp" : "on individual recipient's time zone", "zc_js_programs_no_access" : "You do not have access to .", "zc_js_choose_preferences" : "Choose Preference", "zc_js_sync_customviewLimt_reached" : "The same custom view cannot be used multiple times for the Zoho CRM sync. Please use a different custom view. If you want to use the same custom view, contact us at", "zc_js_nope" : "Nope", "zc_sync_campaign_enable_restricted_desc" : "Enable \"Create Campaign\" before enabling \"Campaign Member Status\" ", "zc_js_programs_selected_list_deleted" : "The action is stopped as the list associated with it has been deleted.", "zc_consent_intercal_between_remainders1" : "Can schedule the next remainder only at an interval of 2 days", "zc_js_sync_errmsg_sel_mod" : "Please select a module to proceed", "zc_integration_denied_clickatell_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your contacts' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Clickatell.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div>", "zc_js_products_product_err_msg" : "Please name this campaign", "zc_js_programs_confirm_action_disable_ab" : "All responses configured in the A/B test component will be lost. Are you sure you want to disable the response?", "zc_js_consent_import_select_dateconsentfileheader" : "Select a consented time field from file", "zc_js_possible_segment" : "possible segment", "zc_js_programs_action_criteria_saved" : "Action skip criteria updated successfully.", "zc_js_send" : "Send", "zc_js_settings_merge_todef" : "To define tags please go to Settings > Merge Tags", "zc_js_consent_view_request_doc_upload" : "Document uploaded successfully", "zc_js_shopify_authentication_store_mismatch" : "The authentication details provided do not match the credentials of the connected store.", "zc_js_massupdate_mailinglist_msg_show" : "You are about to mass update contacts from the mailing list <strong><div id='listName' class='txtovflw nwrp' style='max-width:200px; display:inline-block; margin-bottom:-3px;'></div></strong>.", "zc_js_domain_dkim_empty_record_fix" : "Please copy the DKIM host name and TXT record shown above and publish it in your domain DNS. If you have already added this, please note that it may take within 24-48 hours to be published in DNS.", "zc_js_common_clicks" : "Clicks", "zc_js_programs_crm_task_only_existing" : "Create task in CRM for only the existing leads/contacts", "zc_js_choose_another_role_to_assign" : "Choose another role to assign.", "zc_js_create" : "create", "zc_js_want_to_delete_custom_field" : "Are you sure you want to delete this custom field?", "zc_import_no_headers" : "No Headers available in this file. please check your file.", "zc_js_subscriber_associated_topics_name" : "AssociatedTopics", "zc_js_sms_cnt_select_place_holder" : "Select Country field", "zc_webhook_listview_associated_modules" : "Associated modules", "zc_js_sync_errmsg_fld_name_mismatch" : "These field names are mismatched. Please map the relevant fields", "zc_js_calendar_delprivholiday" : "Delete Holiday? Reminders linked to the holiday will be erased.", "zc_js_autoresponder_message_maximum_limit_reached" : "You have reached the maximum limit of 50 messages per Autoresponder. To add more messages, please contact", "zc_js_websiteautomation_domaincheck_success" : "Your code has been added in your webpage and validated successfully.", "zc_js_users_upgrade_crmplus_one" : "You've reached the maximum number of active users allowed in your current subscription. Please <a id='ZOBUpgrade'>upgrade</a> to a suitable plan.", "zc_js_images_special_char" : "You can't upload the image as it contains special characters in the image name.", "zc_js_products_audience_group_built_success_edit" : "Audience defined successfully", "zc_js_email_address_used_by_another_user" : "This email address already exists in your organization.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_activate_error_desc" : "things you should do before activating the workflow", "zc_js_litmus_more_credits" : "Buy More Credits", "zc_leadgeneration_noCss" : "noCss", "zc_js_autoresponders_triggers_message_email_unopened" : "Triggers message series when the email remains unopened for the specified time.", "zc_js_programs_copy_api_error" : "Unsupported browser", "zc_list_migrate_no_user" : "For migrating a list, you need to have the same account active in both Zoho Campaigns and Zoho Marketing Automation.", "zc_js_programs_process_switchTab" : "Exit the process", "zc_js_programs_error_delete_message" : "Unable to delete message. Please try again.", "zc_advworkflow_msg_view_reason" : "View Reason", "zc_js_servicemm_note" : "Note: Locked $1 cannot be moved as they do not belong to this service.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_alreadymapped" : "is already mapped", "zc_js_sugarcrm_add_platform" : "You need to add the ZohoCampaigns API platform in your SugarCRM account to integrate.", "zc_js_deleted" : "is deleted", "zc_onepage_import_column_number" : "( Col : $1 )", "zc_js_subscriber_widget_two_select" : "At least 3 widgets must be selected", "zc_js_web_assistant_webapps" : "Web apps", "zc_js_want_to_delete_bs_images" : "This image was purchased from BigStock. Do you really want to delete this?", "zc_js_today_consent" : "from today.", "zc_js_dash_sent" : "Sent", "zc_mailing_list_locked_msg" : "Oops! Looks like the list has been locked", "zc_js_Autoresponder_emailcampaign_already_deleted" : "Email campaign is deleted.", "zc_js_campaigns_schedulelater_timewarp" : "Recipient's Time Zone", "zc_js_programs_schedule_holiday_monthly_date" : "Every month on $1 at $2,$3", "zc_lead_tag_color_choose_tag_color" : "Please select a color for the tag.", "zc_js_programs_msg_criteria" : "Skip criteria", "zc_js_campaign_untracklinks" : "Untracked Links", "zc_js_textversion" : "Text Version", "zc_js_onedrive" : "OneDrive", "zc_segment_field_encrypted_column_msg" : "The following fields related with this segment has been encrypted.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Select_a_date" : "Select a date", "zc_js_signupform_clone" : "Clone", "zc_campaigns_lead_set_camp_specific_score" : "Set Campaign Specific Scoring", "zc_js_product_duplicate_name" : "This product name already exists", "zc_joureny_email_response_v3_error_content_not_configured" : "Email content not configured.", "zc_js_massupdate_all_msg_show" : "recipients of the email campaign", "zc_js_journey_on_visiting_page" : "On visiting page", "zc_js_autoresponders_addcontent" : "Add Another Content", "zc_js_customprograma_select_domain_goal_tracking" : "Select a domain for which you have set up missed goal tracking", "zc_url_deleted_message" : "Selected URL has been deleted, you must change rule criteria to proceed", "zc_js_campaigns_search_placeholder" : "I’m searching for...", "zc_leadgeneration_Confirmation_Thank_you_Page_Preview" : "Confirmation Thank You Page - Preview", "zc_js_programs_response_choose_option" : "Please select atleast one action.", "zc_js_workflowv2_item_cloned" : "Item Cloned", "zc_crm_js_select_multiline_field" : "Select Multiline field", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_event_caps" : "EVENT", "zc_evb_user_nopriv" : "You don't have the privilege to perform this integration. Please contact your organization administrator to integrate with your Eventbrite account.", "zc_js_senderaddress_dmarc_published" : "DMARC policy is published for this domain. Now, take a step forward to improve deliverability by verifying your domain authentication. <a class=\"linktxt\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">How to Authenticate Domain</a>", "zc_cmp_crm_sender_info" : "The sender address field of the campaign will be auto-filled depending on the contact owner's address fetched from Zoho CRM.", "zc_programs_associate_attachments" : "Select file", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_source_signup_form_deleted" : "Selected signup form has been deleted. The contacts that have already entered the workflow will only be processed.", "zc_js_customprograms_crm_deal" : "CRM deal", "zc_editor_poll" : "Poll", "zc_integration_denied_twilio_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your contacts' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Twilio.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div>", "zc_js_wft_detail_view_camp_signup_menu_signupforms_title" : "Associated Signupforms", "zc_list_clone_no_sign_up" : "You do not have the privilege to create signup forms.", "zc_js_sync_nomatch_found" : "No match found", "zc_js_edit" : "Edit", "zc_campaigns_lead_camp_specific_score_enable" : "Campaign Specific Scoring  - Enabled", "zc_programs_trigger_video_click_text" : "CLICKED VIDEO", "zc_js_field_already_mapped" : "This field is already mapped.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_emailaction" : "Email action trigger", "zc_js_settings_subscription_choose_plan" : "You have not selected a plan. Please select a plan to proceed.", "zc_js_enter_list_name" : "Please enter a list name.", "zc_scoring_disable_negative_score_desc" : "On disabling, scores of all contacts with negative values will be reset to zero. Do you want to continue?", "zc_js_autoresponders_create_message" : "create Message", "zc_js_show_more" : "Show more", "zc_js_generate_zsc_key" : "Generate ZSC key", "zc_js_manual_post_warn" : "Your subject is a merge tag without a value. Please enter a value in next page.", "zc_js_sync_optoutfiled_notexistMsg_platform" : "Selected module does not have the \"Email Opt-out\" field. If you have removed this field, please re-add it in the respective module of your $1 account. To re-add the Email Opt-out field, go to Setup --> Customization --> Layouts Section --> Drag & Drop the \"Email Opt-out\" field from the Removed Fields section.", "zc_js_workflow_select_date_time_msg" : "Update date and time to", "zc_js_subscriber_other_associatedlist" : "Associated Other Lists", "zc_js_programs_trigger_campaign_deleted" : "Campaign associated with trigger is deleted", "zc_cmp_folderinference_onlyfor_sent_camp" : "You can view the reports for this campaign after it has been sent out.", "zc_topic_workflowv2_goals_single_switch" : "You cannot switch to \"Single Purpose\" as you have goals or workflows associated to topics", "zc_js_Autoresponder_multiplelinks" : "Multiple links selected", "zc_subscriber_enabled_untag_action_tooltip" : "Untag Contact", "zc_js_contacts_topic_enter_the_date" : "Please enter the date", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_datefield" : "DATE FIELD", "zc_leadgeneration_Map_Tracking" : "Map Tracking Text to a Field", "zc_js_delete_exclude_criteria" : "Are you sure you want to delete this criteria?", "zc_product_name" : "Product Name", "zc_js_attchament_error" : "Attachment should not exceeds the maximum limit of 4 MB", "zc_p_c_switch" : "When you switch to \"Permission based email marketing\", you can carry forward the settings that are saved in this type. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_plan_not_supported_rsscamp_description" : "RSS campaigns allow you to send automated campaigns to your contacts when there is an update to the website.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_already_scheduled" : "You've already scheduled a message for this time. Provide a different time.", "zc_js_domain_spf_missing_end" : "The ending of the SPF record you have published in your DNS is incorrect. Below is the existing SPF record we found in your DNS.", "zc_js_mapped_paypal_invalid_list" : "Invalid List", "zc_js_programs_integrate_sms" : "To send an SMS you will have to integrate your account with any of the SMS gateways (Clickatell, Twilio or MessageMedia).", "zc_editor_html_editor_time_newroman" : "Times New Roman", "zc_js_contacts_sync_creator_view_reactive_view_delete_msg" : "This sync cannot be activated, as the synced view might have been changed or deleted.", "zc_js_no_privilege_to_signup_form_and_list" : "You do not have signup form and list privilege to perform this action.", "zc_js_editor_version_msg" : "Last saved:", "zc_js_successfully_saved" : "Your template has been saved successfully.", "zc_integ_migration_confirm_msg" : "Do you want to migrate to the new sync setup now?", "zc_js_programs_capsproduct_specific_follow" : "PRODUCT SPECIFIC FOLLOW-UP", "zc_js_error_invalid_url" : "This URL is invalid.", "zc_manage_list_split_type_primary_list_setup_edit" : "You cannot change the primary list of a topic here.", "zc_js_html_editor_image_format_file_support" : "(.jpg, .png and .gif format files are supported.)", "zc_js_html_editor_get" : "Get", "zc_js_nimbusAdcom_username_err" : "Please enter the Nimbus Adcom user name", "zc_js_programs_action_remove_from_list_text" : "This action lets you remove contacts from the list you've selected.", "zc_js_cant_send_ab_to_less_contacts" : "You cannot send A/B campaign to less number of contacts.", "zc_js_crmsync_create_campaign_to_crm" : "You are about to create this campaign in your CRM account. Are you sure to proceed?", "zc_js_no_segments_available" : "No segments available", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_edithtml" : "Edit HTML", "zc_js_programs_ab_test_text_desc1" : "Based on the open or click rate of your emails, decide which version should be sent to majority of your contacts.", "zc_editor_gridview" : "Grid View", "zc_campaigns_attachments_cardview" : "Cardview", "zc_score_status_updated" : "Score status updated", "zc_js_customprograms_pagevisit_select_domain" : "Select your domain", "zc_js_sss_data_share_succ_msg" : "Your preferences are saved successfully.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notconnect_beforeseries_eop" : "You cannot connect the \"Before\" series to end-of-workflow actions.", "zc_js_enable" : "Enable", "zc_sub_type_update_action_multiple_contact_msg" : "<span class='fntwht600'>Subscription status of $1 contacts were updated</span> <br> <span class='f14'>Subscription status of $2 contacts were not updated as they were updated recently.</span>", "zc_js_programs_activate_error_process" : "This process component should be connected with another component ", "zc_js_webhook_select_one" : "Please select a webhook", "zc_js_workflow_custom_range" : "Custom Range", "zc_leadgeneration_show_preview" : "Show Preview", "zc_js_Autoresponder_CRMdeletedfield" : "This Field cannot be pushed as it is deleted in Zoho CRM.", "zc_js_sm_cant_create_new_msg" : "A data migration configuration has already been set up and sent for approval.", "zc_js_ascending" : "Ascending", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_open" : "Opened the email", "zc_settings_sync_formWarning" : "Please check your selection and try again", "zc_js_calendar_mar" : "Mar", "zc_js_product_rp_create" : "You do not have permission to create a product. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_product_rp_massupdate" : "You do not have permission to mass update leads. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_journey_owner_allocation" : "Owner allocation", "zc_js_autoresponder_coupon_prefix" : "Please enter a coupon prefix.", "zc_js_sync_highrise_siteName_existMsg" : "Site name you entered is already configured in this organization. Please contact your organization administrator.", "zc_js_webhook_actions_testwinner" : "A/B Test Winner", "zc_js_settings" : "Settings", "zc_js_setting_newui_data_migration" : "Data Migration", "zc_js_massupdate_open_country_msg_show" : "contacts who have opened from  <strong>$1</Strong> in the email campaign", "zc_js_Autoresponder_campaign_deleted" : "Deleted Campaign", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_audiencechange_15days" : "Last 15 days", "zc_js_signupform_tracking_code_duplicate" : "This tracking text exists. Provide a different text.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_scheduleauto" : "Schedule My Autoresponder", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_select_an_action" : "Select an action", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_process_condition_multi_note1" : "Apart from the contact paths for the number of values you provide, you need to create a separate path for contacts who don't match any of the conditions.", "zc_dashboard_contacts_marketing_widget" : "Marketing Non Marketing Contacts", "zc_settings_manageusers_users" : "Users", "zc_js_golive" : "Go Live", "zc_js_rss_sc_Adv_not_select" : "You haven't set up publication details for your feed.", "zc_js_greater_sync_description_length" : "You've exceeded the maximum limit of 50 characters.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_video_deleted" : "Video <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted. Select another video.", "zc_js_campaigns" : "Campaigns", "zc_js_enable_dormant_popup" : "Are you sure you want to mark this campaign dormant?", "zc_js_sf_width_between_msg" : "Width should be between 1px and ", "zc_error_subscription_poll_edit_ecsub" : "You cannot edit poll details in Email-based plan.", "zc_js_enter_valid_details" : "Please provide valid details.", "zc_js_campaign_schedule_failed" : "An internal error occurred while trying to send your campaign. Please try again.", "zc_plan_not_supported_poll_description" : "Create polls to engage your audience.", "zc_js_sms_ph_select_place_holder" : "Select phone number field", "zc_js_empty_url" : "URL cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_subscribers_import_will_start" : "will be started on", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_inserthorizontalrule" : "Insert Horizontal Rule", "zc_js_websiteautomation_show_conditions" : "Show Conditions", "zc_editor_enter_widget" : "Please enter a name for your widget.", "zc_js_sc_tz_pg_end_on" : "End On", "zc_js_camp_list_other_service_duplicate" : "A mailing list with this name already exists in Zoho Marketing Automation", "zc_js_cannot_add_and_please_update" : "You cannot add this contact, please ask this contact to use to \"Update Profiles\" link to subscribe to this list.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_creator" : "Creator", "zc_js_sf_optin_double_on" : "Double Opt-in is on.", "zc_journey_new_standard_plan_tag_create_tooltip_error" : "Upgrade to the Professional plan to create contact tags.", "zc_js_sf_orijinal_aspect_ratio" : "Original aspect ratio", "zc_js_wf_link_already_selected" : "You've already selected this link. Please select a different one.", "zc_websiteautomation_mail_reports" : "Mail Reports", "zc_campaign_images_import_load_con" : "Please wait while we import the image from the given URL.", "zc_plan_not_supported_attachments_description" : "Use attachments to add files to your newsletter in the form of downloadable links.", "zc_opened_location_stats" : "Opened Location Stats", "zc_editor_ics" : "ICS", "zc_js_template_layout_want_to_save" : "Click OK to save this template.", "zc_js_campaign_useragent_stats" : "UserAgent Stats", "zc_js_pp_save_default_txt" : "Do you want to make these links as default?", "zc_js_enter_valid_decimal" : "Please provide valid decimal format", "zc_js_massupdate_subtract" : "Subtract", "zc_js_customprograms_source_video_deleted" : "Source video has been deleted", "zc_js_webassistant_sencode_success" : "Email sent successfully.", "zc_js_page_below_fans_on_signupform" : "You need a minimum of 2000 followers on Facebook to publish a Signup Form.", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_entry_specific_time" : "Allow contacts to enter at $1", "zc_js_edit_all" : "Edit All", "zc_js_html_editor_insert_link" : "Insert Link", "zc_js_test_mail_reached_limit" : "You have reached the maximum number of test emails. Please contact", "zc_js_programs_copy_api_success" : "API key copied to clipboard", "zc_plan_not_supported_follow_up_rsscamp_description" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to follow-up on sent RSS campaigns.", "zc_js_programs_push_sub" : "Push new and update existing contacts", "zc_js_settings_portal_setup" : "Manage Portal", "zc_js_list_change_notallow_signup" : "Restricting contacts from accessing your signup form will not allow them to sign up to your mailing lists.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_move_to_program" : "Move to Workflow", "zc_js_enable_this_autoresponder" : "Enabling this autoresponder will not enable all the messages. Make sure you enable them manually.", "zc_js_common_filter_clear" : "Clear", "zc_js_programs_userdefined_tag" : "Userdefined merge tags", "zc_js_programs_source_list_deleted" : "Source list has been deleted.", "zc_js_common_one_off" : "One-off", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_max_limit" : "You cannot create new workflow as you have reached the maximum limit.", "zc_js_products_product_compare_max_msg" : "Please select a maximum of three products to compare", "zc_js_assistant" : "Web Assistant", "zc_js_setting_newui_company_details" : "Company Details", "zc_js_programs_no_delay" : "No delay", "zc_js_campaigns_create_ab_zohosurveycampaign" : "Zoho Survey A/B Campaign", "zc_js_product_mass_update_$1" : "You have opted to mass update leads of $1", "zc_js_campaign_field_change_recruit" : "You can not map the single campaign field for multiple recruitFields.", "zc_js_campaigns_licenseexpired" : "License Expired", "zc_diable_topic" : "Topic has been disabled successfully", "zc_js_subscribers_subscription_plan_upgrade_now" : "Upgrade Now", "zc_js_workflow_crm_field_selected" : "Select another field.", "zc_survey_msg2" : "Survey campaigns created and scheduled by organization users will be stopped.", "zc_js_editor_border" : "Border", "zc_js_subscribers_contacts_one_contact_donotmail" : "Contact moved to Unsubscribed", "zc_js_programs_response_overlay_partialSubmit" : "Survey started", "zc_js_calendar_ndayserr" : "Choose from 1 to 15 days", "zc_js_settings_integ_apikey_msg" : "Please provide the api key.", "zc_js_common_proceed" : "Proceed", "zc_js_merge_tag_error" : "The merge tag in the subject field does not consist of a proper email default value.", "zc_js_product_rp_lead_level" : "You do not have permission to perform lead level movement. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_journey_chosen_email" : "Chosen email", "zc_campaigns_crm_info_rptrack" : "Uses contact owner's address from Zoho CRM to fill the sender details automatically.", "zc_settings_sync_no_otheruser_sync" : "There are no syncs found", "zc_js_file_attachment_morethan5_msg" : "You can't add more than 5 attachments.", "zc_js_contacts_uiswitch_more20" : "You’ve exceeded the maximum limit of 20 email addresses.", "zc_js_subscribers_contacts_cancel" : "Your settings are not saved.", "zc_js_crm_field_empty" : "Select at least one Zoho CRM field to proceed.", "zc_js_images_import_selection_limit" : "You've reached the maximum limit to add images.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_list_deleted" : "List <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted. Select another list.", "zc_sms_clone_success" : "Your smscampaign has been cloned successfully.", "zc_js_programs_no_delay_added" : "Wait time not added", "zc_js_common_move" : "move?", "zc_js_programs_role_privilege_edit" : "You do not have privilege to perform this action.", "zc_js_programs_cancel_schedule" : "Cancel Schedule", "zc_js_customprograms_select_leadstage" : "Select a lead stage", "zc_js_journey_selected_all_the_form_nomore_form" : "You have selected all the forms. No more forms are available.", "zc_js_cant_delete_default_theme" : "You cannot delete a default theme. If you want to, make an alternative theme as default and delete.", "zc_js_customfunc_function_name_err" : "Please provide a name for the function.", "zc_js_customprograms_source_field_deleted" : "Source field has been deleted", "zc_js_products_product_level_name_msg" : "Please enter the level name", "zc_js_programs_selected_crmzcskey_invalid_error_indraft" : "Zoho CRM ZSC key has expired.", "zc_js_other_crm_account_already_connected" : "You have already connected your $1 account.", "zc_js_assign_topic" : "Assign Topic", "zc_js_zcrmp_options" : "Folders & calendar", "zc_segment_deleted_msg" : "This segments has been deleted", "zc_js_common_showless" : "Show Less", "zc_export_summary_brdcrmb" : "Export Reports", "zc_move_to_unsubscribed_conacts_already_inprogress" : "Moving the contacts to unsubscribe is already in progress.", "zc_js_contact_support_choose_valid_img_file" : "Please choose a valid image file", "zc_sms_smsmagic_apikey_err" : "Please enter the SMS-Magic API key", "zc_js_programs_url_deleted" : "Selected URL in your campaign is deleted or updated.", "zc_js_advreports_percentage" : "Percentage", "zc_list_search_empty" : "The search field cannot be empty", "zc_js_alert_push_reports" : "Create campaign option must be enabled.", "zc_js_programs_overall_geo_map_location" : "Geo Map Locations", "zc_special_char_not_allowed" : "Special characters not allowed", "zc_consent_disabled_successfully" : "Consent Series disabled successfully.", "zc_js_list_change_allow_signup" : "Allowing users to access your signup form will give them an option to sign up to your mailing lists, through your website or the subscribe link in your email footer.", "zc_js_other_crm_error_enter_url" : "Please enter the instance URL", "zc_js_fetching_link" : "Fetching the link", "zc_js_webhook_actionperformer_error_msg" : "Select who performs the action.", "zc_js_recent_five_campaigns" : "Recent Five Campaigns", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_under_process" : "Under process", "zc_js_wf_shift_rules" : "Shift the order of your workflows? <br> <strong>Note:</strong> Order of scheduled workflows remains the same.", "zc_js_programs_selected_crmfield_deleted_indraft" : "Custom field mapped with Zoho CRM has been deleted.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_calender" : "Calendar Autoresponder", "zc_js_calendarName" : "Enter Calendar Name", "zc_js_setting_gdpr_enabled" : "Enable GDPR?", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_override_contact_entry" : "Allow contact entry before selected date", "zc_ga4_msg1" : "With this update, the integration will be with Google Analytics - version 4.", "zc_ga4_msg2" : "In this version, all data and analytics can be viewed directly in Google Analytics and it will not be populated under Reports tab of Zoho Campaigns like earlier.", "zc_js_enter_valid_email" : "Please provide a valid email address.", "zc_ga4_msg3" : "Google Analytics data will not be shown in the Campaign reports page.", "zc_js_program_common_days" : "Day(s)", "zc_js_five_comparecamp_delete" : "The campaign '$1','$2','$3','$4' and '$5' is deleted.", "zc_js_add_to_calendar" : "Add To Calendar", "zc_js_predefined_fields" : "Predefined Fields", "zc_mail_policy_popup_denied_msg" : "Your exemption request was denied. So, this campaign will not be sent to contacts who have reached their email limits. Would you still like to send the campaign?", "zc_js_signupform_email_body" : "Email body", "zc_js_campaigns_create_ab_campaign" : "A/B Campaign", "zc_js_sync_errmsg_sync_present" : "There is a sync associated with this module. Please choose another module", "zc_js_filter_advanced_search_heading" : "Searched by", "zc_websiteautomation_last24hours_stats" : "Last 24 Hours Stats", "zc_js_editor_table_pixel" : "Pixels", "zc_js_editor_img_size_custom" : "Custom", "zc_export_summary_no_data" : "There is no data to export under this criteria", "zc_js_list_setup_list_deleted" : "Mailing list already deleted.", "zc_js_wf_paused_open_click" : "Workflow $1 has been paused for this email $2", "zc_js_no_privilege_to_signup_form" : "You do not have signup form privilege to perform this action.", "zc_common_tour" : "Take A Tour", "zc_bulksegment_fld_item_note_msg" : "Bulk segments are created based on items of the $1.For e.g., $1 have items such as Apple, Orange, and Grapes, then new segments would be created for each fruit.", "zc_js_library_images_size_greater" : "Image size is more than 1MB.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_provide_gmail_password" : "Provide Gmail Password", "zc_js_websiteautomation_service_stopped" : "Website Automation is available only for users who have subscribed to monthly subscription plan. Please contact for further assistance.", "zc_js_gravatar_info" : "You do not have the permission to change this. Please contact your admin.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Validate_Later" : "Validate Later", "zc_js_contacts_sync_accountlimitmsg" : "The sync limit of 10 is reached. You can create further syncs only after deleting or disabling the existing syncs. The new sync created will be activated after 24 hours.", "zc_js_popupform_not_interacted" : "Not Interacted", "zc_js_programs_overall_user_agent_stats" : "User Agent Stats", "zc_js_campaigns_licenseexpired_msg" : "You are not allowed to send campaigns since your license has expired on $1. Kindly renew your license.", "zc_sms_emoji_enable_parts" : "Your message contains emoji. It's prescribed to send this message in parts.", "zc_js_single_contact_single_topic_associate_msg" : "Selected contact were associated with the chosen topic successfully", "zc_js_sche_not_sent_seg" : "Note: Campaigns scheduled for this segment will not be sent.", "zc_js_role_privilege_merge_list_subscribers_no_privilege" : "You do not have sufficient privilege to access contacts. Merge List cannot be done.", "zc_js_no_privilege_to_signup_form_and_library" : "You do not have signup form and library privilege to perform this action.", "zc_set_primary_list" : "Set Primary List", "zc_js_editor_new_window" : "New Window", "zc_topic_not_configured_to_contacts" : "Topics not configured to your contacts.", "zc_leadsub_stat_delete_msg_new" : "Scores view deleted successfully", "zc_js_event_invalidEventDate" : "Invalid event date.", "zc_js_product_web_assistant_groups" : "Web assistant groups", "zc_js_workflow_error_schedule" : "Please set a schedule for the workflow.", "zc_js_webassistant_setup" : "Setup", "zc_js_recomrecent" : "Recently Added", "zc_no_opens_threeandabove_year_new" : "No opens in past 3 years and more", "zc_sms_integrating" : "Integrating", "zc_js_common_criteria_deleted_msg3" : "Campaign has been deleted or the administrator has revoked the Campaign Reports privilege.", "zc_js_programs_action_update_to_title" : "UPDATE '$1' TO '$2'", "zc_js_programs_abandon_select_store" : "Select a store", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_save_criteria" : "Setup saved", "zc_js_common_criteria_deleted_msg2" : "Admin has revoked the custom field privilege.", "zc_js_common_criteria_deleted_msg1" : "Custom field related to segment has been deleted.", "zc_campaign_dropdown_default" : "Select", "zc_js_sync_pushFilds_cyclic" : "Choose different fields for campaigns and autoresponders.", "zc_js_EAAutoresponder_noclone" : "You cannot clone an email action based autoresponder.", "zc_js_calendar_showreminderoptions" : "Show Reminder Options", "zc_js_programs_list_trigger_no_missed_contact" : "No contacts existed in this list before the program was activated", "zc_programs_associate_campaign" : "Select Email", "zc_js_initiate" : "Initiate", "zc_consent_unclassified_lists_selection_multiple_heading" : "<span class='fntwht600'>$1</span> of the selected mailing lists are uncategorized", "zc_js_product_select_web_group" : "Select web assistant groups", "zc_dashboard_recent_mailinglist_widget" : "Recent Mailing Lists", "zc_js_email_address_used_in_other_organization" : "This email address has been already used in another organization. Hence you cannot add/invite this user.", "zc_js_edit_post_text" : "Edit Post", "zc_js_contacts_sync_synctimelimit" : "Sync that is a month old cannot be enabled.", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_delete_criteria" : "Setup deleted", "zc_js_cmp_clone_delete" : "The theme you are trying clone is deleted.", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_add_field_based_criteria" : "Add field-based criteria", "zc_js_programs_selected_field_deleted_indraft" : "Field associated with this action has been deleted. Associate another field before activating.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_nodomainadded" : "You have not added any domain to Web Assistant yet.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_crm_task" : "Create CRM task", "zc_js_delete_this_emailcontent" : "Are you sure you want to delete this content?", "zc_js_picklist_items_cannot_empty" : "Please enter valid items.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_zbackstage" : "Zoho Backstage", "zc_survey_msg1" : "You must be the organization administrator in both applications to perform the integration.", "zc_js_sync_sugarcrm_platform_not_added" : "Oops! The ZohoCampaigns API platform has been removed from your SugarCRM account. Please add the platform and reconfigure.", "zc_js_campaigns_rectz_note1" : "If the recipient time zone isn't identified we'll default to your timezone.", "zc_js_campaigns_license_subscriber" : "Contacts Count Exceeded", "zc_js_webhook_actions_bounce" : "Bounce", "zc_js_workflow_configure_content" : "Configure Content", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_goal_nodata" : "No goals available", "zc_js_social_post_closed" : "This campaign is closed. You can't post to it anymore.", "zc_delete_topic_alert" : "Are you sure you want to delete the topic \"$1\"?", "zc_sub_type_update_action_single_contact_failure_msg" : "The contacts' subscription status cannot be updated now as it was recently changed. You can update it on $1", "zc_js_journey_assignment" : "Deal assignment", "zc_editor_poll_basic_pollexpiredmsg" : "This poll is closed. Thank you for your interest.", "zc_js_products_product_minimum_four_product_for_cross_promotion" : "Please select a minimum of four products for cross promotion", "zc_js_campaigns_sender_text1" : "Set reply-to address", "zc_js_journey_no_signup_form_with_given_name" : "No signup form with the given name.", "zc_js_enable_dormant_popup_before_send" : "Are you sure you want to mark this campaign dormant? <br> <div style='text-align:left;'>Note:</div><li>Exclude contacts will be disabled.</li><li style='margin-right: 35px;'>Email Policy will not be applied.</li>", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_criteria_without_edit" : "Please save the criteria before editing another one", "zc_js_calendar_holi_filter" : "Holiday filter", "zc_exp_disable_warning" : "Are you sure you want to disable password protection?", "zc_js_home_view_less" : "view less..", "zc_js_customprograms_item_crm_actions" : "CRM actions", "zc_leadgeneration_Confirmation_Email_Preview" : "Confirmation Email - Preview", "zc_js_customprograms_item_reminder_loop" : "Reminder loop", "zc_js_wft_detail_view_camp_signup_menu_title" : "Associated Entities", "zc_js_settings_integ_invalidaccesstoken_msg" : "Invalid access token.", "zc_js_assistant_domain_check" : "This is either the main domain or is an alias to some other domain", "zc_js_common_open_rate" : "Open rate", "zc_js_customfields_upgrade_msg" : "Please upgrade your plan to create more custom fields.", "zc_topic_association_contact_view_title" : "Topic association history", "zc_manage_list_split_activate_popup_note" : "The set criteria will only be applied to new contacts that join the list.", "zc_custom_birthdayfield_select_format" : "Please select a date format", "zc_js_list_signup_subscription" : "Signup Form Subscription", "zc_js_calendar_abbrth" : "th", "zc_js_emoji_travel" : "Travel and Places", "zc_js_editor_img_size_fit" : "Fit", "zc_js_exp_show_password" : "Show password", "zc_js_common_show" : "Show", "zc_js_autoresponder_create" : "Create Autoresponder", "zc_js_massupdate_unopen_msg_show" : "contacts who have not opened the email campaign", "zc_js_journey_score_to_be_subtracted" : "Score to be subtracted", "zc_workflow_delete_msg" : "You cannot retrieve the workflow once deleted. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_workflowv2_auto_to_program_migrate_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to Migrate Autoresponder to Workflow ?", "zc_js_clear_list_contacts_title" : "Clear List Contacts", "zc_js_managetags_untag_confirmation" : "Are you sure you want to untag this contact?", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_list" : "ON LIST ENTRY", "zc_js_sync_creator_field_msg" : "No fields found in this view.", "zc_js_customprograms_tag_text" : "Tag", "zc_js_settings_themes_required_text_empty" : "Required text cannot be left blank.", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_field_based_criteria" : "Field-based criteria", "zc_js_common_submit" : "Submit", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_legend_existingsubs" : "Existing Contacts", "zc_js_programs_error_maximum_msg_limit" : "You cannot add new message as you have reached the maximum limit.", "zc_js_autocyclic_create_series" : "Create Series", "zc_js_settings_integ_highrise_sitename_errMsg" : "Provide Site address", "zc_js_autoresponders_triggers_message_anylink_click" : "Triggers message series at the specified time after any link click.", "zc_js_workflow_ecommerce_integrate_account" : "Integrate your ecommerce account to use the $1 trigger.", "zc_view_reports" : "View Reports", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_criteria_program_desc_contact" : "Exit workflow when recipient's", "zc_js_programs_error_msg_merge_tag" : "Message has been stopped due to merge tag deletion in content. Edit the content and reactivate the message.", "zc_js_select_version_atleast_one" : "To proceed, select at least one version.", "zc_js_campaign_has_schedule_success" : "Your campaign has been scheduled successfully.", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_error_choose_date" : "Please choose the date", "zc_js_no_pc_search_result" : "No page campaign found.", "zc_js_programs_date_field" : "Date-field", "zc_js_crmsync_integ_errmsg_inactive_user" : "This account has been found to be inactive. Contact $1 admin to activate the account.", "zc_js_workflow_no_field_selected" : "Select the field you want to update.", "zc_js_products_product_leads" : "Product leads", "zc_js_add_contact_enter_consent_date" : "Please enter the consented date", "zc_js_products_product_cross_promotion" : "Cross promotion", "zc_js_programs_notconnect_trigger_merge" : "You cannot connect the trigger with a merge component.", "zc_js_assign" : "Assign", "zc_js_reports_datetime_error_msg" : "You can map a \"Date and Time\" field only with another \"Date and Time\" field.", "zc_sms_merge_limit" : "Limit Exceeded.You can use only a maximum of 20 merge tags", "zc_js_calendar_abbrrd" : "rd", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_tell_friend" : "Provide a Tell A Friend link.", "zc_common_goals_achieved" : "Goals Achieved", "zc_error_subscription_poll_edit_free" : "You cannot edit poll details in Free plan.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_selectcampaign_err" : "Please select a campaign to associate.", "zc_js_sync_services" : "Sync Services", "zc_js_programs_msg_waiting_for_approval_desc" : "Message is under review", "zc_js_editor_ins_img" : "Insert Image", "zc_js_select_module" : "Select a module", "zc_js_settings_edit_profile" : "Edit Profile", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_error_configs" : "Invalid batch configuration. Please select valid batch size and time Interval.", "zc_manage_users_user_removal_success_msg" : "User $1 is removed from this organization successfully.", "zc_js_sf_mapping_contact_email" : "Please map Contact Email field", "zc_js_workflowv2_templates" : "Workflow templates", "zc_js_settings_disable_content_approval_msg" : "Would you like to disable the content approval process?", "zc_js_settings_integ_surveymonkey_account_change_msg" : "Are you sure you want to associate a different SurveyMonkey account?", "zc_js_join_email_list" : "Join our mailing list.", "zc_js_import_complete" : "Import complete", "zc_js_programs_trigger_smart" : "Smart series trigger", "zc_settings_manage_senders_domain_authentication" : "Domain Authentication", "zc_js_products_product_campain_associate_success" : "Campaign associated successfully", "zc_js_programs_reminder_add_clickpath" : "Add path for clicks", "zc_js_list_setup_topic_edit" : "The topic for this list cannot be edited here.", "zc_editor_link_url_web" : "Web", "zc_js_html_editor_asp_ratio" : "Keep aspect ratio", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_unsubscribers" : "ON UNSUBSCRIBE", "zc_webhooks_select_param_value" : "Please enter the parameter value", "zc_js_programs_simple_condition" : "Simple Condition", "zc_js_programs_choose_to" : "When leads match the eject criteria", "zc_segment_field_no_priv_msg" : "Admin has revoked the privilege for the following fields related to this segment.", "zc_js_integ_zsckey_invalid_nopermission" : "The ZSC key is invalid for the Zoho CRM account. Contact us at for further assistance.", "zc_editor_fileupload_problem_error" : "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later.", "zc_js_contact_support_enter_subject" : "Please enter the subject", "zc_js_sync_monthlimit_reached" : "You can only initiate 50 CRM syncs in a month. You'll have to wait till the next month to create a new CRM sync.", "zc_js_webinar_merge_tags" : "Webinar Merge Tags", "zc_js_choose_field" : "Choose field", "zc_move_to_unsubscribed_registry_message" : "Contacts in the Unsubscribed Contacts Registry will not receive emails unless they resubscribe via signup form or moved back to mailing lists by you.", "zc_js_setting_newui_apps" : "Apps", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Select_an_event" : "Select an event", "zc_js_customprograms_item_tag_deleted" : "Tag selected for the component $1 is deleted. Select another tag.", "zc_customscore_above_zero_error" : "Please assign a score above 0.", "zc_js_unique_contact_details" : "Unique Recipients", "zc_js_programs_criteria_msg_desc_contact" : "Skip the message when recipient's", "zc_js_contact_tags_name_special_character_not_allowed" : "You cannot enter special characters for the name", "zc_js_text_url_cannot_empty" : "Provide a valid URL.", "zc_signupform_valid_name" : "Please enter a valid name", "zc_autoresponders_disable_auto" : "Disabling this autoresponder will cancel all the scheduled messages. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_st_user_city_empty" : "City cannot be blank.", "zc_programs_trigger_survery" : "FOR LIST", "zc_js_mailing_lists_clear_subscribers_scheduler_invoked" : "This will take a while to complete. Please bear with us while we clear the contacts.", "zc_js_enter_schedule_date" : "enter schedule Date", "zc_js_product_rp_list" : "You do not have permission to access a list. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_programs_trace_triggered" : "Triggered", "zc_js_duplicate_value_found_$1" : "Duplicate value is found for_$1", "zc_js_user_me" : "Me", "zc_js_Autoresponder_paused_status" : "Your autoresponder is stopped. For further information, please contact our support at", "zc_js_signupform_save_getcode" : "Save and Get Code", "zc_js_products_product_customer_level_added_msg" : "customer level added successfully", "zc_js_exclude_contact_details" : "Excluded Contacts", "zc_js_programs_action_select_an_option" : "Select an option", "zc_js_library_signupform_create" : "Create Signup Form", "zc_editor_dynamic_content_hovmsg" : "<b>Note:</b><i> You can drag and drop these components to personalize the content for each recipient.</i>", "zc_js_sms_not_configure" : "SMS not Configured", "zc_js_pause_sending_short" : "Pausing a campaign in the 'Sending Shortly' status will move the campaign to draft. Are you sure you want to pause?", "zc_js_programs_schedule_before_full" : "$1 $2 before the above message", "zc_js_products_no_campaigns" : "No campaigns available to associate.", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_ln_link" : "Provide a Lindekin Page link.", "zc_js_common_changes_saved" : "Changes saved successfully", "zc_js_sf_click_push_to_crm_disable" : "Disable the toggle to stop pushing contacts joining via this form to Zoho CRM.", "zc_sub_delete_warning_note" : "If you have any email scheduled to be sent to the selected contacts, deleting the contacts will affect those emails.", "zc_consent_enabled_successfully" : "Consent Series enabled successfully.", "zc_js_sms_subscriber_count_country" : "Number of recipients with a valid value in this country field", "zc_js_workflowv2_select_component" : "Please select a component", "zc_free_litmus_offer_top_content_midmarket" : "Share your story & win free email previews", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_open" : "Email Opens", "zc_js_programs_integrate_zwebinar" : "Integrate your account with Zoho meeting so your webinars can be fetched.", "zc_js_programs_msg_stopped_desc" : "Your message has been stopped.", "zc_js_domainkey_enable" : "Domainkey Signature is enabled.", "zc_js_industry_enter" : "Industry", "zc_js_customfield_checkbox_reservedcheckbox" : "These are the default values for a checkbox custom field.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_platform" : "Zoho Platform", "zc_subscribers_iframe_code" : "iframe Code", "zc_leadgeneration_Resubscribe_Email_Preview" : "Resubscribe Email - Preview", "zc_js_sm_nosurvey" : "You cannot clone|edit this campaign as no survey is found in your SurveyMonkey account.", "zc_js_folderpriv_onelist" : "You do not have privilege to view the other one list.", "zc_js_sf_reports_devicesOs" : "Devices and operating systems", "zc_js_no_privilege_to_clear_segment" : "You do not have permission to access this option.", "zc_collector_not_remove" : "You cannot remove a collector list", "zh_products_audience_count" : "Audience count", "zc_js_journey_chosen_email_actions_specific_link" : "Selected specific link", "zc_js_programs_selected_list_deleted_indraft" : "List associated with this action has been deleted. Associate another list before activating.", "zc_js_templates_enter_template_name" : "Give a name to your template.", "zc_js_programs_process_criteria_deleted" : "Process exit criteria deleted successfully.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_zohodesk" : "Zoho Desk", "zc_js_segment_no_subs" : "There are no contacts in this segment.​", "zc_js_edit_content_cancel" : "Editing/Saving the content will cancel the schedule. Do you want to proceed?", "zc_js_copy_clipboard" : "Copy to clipboard", "zc_js_images_file_upload_error" : "An error occurred during the image upload. Please try some other image.", "zc_js_listname_cannot_empty" : "Select a list to associate.", "zc_js_other_crm_account_connected" : "Connected successfully.", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_add_goal_duration" : "Add goal duration", "zc_integration_denied_rakuten_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Rakuten.</span></div>", "zc_js_library_images_folder_click_to_rename" : "Click to rename this folder.", "zc_js_unsubscribed" : "Unsubscribed", "zc_editor_header_footer_merge_tags" : "Header and Footer Merge Tags", "zc_js_campaigns_schedulelater_ab" : "Schedule your Campaign", "zc_js_brackets_mismatch" : "Brackets mismatch", "zc_js_products_product_audience_field" : "Add product specific audience field", "zc_js_list_name" : "List Name", "zc_js_setting_newui_notifications" : "Notifications", "zc_js_massupdate_stats_msg_show" : "You are about to mass update contacts from the Stats <strong><div id='statsName' class='txtovflw nwrp' style='max-width:200px; display:inline-block; margin-bottom:-3px;></div></strong>.", "zc_js_not_sent" : "Not Sent", "zc_js_domainkey_disabled" : "Domainkey Signature of ZohoCampaigns domain is disabled.", "zc_settings_campaign_themes_delete_msg" : "This theme is associated with an email campaign. Default theme will be applied if this theme is deleted. Do you still want to delete?", "zc_dashboard_upcoming_holidays_widget" : "Upcoming Holidays", "zc_js_massupdate_incomplete_normal_msg" : "<div class='p20 bdrbtm f20  txtcnt'><span class='fr'><i class='zcicon-closex f20 csrpntr fr' onclick='massupdatesuccess()'></i></span>Mass Updat", "zc_js_calendar_noholidaysnew" : "You are yet to set reminders/add campaigns in your calendar.", "zc_js_signupform_line" : "Line", "zc_js_email_preview_not_enought_litmus_credits" : "You do not have enough litmus credits to perform this test.", "zc_poll_thank_you_so_much" : "Thank you so much", "zc_js_customprograms_item_mile_stone" : "Milestone", "zc_js_plain_text_should_not_greater_$1" : "Plain text content cannot be greater than $1 characters.", "zc_js_sync_mySync" : "My Sync", "zc_js_role_privilege_delete_list_suscriber_segment_delete_additional_note" : "Deletion of contacts from organization depends on your privilege.", "zc_js_using_email_address_as_sender_address" : "You are already using this email address as one of your sender address.", "zc_js_insights_leads" : "Leads", "zc_journey_ea_path_clicked_on_spec_link" : "Clicked On Specific Link", "zc_integ_migration_waituntillater" : "Wait until later", "zc_consent_multi_purpose_selected_purpose_not_lists" : "No mailing list is associated under this purpose.", "zc_js_programs_criteria_msg_title" : "Message Skip Criteria", "zc_js_domain_title" : "SPF/DKIM Setup for $1 ", "zc_js_programs_exitcondition_loading" : "Loading...", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_frozen_state" : "Workflow is in frozen state", "zc_plan_not_supported_eventcamp" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to create event-based campaigns", "zc_js_next" : "Next", "zc_js_programs_overall_top_file_stats" : "Top 5 stats", "zc_js_sf_get_code" : "Get code", "zc_filter_empty_list_msg" : "There are no lists matching your filter criteria", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_entry_any_time" : "Allow contacts to enter any time during the selected date", "zc_wf_update_and_pushsub" : "Update existing and push new contacts.", "zc_js_programs_selected_webhook_deleted_indraft" : "webhook associated with this action has been deleted. Associate another webhook before activating.", "zc_js_view_saved_successfully" : "View saved successfully.", "zc_js_sc_tz_pg_resec" : "Page Campaign Reschedule", "zc_js_domain_delete_note" : "Deletion will remove the SPF and DKIM setup for your domain.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_tag_deleted" : "Tag <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted. Select another tag.", "" : "The length of the portal name is too short. Portal name should contain more than 3 and less than 50 characters.", "zc_manage_list_type_change_sucessful" : "List type changed", "zc_js_programs_unknown_criteria_type" : "Unknown criteria type.", "zc_js_SaveandProceed" : "Save and Proceed", "zc_js_list_setup_list_publicprivate_empty" : "Mailing list opt-in information is empty.", "zc_editor_filemanager_tab_weburl_errorurl" : "Unable to download image. Please enter a valid URL.", "zc_js_product_rp_cmp_dissociate" : "You do not have permission to dissociate a campaign. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_massupdate_open_msg_show" : "contacts who have opened the email campaign", "zc_js_websiteautomation_activated_successfully" : "Your domain has been reactivated.", "zc_js_settings_message_text_not_empty" : "Text cannot be empty.", "zc_js_duplicated_contacts" : "Duplicated Contacts", "zc_js_autocyclic_every_week" : "Every Week", "zc_sms_migration_popup_band_completed" : "Migrated to the revamped SMS campaigns.", "zc_bulksegment_fld_ass_msg" : "$1 Items present in this list as segments", "zc_js_list_setup_signup_stats_form_name" : "Form Name", "zc_js_programs_condition_selected_field_deleted_indraft" : "Field configured with this condition has been deleted. Configure another field before activating.", "zc_js_import_file_limit_exceed" : "File name should not exceed 100 characters.", "zc_marketing_switch_carryover_purpose" : "If you switch to GDPR compliant email marketing, the topics that are saved here will be carried forward as \"Purposes\". Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_js_tags_account_duplicate" : "($1) is reserved for Account fields and cannot be duplicated. Please use a different tag name.", "zc_js_programs_action_active_desc" : "Action is active and will be performed as per the schedule.", "zc_js_delete_asso_cont" : "Delete contacts associated to this list.", "zc_journey_list_trigger_trigger_for_new" : "Only new contacts who've entered the selected list", "zc_js_programs_survey_campaign_text" : "SURVEY CAMPAIGN", "zc_js_deprecated_eop_internalmail_based_action" : "The End of Workflow component is deprecated. Replace it with the \"Internal notification email\" component available under the Process section.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>", "zc_js_sm_chooseSurvey" : "Select Survey", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_msg_active_white_org" : "Your message is now all set and will be sent on schedule after workflow activation.", "zc_integ_migration_events_msg1" : "A single sync can be created per module. It's sufficient to sync all contacts from $1.", "zc_js_programs_action_push_to_crm_unknown" : "Unknown push mode.", "zc_integ_migration_events_msg2" : "All registrants and attendees from upcoming webinars and historical webinars will be synced. The synced contacts can be maintained under segments to send targeted emails to the appropriate set of contacts.", "zc_dashboard_popup_no_result" : "~ No results found!", "zc_integ_migration_events_msg3" : "Syncs created before the migration won't be retained after the migration.", "zc_integ_migration_events_msg4" : "All syncs will be instant, maintaining a continuous data flow between Zoho Campaigns and $1 without any delay.", "zc_js_is_after" : "is after", "zc_js_signupform_form_layout" : "Form Layout", "zc_js_products_no_groups" : "No web assistant groups available to associate.", "zc_js_domain_spf_missing_start_fix" : "SPF records must start with 'v=spf1' or 'v=spf2'. Check this in your DNS and update the accurate record.", "zc_list_clone_new_sub_exceed" : "Cloning this mailing list will exceed the contact limit allowed in your current plan. Upgrade your plan to clone this list.", "zc_journey_new_standard_plan_item_error" : "The <span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>$1</span> component you've configured is available only in the professional plan. <a href=$2 class=\"linktxt\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade now</a>", "zc_js_products_product_lead_level_added_msg" : "Lead level added successfully", "zc_js_programs_common_days" : "day(s)", "zc_leads_enable_contact" : "To enable this feature, contact your administrator.", "zc_js_criteria_cannot_be_$1" : "Criteria field cannot be_$1", "zc_js_contact_support_choose_category" : "Please choose the category", "zc_programs_trigger_pagevisit_text" : "VISITED PAGE", "zc_js_autoupgrade_fail" : "Upgrade Failed", "zc_js_filter_hide_filter" : "Hide filter", "zc_js_role_privilege_common_apply_subscribers_self_only_without_note" : "Due to insufficient privilege, this will be applied to your contacts only.", "zc_js_calendar_nodata" : "You are yet to create events for this day.", "zc_js_copied_fail_msg" : "Cannot be copied to clipboard.", "zc_custom_birthdayfield_select_separator" : "Please select a separator", "zc_js_autoresponder_trigger_unclicked" : "Triggers message series when the mentioned link remains unclicked for a specified time", "zc_js_no_ecommerce_org_present" : "You don't have a Zoho Commerce account", "zc_js_segments" : "Segments", "zc_programs_associate_tag" : "Select Tag", "zc_js_delete_this_campaign" : "Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?", "zc_js_signupform_reports_views" : "Views", "zc_js_programs_opentrigger_internal_and_external" : "For internal and external use", "zc_js_contacs_crmsync_leads_click_disable_note" : "Note: Disabling the button will stop pushing the clicked recipient's data to Leads module.", "zc_js_customprograms_tag_select_err" : "Please select a tag.", "zc_js_customprograms_all_selected_tags_err" : "=All selected tags are no longer available. Please select another tag or create a new one.", "zc_delete_product" : "Product has been deleted successfully", "zc_js_programs_trigger_select_signup_form" : "Select a form", "zc_js_emailAction_specific_link_not_avail" : "There is no specific links present in the selected email.", "zc_js_is_not_empty" : "is not empty", "zc_signupform_templates_change_samecategory_msg" : "Do you want to apply the previous customization to this signup form?", "zc_workflow_v2_no_re-enrolment_popup" : "No Re-enrolment allowed for contacts  (Optional)", "zc_js_no_list_creation_privilege" : "No List Creation Privilege", "zc_crm_sync_select_number_field" : "Select a number field", "zc_js_delete_row" : "Delete a row", "zc_js_hub_assistant_goals_select_page" : "Select page", "zc_js_list_sub_notallow_help" : "There's no way anyone can subscribe to your mailing lists, unless you manually subscribe them to your lists.", "zc_settings_notification_settings" : "Notification Settings", "zc_js_subscriptions_field_empty" : "Select at least one Zoho Subscriptions field to proceed.", "zc_js_attachment_invalid_time" : "Invalid Entry: You cannot select a past date or time.", "zc_integration_denied_bigcommerce_solutions_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Disconnect your BigCommerce store with Zoho Campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs w80'>All access to your products, customers, orders, and more will be revoked.</span></div>", "zc_editor_builder_createlink_mail_errormsg" : "Enter a valid email address.", "zs_js_event_account_proceed" : "You haven't configured your Eventbrite account in Zoho Campaigns. Please configure your account to proceed.", "zc_js_sel_your_fld_text" : "Select the field.", "zc_js_customfields_type_limit_exceeded" : "You've reached the maximum limit to create $1 based custom fields.", "zc_js_list_setup_signup_stats_confirmations_heading" : "Confirmations", "zc_js_programs_shutdown" : "Shutdown", "zc_js_setting_gdpr_disabled_desc" : "Do you want to disable the GDPR compliance settings?", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_freeze_desc_header" : "The workflow will stop accepting new leads. ", "zc_js_manageconsent" : "Manage Consent", "zc_advworkflow_msg_complete" : "Complete", "zc_js_workflow_no_list_selected" : "Select a target list to add the contacts.", "zc_js_contacts_bulk_invalid_email" : "Invalid email address(es) found", "zc_js_added_time" : "Added Time", "zc_import_status_scheduled" : "Scheduled", "zc_fieldscoring_delete_msg_new" : "Are you sure want to delete field score setting?", "zc_editor_userdefined_merge_tags" : "Userdefined Merge Tags", "zc_js_campaign_filter_select_type" : "Please select a campaign type", "zc_integ_migration_creator_msg1" : "All syncs will maintain a continuous data flow between Zoho Campaigns and Zoho Creator without any delay concurrently everyday.", "zc_js_programs_before" : "Before", "zc_integ_migration_creator_msg2" : "You can select only one application and view combination at a time to create a sync.", "zc_js_common_notify" : "Notify", "zc_js_managepage" : "Manage Pages", "zc_js_programs_schedule_holiday_monthly_day" : "Every month on $1 $2 at $3,$4", "zc_js_settings_integ_shopify_change_msg" : "Are you sure you want to associate a different Shopify account?", "zc_js_contacts_sync_contact_recipients_msg" : "Push data to contact is limited to records that have mandatory fields such as first name, last name, email address, etc.\n\nDo you want to continue?", "zc_js_consent_import_select_dateconsentformat" : "Select a date format", "zc_js_programs_list_trigger_missed_contact" : "Missed out contacts", "zc_js_exp_hide_password" : "Hide password", "zc_import_status_file_duplication" : "File duplication", "zc_wf_shut_noprivilege" : "You don't have permission to shutdown this Workflow.", "zc_common_custom_dublicate" : "View name already exists.", "zc_js_no_links_found" : "No Link(s) found", "zc_js_programs_resume_entry_of_contacts" : "resume between", "zc_js_yet_to_map" : "Yet to map", "zc_js_customprograms_create_content_new" : "Create content for the <span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>\"message\"</span>", "zc_js_cyclic_months" : "month(s)", "zc_js_common_subscriber" : "Contact", "zc_editor_eventbrite_merge_tags" : "Eventbrite Merge Tags", "zc_js_settings_cm_sync_key_already_used" : "This email address is already in use or you may already have Zoho Contact Manager account associated with this email address.", "zc_editor_select_product" : "Select Product", "zc_leadstats_enter_score_value" : "Please enter a score value.", "zc_js_settings_disable_email_policy_msg" : "Are you sure you want to $1 email-sending policy for your organization?", "zc_js_customfn_select_field" : "Select field from the picklist", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_smart_badge_content" : "Smart", "zc_js_crm_newflow_migrated_msg" : "CRM account has been migrated successfully", "zc_sms_choose_integration" : "Enable SMS sending with SMS gateways", "zc_js_contact_tags_delete_this_tag" : "Are you sure you want to delete this tag? <div class='mt20 f14 txtcnt'> Note: Contacts who are assigned with this tag will not be deleted.</div>", "zc_websiteautomation_alias_err_duplicate" : "This domain already exists. Please provide a different domain.", "zc_js_no_domain" : "You don't have an active domain for this store in Zoho Commerce.", "zc_js_products" : "Products", "zc_websiteautomation_page_visits_tracked" : "Tracked", "zc_js_save_and_continue" : "Save and Continue", "zc_js_contacts_addcontact_rolebased_emailaddress_not_allowed" : "You cannot add a role-based address.", "zc_js_programs_notconnect_merge_merge" : "You cannot connect a merge component with another merge component.", "zc_js_descending" : "Descending", "zc_js_custom_field_encryption_error_paid_custom_fields" : "You've used your maximum of $1 encrypted contact custom fields.", "zc_leadstats_Add_lead_criteria" : "Add lead criteria", "zc_js_consent_view_request_confirm_resub" : "Adding a request for 'Resubscription' will send an email with link to resubscribe into the organisation.", "zc_editor_poll_display_both" : "Both Text and Icon", "zc_js_is_empty" : "is empty", "zc_js_setting_newui_general" : "GENERAL", "zc_js_workflow_audiencechange_60days" : "Last 60 days", "zc_leadstats_Any_new" : "All time", "zc_js_multiple_selection_disabled" : "Multiple Topic Subscription is disabled. Do you want to Enable it?", "zc_js_role_privilege_export_subscribers_self_only" : "You do not have privilege to export contacts added by other user. Do you want to export your contacts anyway?", "zc_journey_choose_module" : "Choose a module", "zc_js_missed_goal_full_caps" : "MISSED GOAL", "zc_subscriber_enabled_reactivate_action_tooltip" : "Reactivate Contact", "zc_js_program_please_select_cart" : "Please select a Domain", "zc_js_workflow_error_list" : "Select a list to associate with this workflow.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_product_specific" : "Product Specific Follow-up", "zc_js_contacts_sync_emailaddress_alreadyexist" : "Username already exists.", "zc_js_preheader_empty" : "Preheader text cannot be empty.", "zc_js_domain_mail_fail" : "Mail send failed.Please retry. ", "zc_js_sc_posting" : "Posting", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_before_time_greater_error_message" : "The start time is greater than the end time. Please specify the correct time.", "zc_js_signupform_code_snippet" : "Sign-up Form Code Snippet for", "zc_editor_builder_wdgt_exmsg" : "You can have a maximum of 7 widgets only.", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_no_videotag" : "There are no video tags available", "zc_sms_burst_alphanumeric_caller_id" : "Please enter the BurstSMS alphanumeric caller id", "zc_js_editor_web_url" : "Web URL", "zc_js_sync_msdynamics_app_permission_revoked" : "Oops! The ZohoCampaigns app access has been revoked in MS Dynamics 365. <a class=\"linktxt\" onclick='window.location.hash=\"#settings/integrations/msdynamics\";'>Click here</a> to re-integrate your account.", "zc_js_topic_signupform_topic" : "Are you sure you want to unassociate the signup form from this topic?", "zc_js_programs_abandoned_trigger_delete" : "Processes in this workflow are set up for contacts who have abandoned their carts. Are you sure you want to delete this trigger?", "zc_js_specific_link_clicks" : "specific link clicks", "zc_js_autoresponders_add_content" : "Add Content", "zc_js_managelists" : "Manage Lists", "zc_sub_type_hasnt_update_title" : "The subscription type of $1 contacts haven't been updated.", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_field" : "Field update", "zc_filter_empty_user" : "Please select at least one user", "zc_js_products_product_topic_not_created_msg" : "Please create a topic to associate with this product before creating a promotion campaign", "zc_js_segment_trigger_select_segment" : "Select segment", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_timezone" : "Timezone", "zc_js_invalid_entry" : "Invalid Entries", "zc_js_autoresponders_after_link_click" : "Immediately after link click", "zc_js_filter_contacts_advsearch_usertitle" : "Added by user", "zc_cmp_childcmp_lists_migrated_create_alert_msg" : "You cannot create a child campaign as all the target mailing lists of the parent campaign have been migrated to Zoho Marketing Automation.", "zc_purpose_product_switch" : "All purposes are mapped with  products. You need to map at least one purpose as a brand topic to change hierarchy.", "zc_js_settings_integ_apiaccesstoken_msg" : "Please provide the api access token.", "zc_js_customprograms_configure_triggerdetails" : "Please configure a trigger before you proceed.", "zc_js_sync_recruit_push_data_recruit_fields" : "Push customized data to Recruit fields", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_error_contactsize" : "Batch sending works only when there are more than 200 contacts.", "zc_js_zs_nosurvey_selected" : "How about adding a survey to the parent campaign before you start cloning?", "zc_js_nocampaigns" : "No campaigns are available in this view.", "zc_js_internal_error_image_upload" : "An internal error occurred while uploading your image. Please try again later.", "zc_js_editor_table_percent" : "Percent", "zh_product_level_no_privilege" : "You don't have the permission to create levels", "zc_js_assistant_actions" : "Page Actions", "zc_js_html_editor_wdt" : "Width", "zc_js_mailpolicy_specialchar_notallow" : "Special character <,>,| not allowed", "zc_js_customprograms_one_process_before_delete" : "Atleast one process should be there.", "zc_campaigns_new" : "New", "zc_js_programs_action_push_to_crm" : "Push to CRM", "zc_js_contacts_sync_crm_mapping" : "Mapping", "zc_js_special_characters" : "Special characters are not allowed.", "zc_mail_user_massupdate_fieldpriv_msg" : "You do not have permission to mass update the field <strong>$1</strong>. Contact your organization administrator.", "zc_js_journey_test_group_size" : "Test group size", "zc_js_programs_selected_leadstage_deleted_indraft" : "Lead stage associated with this action has been deleted. Associate another lead stage before activating.", "zc_advworkflow_msg_hold_note" : "Your message is on hold. Click View Reason to get more details.", "zc_js_autoupgrade_success" : "Upgraded", "zc_js_websiteautomation_activate" : "Activate", "zc_js_sync_errmsg_sel_fld" : "Please choose a corresponding Campaigns field to map this field.", "zc_js_programs_error_select_segment" : "You have not selected any segment.", "zc_js_delete_contacts_addedby_contact" : "Once deleted the contact cannot be re-added. Are you sure want to delete?", "zc_js_common_exit" : "Exit", "zc_js_date_last_week" : "Last Week", "zc_js_wf_resumed_open_click" : "Workflow $1 has been resumed for this email $2", "zc_js_total_contacts" : "Total Contacts", "zc_js_autoresponders_al_click_series" : "Any Link-Click Series", "zc_js_contacts_sync_emptyaccount" : "There are no contacts in this account.", "zc_lead_viewmore" : "View More", "zc_js_programs_msg_running_desc" : "Your message will be sent on schedule.", "zc_js_got_it" : "Got it!", "zc_brand_topic_last_enable_topic" : "You cannot disable this brand topic. At least one topic must be present.", "zc_leadsub_disable_lead_score_notification_new" : "Are you sure you want to disable email notification for this view?", "zc_js_domain_dkim_pk_mismatch_fix" : "The value of '$1' in your existing DKIM record doesn't match with the actual record.  Please double check this and republish the accurate record.  ", "zc_sms_rakuten_apikey_err" : "Please enter the API key", "zc_js_setting_newui_data_administration" : "DATA ADMINISTRATION", "zc_js_programs_days" : "days", "zc_js_massupdate_finish_normal_msg_global_search" : "<div class='p20 bdrbtm f20  txtcnt'><span class='fr'><i class='zcicon-closex f20 csrpntr fr' onclick='massupdatesuccess()'></i></span>Mass Update Fields</div><div class='mt20 f14'><div class='ml20 f16 txtgreen  lineheight'>Mass update successful. We can update active contacts only.</div><div class=' p20'><div class=' ml20 cmpfrm w80'><ul><li class='vm'><label>Number of contacts selected:</label></li><li class='vm'><div class='f15'>$1</div></li></ul><ul><li class='vm'><label>Field updated:</label></li><li><div class='f15'>$2</div></li></ul><ul><li class='vm'><label>$4:</label></li><li><div class='f15'>$3</div></li></ul></div></div></div>", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_strikethrough" : "Strikethrough", "zc_dashboard_common_refresh" : "Refresh", "zc_js_journey_abversion_until_manual_selection" : "What should be sent until a version is choosen manually?", "zc_js_html_editor_sel_txt" : "Selected Text", "zc_js_programs_goal_error_days" : "Please enter the number of days", "zc_js_editor_select_img" : "please select the image", "zc_auto_msg_paused_successfully" : "Message paused successfully.", "zc_js_common_service" : "Service", "zc_js_shopify_field_empty" : "Select at least one shopify field to proceed", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_item_not_supported" : "$1 process will not be supported when you have $2 trigger in the workflow.", "zc_js_programs_integrate_survey" : "To send a survey email you will have to integrate your account with Zoho Survey", "zc_zoom_integrate_msg" : "Integrate your Zoom account with Zoho Campaigns", "zc_js_duplicate_identifier_field" : "Duplicate value is found for Identifier field", "zc_js_picklist_maxlimit" : "A maximum of 150 items can only be added.", "zc_onepage_import_exit_confirmation_note" : "All the configured import details will be deleted", "zc_js_is_sub_notallowed" : "Signup form subscription not allowed.", "zc_js_end_greater_start_lesser" : "End date should  be greater than the start date for $1.", "zc_js_there_is_no_subscriber_selected_list" : "There is no contact in the selected list to whom you need to send a consent email.", "zc_js_webinar_select" : "Select Webinar", "zc_sub_type_success_update" : "Update: Subscription type of $1 contacts were updated.", "zc_js_select_a_link" : "Select a Link", "zc_js_popupform_interacted" : "Interacted", "zc_js_consent_settings_saved_sucess_scheduler_msg" : "Preferences saved successfully. Contacts who have denied or withdrawn their consent will be shortly removed from the list that you add.", "zc_js_calendar_reminderdetails" : "Reminder Info", "zc_programs_select_an_webinar_err" : "Please select a webinar.", "zc_js_editor_attc_expiry_file" : "Please choose a file", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_select_program" : "Select a workflow", "zc_leadstats_Remove_lead_criteria" : "Remove lead criteria", "zc_js_programs_action_push_to_crm_update" : "Update existing contacts only.", "zc_js_sf_content_empty" : "Content cannot be left empty.", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_goal_achieved" : "GOAL ACHIEVED", "zc_js_dash_sent_on" : "Sent on", "zc_js_programs_msg_waiting_for_approval" : "Message under review", "zc_js_programs_smart_send_wait_time_add_on" : "Wait time added on", "zc_campaigns_list_global_regular" : "Regular", "zc_campaigns_dynamic_forwardto_info" : "Uses contacts' specific custom field values to dynamically change the forward-to address.", "zc_js_workflow_activate_now" : "Activate Now", "zc_js_programs_list" : "List", "zc_js_cannot_choose_morethan_six" : "You cannot choose more than six", "zc_js_journey_any_smart_popup_form" : "Any smart pop-up form", "zc_js_settings_message_click_add" : "Click here and add your text", "zc_no_cmp_priv" : "You do not have permission to send chain campaigns. Please contact your administrator for further details.", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_ignored_list" : "Contacts Ignored", "zc_backstage_reauth_error" : "Please contact owner of the current portal to create this sync.", "zc_js_reports_from_text" : "Reports From", "zc_js_calendar_countryprivate" : "Country/Private", "zc_js_predefined_tag" : "Predefined Tags", "zc_js_sync_same_modules_are_not_allowed" : "This custom module is already selected.", "zc_js_deleting_image_delete_post" : "Deleting image will delete the post. Do you still want to delete?", "zc_js_programs_template_title_rename" : "Rename template", "zc_wf_prompt" : "Are you sure you want to move the selected workflow(s) to another folder?", "zc_js_custom_field_accounts_reserved" : "This field is reserved for Account custom fields", "zc_js_eventbrite_integrate" : "Integrate your Eventbrite account to send event based campaigns.", "zc_js_common_mailing_list" : "Mailing list", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_attachment_download_popup_text" : "The workflow will trigger when contacts download the file you select.", "zc_js_programs_integrate_gotowebinar" : "Integrate your account with GoToWebinar so your webinars can be fetched. <a href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn more.</a>", "zc_editor_list_merge_tags" : "List Merge Tags", "zc_js_consent_mp_privilege_user" : "You do not have the permission to access these lists.", "zc_sms_burst_api_key" : "Please enter the BurstSMS Api key", "zc_js_customprograms_item_field_deleted" : "Field <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> selected for the component $2 is deleted. Select another field.", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_aln_justify" : "Justify (Ctrl+J)", "zc_js_workflowv2_internal_notification_campaign_owner" : "Campaigns Users", "zc_js_please_wait_upload_image" : "Please wait while we upload the given image.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_this_List" : "Are you sure you want to delete this list?", "zc_js_contacs_crmsync_leads_open_disable_note" : "Note: Disabling the button will stop pushing the opened recipient's data to Leads module.", "zc_js_workflow_delete_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to delete this workflow?", "zc_js_contacts_mass_donotmail_scheduled" : "Moving the contacts in this view to Do-not-mail has been scheduled, you will be notified once the process is completed.", "zc_program_reply" : "Reply", "zc_sub_type_update_action_all_contact_failure_msg" : "<span class='fntwht600'>Subscription status was not updated</span> <br> <span class='f14'>Subscription status of  all the contacts were not updated as they were updated recently.</span>", "zc_js_enter_valid" : "Please enter a valid", "zc_integration_denied_sm_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs'>Survey Monkey campaigns in draft cannot be sent, but campaigns that are scheduled or in progress or in testing will be sent as usual</span></div>", "zc_js_editor_Please_enter_at_least_more_than_3_characters" : "Please enter at least more than 3 characters", "zc_js_autoresponders_triggers_message_email_open" : "Triggers message series at the specified time after the email open.", "zc_js_autoresponder_error1" : "You do not have the permission to create a new child campaign. Contact your organization administrator.", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_aln_left" : "Align Text Left (Ctrl+L)", "zc_js_html_editor_brd_size" : "Border Size", "zc_journey_list_trigger_trigger_for_both" : "Existing and new contacts from the selected list", "zc_leadgeneration_Thank_you_Page_Customization" : "Thank you Page - Customization", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_form_deleted" : "Form <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted. Select another form.", "zc_js_sub_mergetag_social_info" : "Since your subject contains a merge tag, please enter social default value for the tag. If the tag doesn't consist of a value, tag will be displayed empty.", "zc_programs_associate_score" : "Select Score", "zc_js_clicked" : "Clicked", "zc_js_wa_domain_mismatch" : "The website name you have entered does not match our records. Please recheck the website name.", "zc_js_common_version_b" : "Version B", "zc_js_common_version_a" : "Version A", "zc_notification_export_alert_message" : "It will take some time for the file to be ready for download. You will be notified once it is ready.", "zc_js_invalid_Time_Format" : "Please enter a valid time format.", "zc_spotlight_search" : "Search", "zc_auto_holiday_clone_restrict_msg" : "This autoresponder was created and made to recur from the older version. Calendar autoresponder in the new version does not have the option to recur, so you cannot clone an existing promotion or create a new promotion from here. Switch your autoresponder to Cyclic to continue creating new promotions.", "zc_prioritize_mobile_field_value_msg" : "Mobile field value will only be considered for sending SMS", "zc_subscriber_disabled_move_to_donotmail_action_tooltip" : "Please select contacts to move to Do-not-mail.", "zc_journey_selected_invalid_reply_address" : "The selected reply address is invalid.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_msg_reviewed_desc" : "Your message is reviewed and will be sent on schedule after workflow activation.", "zc_js_sync_crm_editionMsg" : "To sync your contacts, you must be subscribed to a paid edition of Zoho CRM.", "zc_js_library_images_moved_success" : "Image moved successfully.", "zc_js_zohodocs" : "Zoho Docs", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2" : "Date Field Trigger", "zc_advworkflow_response_common" : "Response actions will be triggered after the common delay period of $1.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_signup_any" : "Any signup form", "zc_js_tags_assign_existing_subscribers" : "Assign Tag - Existing contacts", "zc_js_date_next_month" : "Next Month", "zc_import_status_adding_new" : "Adding new contacts", "zc_js_images_foldername_length_not_greater_$1" : "Folder name length cannot be greater than $1", "zc_js_feed_not_valid" : "Unable to fetch RSS Feed from the given URL. Kindly enter a valid Feed URL or Blog URL.", "zc_js_programs_schedule_will_sent_immediately" : "First message will be sent immediately after activation", "zc_js_sms_subscriber_count_phone" : "Number of recipients with a valid value in this phone field", "zc_js_programs_response_no_specificlink" : "There are no links in the email content.", "zc_js_other_crm_field_empty" : "Select at least one $1 field to proceed.", "zc_programs_select_attachment_err" : "Please select a file.", "zc_js_please_create_page_tab" : "You have not created a page tab, please create one.", "zc_js_sf_optin_double_field" : "Double Opt-in", "zc_js_total_count" : "Total Count:", "zc_js_filter_normal_heading" : "Filter by", "zc_integ_migration_banner_title" : "Revamp of sync between Zoho Campaigns and other applications", "zc_js_sync_savefield_msg" : "You're forgetting to save the mapped fields.", "zc_js_daysbeforeat" : "day(s) before at", "zc_js_websiteautomation_goals_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete your Goal?", "zc_js_signupform_text" : "Text", "zc_js_Selcampaignex" : "Selected Campaigns", "zc_js_webhook_filter_success" : "Successful webhooks", "zc_autoresponder_no_more_autoresponders" : "No other autoresponders created.", "zc_js_products_product_choose_audience_group" : "Choose an audience group for your campaign", "zc_webinar_did_not_attend_for" : "did not attend", "zc_js_gdpr_popup_eu_new_user_content" : "With Zoho Campaigns, complying with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes effortless. Since you are part of the EU, it is mandatory that you do GDPR-compliant email marketing. We highly recommend you set up your account to suit the GDPR requirements.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_open_desc" : "This trigger is not based on any criteria. The program will be open to contacts moved in here by other entities (e.g., other programs, workflows)", "zc_campaigns_add_unsub_contacts_remove_contacts_message" : "Are you sure you want to remove the selected contacts from this list? You can add them back later if need be.", "zc_workflow_already_shut" : "This workflow is already shut down.", "zc_js_external_activate_confirmation" : "Activating this form will revive data submission from the form to the associated lists. Are you sure you want to activate this form?", "zc_js_duplicate_email_addr_err_msg" : "You've already added this email address.", "zc_js_insights_month" : "Month", "zc_js_social_enter_name" : "Field cannot be left blank", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_trigger_expired" : "The date and time configured for this workflow have passed. Please reset the date and time to activate the workflow.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_deactivate" : "Deactivate", "zc_js_advworkflow_response_wait_for" : "Wait for", "zc_js_programs_saving" : "Saving...", "zc_js_maximum_folder_movemsg" : "Maximum of only 20 can be moved at a time", "zc_editor_component_table_properties" : "Table Properties", "zc_js_workflow_check_mapping" : "Oops, you didn't map your Zoho Campaigns fields with your Zoho CRM account.", "zc_js_role_privilege_reactivate_subscribers_others_only" : "You do not have sufficient privilege to reactivate contacts added by you. Do you want to reactivate other users' contacts?", "zc_js_contact_support_choose_one_file" : "Please choose only one file", "zc_js_programs_send_msg_review" : "Your message has been sent for review successfully", "zc_js_campaigns_license_emailcredit_msg" : "This campaign is to be sent to $1 recipients but you have only $2 email credits. Please purchase email credits to continue sending this campaign.", "zc_js_social_ei_time_future" : "<b>This is an invalid time.</b> The time chosen to send an email invite is later to the end time of page campaign. Choose a valid time to send an email invite.", "zc_js_template_created_successfully" : "Your template is created successfully.", "zc_js_zohowebinar_integrate_account" : "Integrate your Zoho Meeting account.", "zc_js_reportnotification_everymonth_onday" : "Every month on day", "zc_js_fb_signupform_running" : "You have already added a signup form to this Facebook page.", "zc_no_opens_two_year_new" : "No opens in past 2 years", "zc_sync_account_denied_msg" : "You cannot proceed as the integration with $1 has been denied.", "zc_js_segment_name" : "Segment Name", "zc_js_programs_crm_both_new_existing" : "Push data of both existing and new leads/contacts to Zoho CRM", "zc_prioritize_phone_field_value_msg" : "Please map this field with the \"Mobile\" field to send SMS campaigns. The \"Phone\" field of Campaigns won't be considered for SMS campaigns.", "zc_sms_vonage_api_secret_err" : "Please enter the Vonage API Secret", "zc_js_sync_choose_one_module" : "Choose at least one module criteria", "zc_js_programs_version_not_active_error" : "Target version should be either frozen or running state.", "zc_js_social_ei_later_page" : "later to page campaign", "zc_sms_messagebird_accesskey_err" : "Please enter the MessageBird Access key", "zc_js_deprecated_email_response_action" : "The email response component used in this workflow has been revamped. Please replace it with the new email response version to activate the workflow. <a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn more.</a>", "zc_js_global_search_no_active_subscribers_do_not_mail" : "You cannot move the blocked, bounced, and do-not-mail contacts to do-not-mail list.", "zc_js_calendar_sep" : "Sep", "zc_js_rss_sc_filter_duplicate" : "Duplicate entry for keyword found.", "zc_js_crmsync_integ_errmsg_license_limit" : "You've made the maximum number of API calls allowed for a day, as per your license.", "zc_js_make_visible" : "Make as Visible", "zc_journey_subscripiton_management_option_add_topic" : "Add subscription to marketing topics", "zc_js_schcampaigns" : "Scheduled Campaigns", "zc_js_cyclic_specific_dates" : "specific dates", "zc_integration_denied_grecap_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Submissions can no longer be made in the forms that use reCAPTCHA.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Site key and secret key will be removed from our database.</span></div>", "zc_integ_migration_confirmationpopup_title" : "Before you migrate, here are some things you must know:", "zc_js_emoji_reactions" : "Reactions", "zc_js_sync_sugarcrm_invalid_credentials" : "Oops! There is a mismatch in your username/password. <a class=\"linktxt\" onclick='window.location.hash=\"#settings/integrations/sugarcrm\";'>Click here</a> to re-integrate your account.", "zc_js_search_result" : "Search Results", "zc_js_contact_import_xls_error" : "There appears to be a problem with this file. Please try importing after saving it in .CSV format.", "zc_js_folderpriv_list_$1" : "You don't have privileges to see the other $1 lists.", "zc_js_products_product_promotion_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this promotion campaign?", "zc_js_wistia_enableerror" : "Connect your Wistia account to track the views on your videos.<br/>To connect your account, go to <b>Settings</b> --> <b>Integration</b> --> <b>Apps</b> --> <b>Wistia</b>", "zc_js_Create_Promotion" : "Create Promotion", "zc_editor_events_merge_tags" : "Event Merge Tags", "zc_edited_successfully" : "Setup edited successfully.", "zc_integration_meeting_deny_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Existing active syncs will be disabled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Scheduled $1 campaigns will be moved to draft.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Scheduled $1 A/B test campaigns will be stopped.</span></div>", "zc_c_p_switch" : "When you switch to \"Consent based email marketing\", you can carry forward the settings that are saved in this type. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_editor_builder_anchor_aleradyused" : "This anchor name has already been used.", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_reason_max" : "You've exceeded the maximum limit of 250 characters.", "zc_js_autoresponders_delete_limit" : "You cannot delete more than 20 autoresponders at a time", "zc_product_code_already_exists" : "A product with this code already exists", "zc_js_pick_value_available" : "This item is already available", "zc_js_filename" : "File Name : $1", "zc_editor_poll_basic_thanksmsg" : "Thank you for taking part in this poll.", "zc_js_programs_trace_missed" : "Missed", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_update_link" : "Provide an Update Profile link.", "zc_editor_enter_valid_url_widget" : "Please enter a valid URL for your widget", "zc_plan_not_supported_follow_up_eventcamp_description" : "You can send follow-up campaigns of event based campaigns sent to your contact to update", "zc_js_settings_sync_invoice_account_already_used" : "This Zoho Invoice account is already used in another organization.", "zc_js_import_history_dicontinue_msg" : "Are you sure you want to discontinue this import?", "zc_leadsub_select_webinar" : "Select a Webinar", "zc_common_search_fields" : "Search Fields", "zc_js_websiteinsights" : "Website Insights", "zc_js_cv_min_err" : "Enter a lower From and a higher To score.", "zc_js_contacts_mass_copytolistcontacts_inprogress" : "Copying the contacts in this view is already inprogress.", "zc_js_sender_max_limit" : "You have already reached the maximum limit for sender address.", "zc_js_label_notes_saved_successfully" : "Label notes saved successfully", "zc_js_subscribers_all_subscribers_both" : "Both", "zc_js_products_product_field_update" : "Product specific targets field added successfully", "zc_js_shopify_account_notexist" : "Please configure your Shopify account to proceed.", "zc_sms_links_enable_parts" : "Your message contains links. It's prescribed to send this message in parts.", "zc_js_bulk_contacts_single_topic_associate_msg" : "Selected contacts were associated with the chosen topic successfully", "zc_no_tour" : "This feature has no tours.", "zc_js_products_product_unCategeorized" : "Uncategorized", "zc_no_ab_priv" : "Chain campaign option is not available for A/B Campaigns.", "zc_js_programs_reminder_add_surveystartpath" : "Add path for survey started", "zc_js_select_list" : "Please select at least one mailing list.", "zc_journey_emailactivity_error_no_campaign" : "Please select an email campaign.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_removefromlist_deleted" : "List <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> selected for the component $2 is deleted. Select another list.", "zc_js_programs_process" : "Process", "zc_js_contacts_sync_ecommerce" : "Ecommerce", "zc_js_campaigns_smartsend_describenote" : "Note: Recipients with no optimal open time data will receive the campaign at the above mentioned date and time.", "zc_contacts_sync_immediate_restriction" : "Immediate sync can be initiated only for a maximum of 5 views in a module.", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_open" : "OPEN TRIGGER", "zc_plan_not_supported_coupcamp" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to create custom coupon campaigns", "zc_js_contacts_sync_accountlimitmsg_new" : "The sync limit of $1 is reached. You can create further syncs only after deleting or disabling the existing syncs. The new sync created will be activated after 24 hours.", "zc_js_sync_zsc_key_invalid_and_reload" : "ZSC key is no longer valid. Please update your key and reload the page. <a class=\"linktxt\" href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\" >$2</a>.", "zc_js_file_attachment_removed_msg" : "Attachment removed sucessfully.", "zc_js_role_privilege_contact_present_want_associate_updated" : "<div class='txtcnt f16 mt10 lh15'>This contact exists in your organization. Do you still want to associate this contact to the list?</div><div class='txtcnt f14 mt10 lh15'>Note: Updation of fields will depend on your privilege.</div>", "zc_js_settings_portal_createown" : "Create Your Own Portal", "zc_list_clone_already_progress" : "Cloning is already in progress.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_not_configured" : "Configure trigger before you proceed", "zc_js_autoresponders_yet_to_be_scheduled" : "yet to be scheduled", "zc_filter_empty_list_search_msg" : "There are no lists matching your search criteria", "zc_export_summary_time_equal_error" : "The end time should be later than the start time.", "zc_js_domain_dkim_key_mismatch_fix" : "Please add the accurate DKIM record shown above and republish it.", "zc_js_programs_msg_not_started" : "Not yet started", "zc_js_settings_integ_highrise_invalidMsg" : "Please provide valid Site address.", "zc_js_list_setup_hardbounce_stats_reason" : "Bounce Reason", "zc_filename_special_char" : "Special Charcters are not allowed in file name", "zc_cmp_plan_delete_associate" : "Are you sure you want to dissociate this campaign?", "zc_js_user_in_another_org" : "This user is a member of another organization of Zoho Campaigns. Hence you cannot add this user to your organization.", "zc_js_create_now" : "Create Now", "zc_journey_subscription_management_error_no_lawful_basis" : "Please select a lawful basis of communication", "zc_subscribers_you_have_opted" : "You can sign up to receive email updates from topics that may interest you.", "zc_js_journey_selected_action" : "Selected action", "zc_js_contacts_crmsync_push_disable" : "Are you sure you want to disable the button?", "zc_hubspot_user_nopriv" : "You don't have the privilege to perform this integration. Please contact your organization administrator to integrate with your Hubspot account.", "zc_integration_denied_miSms_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with MiSMS.</span></div>", "zc_js_campaign_filter_select_status" : "Please select a campaign status", "zc_js_disabled_tags_msg" : "Edit and change the tags to use them", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_webinar" : "Webinar", "zc_autoresponder_contacts" : "contacts", "zc_js_programs_schedule_holiday_non_annual_day" : "On $1 $2 of $3 at $4,$5", "zc_js_campaign_scheduled_givevalidtime" : "Give valid Time", "zc_editor_dynamic_content_heading" : "Dynamic Content", "zc_js_setting_newui_campaign_policy" : "CAMPAIGN POLICY", "zc_js_ecommerce_order_number" : "Order ID", "zc_js_calendar_aug" : "Aug", "zc_js_cmp_theme_enter_name" : "Enter theme name", "zc_invalid_score_errmsg" : "Please enter valid score", "zc_js_programs_action_field_update_desc" : "Select a field to update.", "zc_dashboard_subscribe_unsubscribe_chart" : "Subscribes and Unsubscribes in the Past 6 Months", "zc_js_zs_account_proceed" : "You have not configured your Zoho Survey account. Please configure to proceed.", "zc_js_mailing_list_locked_action_blocking" : "This action cannot be performed as the list $1 is locked.", "zc_js_segment_delete_subscriber_scheduled" : "Deleting contacts from this segment will take a few minutes.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_subscriptions" : "Subscriptions", "zc_js_social_ei_slct_sch_option" : "Select an option to send the email invite.", "zc_editor_rss_merge_tags" : "Rss Merge Tags", "zc_no_opens_one_year_new" : "No opens in past 1 year", "zc_js_programs_trigger_webinar_error" : "Sorry, we are unable to connect with GoToWebinar now. Please try again later.", "zc_campaigns_gs_result_header_workflows" : "Workflows", "zc_js_websiteautomation_error_website_already_connected" : "Looks like you've already connected to this website with your Zoho Campaigns account.", "zc_js_user_fld_cannot_empty" : "Name field cannot be left blank.", "zc_advworkflow_response_click_zero" : "Response action will be triggered as soon as the contacts click any link in the email.", "zc_js_products_product_custom_level_delete_msg" : "Custom level deleted successfully", "zc_js_Autoresponder_customfielderr" : "Please select a custom field to associate.", "zc_js_filter_contacts_cv_invalid_customview" : "Oops! Looks like the custom view that you've selected is no longer available.", "zc_js_select_none" : "Select None", "zc_js_calendar_october" : "October", "zc_js_singupform_enabled" : "Signup form enabled for this mailing list successfully.", "zc_js_signupform_visit_fb_page" : "Visit my facebook page", "zc_js_settings_approval_move_msg" : "Are you sure you want to move all users for approval?", "zc_js_bulk_segment_subs_check_errmsg" : "Bulk Segments are for creating multiple segments to segregate contacts and you've less number of contacts in each segment. Are you sure you want to proceed?", "zc_js_workflow_module_notselect" : "No module is selected.", "zc_js_subscribers_list_otheruser_list" : "Other Users' Lists", "zc_unassociate_topic" : "Disassociate contact from Topic", "zc_js_email_address_not_confirmed" : "Your email address is not yet confirmed.", "zc_js_senderaddress_dmarc_recommend" : "We recommend you to authenticate your email domain to improve email deliverability.", "zc_js_dash_sche" : "Scheduled on", "zc_js_product_campaign_dissociate_confirmation" : "Are you sure you want to dissociate this campaign from the product?", "zc_js_add_row" : "Add a row", "zc_custom_viewscore" : "View scoring", "zc_js_consent_subs_2_rem" : "Consent contacts from 2nd Remainder mail", "zc_js_fromto_morethen_date" : "The <strong>To</strong> date cannot be earlier than the <strong>From</strong> date.", "zc_js_enter_valid_deciamalprecision" : "Please correct  decimal places to $1", "zc_js_filter_do_not_mail_subsribers" : "Do-not-mail contacts", "zc_js_autoresponder_message" : "message", "zc_sub_type_limit_reached" : "Subscription limit reached for $1 contacts", "zc_js_folder_name" : "Folder Name", "zc_js_name_too_long" : "Name is too long.", "zc_js_programs_opentrigger_get_apikey" : "Get API Key", "zc_js_date_current_month" : "Current Month", "zc_js_consent_merge_tags" : "Consent Merge Tags", "zc_wf_confirm_msg" : "You cannot activate the workflow once you shut it down. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_programs_error_select_goal" : "Please select a goal.", "zc_manage_list_split_list_type_ragular" : "Regular List", "zc_js_domain_should_not_empty" : "The domain field should cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_starts_with" : "starts with", "zc_js_programs_trace_last_processed" : "Last processed", "zc_js_html_editor_select_image_file" : "Please click Browse and select an image file", "zc_js_contacts_email_mandatory" : "Selecting the Email Address field is mandatory.", "zc_editor_poll_rating_use_poll_msg" : "Understand your recipients' opinion for your product from their choices in this poll.", "zc_editor_attachment_file_name_length_exceed" : "File name cannot be more than 100 characters.", "zc_advworkflow_response_wait" : "Wait", "zc_js_campaign_sender_empty" : "Sender name field cannot be left blank.", "zc_sms_msg91_auth_key_err" : "Please enter the Msg91 API Authkey", "zc_sms_integration_user_name" : "User name", "zc_js_settings_company_profile_valid_link" : "Enter a valid website link.", "zc_js_signupform_generating" : "Generating", "zc_js_webhook_actions_subscribe" : "Subscribe", "zc_js_editor_align_full" : "Justify", "zc_js_images_folder_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this folder and images present in it?", "zc_js_programs_overall_followup_stats" : "Message-specific report ", "zc_js_deprecated_sms" : "The SMS email component is deprecated from Zoho Campaigns. Please delete this component to activate the workflow.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn more.</a>", "zc_leadgeneration_Confirm_Subscriber" : "Confirmed Contacts", "zc_scoring_disable_negative_score_heading" : "Disable contact score to go below zero?", "zc_sms_campaign_revamp_setup" : "You have successfully moved to the new SMS campaigns setup.", "zc_js_due_in_days" : "Due in Days", "zc_js_journey_lead_owner" : "Lead's owner", "zc_js_selectStore" : "Select Store", "zc_js_common_filter_select_list_form_status" : "Please select a signup form option", "zc_js_calendar_createnewprivateholiday1" : "Mark a new date", "zc_editor_button" : "Button", "zc_js_common_friday" : "Friday", "zc_contacts_sync_nohistory" : "No historical webinar found in this range.", "zc_js_zc_compliance_settings_dicontinue_msg" : "Disabling HIPPA compliance will revoke all the changes made in accordance to it. Are you sure you want to disable HIPPA compliance still?", "zc_js_remove_list" : "Remove List", "zc_editor_print_merge_tags" : "Print Merge Tags", "zc_programs_configure_content" : "Configure", "zc_js_from_to_err" : "'To' year should be later than 'From' year", "zc_js_programs_error_select_specificlink" : "Please select a specific link.", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_describe" : "Your campaign will be sent in batches at time intervals your specify. Batch sending aids in controlling web traffic.", "zc_js_sf_reports_sources" : "Sources", "zc_js_company_detail_emptymsg" : "You need to provide the imprint information. <a class=\"linktxt\" onclick=\"fnshowImprintPopup();\">Click here</a> to fill in the details.<div class=\"mt10\"><a class=\"linktxt\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Why Imprint?</a></div>", "zc_js_signupform_removal_script_heading" : "Removing JavaScript will disable the following options:", "zc_js_contacts_sync_editlimitmsg.recruit" : "Sorry.You have reached a sync limit of 5. Further edit the fetch details will be possible either by deleting or disabling your existing scheduled sync", "zc_move_to_unsubscribed_registry_title" : "Move to Unsubscribed Contacts Registry", "zc_leadgeneration_Customize_Tracking_Text" : "Customize Tracking Text", "zc_subscribers_select_crm_module" : "Select CRM Module", "zc_js_camp_list_leadview_otherservice" : "Classify leads as Hot, Warm, and Cold based on their activities in Zoho Marketing Automation.", "zc_subscribers_qr_code" : "QR Code", "zc_programs_associate_goal" : "Select Goal", "zc_js_common_showdetails" : "Show Details", "zc_js_smscampaign_title" : "SMS Campaigns", "zc_integ_migration_banner_service_title" : "Revamp of sync between Zoho Campaigns and $1", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_valid_email" : "Please enter a valid email", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_empty_reason" : "Please provide a reason for data erasure", "zc_roles_migration_success" : "You've succesfully migrated to the new user management setup.", "zc_image_empty_search" : "Search field cannot be empty", "zc_js_customprograms_tag_assign_text" : "The journey will trigger when the leads are assigned with the tag you select", "zc_js_filter_recently_added_subsribers" : "Recently added contacts", "zc_js_export_password_success" : "Password settings updated successfully", "zc_js_list_setup_publicprivate_disabled" : "Signup Form Disabled", "zc_js_active_sync_cant_edit" : "The basic info of the sync cannot be modified as the sync has already been initiated.", "zc_product_delete_warning_msg" : "You cannot delete this product as it's topics are used in the components mentioned below.", "zc_js_advreports" : "Advance Reports", "zc_js_programs_msg_sent_desc" : "Your message has been sent.", "zc_editor_solid" : "Solid", "zc_js_zs_noforms_selected" : "How about adding a form to the parent campaign before you start cloning?", "zc_js_list_tag" : "List Tags", "zc_js_the_data_processing_basis_implied_subscribers" : "The data processing basis of these implied contacts does not require a consent email.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_notconnectrecruit" : "Unable to connect Zoho Recruit", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_tag_remove_text" : "The workflow will trigger when the tag you select is removed from the contacts", "zc_js_common_filter_modified_date" : "Last Modified", "zc_js_duplicate_sync_description" : "Duplicate value found.", "zc_js_signupform_customize_page" : "Customize page", "zc_websiteautomation_page_visits_track" : "Track", "zc_js_sync_sugarcrm_invalid_url" : "Oops! The SugarCRM instance URL is invalid. <a class=\"linktxt\" onclick='window.location.hash=\"#settings/integrations/sugarcrm\";'>Click here</a> to re-integrate your account.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_addtolist_deleted" : "Target list <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> of the component $2 is deleted. Select another list.", "zc_status_draft" : "Draft", "zc_js_webhook_actions_error_msg" : "Select at least one action to be performed.", "zc_sms_misms_password_err" : "Please enter the MiSMS password", "zc_js_rp_campaigns_no_self_report_view_privilege_msg" : "You do not have privilege to access your campaign report. Contact your organization admin.", "zc_integration_denied_elitbuzz_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Elitbuzz.</span></div>", "zc_manage_list_split_cannot_select_master_list" : "You cannot set a master list as the primary list of a topic", "zc_js_we_found_few_errors_and_warnings" : "We&apos;ve found $1 in the email content as listed below.", "zc_js_mapped_list_redirection_not_configured" : "Not Configured", "zc_editor_builder_width_maxmsg" : "Width cannot exceed 1500 px.", "zc_js_select_mergetag" : "Select Merge tag", "zc_js_signupform_name_empty_error" : "Signup form name cannot be empty.", "zc_js_custom_field_encrypt" : "Turn on encryption", "zc_js_editor_align_left" : "Left Alignment", "zc_js_Autoresponder_emailactionexist" : "You cannot create more than one autoresponder for a given campaign/autoresponder.", "zc_auto_sent_and_deleted" : "Sent and Deleted", "zc_js_customprograms_crm_task" : "CRM TASK", "zc_js_list_setup_topic_success" : "Mailing list topic updated successfully.", "zc_js_product_deleted_successfully" : "Product deleted successfully", "zc_bookmark_please_select_at_least_one_layout" : "Please select at least one layout.", "zc_js_image_posted_fb_cant_deleted" : "Image once posted in Facebook cannot be deleted.", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_list_nodata" : "No list available", "zc_sms_rakuten_password_err" : "Please enter the password", "zc_js_massupdat_heading" : "Mass Update Fields", "zc_js_customprograms_item_random_split" : "Random split", "zc_js_campaign_privilage_revoke" : "Admin has revoked the Tag field privilege.", "zc_consent_multi_purpose_select_error" : "Please select a purpose to proceed.", "zc_js_zohowebinar_connect_error" : "Unable to connect to Zoho Meeting. Please try again later.", "zc_js_product_module_dissociate" : "Dissociate", "zc_leadscore_enable_msg_new" : "Are you sure you want to enable scoring?", "zc_js_journey_on_assigning_tag" : "On assigning tag", "zc_js_merge_disabled_tags" : "Disabled Tags", "zc_js_programs_create_crm_task_both_type" : "Create task in CRM for both existing and new leads/contacts", "zc_sms_clickatell_authtoken_err" : "Please enter the Clickatell authtoken", "zc_js_products_product_campaign_created_successfully" : "Campaign created successfully", "zc_js_zf_forms" : "Forms", "zc_topic_workflowv2_associated_goals" : "You cannot delete this topic as you have associated the topic to Goals/Workflow.", "zc_js_settings_integ_google_deny_msg" : "Are you sure you want to deny access to this application?", "zc_js_programs_max_criteria_error" : "Maximum condition limit exceed. Please try again.", "zc_file_name_empty" : "File name is empty", "zc_js_calendar_markthisdate" : "Mark this date", "zc_js_customprograms_conn_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete the connection?", "zc_js_workflowv2_journey_flow" : "Workflow flow", "zc_journey_new_standard_plan_error" : "This component is a part of the professional plan. You can add it to your workflow, but it cannot be activated.", "zc_js_product_lead_max" : "Maximum allowed limit is 200 leads", "zc_list_clone_success_msg" : "Cloning is in progress. The list will be locked till the cloning gets over.<br>We will notify you once the mailing list is cloned.", "zc_js_change_status_notallowed" : "Do you want to allow signup form access?", "zc_js_bounces_autoreplies" : "Bounces and Auto Replies", "zc_js_lead_stage_report_x_axis" : "Week", "zc_js_common_to_text" : "to", "zc_js_export_unassociate_msg" : "Your request has been initiated. Once the export is complete, you will receive an email to download contacts.", "zc_js_programs_msg_started" : "Message started successfully.", "zc_js_programs_error_comment_not_author" : "You cannot edit a note added by other users", "zc_auto_switch" : "Switch", "zc_js_error_updateinprogress" : "Update is in progress. Kindly bear with us. For further details, please contact Zoho Campaigns support at", "zc_js_settings_limited_access" : "Limited Access", "zc_integration_denied_burstSms_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Burst SMS.</span></div>", "zc_js_sync_crm_map_fields" : "Map Fields", "zc_js_folderpriv_campaign_$1" : "You don't have privileges to see the other $1 campaigns.", "zc_leadgeneration_First_Name" : "First Name:", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_trigger_based_on" : "Trigger based on $1", "zc_editor_forms_merge_tags" : "Forms Merge Tags", "zc_js_campaign_create_default" : "Alternate", "zc_js_complaince_optin_settings_on" : "Optin enabled", "zc_js_websiteautomation_goals" : "Goals", "zc_leadgeneration_go_summary" : "Go to summary", "zc_js_export_empty_view" : "You cannot export an empty view.", "zc_js_programs_schedule_holiday_annual_date" : "Every year on $1, $2 at $3,$4", "zc_sms_integration_pass_word" : "Password", "zc_editor_some_text_create_link" : "You must Select or ENTER Some text to create link", "zc_sms_own_gateway_enabled_successfully" : "Campaigns SMS gateways has been enabled successfully.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_select_module" : "Select a module.", "zc_settings_campaign_policy_campaign_tracking" : "Campaign Tracking", "zc_js_programs_action_deleted" : "Action deleted successfully.", "zc_js_campaigns_license_subscriber_msg" : "Your contact count ($1) has exceeded your plan limit of $2. Please upgrade to continue sending this campaign.", "zc_source_charlimit" : "Source name cannot exceed 30 characters.", "zc_js_subscriber_sync" : "Sync", "zc_move_to_unsubscribed_conacts_moving_processed" : "Moving the contacts in this view to Unsubscribe has been scheduled, you will be notified once the process is completed.", "zc_js_sync_othersSync" : "Other Users Sync", "zc_js_cyclic_panel_at" : "At", "zc_js_ab_errmsg" : "The A/B campaign you selected, cannot be compared as it's still in the testing phase. Please select another campaign.", "zc_js_settings_sync_provide_email_address" : "Provide email address.", "zc_js_list_change" : "Change?", "zc_js_eventbrite_web_att_rep" : "Attendees report", "zc_mail_user_massupdate_fielddelete_msg" : "Field <strong>$1<strong> not available. Unable to mass update.", "zc_js_test_mail_selected_limit" : "You have selected more than 5 emails.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_error_name_automation_invalid" : "Name should not contain special characters.", "zc_js_setting_gdpr_enabled_desc" : "After enabling GDPR, there will be some changes relating to email consent and sending practices. <a href='' class='linktxt' target=\"_blank\">Learn more</a> about GDPR compliance.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_logo" : "Are you sure you want to delete this logo?", "zc_js_confirmation_email" : "Confirmation Email", "zc_integ_migration_popup_title" : "Choose one $1 organization/account for integration", "zc_js_sync_crm_push_data_crm_fields" : "Push customized data to Zoho CRM fields.", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_audiencechange_30days" : "Last 30 days", "zc_consent_staus_publicIntrst" : "Public Task", "zc_js_cannot_add_user" : "You cannot select more than 25 users.", "zs_js_event_error" : "An unknown error occurred while configuring your Eventbrite account. Please try again later.", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_complaints" : "Complaints", "zc_editor_video_merge_tags" : "Video Merge Tags", "zc_js_programs_action_configer_action" : "Configure Action", "zc_js_domain_spf_sync_fail" : "The SPF record in your DNS is incorrect. Below is the existing SPF record we found in your DNS.", "zc_js_new_contacts" : "New Contacts", "zc_js_role_privilege_segment_delete_additional_note_apply_subscribers_others_only" : "Due to insufficient privilege, this will be applied only to other users' contacts", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notconnect_processexit_process" : "You cannot connect a Move to end-of-workflow component to a process element.", "zc_js_signupform_removal_date_field" : "Date Field", "zc_js_dash_stop" : "Stopped on", "zc_js_sync_crm_gdpr_enable" : "Enable GDPR compliance in Zoho CRM to update consent status", "zc_topic_management_enabled" : "Topic Management is enabled.", "zc_js_calendar_nodata_past" : "No events present for this day.", "zc_contacts_sync_pushAs_Leads" : "Push as Leads", "zc_js_settings_add_CC_MT" : "Add Contact Custom Merge Tag", "zc_plan_not_supported_eventcamp_description" : "Eventbrite campaigns allow you to send invitations for upcoming events.", "zc_js_settings_integ_paypal_deny_msg" : "You will not be able to import customer information from PayPal. Do you still want to delete this configuration?", "zc_js_delete_this_autoresponder" : "Are you sure you want to delete this autoresponder?", "zc_js_text_should_not_greater_$1" : "Email content cannot be greater than $1 characters. Either import the content or contact us at", "zc_js_no_posts" : "There are no posts.", "zc_integration_denied_zendesk_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Contacts will not be imported.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs w80'>All the active Syncs will be stopped.</span></div><div class='mt30'></div>", "zc_js_domainauth_warning" : "Your domain has not been authenticated.", "zc_js_licese_limit_exceeded" : "The number of contacts has reached the maximum limit, as per your plan. Upgrade your subscription plan and re-activate the sync.", "zc_js_role_privilege_reactivate_subscribers_self_only" : "You do not have sufficient privilege to reactivate contacts added by other users. Do you want to reactivate only your contacts?", "zc_autoresponder_disabled_successfully" : "Autoresponder disabled successfully.", "zc_js_journey_skip_based_on" : "Skip based on", "zc_campaigns_comments" : "Comments", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_abandon_popup_title" : "Contacts who've abandon carts in the selected store will enter this workflow.", "zc_js_crmsync_integ_errmsg_nonadmin" : "Only a standard administrator can integrate a $1 account.", "zc_js_test_email_formatting_issue" : "Report - Formatting Issue", "zc_js_cmp_theme_notvalid_fb_link" : "Enter a valid facebook page's link.", "zc_js_recom_mostpopular" : "Most Popular", "zc_js_programs_purchase_trigger_delete" : "Processes in this workflow are set up for contacts who have purchased products. Are you sure you want to delete this trigger?", "zc_js_rss_sc_filter_empty_msg" : "Please enter at least one item.", "zc_js_contact_support_enter_contact_num" : "Please enter the contact number", "zc_ab_attachmentpollexpired" : "You cannot send this campaign as the associated poll and attachment have expired. To send the campaign, change the poll's date of expiry.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_activate_success" : "Workflow activated successfully", "zc_js_contacts_sync_disable" : "Deny", "zc_js_add_leads" : "Add Leads", "zc_js_list_advanced_campaigns" : "Advanced Campaigns", "zc_js_date_next_week" : "Next Week", "zc_js_add_recipients" : "Add Recipients", "zc_js_mailpolicy_cantempty" : "Comment area cannot be empty", "zc_js_rss_sc_plan_expiry" : "You are not allowed to Activate the RSS Social campaign, as your license has expired. Kindly renew your license.", "zc_js_webhooks_module_status_completed" : "Completed;", "zc_sms_integ_successfully" : "$1 integrated successfully", "zc_js_calendar_abbrnd" : "nd", "zc_wf_mappedflds" : "Mapped fields", "zc_js_customprograms_survey_tag_missing_new" : "Include survey tag in the <span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>$1</span> survey email", "zc_js_workflow_started_once" : "Workflow once activated cannot be edited.", "zc_js_settings_integ_picasa_change_msg" : "Are you sure you want to associate a different Picasa account?", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_trigger_select_list_signup_desc" : "This workflow will be triggered when a contact signs up via the form you select.", "zc_js_contact_age_in_days" : "Contact Age in Days", "zc_js_product_show_additional_data" : "Show additional data", "zc_journey_email_address_invalid" : "The email address you've selected is invalid", "zc_js_migration_completed" : "Migration Completed", "zc_leadgeneration_updated_success" : "Updated_Successfully", "zc_js_eventbrite_account_not_configured" : "Eventbrite account not configured", "zc_js_auto_post_info" : "Since your subject contains a merge tag, posting this will display the tag itself. Either remove the tag or replace the tag with a value.", "zc_fav_charlimit" : "Name cannot exceed 20 characters.", "zc_js_programs_ab_test_text" : "A/B TEST", "zc_import_status_pattern_checking" : "Checking patterns", "zc_js_golive_send_link" : "Mail with Go Live URL sent successfully.", "zc_sms_burst_api_secret" : "Please enter the BurstSMS Api secret", "zc_js_click_rome_selection" : "Click to remove the selection", "zc_topic_name_exist" : "A topic with this name already exists in this product", "zc_js_html_editor_bottom" : "Bottom", "zc_subscribers_sync_accountName" : "Account Name", "zc_js_customfield_error" : "In Free edition, you cannot create more than 25 Custom Fields.", "zc_js_programs_smart_send_label_show" : "Show advanced options ", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_from" : "Form submission", "zc_js_workflowv2_specificpdt_notemsg" : "You can choose up to 10 products for this follow-up trigger", "zc_js_role_privilege_no_privilege_common_contact_admin" : "You do not have privilege to perform this action. Contact your organization admin.", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_fnt_fmy" : "Font", "zc_js_programs_schedule_activation" : "Schedule activation", "zc_js_workflowv2_select_webhook" : "Select a Webhook", "zc_js_date_last_month" : "Last Month", "zc_js_refresh_failed" : "Refresh Failed", "zc_js_products_product_promotion_campaign_delete_msg" : "Promotion campaign deleted successfully", "zc_js_configure_sepecific_link" : "Configure the specific link", "zc_js_contacts_topic_end_date_greater_than_start_date" : "The end date must be after the start date", "zc_js_wa_no_http" : "Don't use http:// or https://", "zc_js_delete_email_content" : "Once this email has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_zf_noforms_msg" : "No Forms", "zc_js_sync_email_already_used_sameorg" : "The $1 account with this email address is already integrated with your organization.", "zc_js_sync_search_modules" : "Search Modules", "zc_js_programs_trigger_form_unavailable" : "Signup form not created for this list.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_criteria_program_desc_campaign" : "Exit workflow when the recipient have", "zc_js_signupform_error_message" : "Error Message", "zc_library_many_images_selected" : "Too many images selected", "zc_js_sm_past_time_msg" : "Migration will begin at the scheduled time", "zc_js_number_of_contacts_not_greater_than" : "You cannot add more than 20 contacts. Use Import from file option.", "zc_js_signupform_reports_not_submitted" : "Not Submitted", "zc_js_programs_reports_migrated_leads" : "Migrated leads", "zc_js_tag_name_not_empty" : "Tag name cannot be blank.", "zc_js_common_filter_date_from" : "From", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_activate_msg_notreviewed" : "You cannot activate the workflow as the content of your message is not reviewed.", "zc_js_html_editor_email" : "Email", "zc_folder_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this folder?", "zc_js_cyclic_trigger_on_cyclic" : "CYCLIC TRIGGER", "zc_js_sm_custom_field_modified_after_the_schedule" : "Data migration has stopped as new custom fields were added after the migration was scheduled.", "zc_integration_denied_msg91_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Msg91.</span></div>", "zc_js_sync_highrise_invalid_entries" : "Invalid entries", "zc_js_role_privilege_merge_list_delete_unprivileged_from_lists" : "Deleting and merging the FROM LIST(S) $1 is not possible since you are trying to delete a list that you do not have privilege.", "zc_js_auto_email_content_deleted" : "Email content deleted successfully.", "zc_webhooks_select_param_name" : "Please enter the parameter name", "zc_journey_crm_integration_fail_msg" : "Chosen account cannot be integrated. / Permission denied to integrate this account.", "zc_js_subscriber_associatedlist_name" : "AssociatedLists", "zc_js_not_admin" : "Only Admin can perform this action", "zc_subscriber_disabled_export_action_tooltip" : "Please select contacts to export.", "zc_leadgeneration_Multiple_List_Subscription_disabled" : "Multiple List Subscription is disabled. Do you want to Enable it?", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_aln_center" : "Center (Ctrl+E)", "zc_js_use_segments_criteria_success_button_text_edit" : "Edit Clone Criteria", "zc_js_calendar_jun" : "Jun", "zc_js_ecommerce_purchased_item_for" : "Purchased $1 item for $2", "zc_js_calendar_jul" : "Jul", "zc_js_cmp_width_empty" : "Width cannot be empty.", "zc_js_existing_chain_campaing_create_new_chain_campaign" : "Cannot create chain when any of the chain campaigns are unsent. Please send the existing chain campaign to create a new chain", "zc_js_sync_highrise_already_used" : "This Highrise account is already used in some other organization.", "zc_js_dash_stop_cancel" : "Stopped/Canceled", "zc_js_settings_message_url_wont_display" : "Confirmation URL will not be displayed with out this text.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_selected_program_deleted" : "The action is stopped as the workflow associated with it has been deleted.", "zc_js_journey_abversion_untila_version_choosen_manually" : "Until a version is choosen manually send", "zc_js_list_empty_err_msg" : "Please select at least one mailing list", "zc_cmp_dynamic_sender_info" : "The sender address in the campaign received by the contacts will dynamically vary based on the contact's specific custom field values.", "zh_product_associated_level_update" : "Associated lead level updated successfully", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_exit" : "Exited", "zc_js_custom_field_error" : "Something went wrong. Please try again.", "zc_leadsub_already_same_stats_neme_org" : "You already have a stats in the same name in your organization.", "zc_js_calendar_aftersentdate2" : "days after sent date at", "zc_js_calendar_aftersentdate1" : "day after sent date at", "zc_js_websiteautomation_goalName_error" : "Provide a name for your goal.", "zc_js_integ_errmsg_sel_moddate" : "Please select a date field to proceed", "zc_js_ends_with" : "ends with", "zc_js_consent_view_request_doc_limit" : "You've reached the maximum limit to upload documents.", "zc_js_programs_msg_criteria_deleted" : "Message skip criteria deleted successfully.", "zc_js_journey_test_duration" : "Test duration", "zc_js_programs_source_date_field_deleted" : "Source date-field has been deleted.", "zc_js_calendar_set" : "Set", "zc_js_subscriber_notes" : "Notes", "zc_js_multicheck_more_than_$1_value" : "You cannot add more than $1 items.", "zc_js_campaign_web_disso_success" : "Web assistant group dissociated successfully", "zc_js_social_ei_incl_pg_url" : "Add merge tag to include your Facebook page tab.", "zc_js_settings_integ_nimble_change_msg" : "Are you sure you want to associate a different Nimble account?", "zc_js_programs_trace_process_completed" : "Process completed", "zc_js_leads_tags_title" : "Contact Tags", "zc_editor_component_attachmnt_properties" : "Attachment Properties", "zc_js_length_should_not_decimal" : "Field length cannot be a decimal value.", "zc_js_edit_recipients" : "Edit Recipients", "zc_journey_on_abandoning_cart" : "ON ABANDONING CART", "zc_sms_clickatell_authtoken_note" : "Provide the Clickatell authtoken here.", "zc_js_segment_trigger_description" : "This workflow will trigger for contacts who've entered the segment you've selected.", "zc_js_webhook_url_error_not_working" : "Not able to reach the specified URL. Please use a valid URL.", "zc_js_advworkflow_wait_settings" : "Wait time Settings", "zc_import_status_new_add" : "Add new contacts", "zc_js_consent_view_request_error" : "Unable to add request", "zc_js_journey_recipient_activity" : "Recipient activity", "zc_js_signupform_activity_workflow_disabled" : "Click to associate this workflow to the signup form.", "zc_programs_reports_skipped_process" : "Ejected", "zc_js_calendar_markedprivholidays" : "Marked Private Holidays", "zc_status_abtesting" : "ABTesting", "zc_js_ignored_contacts" : "Ignored Contacts", "zc_js_customprograms_item_delay" : "Delay", "zc_js_customprograms_item_send_sms" : "Send SMS", "zc_journey_ea_path_clicked_on_any_link" : "Clicked On Any Link", "zc_js_contacts_sync_crm" : "CRM", "zc_subscriber_import_headers_limit_exceed" : "This file cannot be imported as it contains more than $1 columns. Please import with $2 or lesser columns.", "zc_js_sync_enable_list_removed" : "We cannot enable this sync as the associated mailing list is not available.", "zc_js_products_product_lead_level_delete_msg" : "Lead level deleted successfully", "zc_editor_poll_reaction_use_poll_question" : "Does this feature satisfy all your requirements?", "zc_sync_no_custom_module_created_or_permission_denied" : "There is either no custom module in your CRM account or you do not have the permission to access a custom module.", "zc_js_url_wrong" : "Please provide a valid URL.", "zc_js_programs_error_same_list" : "Can not add to same list. Please select some other list.", "zc_js_workflow_paidplan" : "Upgrade your subscription plan to avail this feature. For further assistance, contact us at", "zc_incompleted" : "Incompleted", "zc_js_programs_message_not_configured" : "Message not configured completely", "zc_js_problem_while_sending" : "Unable to send the email. Please try again.", "zc_js_folderpriv_oneadvcampaign" : "You do not have privilege to view the other one advanced campaign.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_google" : "Google", "zc_js_delete_this_campaign_withcrm" : "Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?\n\nNote: Related campaign record in Zoho CRM will also be deleted.", "zc_editor_html_editor_serif" : "Serif", "zc_js_sync_salesforce_app_permission_revoked" : "Oops! The ZohoCampaigns app access has been revoked in Salesforce. <a class=\"linktxt\" onclick='window.location.hash=\"#settings/integrations/salesforce\";'>Click here</a> to re-integrate your account.", "zc_otherservice_title" : "Zoho Marketing Automation", "zc_js_workflowv2_clone_program_privilege" : "You do not have the permission to clone this workflow. Contact your organization administrator", "zc_js_programs_not_save" : "Not saved", "zc_js_saveingasdraft" : "saving as draft", "zc_integration_denied_gtw_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We will not import the details of your webinar registrants and attendees.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We will not share the details about your past webinars and upcoming webinars.</span></div>", "zc_js_autoresponders_delete_permission" : "You do not have permission to delete the selected autoresponders. Please contact your admin.", "zc_editor_html_editor_courier_new" : "Courier New", "zc_js_segment_empty_blocked" : "This operation is not allowed as segment is empty", "zc_js_st_user_country_empty" : "Country cannot be blank.", "zc_journey_common_skipped_reason" : "Skipped Due to", "zc_js_access_problem_picasa" : "Oops! We're not able to access your Google Photos at the moment. Please try again later.", "zc_js_programs_condition_contact_label" : "Is lead's", "zc_journey_using_merge_tag_without_crm_sync" : "A merge tag cannot be used as your CRM account is not synced with Zoho Campaigns.", "zc_js_programs_by_user" : "Added by&nbsp;", "zc_custom_score_out_of_range" : "Out of range", "zc_js_dashboard_audiencechange_6months" : "Last 6 months", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_bullets" : "Bullets", "zc_js_programs_reminder_loop_minimum_msg" : "Please configure at least one reminder email ", "zc_js_programs_emptyname" : "Please enter a name", "zc_js_google_invalidAccess" : "Your configured Google account consists of invalid access credentials.", "zc_js_msg_delete_theme" : "Once you delete the theme, any campaign assigned with the theme will be assigned the default theme.", "zc_common_tags_any_tags" : "Any Tags", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_numbering" : "Numbering", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_sub_link" : "Provide a Subscribe link.", "zc_you_do_not_permission_create" : "You do not have permission to create", "zc_sms_msgmd_username_err" : "Please enter the MessageMedia username ", "zc_js_webhook_cmp" : "Campaign Webhook", "zc_js_sf_remove_from_default" : "This signup form is no longer the default form for the associated mailing list.", "zc_leadgeneration_Cold_Leads" : "Cold Leads", "zc_js_programs_action_update_to" : "##SPAN##UPDATE##CSPAN## '$1' ##SPAN##TO##CSPAN## '$2'", "zc_js_rss_sc_post_count" : "Publish count", "zc_js_crmsync_integ_errmsg_crmp_trial" : "Your CRM Plus trial has expired. Upgrade your plan to continue.", "zc_js_programs_form" : "Form", "zc_js_programs_msg_deleted" : "Message deleted successfully.", "zc_workdrive_prod_name" : "Zoho WorkDrive", "zc_js_sort_reply_latest_first" : "Latest first", "zc_js_choose_option_to_proceed" : "Please choose any one option to proceed", "zc_subscriber_enabled_mass_update_action_tooltip" : "Mass Update", "zc_js_customprograms_action_stopped_desc" : "Your action has been stopped and will not be sent.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_not_activated" : "Not yet activated", "zc_editor_attachment_support_file_format" : "We do not support this file format. Try importing a file with .pdf, .doc(x), .txt, .rtf, .odt, .xls(x), .csv, .sxc, .ods, .tsv .ppt(x), .pps(x), .odp or .sxi extensions.", "zc_js_test_email_exceeded_the_maximum_limit" : "You've exceeded the maximum limit of 150 characters.", "zc_js_html_editor_height" : "Height", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_link_na" : "N/L", "zc_js_zohoform_integrate_account" : "Integrate your Zoho Forms account.", "zc_list_files" : "(Allowed file types: .csv, .xls, .xlsx)", "zc_js_disabled" : "Disabled", "zc_js_deprecated_eop_List_based_action" : "The End of Workflow component is deprecated. Replace it with the \"List based actions\" component available under the Process section.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>", "zc_js_contact_import_csv_error" : "There seems to be an unknown problem with this file. Please send an email to", "zc_js_websiteautomation_error_website_domain" : "Provide your website domain.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_contacts_list_plural" : "Are you sure you want to remove these contacts from your account?", "zc_js_Segment_contacts_delete_success" : "Contacts in this segment were deleted successfully.", "zc_js_advworkflow_wait_settings_desc" : "for contacts to satisfy the conditions else move them to another path in the workflow.", "zc_js_contacts_crm_cv_free_errMsg" : "This option does not apply to free users of Zoho CRM. Kindly upgrade your Zoho CRM account to avail this option.", "zc_js_between" : "between", "zc_editor_builder_table_max_errormsg_rows" : "A table cannot contain more than 20 rows.", "zc_js_import_incomplete" : "Import Incomplete", "zc_js_sf_optin_double_off" : "Double Opt-in is off.", "zc_js_fill_fields_with_values" : "Please select a field that has values.", "zc_js_consent_mp_contactadmin" : "Please contact the admin to categorize the list.", "zc_js_html_editor_table_valid_border" : "Please enter a valid value for border", "zc_js_contacts_platfromKey" : "Service Integration(SI) Key", "zc_js_cyclic_panel_of" : "Of", "zc_js_programs_template_title_clone" : "Clone template", "zc_programs_ignore_reason_hardbounce" : "Hardbounced", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_valid_date" : "Please enter a valid date", "zc_js_zs_survey_connection_failed" : "Unable to connect to Zoho Survey. Account not found.", "zc_js_delete_template" : "Are you sure you want to delete this template?", "zc_journey_select_date" : "Select Date", "zc_js_list_create_campaign" : "Create Campaign", "zc_js_setting_newui_integration" : "INTEGRATION", "zc_plan_not_supported_follow_up_emailcamp_description" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to follow up on sent email campaigns.", "zc_js_back_to_response_view" : "Back to response view", "zc_js_Autoresponder_name_too_long" : "The autoresponder name is too long.", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_domain_nodata" : "No domains available", "sugarcrm" : "SugarCRM", "zc_js_sync_criteriawLimt_reached.recruit" : "The same criteria cannot be used multiple times for the Zoho Recruit sync. Please use a different criteria. If you want to use the same criteria, contact us at", "zc_websiteautomation_pages" : "Pages", "zc_campaigns_list_global_mailin" : "Mail_In", "zc_js_programs_past_time_schedule" : "You cannot schedule an email for a past time.", "zc_js_custom_field_encryption_error_free" : "In free edition, you can encrypt only $1 custom fields.", "zc_js_calendar_march" : "March", "zc_js_consent_mp_sellistuncat" : "Selected lists that are uncategorized", "zc_js_list_are_you_missing" : "Hey, you are missing something!", "zc_campaigns_crm_forwardto_info" : "Uses contact owner's address from Zoho CRM to fill the forward-to address automatically.", "zc_js_rss_sc_plan_not_supported" : "Upgrade to monthly subscription plan to RSS Social campaign.", "zc_js_massupdate_limit_exceed_msg_show" : "Mass update cannot happen for over 5 lakh contacts.", "zc_editor_builder_height_percentage_maxmsg" : "Height cannot exceed 100%.", "zc_js_product_rp_cmp_associate" : "You do not have permission to associate a campaign. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_autoresponders_message_not_sent_draft" : "This message was not sent as it has been in draft", "zc_js_product_no_leads_imported" : "No leads imported ", "zc_js_workflowv2_tltpval_process_exit" : "Upon reaching this stage your contacts will exit the process and move to end-of-workflow actions.", "zc_editor_component_column_properties" : "Column Properties", "zc_html_editor_right" : "Right", "zc_js_common_on" : "on", "zc_js_gdrive" : "Google Drive", "zc_file_name_exceed" : "File name exceeds", "zc_home_back_error" : "Hey, you've missed something!", "zc_common_custom_view_name" : "View name", "zc_js_common_mailing_lists" : "Mailing Lists", "zc_js_show_theme_help" : "Show Help", "zc_js_domain_spf_missing_start" : "The beginning part of the SPF record you have published in your DNS is incorrect. Below is the existing SPF record we found in your DNS.", "zc_js_readded_contacts" : "Re-added Contacts", "zc_js_campaigns_create_rss_campaign" : "RSS Campaign", "zc_campaigns_import_unsub_contacts_registry_note" : "Contacts imported Unsubscribed Contacts Registry will not receive emails unless they resubscribe via signup form or moved back to mailing lists by you.", "zc_manage_users_invitation_sent_success_msg" : "An invitation is sent successfully.", "zc_contextual_error_band" : "Oops! something is wrong with the $1. <a  class=\"linktxt\" href='javascript:;'>Need help?</a>", "zc_js_detail_view_minimize" : "Minimize", "zc_js_not_opened" : "Not Opened", "zc_js_signupform_email_background" : "Email background", "zc_js_programs_trigger_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this trigger?", "zc_js_sync_select_list" : "Select a mailing list", "zc_mail_policy_popup_send_immediately_msg" : "This campaign is not exempted from Email Limits. Would you still like to send the campaign?", "zc_list_migrate_success_msg" : "Migration is in progress. We will notify you once the mailing list is migrated to Zoho Marketing Automation.", "zc_js_common_no" : "No", "zc_js_common_sunday" : "Sunday", "zc_js_rp_campaigns_no_other_report_view_privilege_msg" : "You do not have privilege to access other user's campaign report. Contact your organization admin.", "zc_js_editor_align_right" : "Right Alignment", "zc_js_clear_subscribers_from_list" : "Are you sure you want to clear contacts from this list?", "zc_js_filter_contacts_time_between_opened" : "Opened between", "zc_js_programs_day" : "day", "zc_journey_emailactivity_popup_description" : "This action allows contacts to enter your workflow based on their email activity.", "zc_workflow_tech_error" : "due to some technical problem can't stop schedule.", "zc_js_tag_duplication" : "Tag duplication is not allowed.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_crm_task_config_error" : "Configure CRM Task details", "zc_js_calendar_listview" : "Calendar List View", "zc_js_invalid_hour" : "Please enter a valid time.", "zc_integration_denied_bulkSms_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with BulkSMS.</span></div>", "zc_js_advreports_count" : "Count", "zc_js_three_comparecamp_delete" : "The campaign '$1','$2' and '$3' is deleted.", "zc_js_sf_overview" : "Overview", "zc_js_product_compare_origincount" : "Origin counts", "zc_js_workflow_alert_remove_schedule" : "The workflow schedule will be removed if you save it as draft.", "zc_js_reports_eventnotfount" : "Event not found in your configured account:", "zc_js_vib_comments_confirm_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?", "zc_js_settings_senderaddress_title" : "Sender Address", "zc_workflow_v2_re-enrolmen_popup" : "Re-enrolment of contacts are allowed (Optional)", "zc_js_customprograms_item_crm_task_update" : "Update CRM task", "zc_js_programs_action_add_to_list_text" : "This action lets you add new contacts to the list that you've selected.", "zc_common_unassociated_warning_msg" : "Looks like it will take some more time for the deleted lists to push its contacts to the unassociated contacts list. Exporting the unassociated contacts now might miss a few contacts from the deleted lists. Do you wish to continue?", "zh_product_max_limit_product" : "You've reached the maximum limit of $1 products for an organization.", "zc_js_settings_subscription_choose_diff_plan" : "Please select a different plan.", "zc_js_delete_this_trigger" : "Are you sure you want to delete this message?", "zc_free_litmus_offer_track_offer_status" : "Track your Litmus offer status", "zc_js_contacts_import_contact_to_do_not_mail_registry_desc" : "Contacts that you import to Do-not-mail registry will not receive any emails until they resubscribe via a signup form or you move them back to your mailing lists.", "zc_js_campaign_timewarp_schedule_time_limit" : "The date and time selected should be after 24 hours from the current time.", "zc_js_domain_spf_no_record" : "The SPF record given by Zoho Campaigns is not found in your DNS. Below is the existing SPF record we found in your DNS.", "zc_contacts_sync_immediate_enable_error" : "Unable to process your request. Please try again later or contact us at", "zc_js_bulk_segments_more_than_100" : "You can select only up to 100 segments.", "zc_js_html_editor_img_file" : "Image File", "zc_js_programs_action_add_to_list" : "Add to list", "zc_js_upgrade_msg" : "Please upgrade your plan to proceed.", "zc_status_tobereviewed" : "To Be Reviewed", "zc_js_journey_chosen_email_actions_response" : "Selected responses", "zc_js_crmsync_integ_success_msg" : "You've successfully integrated your $1 account.", "zc_js_cyclic_panel_time_zone" : "Time Zone", "zc_js_created" : "Created", "zc_js_html_editor_only_insert" : "Insert", "zc_js_campaign_remove_recp" : "Remove", "zc_js_add_contact_enter_ip_address" : "Please enter the IP address", "zc_js_product_code_not_empty" : "Product code cannot be empty", "zc_js_programs_emailaction_select_email_here" : "Choose an email", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_overall_report_contacts" : "Contact-based", "zc_js_mailpolicy_html_notallow" : "Html tags not allowed", "zc_js_workflowv2_confime_version" : "Edit this Workflow?", "zc_js_tags_assigned_scheduled_msg" : "This will take a few minutes.", "zc_auto_calendar_isannual_popupmsg" : "This autoresponder was created from the older version and is made to recur. In our new version, we've removed the recurring option from Calendar-based autoresponder and have introduced Cyclic autoresponder, which will behave like a recurring Calendar autoresponder, but with many more advantageous features.", "zc_crm_sync_duplicate_sync_name" : "A sync with this name exists already.", "zc_js_page_tab_details_update_failed" : "Updating the page Tab details failed. Try again later.", "zc_js_basic_information" : "Basic Information", "zc_js_webhooks" : "Webhooks", "zc_js_Autoresponder_deleteaction" : "Contacts will not be added to the selected list at the end of the series. Do you still want to delete configuration?", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_autores_yaxis_title1" : "Number of messages sent", "zc_signupform_subscription_changed_recently" : "Signup form subscription has been removed.", "zc_js_webhook_url_error_msg" : "Please retry with a valid URL. The URL you entered could not be accessed.", "zc_js_products_product_compare_min_msg" : "Please select a minimum of two products to compare", "zc_journey_move_to_workflow_place_holder" : "Choose the workflow to which you'de like to move contacts.", "" : "Portal name cannot be empty.", "zc_js_folderpriv_onecampaign" : "You do not have privilege to view the other one campaign.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_event_not_live" : "Chosen event in trigger is not live", "zc_editor_html_editor_cosmic_sans" : "Comic Sans MS", "zc_js_contacts_mass_associatetagcontacts_scheduled" : "Assigning tags to contacts in this view has been scheduled, you will be notified once the process is completed.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_ofevery" : "of every", "zc_js_import_inProgress" : "Import inProgress", "zc_error_subscription_attachment_edit_free" : "You cannot edit an attachment in Free plan.", "zc_js_are_you_want_to_delete_role" : "Are you sure you want to delete this role?", "zc_js_webhook_filter_failure" : "Failed webhooks", "zc_js_upgradedto" : "Upgraded to", "zc_js_hotwarm_valid_score" : "Please enter a valid score.", "zc_leadgeneration_noScript" : "noScript", "zc_editor_component_spacer_properties" : "Spacer Properties", "zc_not_started" : "Not Started", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_smart" : "Smart series", "zc_js_enter_the_$1" : "Enter $1", "zc_js_programs_msg_draft" : "Message Draft", "zc_show_more" : "Show More", "zc_integ_migration_common_msg2" : "All contacts will be synced into Zoho Campaigns. The synced contacts can be maintained under segments to send targeted emails to the appropriate set of contacts.", "zc_integration_denied_fb_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not share your campaigns with Facebook.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We will not post your campaigns on Facebook. </span></div>", "zc_integ_migration_common_msg3" : "All syncs will maintain a continuous data flow between Zoho Campaigns and $1 without any delay concurrently everyday.", "zc_js_workflow_crm_report_head" : "Select CRM account and module.", "zc_js_accept_terms_and_condtions" : "Please Accept the Terms and Conditions of Purchase.", "zc_js_webhook_callsperhour_not_in_limit" : "Please enter a number between 1 and 1000.", "zc_js_common_filter_recentlyadded" : "Recently Created", "zc_js_settings_integ_highrise_authmsg" : "In Highrise account Go to Account & Settings --> My info --> API token.", "zc_js_insertion_error" : "An unknown error occurred while creating the merge tag. Please try again later.", "zc_js_signupform_customize_email" : "Customize email", "zc_js_sf_crm_action_disable" : "Push to Zoho CRM action is disabled for this signup form.", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_removetag" : "ON REMOVING TAG", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_geo_desc" : "Know the countries from which your contacts have opened your emails", "zc_js_contacts_sync_invalidEmail" : "Please enter a valid email address.", "zc_js_display_label_cannot_empty" : "Enter Display Label", "zc_websiteautomation_no_active_goals" : "No Active Goals", "select_atleast_one_tag" : "Select or create at least one tag.", "zc_js_programs_action_field_update" : "Update field", "zc_js_report_replied" : "Replied", "zc_js_create_custom_field" : "Please create a custom date field by clicking '+' button next to the selection box.", "zc_editor_enter_img_web_url" : "Enter your image web url", "zc_js_cmp_common_hour" : "Hour", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_entry_between_time" : "Allow contacts to enter between $1", "zc_js_settings_select_field" : "Select Field", "zc_js_customprograms_tag_remove_text" : "The journey will trigger when the tag is removed off the leads", "zc_js_sync_mapping_error_analytics_phone" : "Please map the email address or Phone field of Zoho Analytics with email address or Mobile of Zoho Campaigns.", "zc_js_field_name_alreadyexist" : "The field already exist in Campaigns.", "zc_js_survey_found_no_survey_account" : "No survey found in your SurveyMonkey account.", "zc_js_shopify_code_mssgAlert" : "From next campaign onwards, the tacking code will not be visible. If you need the tracking code, please check your Shopify account configured under settings tab.", "zc_js_settings_email_emailauth_spf" : "SPF Record copied", "zc_campaign_add_subject_err_msg" : "Add the subject for your email before saving.", "zc_wf_shut_tech_err" : "due to some technical problem this Workflow cann't be shut down.", "zc_report_workflow_exitcriteria_success" : "Exit criteria applied successfully.", "zc_js_sf_external_report_submits" : "Valid submissions", "zc_sub_already_progress" : "Contact deletion in this view is already in progress.", "zc_js_choose_topic_before_saving" : "Choose the Topic for your campaign before saving.", "zc_js_campaign_rss_failed_pausing" : "An internal error occurred while pausing your RSS campaign. Please try again.", "zc_js_customprograms_attachmentfile_select" : "Select a file", "zc_js_programs_crm_only_existing" : "Push data of only the leads/contacts existing in Zoho CRM", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Change_to_Timebasedworkflow" : "Change to Time-based workflow", "zc_js_sm_sd_popup_heading" : "Shareable data between Zoho Campaigns and Zoho Marketing Automation", "zc_js_delete" : "Delete", "zc_js_websiteautomation_domain_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete your domain?", "zc_js_other_segments" : "Other User Segments", "zc_js_autoresponders_add_email" : "Add Email", "zc_dashborad_go_back_conf" : "The dashboard will go back to its default configuration. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_no_leads_location" : "Number Of Contacts with unknown location", "zc_js_abandoned_cart_full_caps" : "ABANDONED CART", "zc_js_workflowv2_journey_abversion_what_to_send_incase_tie" : "Preferred Version", "zc_js_setting_newui_developer_space" : "DEVELOPER SPACE", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_no_enabled" : "No tracking enabled for your email campaigns.", "zc_workflow_shut_err_msg" : "You need to freeze the workflow to shut it down.", "zc_js_cyclic_day_err_msg" : "Please select a day.", "zc_js_calendar_folloup" : "Followup", "zc_js_show_less" : "Show less", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_change_to_smart_list_popup_desc" : "Once this list is set as a smart list, only the contacts who match the specified criteria will be present in the list.", "zc_js_event_eventUnpblished" : "Selected event may be unpublished in your Eventbrite account. Please make the event live for sending this campaign.", "zc_js_programs_overall_time_base_report" : "Time-based Report", "zc_js_cyclic_specific_days" : "specific days", "zc_js_insights_lead_count" : "Lead Count", "zc_js_regular_campaign" : "Regular Campaign", "zc_js_back_to_oldui_confirm" : "The recent additions of the new version will not be available in the old version, and there is a possibility of compatibility issues. Do you still want to switch back?", "zc_topic_live_single_switch" : "You cannot switch to \"Single Purpose\" when \"Topic Management\" is enabled", "zc_list_migrate_entities_not_associated" : "Associated entities that cannot be migrated along with the list.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_nottracked" : "Not Tracked", "zc_contacts_email_dublicate" : "Duplicate email address found", "zc_js_massupdate_reports_msg_show" : "You are about to mass update", "zc_onepage_import_exit_confirmation_msg" : "Are you sure you want to exit from import page?", "zc_js_no_ecommerce_already_integrated" : "You have already connected your Zoho Commerce account", "zc_js_settings_integration_title" : "Integrations", "zc_js_autoresponder_maximum_message_limit_reached" : "You have reached your maximum limit of messages per autoresponder. To add more messages, please contact", "zc_js_customprograms_videotag_text" : "Video Tag", "zc_sms_msg_content_limit_exceed_msginparts" : "Your message has exceeded 160 characters. It's prescribed to send this message in parts for better readability.", "zc_js_programs_migration_end_node_error" : "Can not migrate to end/last component.", "zc_processing_forall_topic" : "You need to set a processing basis for all the topics", "zc_js_custom_field_encrypt_affected_entities" : "Turning on encryption for <strong>$1</strong> will affect these features:", "zc_leadstats_not_between" : "is not between", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_move_to_another_program" : "Move to Another Workflow", "zc_js_programs_goal_error_name" : "Please enter a name for your goal", "zc_zoom_plan_msg" : "Please upgrade to a higher plan in your Zoom account to access this feature.", "zc_programs_associate_stage" : "Select Stage", "zc_js_want_to_delete_this_custom_view" : "Are you sure you want to delete this view?", "zc_integ_migration_contacts_msg1" : "Only one sync can be created per module. You must have administrator privileges in Zoho Campaigns to perform the sync.", "zc_js_disable_this_drip_consent1" : "Disabling this consent series will cancel all scheduled emails. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_unbounce_missing_email" : "You cannot select this landing page as it doesn't contain any email address.", "zc_mail_policy_popup_pending_msg" : "Your exemption request is still pending. Would you still like to send the campaign?", "zc_js_deprecated_eop_anotherwf_based_action" : "The End of Workflow component is deprecated. Replace it with the \"Move to another workflow actions\" component available under the Process section.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>", "zs_js_bulk_contact_limit_minimum" : "You must have at least one contact in a mailing list.", "zc_js_journey_task_created_for" : "Task created for", "zc_js_content.approval.setting.success" : "Content approval settings saved successfully.", "zc_js_err_choose_product" : "Please choose a product.", "zc_integ_migration_contacts_msg2" : "A single sync can be created per module. It's sufficient to sync all contacts from Zoho Contacts.", "zc_integ_migration_contacts_msg3" : "Daily syncs are supported to maintain a continuous data flow between Zoho Campaigns and Zoho Contacts. ", "zc_js_cmp_theme_upload_company_logo" : "Upload your company logo.", "zc_status_inprogress" : "In Progress", "zc_js_sync_monthlimit_reached_new" : "You can only initiate $1 CRM syncs in a month. You'll have to wait till the next month to create a new CRM sync.", "zc_js_mergetag_sub_error_default_value" : "Please provide a default value", "zc_js_sm_subs_limit_exceed" : "Data cannot be migrated as it would exceed the contact limit allowed in the user's current $1's subscription plan.", "zc_js_html_editor_personalize" : "Personalize", "zc_js_goal_achieved" : "Goal Achieved", "zc_js_deprecated_autoresponder_creation_content" : "You cannot clone this autoresponder since it has been deprecated from Zoho Campaigns. <a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to build a workflow to replicate this functionality.</a>", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Change_to_Instantworkflow" : "Change to Instant workflow", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_number_of_visits" : "Number of visits", "zc_js_rss_sc_filter_field_err" : "Please select a field to filter.", "zc_dashboard_recent_goals_widget" : "Recent Goals", "zc_js_programs_schedule_holiday_annual_day" : "Every year $1 $2 of $3 at $4,$5", "zc_js_want_to_reset_theme" : "Doing this will reset your configuration. Are you sure you want to reset?", "zc_integration_denied_google_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Import of Google contatcs with Zoho Campaigns will be stopped.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Import of Google Analytics report will be stopped.</span></div>", "zc_journey_on_form_submision" : "On form submission", "zc_integ_migration_unsupported_sync" : "Sync from the old integration setup - available until $1", "zc_js_customprograms_item_crm_deal" : "Create CRM deal", "zc_js_media_special_charachter" : "Special characters and spaces are not allowed", "zc_cmp_same_sender_address_desc" : "All the recipients of this campaign will receive an email from the same sender address.", "zc_js_reports_authfaild" : "Authentication error. You would have changed your configured account.", "zc_js_enter_source" : "Enter source", "zc_block_segment_edit_msg" : "You cannot edit this segment. If you edit this segment, it will be listed under organization-level segment and not under this mailing list. However, you can clone this segment and then edit the cloned segment.", "zc_campaigns_attachments" : "Attachments", "zc_js_contacts_show_contacts" : "Show Contacts", "zc_js_webassistant_banner_remove" : "Remove Banner", "zc_js_consent_mp_onlyuncatlist" : "Uncategorized lists", "zc_js_sm_ns_popup_heading" : "Migrate non-shareable data to $1", "zc_js_want_to_move_contacts_to_list" : "Are you sure you want to move these contact(s) to $1 list?", "zc_js_sf_click_push_to_crm_enable" : "Enable the toggle to push contacts joining via this form to Zoho CRM.", "zc_js_journey_zoho_crm_account" : "ZOHO CRM account", "zc_js_map_mandatory_fields" : "Map the mandatory fields", "zc_js_calendar_abbrnst" : "st", "zc_js_sms_get_twil_ph_no" : "Please get a Twilio Phone Number for your twilio account.", "zc_js_workflowv2_path" : "Path", "zc_js_campaigns_schedulelater_optimalopen" : "Recipients' Optimal Open Time", "zc_js_limit_exceeded_text" : "Limit Exceeded", "zc_fav_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this favorite?", "zc_integration_denied_msgmedia_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your contacts' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Message Media.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div>", "zc_js_workflowv2_Select_lead_stage_leads_moved" : "Select a lead stage to which the leads should be movedzc_js_workflowv2_workflows_crm_task_desc", "zc_js_recruit_field_empty" : "Select at least a recruit field to proceed", "zc_js_campaign_cant_schedule_past_date" : "Your campaign cannot be scheduled for an earlier Date/Time.", "zc_inprogress" : "Inprogress", "zc_js_campaigns_consent_tobesent1" : "A consent email has already been drafted. You cannot create a new consent email until the drafted email is sent.", "zc_editor_builder_object_edit_Message" : "Select an element to edit.", "zc_js_programs_schedule_cancel_failed" : "Failed to cancel the schedule. Please try again.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_trigger_goal_desc" : "This workflow will trigger on a goal achievement.", "zc_js_campaign_noprivilge" : "No Privilege", "zc_js_merge_list_confirmation_delete" : "Deletion of the \"From List\" will unsubscribe the contacts from the list. Are you sure you want to delete the list ?", "zc_leadsub_is_opened" : "is opened", "zc_js_delete_asso_segment" : "Delete contacts associated to this segment.", "zc_js_subscribers_contacts_one_contact_add" : "1 Contact(s) added to the list(s)", "zc_editor_poll_answer2" : "Answer2", "zc_js_settings_sync_invalid_reports_key" : "Your Authentication token is invalid. Please provide a valid Authentication token.", "zc_editor_builder_horizontal_maxmsg" : "Horizontal spacing cannot exceed 50 px.", "zc_js_verify_emails_sent" : "Verification email sent successfully.", "zc_plan_not_supported_follow_up_abschedule_band" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan schedule your A/B test campaigns.", "zc_js_programs_select_tag" : "Select a tag", "zc_js_product_lead_import_success" : "Leads imported successfully", "zc_mailing_list_deleted_msg" : "Oops! Looks like the list has been deleted", "zc_js_autoresponders_restart" : "Restart", "zc_js_campaigns_create_shopify_campaign" : "Shopify Campaign", "zc_editor_poll_answer1" : "Answer1", "zc_js_common_at" : "at", "zc_js_common_internal_notification" : "Internal notification", "zc_js_assistant_error_website_domain" : "Please provide your website domain", "zc_js_webhook_actions_testcompeleted" : "A/B Test Completed", "zc_js_deleterole_newversion_content" : "This role is assigned to some users in the portal.", "zc_editor_builder_selectfile_errormsg" : "You've not selected any image. Select one", "zc_js_contacts_sync_analytics" : "Zoho Analytics", "zc_js_calendar_december" : "December", "zc_js_massupdate_list_selected_msg_show" : "You have opted to mass update the contacts from mailing list.", "zc_programs_sms_missed_reason_no_phnfield" : "Field deleted", "zc_campaign_coupon_prefix_length" : "Prefix length must be between 4-8 characters", "zc_js_social_ei_back_pg" : "Back to Page Campaign", "zc_change_hierarchy" : "Change Hierarchy", "zc_websiteautomation_overall_stats" : "Overall Stats", "zc_js_common_value" : "Value", "zc_js_settings_emailAuth_title" : "Email Authentication", "zc_js_other_crm_invalid_username_password" : "Invalid username/password.", "zc_js_massupdate_unsubscribe_msg_show" : "Unsubscribed contacts of the email campaign", "zc_integration_bigin_deny_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Member status will not be updated in $1.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>$1 data will not be synced with Zoho Campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Existing active syncs will be disabled.</span></div>", "zc_editor_component_divider_properties" : "Divider Properties", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_cyclic" : "Cyclic", "zc_js_add_bulk_consent_expressed_do_not_add" : "You cannot select <b>Consent Expressed</b> in this view as you cannot enter the consent proof for individual email address.", "zc_js_empty_check_not_available" : "Empty check option is not available for this field.", "zc_js_list_export" : "Export Contacts", "zc_leadsub_segmenr_lead_hot_warm_base_activity" : "Segment leads into hot and warm based on activities.", "zc_dashboard_recent_postcampaign_widget" : "Recent Post Campaigns", "zc_js_commonn_yearly" : "Yearly", "zc_js_settings_portal_set_as_default" : "Set as Default Portal", "zc_integration_denied_gplus_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not share your campaigns with Google+.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not post your campaigns on Google+.</span></div>", "zc_js_programs_trigger_campaign_not_sent" : "Campaign associated with trigger is not sent", "zc_js_programs_schedule_holiday_weekly" : "Every week on $1 at $2,$3", "zc_js_common_thursday" : "Thursday", "zc_js_campaigns_create_zohosurveycampaign" : "Zoho Survey Campaign", "zc_js_not_allowed_move_donotmail_exceeded_maximum" : "You are not allowed to move any more contacts to Do-not-mail registry, as you have already exceeded the maximum limit to move contacts from this organization. For further details, please contact our support", "zc_js_editor_size" : "Size", "zc_js_programs_overall_open_and_click" : "Opens and Clicks", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_bgclr" : "Background Color", "zc_js_contact_tags_name_duplicate" : "A tag with this name already exists.", "zc_js_workflow_paused" : "Paused", "zc_js_saveContent" : "Any unsaved content will be lost. Are you sure you want to close this editor?", "zc_leadsub_already_same_segment_name" : "You already have a segment in the same name.", "zc_js_field_label_duplicated" : "Custom field label is duplicated.", "zc_js_zc_survey_integrate" : "Integrate your Zoho survey account", "zc_auto_holiday_restrict_popupmsg" : "This autoresponder was created and made to recur from the older version. Calendar autoresponder in the new version does not have the option to recur, so you cannot create a new promotion from here. Switch your autoresponder to Cyclic to continue creating new promotions.", "zc_free_litmus_offer_popup_title_midmarket" : "Share your experience, win Litmus credits worth <span class='txtorng'>$40</span>", "zc_js_workflow_crm_add_account" : "Add another account", "zc_js_create_smscontent" : "Create SMS Message", "zc_js_hotwarm_enable_msg" : "Enable feature now", "zc_js_sm_campaign_in_progress" : "You cannot create a child campaign as your campaign is still in progress. Please try after some time.", "zc_js_programs_schedule_before_full_first" : "$1 $2 before the date", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_placeholder" : "Why do you want to erase the data of the contact?", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_reply" : "Replies", "zc_js_consent_view_request_doc_remove" : "Document deleted successfully", "zc_js_sm_not_connected" : "You haven't configured your SurveyMonkey account in Zoho Campaigns.", "zc_js_fld_already_sel_msg" : "This field is selected already.", "zc_js_settings_integ_reports_apikey_errMsg" : "Provide Authentication token to integrate.", "zc_js_settings_myprofile_title" : "My Profile", "zc_js_please_wait_fetching_details" : "Please wait while we fetch basic info and images from the given link.", "zc_templates_changes_saved" : "Your changes have been saved.", "zc_sms_originator_err" : "Please provide the originator ", "zc_js_search_campaigns" : "Search for campaigns", "zc_editor_poll_basic_use_poll_msg" : "Measure your product's performance through recipient ratings from this poll.", "zc_js_products_product_select_customer_level" : "Please select a customer level", "zc_js_programs_trigger_zwebinar_error" : "Sorry, we are unable to connect with Zoho meeting now. Please try again later.", "zc_js_programs_ab_test_incompleted" : "Test incompleted", "zc_websiteautomation_alias_err_blank" : "Please enter a domain.", "zc_js_wf_resource_already_selected" : "You have already selected this action. Select a different action for the response.", "zc_subscriber_filter_select_view" : "Based on Score", "zc_js_contacts_sync_books" : "Books", "zc_js_delay_description" : "This action lets your contacts wait for the specified time before they move into further processes in the workflow.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_spacenotallowed" : "space not allowed", "zc_js_emoji_animals_new" : "Animals and Nature", "zc_js_workflow_account_notselect" : "No account is selected.", "zc_hierarchy_change" : "If the topic hierarchy is changed, all associated mailing lists will be uncategorized, and you will need to obtain consent again to continue sending contacts email.", "zc_js_programs_reports_error1" : "Please provide an email address", "zc_js_programs_reports_error2" : "Please provide a valid email address", "zc_js_no_privilege_to_signup_form_list" : "You do not have list privilege to perform this action.", "zc_leadgeneration_Confirmation_Thank_you_Page_Customization" : "Confirmation Thank You Page - Customization", "zc_js_contacts_bulk_cannot_empty" : "Email address cannot be empty", "zc_js_custom_field_encryption_segement_error" : "The segment is not active as a custom field associated with this was encrypted. You can resume it by turning off the encryption for the custom field.", "zc_dashboard_nextday_activities_widget" : "Next 24 Hours Activities", "zc_crm_integ_org_plcholder" : "--Select CRM organization--", "zc_editor_contact_new_merge_tags" : "Contact Merge Tag", "zc_js_signupform_submit_error_message" : "Submit Error Message", "zc_js_pc_schedule_exists" : "The page campaign cannot be scheduled in the requested time interval, as there is more than one campaign in scheduled state or might be in running state during the same time.", "zc_product_purpose_last_one" : "You cannot delete this product as it has the only purpose mapped as a topic. You need to have at least one purpose.", "zc_js_sync_v3_crm_sync_resumed" : "This sync has been resumed.", "zc_js_customprograms_opentrigger_configure_new" : "Configure the <span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>open</span> trigger", "zc_js_done" : "Done", "zc_js_no_albums" : "No albums found", "zc_js_contacts_move_contact_to_do_not_mail_registry_desc" : "Contacts that you move to Do-not-mail registry will not receive any emails until they resubscribe via a signup form or you move them back to your mailing lists.", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_setup_delete" : "This cannot be undone.", "zc_js_customfield_checkbox_samevalues" : "You cannot have the same default display values for both checked and unchecked boxes.", "zc_js_updated_success" : "Updated successfully.", "zc_sms_auth_fetch" : "Fetch Twilio phone numbers", "zc_js_programs_error_select_signup_form" : "Please select a signup form.", "zc_plan_not_supported_abtesting" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to create A/B Test Campaigns", "zc_plan_not_supported_archivecamp_description" : "Embed campaign archive code in your website to enable all your customers to view sent campaigns.", "zc_js_contacs_crmsync_both_open_disable_note" : "Note: Disabling the button will stop pushing the opened recipient's data to Leads and Contacts module.", "zc_js_calendar_apr" : "Apr", "zc_plan_not_supported_abtesting_description" : "A/B Test Campaigns allow you to compare two different versions of an email campaign to see which one is more successful.", "zc_js_cant_schedule_past_date_msg" : "Invalid Entry", "zc_js_delete_or_privilege_revoke" : "You cannot edit this segment as the relevant custom field(s) were deleted or privilege to the same was revoked.", "zc_js_event_accountNotConfiguredDesc" : "You haven't configured your Eventbrite account in Zoho Campaigns. Please configure your account to check event start date and end date before sending campaign.", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_item_move_to_eop" : "Move to end-of-workflow", "zc_js_Autoresponder_CloneContent" : "Clone Content", "zc_js_programs_not_converted_leads" : "Not Converted Contacts", "zc_contacts_sync_pushAs_candidates" : "Push as Candidates", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_form_deleted_version" : "Form <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted", "zc_js_pages_unsub_feedback_page_err2" : "Feedback choice cannot be left blank", "zc_js_custom_field_decrypt" : "Turn off encryption", "zc_js_pages_unsub_feedback_page_err3" : "On unsubscribing, you'll be able to redirect your contacts to a custom URL only when <span class='txtbld'>Unsubscribe Feedback</span> is disabled.", "zc_js_email_mismatch" : "Invalid email address.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_event_mail_caps" : "EVENT MAIL", "zc_js_click_activities" : "Click Activities", "zc_js_no_images" : "No images found", "zc_js_calendar_jan" : "Jan", "zc_editor_dynamic_content_elsenotemsg" : "<b>Note:</b> When both if and else if conditions are not satisfied, then the content under else will be sent to all recipients.", "zh_product_choose_cross_promo_type" : "Choose the type of cross promotion", "zc_js_programs_add_subtractscore" : "Subtract Score", "zc_wf_mapyourflds" : "Map your fields", "zc_js_rss_sc_preview" : "Preview", "zc_js_sf_optin_single_field" : "Single Opt-in", "zc_js_sm_none_admin" : "Select at least one admin.", "zc_sms_bulksms_password_err" : "Please enter the BulkSMS password", "zc_js_domain_mail_limit" : "You have reached your daily limit to share TXT records.", "zc_js_copied_success_msg" : "Campaign share URL copied to clipboard.", "zc_js_domain_spf_wrong_record" : "You have mistakenly pasted the complete SPF record within an existing record. Below is the existing SPF record we found in your DNS.", "z_js_feedback_successmsg" : "Your $1 sent successfully", "zc_js_report_chain_open_sent_count" : "Sent/Opened count", "zc_js_senderaddress_duplicatemsg" : "Duplicated email address found while adding your sender address.", "zc_js_signupform_reports_submitted" : "Submitted", "zc_websiteautomation_alias_err_validate" : "Please enter a valid domain.", "zc_js_preheader_alert_maxcharacters" : "You've exceeded the character limit.", "zc_integration_denied_zoom_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Promotional campaigns will not be sent.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs w80'>Sync will be disabled.</span></div><div class='mt30'></div>", "zc_js_source" : "Lead Source", "zc_js_no_contacts" : "No contacts available", "zc_js__sel_sheet_text" : "Select a Sheet", "zc_js_gs_empty_query" : "Hey,you are missing the query.", "zc_js_merge_tag_sub_error" : "Invalid subject line. Provide an appropriate one.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_selectcrmmodule" : "--Select CRM Module--", "zc_js_custom_field_encrypt_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to turn on encryption for <strong>$1</strong>?", "zc_js_programs_trace_converted" : "Converted/Exited", "zc_js_programs_sms_custom_field_deleted" : "Custom field for this SMS component has been deleted. All processes associated with it will be skipped.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_allow" : "Allow", "zc_journey_sender_address_not_selected" : "You have not selected a sender address.", "zc_js_cmp_theme_upload_theme_logo" : "Upload a logo.", "zc_js_contacts_mass_revertcontacts_scheduled" : "Reactivating contacts in this view has been scheduled, you will be notified once the process is completed.", "zc_segment_lead_scoring_reset_head" : "On resetting lead score in the segment \"$1\"", "zc_js_domain_id_wrong" : "We don't recognize that email address", "zc_js_age_in_months" : "Age in Months", "zc_gs_placeholder_text" : "I'm searching for...", "zc_js_delete_this_consent" : "Are you sure you want to delete this consent series?", "zc_js_products_product_iscustomer" : "is customer", "zc_js_cmp_verf_mail_desc" : "An email with a verification link has been sent to your email address. Please verify the email address to use it as a sender address.", "zc_js_customprograms_webpage_text" : "Webpage", "zc_js_programs_error_msg_criteria_error" : "Error in message skip criteria.", "zc_js_custom_field_accounts_reserved_sync" : "The field you are trying to add is reserved for Account custom fields. Try adding another field.", "zc_js_signupform_associate" : "Associate", "zc_data_processing_basis" : "Data Processing Basis", "zc_js_list_setup_publicprivate_enabled" : "Signup Form Enabled", "zc_consent_unclassified_lists_list_detailview" : "This mailing list is uncategorized", "zc_js_sync_salesforce_api_disabled_error" : "Oops! The Salesforce API has been disabled. Enable the API in your Salesforce account and reconfigure.", "zc_js_signupform_footer" : "Footer", "zc_js_wf_cancalall" : "All information you filled in will be discarded. Do you still want to cancel?", "zc_js_add_social_account" : "Add your social account.", "zc_editor_component_ics_properties" : "ICS Properties", "zc_js_calendar_january" : "January", "zc_js_domain_mail_sending" : "Your emails have been sent.", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_already_quued" : "This email address is already exists in data erasure queue", "zc_js_delete_subscribers_from_segment" : "Are you sure you want to delete contacts associated to this segment?", "zc_topic_primary_list_err" : "Some of your topics do not have a primary mailing list.Every topic must have a primary mailing list if you want to enable Topic Management.", "zc_lead_widget_two_select" : "At least 2 widgets must be selected", "zc_js_cannot_add_list" : "You cannot select more than 25 mailing lists.", "zc_js_programs_activate_version_freeze_confirm" : "When you activate this edited version, the original version that is currently running will freeze (stop accepting new contacts). Contacts who have already entered the old version will follow the original process, but all future contacts will follow the process for the new version.", "zc_js_massupdate_selected_msg_show1" : "You have selected $1 contact for mass update.", "zc_account_migrate_in_progress" : "List migration not allowed due to account data migration in progress.", "zc_js_editor_heading1" : "Heading 1", "zc_leadsub_custom_field_list_not_have_privilege" : "Custom field or List does not have privilege or might have been deleted.", "zc_js_editor_heading2" : "Heading 2", "zc_js_programs_selected_segment_deleted" : "Selected segment has been deleted.", "zc_js_campaign_attachment_expire_message" : "The email attachment will expire by the time the campaign gets delivered. We suggest you to change the expiry date for the attachment.", "zc_js_campaign_saved" : "Saved", "zh_product_max_limit_lead_level" : "You've reached the maximum limit of $1 lead levels for an organization.", "zc_js_journey_due_date" : "Due date", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_add_another_action" : "Add another action", "zc_consent_multi_purpose_edit_denied_subscribers_warning" : "If there are any contacts who have denied or withdrawn their consent for this purpose, they will removed from the mailing lists that you add.", "zc_instant_pause_email" : "Pause Email", "zc_js_programs_license_leads_exceed_maxval" : "Leads limit exceed the maximum value for your plan", "zc_js_editor_wrap_img_text" : "Wrap text around image", "zc_js_list_description_empty" : "List description cannot be empty.", "zc_marketing_switch_config_lost" : "If you change your email marketing type, all your configurations will be lost. Do you want to continue?", "zc_discontinued" : "Discontinued", "zc_js_identifier_email_different_contacts" : "Given identifier and email data are belongs to two different contacts", "zc_js_autoresponders_waiting_for_approval" : "Waiting for approval", "zc_js_programs_product_specific_follow" : "product specific follow-up", "zc_editor_upload_sizewarning" : "Your file is too large to upload. Please reduce the file size.", "zc_js_setting_newui_flow" : "Integration Platforms", "zc_js_subscriber_socialmediasummary" : "Social Media Activity", "zc_manage_list_spliting_smart_list_desc_note" : "A smart list will have a criteria set by the user. Only the contacts who match the defined criteria will be added to the list. At any point of time, a smart list will hold only those contacts that match the specified criteria.", "zc_js_contacts_topic_criteria_enter_valid_campaign" : "Please select a valid campaign", "zc_js_st_user_region_empty" : "Region cannot be blank.", "zc_js_workflow_unpaid_user" : "To enable workflow please upgrade to a monthly subscription plan.", "zc_js_page_tab_create_update_failed" : "Page Tab had been created with default name and image. Try updating the tab with custom name and image later.", "zc_js_common_crm_owner" : "CRM owner", "zc_js_export_password_type" : "Please select any one the password type", "zc_js_test_email_file_format" : "(JPG, PNG, and JPEG files are supported.)", "zc_js_post_not_draft" : "This post is not in drafts.", "zc_editor_builder_btn_emptymsg" : "Button name cannot be blank.", "zc_js_opensbylocation" : "Opens By Location", "zc_js_compare_leads_generated" : "Leads generated", "zc_js_massupdate_search_msg_show" : "Mass update field value for search item: \'$1\'.", "zc_campaigns_gs_result_header_mailing_lists" : "Mailing lists", "zc_js_editor_same_window" : "Same Window", "zc_leadgeneration_noScriptndCss" : "noScriptndCss", "zc_editor_tour_signupdisable" : "Signup form Subscription disabled", "zc_js_programs_overall_report" : "Overall Report", "zc_dashboard_workflow_templates_conditional" : "Conditional Workflow", "zc_topic_virtual_name_error" : "Please enter a name for your topic", "zc_editor_poll_basic_alreadyvotedmsg" : "You have already taken up this poll.", "zc_js_programs_connection_label_placeholder" : "You can enter the connection purpose....", "zc_advworkflow_response_custom" : "Response actions will be triggered after a delay of $1.", "zc_wa_prompt" : "Are you sure you want to move the selected website automation to another folder?", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Actionreport" : "Action report", "zc_js_campaigns_create_ab_shopify_campaign" : "Shopify A/B Campaign", "zc_js_pick_list_length_not_greater_$1" : "Pick list item(s) length cannot be greater than $1.", "zc_js_programs_trace_donot_mail" : "Contact present in do not mail list", "zc_js_settings_subscription_choose_sub" : "Please select a plan in the Contacts Plan.", "zc_js_list_ok" : "OK", "zc_js_link_click_plaintext_message" : "Link click map is not available for plain-text campaigns.", "zc_js_getting_started_testcamp_campaignsubject" : "Test Subject", "zc_js_customprograms_source_goal_deleted" : "Source goal has been deleted", "zc_js_programs_error_closed_completed" : "You cannot add new message as the contacts have exited the process.", "zc_js_contacts_recruit_cv_free_errMsg" : "This option does not apply to free users of Zoho Recruit. Kindly upgrade your Zoho Recruit account to avail this option.", "zc_js_contacts_add_contact_to_do_not_mail_registry_desc" : "Contacts that you add to Do-not-mail registry will not receive any emails until they resubscribe via a signup form or you move them back to your mailing lists.", "zc_js_select_a_topic" : "Select a topic", "zc_js_programs_action_remove_tag" : "Remove Tags", "zc_js_programs_error_select_a_specificlink" : "Select a specific link.", "zc_js_programs_response_overlay_fullySubmit" : "Survey completed", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_fieldupdate" : "ON UPDATING FIELD", "zc_js_programs_msg_criteria_add" : "Add skip criteria", "zc_js_size_spacing" : "Size and Spacing", "zc_autoresponder_switch_to_cyclic" : "Switch Autoresponder to Cyclic.", "zc_js_wf_invalidticket" : "Invalid ZSC key. Please change the key from the Sync module and continue.", "zc_js_foldermove_servicemm" : "Selected $1 will move to other folder", "zc_js_linkclickmap" : "Link Click Map", "zc_recruit_accounts" : "Zoho Recruit Accounts", "zc_js_domain_delete_failure" : "This domain cannot be deleted because we've found <b>$1</b> sender addresses associated to it.", "salesforce" : "Salesforce", "zc_subscriber_disabled_unsubscribe_action_tooltip" : "Please select contacts to unsubscribe from this list.", "zc_js_settings_themes_settings_saved" : "Settings Saved", "zc_integration_denied_kaleyra_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Kaleyra.</span></div>", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_process_condition_desc_simple" : "Split the path based on a yes/no condition. Set the conditions based on contacts' information or their email activity.", "zc_js_elitbuzz_api_key_err" : "Please enter the Elitbuzz API Key", "zc_js_contacts_import_contact_to_do_not_mail_registry_heading" : "Import contact to Do-not-mail registry?", "zc_js_label_empty" : "Enter Label", "zc_js_domain_delete_success" : "Domain has been deleted successfully.", "zc_js_subscriber_email" : "Contact Email", "zc_js_journey_deal_closing_date" : "Deal closing date", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_trigger_select_list_desc" : "The workflow will trigger when contacts are added to the list you select.", "zc_js_not_allowed_to_export_$1_rows_in_$2_type" : "You cannot export empty list.", "zc_js_list_allleads" : "Campaign - All Leads", "zc_js_products_product_list_imports" : "List imports", "zc_js_sync_errmsg_invalid_module" : "Selected module is either hidden, deleted, or not accessible by you. Please select another module", "zc_js_settings_sync_invalid_email_address" : "Invalid email address", "zc_js_page_neither_owned_nor_shared" : "Selected page is neither owned by you nor shared within the organization. Please use another page or contact page owner.", "zc_js_cmp_edit_caution_msg" : "Any change made in a scheduled or reviewed campaign will automatically move the campaign to <span class='txtbld'>Draft</span>.", "zc_js_test_email_allowed_three_images" : "You're allowed to import a maximum of three images.", "zc_editor_builder_table_min_errormsg_cols" : "A table should contain a minimum of 1 column.", "zc_js_calendar_maxonecampaign" : "You can create only one campaign for a holiday.", "zc_js_contacts_editcontact_invalid_emailaddress_not_allowed" : "You cannot update with a invalid address.", "zc_js_segment_trigger_trigger_for_new" : "Only new contacts who've entered the selected segment.", "zc_editor_builder_htmltable_max_errormsg_cols" : "A table cannot contain more than 100 columns.", "zc_js_calendar_campcreationtime" : "Remind me", "zc_js_journey_for_event" : "For event", "zc_js_sms_auth_failed" : "This account details could not be fetched. Please enter valid credentials.", "zc_js_enter_valid_number_in_length" : "Please enter a valid number in the length field.", "zc_list_drag" : "Click or drag and drop file here.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_confirm_clone_start" : "Your workflow is being cloned. You will be notified once cloning is completed.", "zc_js_tag_sort_old_first" : "Oldest First", "zh_product_create_cross_promo" : "Create Cross Promotion Campaign", "zc_js_completed" : "Completed on", "zc_js_edit_segmemt" : "Edit Segment", "zc_js_common_goahead" : "Go Ahead", "zc_js_file_size" : "File Size", "zc_js_settings_sync_key_already_used" : "This email address is in use or has already a Zoho CRM account associated.", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_closed" : "Closed group", "zc_export_popup_msg" : "Please ensure that you remember this password. You cannot open this file if you forget it. <div class='mt10 tl'> Do you wish to confirm this password?</div>", "zc_js_email_preview_not_enought_credits" : "You do not have enough credits to perform this test.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_accountprivilege" : "This account privilege is revoked", "zc_js_programs_hours_text" : "Hour(s)", "zc_js_sm_exption_msg" : "Oops! Something went wrong from our end. Please try again later.", "zc_recaptcha_config" : "Please add the secret key and the site key from Google reCAPTCHA to embed captcha in your forms.", "zc_js_delete_this_page_campaign" : "This page campaign is running. On deleting this, the configured content will not be displayed on the page tab.\n Do you still want to delete this page campaign?", "zc_js_settings_subscription_error" : "Unable to process your request. Please try again later or contact our support team at", "zc_js_home_view_more" : "view more..", "zc_js_campaign_sent_privilege" : "Please note that you cannot send campaign(s) to this list(s)", "zc_js_subscriber_inference_name" : "SubscriberInference", "zc_js_search_and_select" : "Search and select", "zc_js_plan_not_supported" : "Your plan don't support running a page campaign for this page as it has more than 200 fans.\n If you like to run this campaign, please upgrade.", "zc_js_sync_email_already_created" : "An account with this email address has already been created in your organization. Please contact your organization administrator.", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_unopened" : "Unopened", "zc_js_folders_givename_newfolder" : "Give a name to your new folder.", "zc_journey_manage_topic_subscription" : "Manage topic subscription for contacts entering your workflows.Select the type of subscription for contacts entering the workflow", "zc_js_campaign_url_disso_success" : "Campaign URL dissociated successfully", "zc_js_sf_crm_action_enable" : "Push to Zoho CRM action is enabled for this signup form.", "zc_js_customfunc_edit_param" : "Edit Arguments", "zc_js_filter_contacts_time_between_optin" : "Opted in between", "zc_js_programs_action_push_to_crm_add_update" : "Push new and update existing contacts.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_overall_report_under_eop" : "Under end-of-workflow", "zc_js_url_long" : "The URL contains more than 100 characters.", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_already_processed" : "All data of this email address has been erased", "zc_no_opens_three_months_new" : "No opens in past 3 months", "zc_js_exist_lists" : "A list with this name already exists.", "zc_js_programs_selected_date_field_deleted" : "Selected date-field has been deleted.", "zc_js_calendar_maxcountries" : "Maximum of 10 countries can be selected.", "zc_campaigns_same_reply_address" : "Reply-to address will be same for all the recipients.", "zc_js_programs_smart_send_only_on" : "Only on", "zc_js_company_image_not_valid" : "is not a valid image file.", "zc_hierarchy_to_live" : "You need to map all your purposes with a topic, to enable Topic Management.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_nocomplete_note1" : "<b>Note</b>: Response actions, Contact scorings, Autoresponders, and Workflows set for link clicks on this campaign will not be triggered.", "zc_workflow_crm_pushtocrm" : "Push To Zoho CRM", "zc_js_programs_ab_test_winner_saved" : "Winner saved!", "zc_js_ics_merge_delete_msg" : "Saving this template to library will remove the merge tag $[ICS:ADD_TO_CALENDAR]$.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_shopify" : "Shopify", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_date_time_passes_error_message" : "Chosen date and time has already passed. Please specify the correct date and time.", "zc_js_select_date_field" : "Select a date field", "zc_js_html_editor_eg_website" : "Example :", "zc_js_autoresponder_status_disabled_cannot_start_trigger" : "The autoresponder is disabled. Please enable it to start this message.", "zc_list_migrate_no_delete_limit" : "You cannot migrate this list as it will exceed the contact deletion limit allowed in your current subscription plan.", "zc_topic_goals_single_switch" : "You cannot switch to \"Single Purpose\" as you have goals or programs associated to topics", "zc_js_massupdate_privillage_reports" : "Limited privilege. Mass Update cannot be performed.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_criteria_process_title" : "Exit Criteria", "zc_js_sync_nextSynctime" : "Next Sync Time", "zc_js_contacts_crmsync_push_enable" : "Are you sure you want to enable the button?", "zc_js_select_all" : "Select All", "zc_js_products_audience_group_built_success" : "Audience group built successfully", "zc_js_contacts_import_empty_heading" : "Contacts cannot be imported as there is an empty header value in the file. Please correct it and try again.", "zc_js_enter_email_address_here" : "Enter your email address here.", "zc_js_programs_schedule_after_full_wait" : "Wait for $1 $2", "zc_js_product_rp_wagroup_dissociate" : "You do not have permission to dissociate a web assistant group. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_signupform_details" : "Details", "zc_js_Autoresponder_notexceed_50char" : "=keyword length cannot exceed 50 characters", "zc_workflow_del_err_msg" : "You need to shut down the workflow to delete it.", "zc_js_editor_img_size_medium" : "Medium", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_recipient" : "[Email address]", "zc_js_recom_select" : "Select Recommendation Type", "zc_js_nodeliveredcontent" : "There are no messages delivered in the campaigns you've sent", "zc_js_page_used_another_org" : "This page is being used in another organization.", "zc_js_content_limit_exceed" : "Description should be less than 150 characters.", "zc_js_list_signupform_list_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this signup form list?", "zc_js_customprograms_item_ab_test" : "A/B test ", "zc_js_settings_message_hide_tags" : "Hide Merge Tags", "zc_subscriber_disabled_untag_action_tooltip" : "Please select contacts to untag.", "zc_js_workflow_crm_selectotheraccount" : "This module for the specified account has already been selected. Please select another module or account.", "zc_js_deciding_criteria" : "Deciding criteria", "zc_onepage_import_list_selection_error" : "Please select the lists to import the contacts", "zc_js_journey_webhooks" : "Webhook", "zc_editor_video_existing" : "Existing", "zc_js_advanced_segment_creation_warning_msg" : "Your segment criteria cannot include advanced fields as you are in the Standard plan. <a class=\"linktxt\" href=\"$1\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade</a> to the Professional plan to proceed with this.", "zc_js_editor_font_style_arial" : "Arial", "zc_folder_charlimit" : "Name cannot exceed 30 characters.", "zc_js_subscriber_saved_widgets" : "Saved successfully", "zc_js_customview_score" : "Score", "zc_journey_emailactions" : "Email actions", "zc_js_programs_criteria_msg_desc_campaign" : "Skip the message when the recipient have", "zc_campaigns_edithtmlcontentlist" : "Edit HTML Content", "zc_js_sentcampaigns" : "Sent Campaigns", "zc_js_workflow_delete_differen_user" : "Workflow created by another user can not be deleted.", "zc_js_privilege_target_List_workflow" : "This action/workflow is stopped as the owner of the workflow does not have sufficient privilege for the target list.", "zc_js_programs_selected_tag_deleted" : "The action is stopped as the tag associated with it has been deleted.", "zc_js_sc_camp_delete_success" : "Campaign deleted successfully.", "zc_js_cancel" : "Cancel", "zc_js_program_sms" : "sms", "zc_js_setting_newui_users_and_control" : "USERS AND CONTROL", "zc_js_sync_highrise_notcompany_msg" : "Your configured Highrise account does not have company.", "zc_common_opens" : "Opens", "zc_js_enter_valid_information" : "Please enter valid information", "zc_js_sort_reply_oldest_first" : "Oldest first", "zc_js_my_segments" : "My Segments", "zc_js_webhook_callsperhour_not_number" : "This is an invalid number.", "zc_common_integrate" : "Integrate", "zc_sync_map_email_fld" : "Map a email field with Contact Email", "zc_js_topic_selction_err" : "Please select the topics to proceed", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_action_moveto_program" : "Move to another Workflow", "zc_js_back_to_advance_search" : "Back to Advanced Search", "zc_js_bulk_segments_more_than_50" : "You can select only up to 50 segments from a bulk segment.", "zc_js_product_rp_lead_disconnect" : "You do not have permission to remove leads from this product. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_sync_criteriawLimt_reached" : "The same criteria cannot be used multiple times for the Zoho CRM sync. Please use a different criteria. If you want to use the same criteria, contact us at", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_entry_time" : "Entry Time", "zc_js_duplicate_name" : "Duplicate name is not allowed.", "zc_js_subscriber_other_associatedlist_name" : "AssociatedOtherLists", "zc_js_editor_img_size_original" : "Original", "zc_programs_select_attachment" : "Select File", "zc_campaigns_all_blocks_deselected" : "All the blocks have been deselected", "zc_js_journey_decide_the_winner_by" : "Decide the winner by", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_tag_rem" : "Tag removed", "zc_js_autoresponders_triggers_everymonth" : "Triggers messages every month at the specified day.", "zc_js_contacts_mass_donotmail_inprogress" : "Moving the contacts in this view to Do-not-mail is already in progress.", "zc_sms_field_migration_popup_band_initiated" : "Migration of phone numbers from other fields to Mobile number field has been initiated", "zc_js_cyclic_condition_criteria" : "Condition Criteria", "zc_js_sync_platform_push_data_platform_fields" : "Push customized data to $1 fields.", "zc_js_foldermove_servicemm_hover" : "$1 belongs to another service.", "zc_programs_workflowv2_event_popup_title" : "This workflow will trigger to the selected list based on the selected event.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_moduleField" : "Custom Data", "zc_js_max_three_campaign_is_allowed" : "A maximum of only 5 campaigns can be selected for comparison.", "zc_js_programs_item_criteria_fielddelete" : "Selected field $1 has been deleted in criteria", "zc_js_customprograms_item_remove_tags" : "Remove tags", "zc_js_sync_account_privilegeMsg" : "This account is already configured. Please contact your organization administrator.", "zc_js_error_nimble_message" : "Unable to fetch account details. Please try again later.", "zc_js_save" : "Save", "zc_js_subscribers_contacts_marked_reassociate_msg1" : "Contact(s) added to the list(s)", "zc_js_editor_img_size_small" : "Small", "zc_js_campaign_report" : "Report issue", "zc_js_invalid_url" : "The requested video is not available. Please recheck the URL.", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_error_unkown" : "Unknown error occurred. Please try again after sometime.", "zc_js_gdpr_popup_eu_existing_user_content" : "To comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have added a set of features. Since you are part of the EU, it is mandatory that you do GDPR-compliant email marketing. We highly recommend you set up your account to suit the GDPR requirements.", "zc_integ_migration_banner_service_content" : "We recently implemented important changes to how Zoho Campaigns integrates with  $1. To benefit from these improvements, we strongly recommend that you migrate to this new sync model on or before June 30,2024. ", "zc_js_zf_forms_connection_failed" : "Unable to connect to Zoho Forms. Account not found.", "zc_js_workflow_no_field_value_given" : "Provide the new value to update.", "zc_js_export" : "Export", "zc_sms_schedule_campaign" : "You can schedule your campaign for a date, time and time zone of your choice.", "zc_js_products_product_promotion" : "Promotion", "zc_leadsub_score" : "To score should not be less than from score", "zc_js_deprecated_remainder_loop" : "The Reminder loop component is deprecated. Replace it with the response action feature available in the Send email component.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>", "zc_subscriber_scoring" : "Contact Scoring", "zc_js_wf_invalidticketordeny" : "The ZSC key for this account has changed or expired, or the integration with Zoho CRM has been denied. Please check and try again.", "zc_js_ecommerce_list_default_desc" : "You received this email because you have subscribed to our newsletters", "zc_list_clone_list_locked" : "You cannot clone a locked mailing list.", "zc_journey_selected_WF_deleted" : "The workflow you've selected was deleted.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_campaign_link_deleted" : "Specific link chosen from the campaign has been removed", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_unopen" : "Left the email unopened", "zc_js_reply_starred" : "Starred", "zc_js_contacts_removed_from_this_tag" : "Contacts were successfully untagged.", "zc_js_deprecated_eop_score_based_action" : "The End of Workflow component is deprecated. Replace it with the \"Score based actions\" component available under the Process section.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>", "zc_js_sm_nosurvey_msg" : "No Surveys", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_duration" : "Goal duration", "zc_js_list_cr_changed_automation_errmsg" : "Due to this associated AutoResponders and Programs will be stopped.Are you sure you want to proceed?", "zc_js_programs_trigger_list" : "List trigger", "zc_leadsub_no_data_disp" : "No data to display", "zc_js_leads_saved_successfully" : "Lead Saved Successfully", "zc_list_clone_no_privilege" : "You do not have the privilege to clone this mailing list.", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_error_valid_override_entry" : "Please provide valid override contact entry value", "zc_js_not_now" : "Not Now", "zc_js_autoresponders_Unclicked_Series" : "Unclicked Series", "zc_js_recom_similar" : "Similar Products", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_quote" : "Insert Quote", "zc_js_programs_no_survey" : "There are no surveys found in your Zoho Survey account. Please create one and proceed.", "zc_common_cancel" : "Cancel", "zc_js_campaign_reschedule_msg" : "Are you sure you want to reschedule the campaign?", "zc_sms_msgmd_api_secret_err" : "Please enter the MessageMedia API secret", "zc_js_sms_campaign_reports" : "SMS campaign-based reports", "zc_js_mailing_lists_merge_scheduler_invoked" : "The merge list action is in progress and it seems like it'll take a while to merge more than $1 contacts from $2 to $3.", "zc_js_programs_version" : "Version", "zc_js_programs_three_way" : "Three-way", "zc_js_pc_running_user" : "Another user from your organization is already running a campaign for this page.", "zc_js_list_most_engaged" : "Most-engaged", "zc_js_user_already_present" : "This user is already present in your organization.", "zc_js_sync_select_integer_field" : "Select an integer field", "zc_js_no_privilege_to_delete_segment" : "You don't have permission to delete this segment.", "zc_js_massupdate_clicked_msg_show" : "You are about to mass update recipients who have clicked the link.", "zc_js_pages_and_emails" : "Pages and Emails", "zc_js_crm_form_consent_language" : "Select the language for the CRM Consent form", "zc_js_cmp_theme_rep_info" : "Provide recipient information.", "zc_common_tags_multi_tags" : "Multiple Tags", "zc_custom_birthdayfield_valid_separator" : "Please select a valid separator", "zc_common_apply" : "Apply", "zc_js_editor_loading_content" : "Loading Content", "zc_js_leadgeneration" : "Lead Generation", "zc_js_filter_contacts_time_between_clicked" : "Clicked between", "zc_js_eventbrite_refreshdeatils_draftmove" : "Campaign will be moved to draft if there is a change in the event details.", "zc_js_calendar_november" : "November", "zc_integ_migration_desk_msg1" : "Only contacts module of $1 can be synced with Zoho Campaigns.", "zc_export_no_popup" : "No, I wish to change", "zc_js_autoupgrade" : "Auto Upgrade", "zc_onepage_import_select_header" : "Please select a header", "zc_js_created_date" : "Created Date", "zc_enable_topic" : "Topic has been enabled successfully", "zc_js_google_no_url" : "No Tracking URL.", "zc_enable_topics" : "Enable Topics", "zc_js_contacts_sync_notconnectplatform" : "Unable to connect to $1", "zc_zoho_store" : "Zoho Store", "zc_js_reports_criteria" : "Select a table to set criteria", "zc_js_topic_selection_error" : "Topic Field cannot be empty, Select a Topic.", "zc_autoresponder_newseasonal_group" : "New Seasonal Group", "zc_js_tag_empty" : "Please enter a name for your video.", "zc_js_settings_sync_books_account_already_used" : "This Zoho Books account is already used in another organization.", "zc_js_workflowv2_mapped_tag_programs" : "workflows", "zc_js_insights" : "insights", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_exercised" : "Exercised the Right to be Forgotten", "zc_js_products_file_name_exceeds" : "File name should not exceed 50 characters.", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_move_to_regular_list" : "The set criteria will be discarded when you change a smart list to a regular list. Do you want to continue?", "zc_campaigns_add_unsub_contacts_registry_note" : "Contacts added to the Unsubscribed Contacts Registry will not receive emails unless they resubscribe via signup form or moved back to mailing lists by you.", "zc_js_roles_privilege_details" : "Privilege Details", "zc_consent_multi_purpose_selected_purpose_not_conreq" : "For the selected purpose, you need not get explicit consent from your contacts.", "zc_js_setting_newui_deliverbility" : "DELIVERABILITY", "zc_js_no_subs_privilege" : "No Subscriber Access Privilege", "zh_product_view_insights" : "Insights", "zc_campaign_coupon_prefix_empty" : "Prefix can not be empty", "zc_js_editor_ics_nameerrormsg" : "You've exceeded the character limit of $1 characters", "zc_editor_builder_upload_imagewarning" : "This format is not supported. (Formats supported: gif, jpg, png)", "zc_js_AddContactsType" : "Add Contacts", "zc_leadgeneration_internal_error" : "An Internal occurred while uploading your image. Please try after sometime", "zc_js_signupform_page_background" : "Page background", "zc_js_workflowv2_popupline_product_specific" : "Contacts who purchase the specific product you select will enter this workflow.", "zc_default_list_enable_topic" : "You need to have a default list for the topic to enable it.", "zc_js_programs_trace_removed_by_user" : "Removed by user", "zc_js_mailing_list_locked_segment_action_blocking" : "This action cannot be performed as the list associated with the segment $1 is locked.", "zc_js_programs_store" : "Select a store", "zc_js_linkclickacticity" : "Link Click Activity", "zc_campaigns_same_forward_address" : "Forward-to address will be same for all the recipients.", "zc_emailbased_workflow_sendmail_configure_warning_msg" : "You cannot activate workflow as you've configured send email option. This feature is not supported in email based plan. <a class='linktxt' href='' target='_blank'>Click here</a> to know more.", "zc_js_settings_integ_highrise_apikey_errMsg" : "Provide Authentication Token", "zc_gravatar_process_disable" : "Are you sure you want to disable the access to your Gravatar account?", "zc_js_contacts_sync_lead_recipients_msg" : "Push data to lead is limited to records that have mandatory fields such as first name, last name, email address, company name, etc.\n\nDo you want to continue?", "zc_js_themes_not_having_privilege" : "You do not have the sufficient privilege to clone this theme.", "zc_js_date_on" : "On", "zc_sms_senderid_err" : "Please enter the sender id", "zc_js_sync_errmsg_no_optout" : "Please add \"Email Opt-out\" field in your module to enable this toggle", "zc_js_date_yesterday" : "Yesterday", "zc_js_domain_delete_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_js_contact_tags_select_color" : "Please select a tag color", "zc_js_date_today" : "Today", "zc_editor_builder_height_maxmsg" : "Height cannot exceed 1200 px.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_sender_address" : "Are you sure you want to delete this sender address?", "zc_js_rss_sc_url_empty_msg" : "Please enter a URL.", "zc_js_webhook_filter_overlooked" : "Overlooked webhooks", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_lead_stage_movements" : "Lead stage movements", "zc_js_common_filter_select_topic" : "Please select a topic", "zc_topic_associated_delete_case" : "This topic is associated with a signup form. If the topic is deleted, subscribers will no longer be able to sign up via the form.", "zc_js_sync_monthlimit_reached.recruit" : "You can only initiate 15 Recruit syncs in a month. You'll have to wait till the next month to create another Recruit sync.", "zc_js_save_success" : "Preferences are saved successfully.", "zc_single_purpose_topic_swtich" : "You cannot enable Topic Management when you are in \"Single Purpose\". Switch to \"Multiple Purposes\" if you want to continue GDPR compliant email marketing. You can also change your type of email marketing if you want to use \"Topics\"", "zc_js_domain_spf_empty_record_fix" : "Copy the SPF host name and TXT record from Zoho Campaigns and publish it on your DNS. If you have already added this, please note that it may take within 24 - 48 hours to be published in DNS.", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_searchdomains" : "Search domains", "zc_js_campaigns_usermaxlimit" : "You cannot add more than $1 users in an organization.", "zc_js_test_email_report_landed_spam" : "Report - Email Landed in Spam", "zc_settings_senderaddress_alreadyPresentin_anotherOrg" : "This email address is already added as a sender address in another account. Please contact us at", "zc_js_mailpolicy_missinginfo" : "Please  provide the missing information", "zc_js_programs_status_completed" : "Completed", "zc_js_sss_separate_limit_change_info" : "You've chosen to have a separate campaign policy for both the Zoho apps. You can change the current settings for both apps in Settings --> Campaign policy.", "zc_js_autoresponders_unopen_series" : "Unopen Series", "zc_js_html_editor_top" : "Top", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_resuming_program" : "Resuming workflow...", "zc_integ_migration_banner_content" : "We recently implemented important changes to how Zoho Campaigns integrates with other applications. To benefit from these improvements, we strongly recommend that you migrate to this new sync model on or before June 30,2024", "zc_js_sending" : "Sending", "zc_js_delete_subscribers_from_list" : "Are you sure you want to delete contacts from this list?", "zc_js_contacts_hide_contacts" : "Hide Contacts", "zc_js_calendar_remdel" : "Delete Reminder?", "zc_js_social_ei_ready2sch" : "We are ready to schedule your campaign.", "zc_js_cmp_address_empty" : "Provide company address", "zc_js_integrated_in_hub" : "Store already integrated in hub", "zc_leadstats_Last_Six_Months" : "Last six months", "zc_js_campaign_cant_schedule_past_coupon_date" : "Past Coupon Expiry date", "zc_js_nodatefield_analytics" : "No DateField is present in your Analytics table.Hence contact sync is not allowed.Contacts can only be fetched once.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_open_na" : "N/O", "zc_common_later" : "Later", "zc_js_tag_untag_popup_heading" : "UnTag Contact", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_choose_add_score" : "Select a score value to be added to contacts who reach this stage of workflow.", "zc_crm_sync_last_retrieval_list_view" : "Last Retrieved", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_assigntag" : "ON ASSIGNING TAG", "zc_js_possible_segments" : "possible segments", "zc_js_products_product_customer_level" : "Product customer level", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_reports_error3" : "This contact has not entered the workflow", "zc_campaign_coupon_social_empty" : "Social Coupon cannot be empty", "zc_js_common_reason" : "Reason", "zc_js_customprograms_item_crm_task_mapping_error" : "Please map fields to proceed ", "zc_campaigns_crm_replyto_info" : "Uses contact owner's address from Zoho CRM to fill the reply-to address automatically.", "zc_js_massdelete_warning" : "Are you sure you want to delete all the contacts of the view", "zc_js_single_page_provide_subject_line" : "Provide a subject line", "zc_dashboard_recent_workflow_widget" : "Recent Workflows", "zc_filter_empty_campaign_search_msg" : "There are no campaigns matching your search criteria", "zc_js_close_link" : "Close Link", "zc_js_journey_owners_assigned_by_round_robin" : "Owners assigned by round robin method", "zc_js_campaign_has_send_success" : "Your campaign will be sent shortly.", "zc_js_contextual_scheduled_after_reviewed" : "Your campaign will be scheduled after our moderation team reviews it.", "zc_js_programs_unresponsive" : "Unresponsive", "zc_common_field_name" : "Field Name", "zc_js_advreports_Last3month" : "Last 3 Months", "zc_js_campaign_list_associate_selected_topics" : "The contacts in this mailing list have been associated with the selected topics", "zc_js_clicked_any_link" : "Clicked any link", "zc_js_programs_trace_ignore_content" : "Ignore Reason", "zc_integration_denied_linkedin_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not share your campaigns with LinkedIn.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not post your campaigns on LinkedIn.</span></div>", "zc_js_sync_monthlimit_reached_platform" : "You can only initiate 50 $1 syncs in a month. You'll have to wait till the next month to create another  $1 sync.", "zc_js_programs_no_other_trigger_added" : "You cannot pair $1 trigger with other triggers", "zc_integ_connected" : "Connected", "zc_js_settings_subscription_choose_ec" : "Please select a plan in the Pay-As-You-Use Model.", "zc_scoring_criteria_limit_exceeded" : "You can only create a maximum of 3 custom rules", "zc_programs_sms_missed_reason_no_auth" : "Integration denied", "zc_js_mailing_lists_merge_completed_success_notification" : "Your lists have been merged successfully.", "zc_js_date_tomorrow_onwards" : "Tomorrow Onwards", "zc_editor_html_editor_trebuchet" : "Trebuchet", "zc_sms_cred_error_desc" : "Please provide correct credentials, $1 gave response code:$2 and error description:$3 with your credentials.", "zc_js_use_segment_criteria_invalid_criteria_error" : "You cannot clone this segment due to one of the following reasons.", "zc_js_journey_to_webinar_ending_time" : "Webinar ending time", "zc_status_sendingshortly" : "Sending Shortly", "zc_auto_prompt" : "Are you sure you want to move the selected autoresponder(s) to another folder?", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_list" : "List entry", "zc_js_settings_integ_invalidstoreurl_msg" : "Invalid store url.", "zc_js_programs_license_insufficient_email_credits" : "Insufficient email credits", "zc_js_programs_trigger_holiday" : "Holiday trigger", "zc_programs_ignore_reason_donotmail" : "Added to Do not Mail", "zc_js_sync_pushFilds_confrimMsg" : "Fields selected under \"Push Member Status as Fields\" will get updated with the Campaigns report and will overwrite the data present already. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_role_privilege_reactivate_subscribers_confirmation_heading_title" : "Reactivate Contacts", "zc_js_sf_height_between_msg" : "Height should be between 1px and 600px.", "zc_js_coupon_no_contacts" : "Contacts not available.", "zc_js_domain_spf_msg1" : "If you have an existing SPF record for your domain, add $1 after v=spf1.\n\n Example: v=spf1 $1.", "zc_js_webhooks_module_status_deleted" : "Deleted", "zc_js_sync_optoutfiled_notexistMsg" : "Selected module does not have the \"Email Opt-out\" field. If you have removed this field, please re-add it in the respective module of your CRM account. To re-add the Email Opt-out field, go to Setup --> Customization --> Layouts Section --> Drag & Drop the \"Email Opt-out\" field from the Removed Fields section.", "zc_js_downloading" : "Downloading", "zc_js_leadscore" : "Lead Scoring", "zc_js_org_segment_associate_selected_topics" : "The contacts in this segment have been associated with the selected topics", "zc_js_autoresponders_restartauto" : "Restarting this message will restart the autoresponder also", "zc_js_websiteautomation_connect" : "Connect", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_date_field" : "Date field", "zc_js_programs_error_cloning_start" : "Error occured while starting clone operation", "zc_js_cmp_empty_err_msg" : "Please select at least one campaign", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_tag_ass" : "Tag assigned", "zc_js_sync_time_errMsg" : "We found another active sync running in specified time. We suggest you to choose alternate time to proceed.", "zc_js_workflow_unforeseen_error_msg" : "We encountered an unexpected error while doing this operation. Please retry after some time or send an email to to report this issue.", "zc_integration_denied_gphotos_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your Google Photos will not be imported.</span></div>", "zc_js_date_till_yesterday" : "Till Yesterday", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_program_exit_desc" : "Set conditions to decide when a contact should exit the workflow.", "zc_js_domain_delete_msg" : "This will remove the entire setup you've done for your domain. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_themes_title" : "Themes", "zc_js_isbirthdayday" : "date is", "zc_integration_denied_googleanalytics_msg" : "Denying this integration will stop the Google Analytics report from beings integrated.", "zc_js_contacts_cmp_cv_free_errMsg" : "This option does not apply to free users of Zoho Campaigns. Upgrade your Zoho Campaigns account to avail this option.", "zc_product_already_exists" : "A product with this name already exists", "zc_js_enter_template_name" : "Provide a name for your template.", "zc_js_lead_generation_lead_stage_breadcrumb" : "Lead Stages", "zc_editor_builder_box_min_errormsg_width" : "A Box should contain a minimum of 30%.", "zc_js_segment_selected_from" : "Segment selected from", "zc_js_common_filter_desccending_order" : "Descending Order", "zc_js_autoresponders_send" : "send", "zc_js_contacts_topic_enter_valid_goal" : "Please select a valid goal", "zc_campaigns_import_unsub_contacts_registry_head" : "Import to Unsubscribed Contacts Registry", "zc_js_is_replied" : "is replied", "zc_integration_denied_googlecontacts_msg" : "Denying this integration will disable any active syncs.", "zc_customscore_default_enable" : "Default scoring enabled", "zc_js_bulk_segment_selected_paid_version_msg" : "With your current subscription plan, you cannot send campaigns to the bulk segments selected previously and they will be removed when you proceed.", "zc_js_role_privilege_common_apply_subscribers_self_only" : "Note: Due to insufficient privilege, this will be applied to your contacts only.", "zc_js_campaigns_timewarp_describenew" : "We will schedule and send your campaign at the given time for the recipients time zone.", "zc_unconfirm_confirmation_email_success_msg" : "Confirmation email sent successfully.", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_error_choose_date_field" : "Please choose the Date field", "zc_js_subscriber_classification_desc" : "Segment contacts into <strong>most-engaged</strong>, <strong>progressing</strong>, and <strong>getting started</strong> based on activities.", "zc_js_tags_text" : "Tags", "zc_js_hub_plan_not_supported_common_message" : "You can avail the $1 feature by upgrading to a Premium plan.", "zc_settings_sync_NumberWarning" : "Please select a number field", "zc_js_sync_upgradeplanForRestart" : "Your account has reached maximum contact limit. Restart import after upgrading your plan.", "zh_product_audience_group_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this audience group?", "zc_js_sync_optoutfiled_notexistMsg.recruit" : "Selected module does not have the \"Email Opt-out\" field. If you have removed this field, please re-add it in the respective module of your Recruit account. To re-add the Email Opt-out field, go to Setup --> Customization --> Layouts Section --> Drag & Drop the \"Email Opt-out\" field from the Removed Fields section.", "zc_js_signupform_topic" : "Drag & Drop your topics here", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_link" : "Link Clicks", "zc_trial_info_msg" : "<div style='text-align:left;margin-left:10px;'>Trial campaign will have the following</div><br><li style='text-align:left;margin-left:30px;'>Exclude Contacts will be disabled.</li><li style='text-align:left;margin-left:30px;'>Email policy will not be applied.</li><li style='text-align:left;margin-left:30px;'>Only ten trial campaigns can be sent per day.</li><li style='text-align:left;margin-left:30px;'>Only twenty five recipients can be selected.</li>", "zc_js_webhook_invalid_parameter_name" : "Please enter a valid parameter name.", "zc_js_cyclic_year_feb_err_msg" : "Please select another date. Workflows cannot be scheduled on 29th February for a non-leap year.", "zc_editor_social_merge_tags" : "Social Merge Tags", "zc_js_settings_sync_select_list" : "Please select a list.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_only_error" : "Same trigger cannot be added twice.", "zc_segment_access_contact_admin" : "You do not have permission to access these segments. Please contact your org administrator for details.", "zc_js_button_text" : "Please give a text to the button before you save and proceed.", "zc_js_products_product_compare_customer_gained" : "Customers gained", "zc_js_no_privilege_to_library_form" : "You do not have library privilege to perform this action.", "zc_js_email_address_is_primary_email_address" : "The given email address is your primary email address. Provide another email address.", "zc_programs_associate_mailing_list" : "Select List", "zc_js_html_editor_table_row" : "Rows", "zc_js_sms_maximum_urls" : "Maxumim two URLs are Allowed", "zc_js_show_exclude_details" : "View Details", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_primary_list_heading_desc" : "You cannot set this list as a primary list from here. Go to Contacts -> Manage Topics -> Choose a topic and select the primary list.", "zc_js_goal_achieved_count" : "Goal Achieved Count", "zc_js_roles_and_privileges" : "Roles And Privileges", "zc_js_special_characters_and_spaces" : "Special characters and spaces are not allowed.", "zc_brand_topic_last_purpose" : "You cannot delete this brand topic. It is the last purpose.", "zc_js_subscriber_associatedtopics" : "Associated Topics", "zc_create_product" : "Product has been created successfully", "zc_js_reached_creating_reminder_messages" : "Reached creating reminder messages", "zc_list_clone_entities_associated" : "Following entities will be associated with the list clone.", "zc_js_common_tuesday" : "Tuesday", "zc_js_programs_resume" : "Resume", "zc_js_programs_schedule_updated" : "Schedule updated successfully.", "zc_js_other_crm_enter_valid_url" : "Please enter a valid instance URL", "zc_js_programs_simple_case_not_received" : "is not received", "zc_js_sc_installing" : "Installing", "zc_js_programs_condition_text" : "Condition", "zc_js_settings_themes_text_size" : "Text length should be less than 1000 characters", "zc_js_customprograms_selected_products" : "Selected Products", "zc_leadstats_leads_criteria" : "Lead criteria", "zc_js_domain_spf_matched_dup_record" : "Your SPF record has matched, but there are many other SPF records in your DNS for this domain. We recommend that you maintain a single SPF record for your domain. Below is the existing SPF record we found in your DNS.", "zc_js_campaigns_license_error" : "License Error", "zc_js_campaigns_schedulelater_batchsend" : "Send in Batches", "zc_editor_poll_smiley_pollexpiredmsg" : "It's closed. Thanks for your interest.", "zc_js_products_product_customers_xaxis" : "Customers", "zc_js_hard_bounce" : "Hard Bounce", "zc_advreports_unopenedSubscribers" : "Never opened", "zc_js_select_subscribers_consent_email" : "Select contacts for this consent email.", "zc_js_campaign_field_empty" : "Select at least one Zoho Campaigns field to proceed.", "zc_js_campaigns_create_zohoformscampaign" : "Zoho Forms Campaign", "zc_js_import_queue" : "Import in Queue", "zc_js_advreports_openPercentage" : "Open Percentage", "zc_js_length_greater_than_$1" : "Field length should be greater than $1.", "zc_hover_viewdetails" : "Displays the detail view of selected campaign.", "zc_js_mapemail" : "Contact Email should be mapped", "zc_dashboard_plan_widget" : "Your Plan", "zc_js_journey_when_lead_score" : "When lead score", "zc_manage_list_split_criteria_setup_save_popup" : "These changes will overwrite the existing criteria.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_content_activate_alert" : "Are you sure you want to activate this content?", "zc_js_select_min_two_campaigns" : "Select at least two campaigns to compare.", "zc_cmp_stop" : "You cannot start a new chain campaign because your previous chain has been stopped/paused.", "zc_js_mapped_tag_delete_common_message" : "This tag is configured to $1. Deleting this tag will disable the $2. Are you sure you want to delete this?", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_pagevisit_popup_title" : "The workflow will trigger when contacts visit the webpage you select.", "zc_campaigns_add_unsub_contacts_registry_head" : "Add to Unsubscribed Contacts Registry", "zc_js_common_schedule" : "Schedule", "zc_js_settings_integ_highrise_sitename_msg" : "Your Highrise Site address(The \"janedoe\" part of", "zc_js_delete_segment_auto" : "One of the autoresponders is mapped to this segment. Deleting the segment will stop the mapped autoresponders. Do you still want to delete?", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_searchfiles" : "Search files", "zc_js_enter_valid_brithdayfieldvalue" : "Please provide a valid field value.", "zc_js_no_sc_search_result" : "No post campaign found.", "zc_js_consent_status_disabled_cannot_start_trigger" : "The consent series is disabled. Please enable it to start this message.", "zc_disengaged_subscribers_new" : "Inactive Contacts", "zc_js_cannot_add_please_ask_signup" : "You cannot add this contact, please ask this contact to signup again.", "zc_js_calendar_hidereminderoptions" : "Hide Reminder Options", "zc_js_no_possible_segments" : "No segments possible", "zc_js_page_owned_another_user" : "This Page Tab is owned by another user.", "zc_js_managecontacts" : "All Contacts", "zc_js_auditlogs" : "Audit Logs", "zc_js_zohowebinar_account" : "You don't have a Zoho Meeting account. Please create one to integrate.", "zc_js_role_privilege_no_mailing_list_create_privilege" : "You do not have permission to create a mailing list.", "zc_js_close" : "Close", "zc_js_single_ab_intesting_errmsg" : "You've selected an A/B campaign which is still in the testing phase. Please select another campaign.", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_date" : "Datefield", "zc_subscriberstats_Lead_view_name" : "Score-based view name", "zc_js_sms_characters" : "characters", "zc_js_tag_not_allowed" : "The merge tag you are trying to use in the URL is not supported.", "zc_js_sm_survet_not_fount" : "The survey is not found in your SurveyMonkey account.", "zc_js_journey_deal_amount" : "Deal amount", "zc_js_autoreponder_cannt_enable" : "As dynamic sender address enabled, you cann't enable this option", "zc_js_programs_error_select_update_type" : "You have not selected any update type.", "zc_js_google_inactive" : "Your Google Analytics Account is Inactive.", "zc_js_attachment_file_size_exceed_msg" : "The file size has exceeded the maximum limit of $1 MB.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_confirm_template_delete" : "You cannot retrieve the template once deleted. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_advreports_clickPercentage" : "Click Percentage", "zc_js_upgrade" : "Upgrade", "zc_js_programs_lead_stage" : "Lead stage", "zc_js_signupform_footer_settings" : "Footer Settings", "zc_js_programs_selected_tag_deleted_indraft" : "Tag associated with this action has been deleted. Associate another tag before activating.", "zc_js_setting_gdpr_disabled" : "Disable GDPR?", "zc_js_sync_nomodules" : "You don't have any custom module in Zoho CRM.", "zc_js_configure_content" : "Please configure your content.", "zc_campaigns_dynamic_info_rptrack" : "Uses contacts' specific custom field values to dynamically change the sender address.", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_audiencechange_7days" : "Last 7 days", "zc_js_cmp_width_more" : "Width cannot be more than 999 pixels.", "zc_js_contact_deleted_want_reactivate" : "This contact has been deleted from your organization. Are you sure you want to re-add this contact?", "zc_js_sync_enable_invalid_ticket" : "We cannot enable this sync as the ZSC key is invalid.", "zc_fieldscoring_disable_msg_new" : "Do you want to disable this field scoring?", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_lead_stage" : "Lead stage movement", "zc_js_sf_optin_consent_field" : "Consent Opt-in", "zc_js_programs_Ignored__from_trigger_condition" : "Ignored via Trigger condition", "zc_js_programs_schedule_after_full" : "After $1 $2", "zc_js_delete_this_post" : "Are you sure you want to delete this post?", "zc_js_common_saving" : "Saving", "zc_js_settings_themes_customization_of" : "Customization of $1", "zc_programs_associate_event" : "Select Event", "zc_js_programs_trace_contact_not_in_workspace" : "Contact doesn't satisfy a workspace criteria.", "zc_js_sync_optoutfiled_errMsg" : "An error occurred due to the \"Exclude Email Opt-out Contacts\" option. Please uncheck this option.", "zc_js_list_create_email" : "Create Email", "zc_js_account_custom_fields" : "Account Custom Fields", "zc_js_calendar_selcountry" : "Select Countries", "zc_leadsub_sent" : "sent", "zc_js_filter_contacts_cv_updatesuccess" : "Custom view updated successfully.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_evb" : "Eventbrite", "zc_js_social_ei_cmp_sendnw" : "This campaign will be sent when you start your page campaign.", "zc_js_make_invisible" : "Make as Invisible", "zc_js_role_privilege_segment_delete_additional_note_apply_subscribers_self_only" : "Due to insufficient privilege, this will be applied only to your contacts.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_anonymize1" : "Anonymous Tracking", "zc_js_library_images_folder_created_success" : "Folder created successfully.", "zc_report_sender_no_sent" : "No of emails sent", "zc_journey_emailactivity" : "Email Activity", "zc_js_rss_sc_char_maxlen_err_msg" : "Limit reached. Please enter a keyword below 50 characters.", "zc_js_deprecated_send_survey" : "The Send survey component is deprecated from workflows. Please replace it with send email component to send out surveys to your contacts", "zc_js_sync_v3_crm_sync_paused" : "This sync has been paused.", "zc_js_campaigns_mailBlock_msg" : "Email sending has been temporarily blocked for your account. This might be due to high number of bounces, unsubscribes, or spam complaints. Please contact our support team at to enable sending.", "zc_js_domainauth_info" : "You have authenticated all your sender domains. You can safely send your emails with a better delivery rate.", "zc_js_sf_display_text_empty" : "Display text cannot be empty.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_program_switchTab" : "Exit the workflow", "zc_editor_coupen_merge_tags" : "Coupon Merge Tags", "zc_js_achieved" : "Achieved", "zc_hover_reportsummary" : "Displays the report summary of select campaign.", "zc_js_created_by_$1" : "Created by: $1", "zc_js_insights_back" : "Back", "zc_delete_product_alert" : "Are you sure you want to delete the product \"$1\"?", "zc_js_google_sheetErrmsg" : "Sheet not found.", "zc_js_campaigns_name_error" : "The name field cannot be left blank.", "zc_editor_tour_signupenable_msg" : "You've opted for signup form subscriptions in this mailing list. You can, however, change the setting here, if you like.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_selected_allaction" : "You are Selected All Actions.", "zc_sms_unselected_gateway_text" : "If you have not integrated with any of the gateways yet, click on a gateway below and follow the steps to integrate from here.", "zc_js_valid_date_time" : "Please select a date.", "zc_js_apis_title" : "APIs", "zc_settings_sync_dontallow" : "Don't allow", "zc_integration_denied_pipedrive_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>PipeDrive records will not be synced with Zoho Campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All active syncs will be disabled.</span></div>", "zc_leadgeneration_Hidden_value_cannot_be_empty" : "Hidden value cannot be empty", "zc_stick_this_one" : "Stick with this One", "zc_js_want_to_delete_contacts_list_singular" : "Are you sure you want to remove this contact from your account?", "zc_js_segment_clear_subscriber_scheduled" : "Clearing contacts from this segment will take a few minutes.", "zc_js_social_ei_crete_new" : "Create New Invite", "zc_editor_comment_merge_tags" : "Comment Merge Tags", "zc_js_programs_contact_migration_cancel" : "Cancel Migration", "zc_js_sf_reports_convpercent" : "Conversion percentage", "zc_editor_builder_height_emptymsg" : "Height field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_user" : "Are you sure you want to delete this user?", "zc_js_internal_error_common_request" : "An internal error occurred while completing your request. Please try again later.", "zc_importsummary_export_nopermission" : "You do not have permission to export the summary", "zc_js_contacts_sync_notconnectcrm" : "Unable to connect to Zoho CRM.", "zc_js_pagecampaigns" : "Page Campaigns", "zc_websiteautomation_field_delete_msg" : "This field is used in a goal. Deleting it will stop the goal. Do you still want to delete?", "zc_js_content_limit_linkedin" : "Your content has exceeded the maximum limit for LinkedIn.", "zc_js_common_cv_deleted_msg1" : "The tag related to the view has been deleted.", "zc_js_common_cv_deleted_msg2" : "You do not have permission to access this tag.", "zc_js_cmp_service_sync_data_separate" : "Separate limits", "zc_js_programs_reminder_selectlink_specificclick" : "Select links for specific clicks", "zc_js_domain_spf_missing_end_fix" : "SPF records must end with '~all'. Check this in your DNS and update the accurate record.", "zc_js_common_click_rate" : "Click rate", "zc_js_journey_to_webinar_start_time" : "Webinar starting time", "zc_js_cmp_header_width_empty" : "Header width cannot be empty.", "zc_js_tags_assign_text" : "Assign Tags", "zc_js_subscribers_list_myown_list" : "My Lists", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_missed_goal" : "Missed goal", "zc_js_ph_num_not_valid" : "Invalid phone number.", "zc_js_workflow" : "Workflow", "zc_js_settings_want_to_disable_notification_msg" : "Are you sure you want to disable Report Notification for your organization?", "zc_js_autoresponders_days" : "Days", "zc_js_filter_contacts_cv_updatecvwarning" : "Are you sure you want to update this view?", "zc_js_select_a_store" : "Please choose a store", "zc_journey_configure_crmtask" : "Configure CRM tasks", "zc_js_sm_user_access_error_msg" : "You do not have the privilege to perform this action.", "zc_js_domain_spf_wrong_record_fix" : "SPF records must begin with a single 'v=spf1' and end with a '~all'. Check this in your DNS and update the accurate record.", "zc_js_sync_v3_crm_move_to_newtopics.migration" : "This migration cannot be completed as the new CRM integration model supports the <a class=\"linktxt mr20\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">updated version of Topics</a>. Go to Contact -> Topics and proceed.", "zc_js_test_mails_addlimit" : "You have reached your limit for adding new email addresses for test mail. Please choose from the existing list.", "zc_js_programs_error_send_for_review" : "Unable to send for review. Please try again.", "zc_js_calendar_april" : "April", "zc_js_desk_field_empty" : "Select at least one Desk field to proceed.", "zc_editor_builder_sign_emptymsg" : "You need to have at least three social widgets.", "zc_js_sf_custom_aspect_ratio" : "Custom aspect ratio", "zc_js_webhook_actions_canceled" : "Canceled", "zc_js_event_accountNotConfigured" : "Eventbrite account not configured.", "zc_leadgeneration_Thank_you_Page_Preview" : "Thank You Page - Preview", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Send_Settings" : "Send Settings", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_master_badge_content" : "Master", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_error_contactsizenew1" : "Batch sending requires at least 200 contacts.", "zc_js_customfunc_value_err" : "Please provide a value.", "zc_js_campaigns_create_eventcampaign" : "Eventbrite Campaign", "zc_sub_type_already_has_type" : "$1 contact already has $2 subscription type", "zc_js_settings_integ_cm_emailMsg" : "The email address you use to sign into Zoho Contact Manager", "zc_campaign_coupon_social_length" : "The Social Coupon Code must be between 4-16 characters.", "zc_js_programs_frozen" : "Frozen", "zc_js_library_images_upload_success" : "Image(s) uploaded successfully.", "zc_js_cmp_public_domain_msg" : "We recommend you to use your business email address and not a public domain address.", "zc_js_journey_score_to_be_added" : "Score to be added", "zc_folder_prompt" : "Are you sure you want to move the selected campaign(s) to another folder?", "zc_js_more_options" : "More options", "zc_js_product_lead_import_later" : "Leads will be imported soon", "zc_js_txt_read_error" : "Unable to save your content. Please contact us at", "zc_js_page_delete_tab" : "Deleting a tab will cancel the running page campaign and those scheduled will not start. Do you want to delete the tab?", "zc_js_html_editor_alternative_text" : "Alternate text", "zc_js_dormant_campaign_count" : "You've reached the maximum limit of 10 campaigns to be marked as dormant for the day.", "zc_dashboard_recent_pagecampaign_widget" : "Recent Page Campaigns", "zc_js_subscriber_source" : "Contact Source", "zc_js_contextual_batchsend_error_contactsizenew1" : "You need to have more than 200 contacts to send the campaign in batches.", "zc_js_specify_an_industry" : "Specify an industry", "zc_js_calendar_february" : "February", "zc_js_settings_delete_custom_field_entites" : "Deleting a custom field will affect the following entities:", "zc_plan_not_supported_follow_up_ecommcamp_description" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to follow up on sent ecommerce campaigns.", "zc_js_merge_image_error" : "Failed to load the thumbnail image. Please recheck the video link you've provided.", "zc_js_list_already_sel_msg" : "This list is already selected.", "zc_js_sync_errmsg_fld_datatype_mismatch" : "Selected fields are of different data types and cannot be mapped. Please select a field combination with similar data types", "zc_js_customfield_checkbox_defaultvalues" : "Please provide a default display values to when the boxes are either checked or unchecked.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_restart_status" : "Your autoresponder has already been restarted. Please try reloading this page to continue.", "zc_js_nowebinar_selected" : "How about adding a webinar to the parent campaign before you start cloning?", "zc_js_segment_trigger_trigger_for" : "Trigger for $1", "zc_js_contacts_mass_revertcontacts_planlimit_reached" : "The number of selected contacts exceeds your maximum plan limit. Upgrade your subscription plan to reactivate more contacts.", "zc_import_status_file_read" : "File read", "zc_js_autoresponders_link" : "Link", "zc_editor_component_dynamic_properties" : "Dynamic Properties", "zc_js_contacts_sync_cretor_app_delete_msg" : "This sync cannot be edited, as the synced application might have been changed or deleted.", "zc_js_customfunc_arbname_err" : "Please provide a name.", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_unsubscribe_text" : "The workflow will trigger when contacts unsubscribe from the list you select", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_unsub" : "Unsubscribes", "zc_js_massupdate_finish_scheduler_msg" : "<div class='p20 bdrbtm f20  txtcnt'><span class='fr'><i class='zcicon-closex f20 csrpntr fr' onclick='massupdatesuccess()'></i></span>Mass Update Fields</div><div class='mt20 f14'><div class='ml20 f16 txtgreen  lineheight'>Mass update successful!</div><div class=' p20'><div class=' ml20 cmpfrm w80'><ul><li class='vm'><label>Number of contacts selected:</label></li><li class='vm'><div class='f15'>$1</div></li></ul><ul><li class='vm'><label>Field updated:</label></li><li><div class='f15'>$2</div></li></ul><ul><li class='vm'><label>$4:</label></li><li><div class='f15'>$3</div></li></ul></div></div><div class='txtnormal p20 lineheight'><span><strong>Note:</strong></span> This will take a few minutes. You will receive an email notification once the mass update is complete.</div></div>", "zc_js_programs_activate_error_process_criteria" : "Error occurred with eject criteria. Please edit criteria and try again", "zc_webinar_registrants_seg" : "Webinar registrants", "zc_js_sms_duplicate_urls" : "Duplicate URLs found, please remove one", "zc_js_programs_trigger_configured" : "Trigger configured", "zc_settings_manage_senders" : "Manage Senders", "zc_js_subscriber_count" : "Contact Count", "zc_js_programs_response_link_click" : "Any link click", "zc_js_contacs_crmsync_contacts_open_disable_note" : "Note: Disabling the button will stop pushing the opened recipient's data to Contacts module.", "zc_js_programs_connection_error" : "Unable to connect. Please try again.", "zc_js_html_editor_img_file_format" : "Please select an image file of the following formats", "zc_js_programs_activation_configure_action" : "Configure the action", "zc_js_create_action_value_maxlen" : "Value cannot exceed 50 characters.", "zc_js_products_product_cross_name_err" : "Please name your cross promotion campaign", "zc_integration_denied_unbounce_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>  We will not import your leads and the related information from Unbounce.</span></div>", "zc_js_contact_support_fill_all_fields" : "Please fill out all the fields", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_enter" : "Entered", "zc_consent_staus_VitalIntrst" : "Vital Interest", "zc_js_customfunc_empty_script_error" : "Script cannot be left blank.", "zc_editor_component_text_properties" : "Text Properties", "zc_js_delete_autoresponder" : "Once this autoresponder has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_contacts_recruit_free_module_errMsg" : "You cannot create more than one sync per module as a free user of Zoho Recruit.", "zc_js_workflowv2_tltpval_program_exit" : "Your contacts will exit the workflow upon reaching this stage.", "zc_js_your_friend_name" : "Please enter the name.", "zc_js_more_details" : "More Details", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_mandatory" : "Trigger configuration is mandatory", "zc_js_autoresponder_successfully_exported" : "Contacts exported successfully", "zc_js_html_editor_subject" : "Subject", "zc_integration_denied_brite_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Contacts will not be imported.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs w80'>Eventbrite campaigns in draft cannot be sent, but campaigns that are scheduled or in progress or in testing will be sent as usual.</span></div><div class='mt30'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Eventbrite stats and results will not be generated.</span></div>", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_note_order_follow" : "Contacts will enter this workflow as soon as they purchase a product from your store.", "zc_js_programs_error_action_deleted" : "This action does not exist.", "zc_folder_rssconfirm" : "You have selected RSS campaign. Moving a single RSS campaign will move the entire set of RSS. Do you want to continue?", "zc_js_calendar_unselectcountrydel" : "Reminders of the deselected countries will be deleted.", "zc_js_page_below_fans" : "You need a minimum of 2000 followers on Facebook for installing this app tab on your page.", "zc_js_length_cannot_empty" : "The length field cannot be left blank.", "zc_contacts_sync_moduleName" : "Module Name", "zc_webinar_registered_for" : "registered for", "zc_js_contacts_select_atleast_single_list" : "Select at least one mailing list.", "zc_js_sm_cant_cncl_msg" : "You cannot approve or deny this configuration.", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_lead_stage" : "LEAD STAGE", "zc_js_url_length_exceeds" : "The requested URL is too long to process.", "zc_plan_not_supported_recommend_description" : "Use recommendation to auto-suggest products to your customers based on store behaviour.", "zc_js_consent_mp_admin_popup2" : "Categorize lists", "zc_crm_integ_env_plcholder" : "--Select CRM environment--", "zc_js_comp_address" : "Company Address", "zc_js_global_search_subscriber_category_title" : "Status", "zc_free_litmus_offer_under_validation_msg" : "We will send you an email once the review is processed.", "zc_js_common_contacts" : "Contacts", "zh_product_max_limit_customer_level" : "You've reached the maximum limit of $1 customer levels for an organization.", "zc_js_fromname_msg" : "A recognizable name is more likely to get opened by your contacts. It can be your company name or brand name.", "zc_js_page_unpublished_reconfigure" : "This page is unpublished. If you have published your page, please go to Settings-->Integrations and click Change Account to reconfigure", "zc_js_programs_error_configure_mapping" : "Oops, you didn't map your Campaigns fields with your CRM account.", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_autores_date_title" : "Date", "zc_js_deprecated_threeway" : "The three-way condition is deprecated. Replace it with the multi-way condition component available under the Condition section.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>  ", "zc_js_integ_zsckey_invalid" : "The ZSC key is invalid for the Zoho CRM account", "zc_js_pause_inprogress" : "This will stop sending the email campaign. Are you sure you want to pause?", "zc_js_gdpr_popup_eu_user_new_content" : "With Zoho Campaigns, complying with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes effortless. Since you are part of the EU, it is mandatory that your account is tailored to suit the GDPR requirements.", "zc_js_settings_portal_default" : "Default Portal", "zc_js_programs_confirm_action_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this action?", "zc_js_hide" : "Hide", "zc_plan_not_supported_dynamic_description" : "Use dynamic content to send tailor-made personalized content to recipients based on their field value.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_abd" : "Abandoned cart", "zc_js_enter_search_value" : "Please enter a search value.", "zc_editor_clonecmpboth_alertmsg" : "You cannot clone ICS and poll component. They will be removed from the column you wish to clone.", "zc_js_age_in_days" : "Age in Days", "zc_free_litmus_offer_under_validation" : "Your review is being validated by our team.", "zc_js_contacts_mass_revertcontacts_inprogress" : "Reactivating contacts in this view is already inprogress.", "zc_js_test_mail_group_email_not_allowed" : "Group emails are not allowed.", "zc_js_settings_sync_provide_zoho_service_communication_key" : "Provide Zoho Service Communication key.", "zc_js_custom_field_decrypt_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to turn off encryption for <strong>$1</strong>?", "zc_js_noopencontent" : "There are no opens in the campaigns you've sent.", "zc_js_autocyclic_new_content" : "Create new email content for", "zc_bulksegment_fld_seg_note_msg" : "Bulk segments are created based on contacts’ data. For e.g., Pick List has items such as Apples, Oranges and Grapes but contacts only have Apples and Grapes in them, then new segments would be created only for Apples and Grapes.", "zc_js_mailpolicy_chars_maxlength" : "Comments should not be more than 500 characters.", "zc_subscriber_enabled_copy_to_list_action_tooltip" : "Copy to Lists", "zc_contacts_sync_change_to_immediate_alert_msg" : "If you change the sync type to Immediate, you'll not be able to revert to the current sync settings. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_js_complaince_optin_settings_off" : "Optin disabled", "zc_js_webhook_actions_goal" : "Goal", "zc_create_topic" : "Topic has been created successfully", "zc_js_programs_trace_less_than_hour" : "Less than an hour", "zc_js_reports_notconfigure" : "Eventbrite account is not configured. After configuring, refresh the page to update reports.", "zc_js_sync_othercrm_field" : "$1 Field", "zc_js_opened" : "Opened", "zc_js_autoresponders_hours" : "Hours", "zc_js_recentcampaign" : "Recent Campaigns", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_action_moveto_program_text" : "This action lets you move all contacts from your present workflow to another workflow you select.", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_insert_table" : "Insert Table", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_goal_stopped" : "Goal <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is stopped.Select another goal.", "zc_js_programs_select_lead_webhook_update_enter_this_stage" : "Note: You can create a lead webhook by navigating to Settings---> Webhook . <a class=\"linktxt\" onclick='window.location.hash=\"#settings/webhookList\";normalView();'>Click here</a> to know more about lead webhook.", "zc_js_common_any" : "Any", "zc_js_journey_freezing_time" : "Freezing time", "zc_js_test_email_client_field" : "Email client field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_list_setup_signup_stats_type_heading" : "Stats Type", "zc_export_enter_password" : "Please enter a password", "zc_js_crm_campaign_delete_note" : "Note : If email campaign is deleted from Zoho Campaigns it will be deleted from Zoho CRM as well.", "zc_sub_type_no_privilege" : "$1 contact were added by admin and cannot be edited by the users", "zc_js_tags_assign_tag" : "Assign Tag", "zc_js_no_search_result" : "No search result found.", "zc_js_workflowv2_no_use_zero" : "No use of 0", "zc_campaigns_list_global_rss" : "RSS", "zc_js_setting_newui_marketplace" : "Marketplace", "zc_js_calendar_not_present" : "Oops! This calendar does not exists.", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_reten_modify" : "Any changes made in the data retention period will be applied to the existing data in the erasure queue. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_js_webassistant_banner_btnerr" : "Please enter the button text.", "zc_js_journey_all_journey" : "All journeys", "zc_fav_required" : "Enter name for favourite", "zc_js_programs_no_active_version" : "There are no active versions available", "zc_leadscore_reset_confirm_errormsgtwo" : "Seems like you haven't agreed to the particulars.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_enter_valid_domain" : "Enter a valid domain", "zc_crm_module_no_permission" : "You can create sync only if you've chosen to show this module in the <strong> Organize Modules </strong> section or if you have the permission to access this module in Zoho CRM.", "zc_js_not_allowed_to_delete_new" : "You are not allowed to delete any more contacts as you have reached the maximum limit.<br><span class='f12'>For further details, please contact</span>", "zc_js_hide_exclude_details" : "Hide Details", "zc_crm_accounts" : "Zoho CRM Accounts", "zc_js_please_correct_marked_field" : "Please correct the marked fields below.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_season" : "Select another season", "zc_js_contact_email" : "Email Address", "zc_js_custom_field_encryption_lead_score_error" : "The score based view is not active as a custom field associated with this was encrypted. You can resume it by turning off the encryption for the custom field.", "zc_signupform_all_images" : "All Images", "zc_cmp_chaincmp_list_migrated_create_alert_msg" : "You cannot create a chain campaign as the target mailing list of the parent campaign has been migrated to Zoho Marketing Automation.", "zc_js_error_subscription_cannot_changed" : "Please select a plan that will match the $1 contacts of your mailing list.", "zc_common_searching" : "Searching", "zc_js_subscribers_dnm_moved_by" : "Moved by", "zc_js_user_in_another_org_block" : "You cannot add this user to your organization since your email address is a added as a member of another organization.", "zc_sms_selected_gateway_text" : "If you have not selected any of the gateways yet, click on an integrated gateway below and follow the steps to proceed from here.", "zc_js_gapps_select_administrator" : "Please select an administrator.", "zc_js_autoresponders_open_series" : "Open Series", "zc_subscriberstats_leads_criteria" : "Contact criteria", "zc_js_programs_error_comment_not_author_delete" : "You cannot delete a note added by other users", "zc_js_settings_have_atleast_one_user_msg" : "You should have at least one user to enable this setting.", "zc_editor_builder_createlink_link_errormsg" : "Unable to hyperlink. Enter a valid URL.", "zc_js_zs_nosurvey_clone" : "You cannot clone|edit this campaign as no survey is found in your Zoho Survey account.", "zc_js_common_user" : "User", "zc_js_programs_response_overlay_specific" : "Specific", "zc_js_programs_smart_process_on_all_days" : "Process on all days of the week", "zc_campaigns_gs_result_header_campaigns" : "Email Campaigns", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_fb_link" : "Provide a Facebook Page link.", "zc_js_programs_msg_not_scheduled" : "Not yet scheduled", "zc_js_workflow_audiencechange_90days" : "Last 90 days", "zc_js_enter_correct_decimal" : "Please correct decimal places to $1", "zc_campaign_images_import" : "Importing Image", "zc_js_workflow_pause" : "Pause", "zc_js_journey_priority" : "Priority", "zc_js_subject_length" : "Subject line should be less than 200 characters.", "zc_js_contacts_add_contact_to_do_not_mail_registry_heading" : "Add contact to Do-not-mail registry?", "zc_js_programs_msg_criteria_saved" : "Message skip criteria updated successfully.", "zc_js_cyclic_date_err_msg" : "Please select a date.", "zc_js_customprograms_connect_with_component_new" : "Connect <span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>$1</span> component with another component", "zc_campaigns_list_global_coupon" : "Coupon", "zc_js_advreports_click_count" : "Click Count", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_complete" : "Complete Tracking", "zc_js_programs_add_leadscore" : "Add Score", "zc_js_webhook_sub" : "Contact Webhook", "zc_js_sync_delete_msg" : "Are you sure you want to delete this sync?", "zc_error_subscription_attachment_edit_payasuse" : "You cannot edit an attachment in Pay-As-you-Go plan.", "zc_poll_thank_you_We_would_love_to_know_more_about_how_we_can_improve" : "Thank you! We would love to know more about how we can improve.", "zc_js_editor_This_file_format_is_not_supported" : "This file format is not supported (Supported formats: gif, jpg, png)", "zc_js_advanced_segment_not_allowed_cannot_use_segment" : "Upgrade to the Professional plan to perform these actions.", "zc_leadsub_select_valid_ending_date" : "Please select the Valid Ending Date", "zc_js_wft_signup_no_templates" : "No templates mapped", "zc_common_move" : "Move", "zc_crm_sync_mapping_added_into_custom_mapped_fields" : "The mapping has been added to custom-mapped fields successfully.", "zc_js_domain_dkim_empty_record" : "There are no DKIM records in your domain DNS. ", "zc_js_programs_wait_condition" : "Wait Condition", "zc_js_content_version_create_alert" : "Once you edit a message, it will be saved as a new version of this message. Activate the latest version to apply the changes that you've made.", "zc_js_nocollector" : "Selected survey has no collector.", "zc_js_dormant_ab_compare_error" : "You cannot compare an A/B test campaign (testing phase) and a dormant campaign.", "zc_js_deprecated_old_emailaction" : "The email action trigger used in your workflow has been revised. Please delete the older version of this trigger and reconfigure the revised trigger component to activate this workflow.", "zc_campaigns_list_global_msurvey" : "SurveyMonkey", "zc_js_enter_valid_$1" : "Enter a valid $1", "zc_js_Autoresponder_field_readonly" : "This Field cannot be pushed as it is changed to read-only mode.", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_summary" : "Summary", "" : "Availed coupons", "zc_js_added_by" : "Added by", "zc_js_advreports_link_occur_count" : "Link Occurrence Count", "zc_js_evernote" : "Evernote", "zc_js_settings_my_profile_updated" : "My profile has been updated successfully.", "zc_autoresponder_created_on" : "Created on", "zc_sub_type_updated_recently" : "$1 contact subscription type were updated recently", "zc_js_workflow_error_action" : "Please select actions to be performed.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_trace_program_completed" : "Workflow completed", "zc_js_invoice_field_empty" : "Select at least one Zoho Invoice field to proceed.", "zc_js_filter_contacts_saveview" : "Save as a view", "zc_js_signupform_form_background" : "Form background", "zc_js_select_one_filter" : "Select at least one campaign.", "zc_js_forms_create_new" : "Create a new form.", "zc_js_sync_lastSynctime" : "Last Sync Time", "zc_js_four_comparecamp_delete" : "The campaign '$1','$2','$3' and '$4' is deleted.", "zc_js_auto_revert_freeze_msg" : "Contacts who matched the trigger criteria during the frozen period of the autoresponder will not be taken in.", "zc_js_programs_predefined_tag" : "Predefined merge tags", "zc_select_one" : "Select one", "zc_js_programs_crm_account_not_configured" : "You haven't integrated your Zoho CRM account or you do not have permission for other users' sync setup.", "zc_js_sent_success" : "Test Email Sent.", "zc_leadsub_favourite_this" : "Favorite this?", "zc_js_product_list_import" : "List import", "zc_js_edit_sender" : "Edit Sender", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_perform_additional_actions" : "Perform additional actions", "zc_js_list_selection_mandatory" : "Selecting either Allowed or Not Allowed is mandatory.", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_ignored" : "Ignored", "zc_js_programs_selected_webhook_deleted" : "The action is stopped as the webhook associated with it has been deleted", "zc_js_contacts_sync_allowed" : "Allowed", "zc_common_website" : "Website", "zc_editor_builder_width_height_invalidmsg" : "Invalid entry found. Enter a numerical value.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notconnect_trigger_eop" : "You cannot connect the trigger with an end-of-workflow action.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notconnect_response_eop" : "You cannot connect the end node of a response component directly with an end-of-workflow action.", "zc_js_delete_mile_stone" : "Delete Mile Stone", "zc_sub_type_hasnt_update" : "Subscription type hasn't been updated", "" : "We will import contacts and other files stored in $1.", "zc_js_signup_tools" : "Signup Tools", "zc_js_domainname_error" : "Provide a website name.", "zc_js_zohodesk_selectorg" : "Select Organization", "zc_js_single_contact_multiple_topic_associate_msg" : "Selected contact were associated with the chosen topics successfully", "zc_js_cant_send_ab_to_less_contacts_msg" : "A/B campaign cannot be sent since the number of contacts chosen is less than 4.", "zc_js_journey_no_popup_form_with_given_name" : "No smart pop-up form with the given name.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_anonymize" : "Limited Tracking", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_msg_no_content_desc" : "Your message does not have any content yet.", "zc_js_autoresponders_triggers_everyyear" : "Triggers messages every year at the specified date", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_error_store_activate" : "A store can only have one active workflow.", "zc_js_rss_sc_media_select" : "Please select a social media platform to publish your posts.", "zc_js_product_tags" : "Product Tags", "zc_js_length_not_greater_than_$1" : "Field length cannot be greater than $1.", "zc_js_exportlist" : "Export List", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_searchvideotags" : "Search videotags", "zc_js_sc_camp_delete_failure" : "Deletion Unsuccessful", "zc_js_donotmail_updated" : "Do-not-mail", "zc_js_test_email_header_field" : "Email header field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_journey_existing_and_new_leads" : "Existing and new leads/contacts", "zc_js_email_not_allowed" : "Provide a valid sender name.", "zc_plan_not_supported_webhooks" : "Upgrade to Subscription plan to modify your Webhooks.", "zc_js_global_search_no_active_subscribers_delete_subscribers" : "You cannot delete the blocked, bounced, and do-not-mail contacts.", "zc_export_policy" : "Export Policy", "zc_js_customprograms_source_domain_deactivated" : "Source domain has been deactivated", "zc_js_sync_highrise_notags_msg" : "Your configured Highrise account does not have tags.", "zc_js_autoresponders_months" : "Months", "zc_js_programs_error_selected_any_email_campaign" : "Any email campaign", "zc_js_programs_trigger_event_error" : "Sorry, we are unable to connect with Eventbrite now. Please try again later.", "zc_js_event_invalidEventDateDesc" : "Either event start date or end date has been changed in Eventbrite. Please make necessary changes to the campaign content for sending this campaign.", "zc_js_settings_message_show_tags" : "Show Merge Tags", "zc_js_uploading" : "Uploading", "zc_js_settings_integ_shopurl_msg" : "Please provide your Shop URL.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_page_visit" : "Page visit", "zc_js_global_search_no_active_subscribers_copy_to_list" : "You cannot copy the blocked, bounced, and do-not-mail contacts to another list.", "zc_js_filter_name" : "Filter name", "zc_js_list_leads" : "All Leads", "zc_js_sms_content_limit_exceeded" : "The content size should not exceed 160 characters", "zc_advworkflow_msg_incomplete_note_new" : "<span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>\"message\"</span> is incomplete.", "zc_editor_builder_imgcus_height_maxmsg" : "Height cannot exceed 570 px.", "zc_subscribers_select_crm" : "Select CRM Account", "zc_js_consent_settings_saved_sucessfully" : "Preference saved successfully.", "zc_autoresponder_deleted_successfully" : "Autoresponder deleted successfully.", "zc_editor_fileupload_virus_error" : "A virus has been found in the uploaded file.", "zc_js_campaigns_sender_text" : "Is your reply-to address different from sender's address?", "zc_editor_attachment_emptymsg" : "Attachment name cannot be blank.", "zc_dashboard_recent_campaigns_widget" : "Recent Campaigns List", "zc_js_role_privilege_massupdate_subscribers_self_only" : "You do not have sufficient privilege to mass update contacts added by other users. Do you want to mass update only to your contacts?", "zc_editor_component_poll_properties" : "Poll Properties", "zc_js_settings_integ_crm_emailaddress_msg" : "The email address you use to sign into Zoho CRM", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_attachment_download" : "Attachment download", "zc_campaign_coupon_social_invalid" : "Invalid Social Coupon.", "zc_update_product" : "Product has been updated successfully", "zc_js_contacts_sync_servicelimitmsg.recruit" : "Sorry.Sync cannot be enableadd since you have reached the daily active sync limit of 5.", "zc_js_setting_newui_profile" : "Profile", "zc_js_error_zm_duplicateemailaddress" : "<b> Unable to create email campaign with your email address<b/> <br/> We cannot create a email campaign with your email address  <span class='txtbld'>{0}</span> since it is used as the sender's email address in the account <span class='txtbld'>{1}</span>. <br/> You can do the following: <br/>Ask the administrator of <span class='txtbld'>{1}</span> to change the senders email address. <br/> Create an account with a different email address. <br/> Contact us at for further clarifications.", "zc_js_programs_msg_paused_desc" : "Your message has been paused and will not be sent.", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_reten_off" : "Disabling data retention won't make any impact in the existing data in the queue. Their data will be retained for the period that was set earlier.", "zc_js_create_new_version" : "Create New Version", "zc_consent_staus_contract" : "Contract", "zc_editor_builder_table_col_errormsg" : "Enter the columns in proper format.", "zc_js_contacts_addcontact_invalid_emailaddress_not_allowed" : "You cannot add a invalid address.", "zc_sms_emoji_limit" : "Limit Exceeded.You can use only a maximum of 10 emojis", "zc_js_editor_divider_only_number" : "Enter only numbers", "zc_js_fill_required_fields" : "Please fill in the required fields.", "zc_js_cmp_theme_valid_web_link" : "Enter a valid company's website link.", "zc_js_pc_running" : "You are already running a campaign for this page.", "zc_js_integrate_zoho_crm_account_consent" : "You need to integrate your Zoho CRM account to use the consent form", "zc_manage_list_type_master_list_heading" : "Master List", "zc_js_settings_edit_CC_MT" : "Edit Contact Custom Merge Tag", "zc_wf_js_select_module" : "Please select a module", "zc_js_consent_import_select_ipfileheader" : "Select an IP address field from file", "zc_list_migrate_no_privilege" : "You do not have the privilege to migrate this mailing list.", "zc_js_score_between" : "Please enter a score between $1 and $2.", "zc_js_comparecampaigns" : "Compare Campaigns", "zc_bulksegment_fld_item_seg_msg" : "Add all $1 Items as segments", "zc_campaigns_list_global_all" : "All", "zc_chain_alert_popup" : "Moving a Chain Campaign will also move its Parent Campaign. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_activate_singleerror_desc" : "You missed out something before you activate the workflow", "zc_js_sync_v3_errmsg_other" : "There has been a server error. Please wait and try again", "zc_js_search_res_text" : "Results based on status", "zc_js_alert_push_clicks_shortly" : "Contacts will be pushed shortly.", "zc_js_cant_schedule_as_list_not_ready" : "Cannot schedule the Consent Series now as the scheduler not ready", "zc_list_lead_status" : "Lead Status", "zc_js_autoupgrade_fail2" : "No plan exists for {0} contacts. Contact for further details.", "zc_js_journey_scoring_criteria" : "Score criteria", "zc_js_subscriber_customfields_name" : "CustomFields", "zc_js_autoupgrade_fail1" : "Could not upgrade to {0}. Contact for further details.", "zc_leadgeneration_Confirm_Email_Customization" : "Confirmation Email - Customization", "zc_js_campaigns_timewarp_describe" : "Your campaign will be scheduled based on the recipients' time zone.", "zc_js_alert_problem_processing" : "An unknown error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later.", "zc_js_customprograms_source_file_deleted" : "Source file has been deleted", "zc_js_custom_field_decryption_in_progress" : "Turning off encryption", "zc_js_customprograms_item_crm_deal_update" : "Update CRM deal", "zc_js_custom_field_encryption_in_progress" : "Turning on encryption", "zc_common_subscriber_activities" : "Contact Activities", "zc_js_importsuspended_msg" : "Import will be suspended.", "zc_js_invalid_email_field" : "Invalid Email field value", "zc_js_role_privilege_sender_address" : "Your organization admin has changed your sender address privilege, so primary email address has been chosen by default.", "zc_js_delete_this_condition" : "Are you sure you want to delete this condition?", "zc_leadgeneration_some_changes" : "You have made some changes. Do you want to save the changes or continue?", "zc_js_settings_integ_recruit_emailaddress_msg" : "The email address you use to sign into Zoho Recruit", "zc_switch_this_one" : "Switch to this One", "zc_js_customprograms_msg_not_reviewed_new" : "<span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>$1</span> is not yet reviewed", "zc_js_settings_customfields_title" : "Custom Fields", "zc_js_success_msg" : "Preferences saved successfully", "zc_js_sm_us_popup_heading" : "Migrate the users and administrators of $1 to $2.", "zc_js_drag_and_drop" : "Drag and Drop your image here", "zc_js_webhook_url_error_code_not_200" : "received on calling this URL. Please use a valid URL.", "zc_crm_integ_org_errmsg_singleorg" : "Organization is already integrated.", "zc_js_programs_sms_gateway_error" : "SMS Gateway for this component has been denied. All processes associated with this process will be skipped and will resume once integrated.", "zc_plan_not_supported_reschedule_emailcamp_description" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to reschedule your email campaigns.", "zc_js_program_select_abandoned_cart" : "Select cart", "zc_editor_builder_createlink_anchor_errormsg" : "Please select an anchor.", "zc_js_few_ab_intesting_errmsg" : "A few campaigns you've selected are still in the testing phase.", "zc_js_list_segment_delete_modules_configured_modules_info" : "Deleting this segment will disable the following activities. Do you want to proceed?", "zc_js_journey_to_fixed_group" : "To fixed group", "zc_non_marketing_contacts" : "Non-marketing Contacts", "zc_js_sm_user_modified_after_the_schedule" : "Data migration has stopped as new users were added after the migration was scheduled.", "zc_js_sms_reports_campaign_activity" : "Campaign Activity", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_complete_enabled" : "Complete tracking enabled successfully.", "zc_js_event_invalidEvent" : "Invalid event.", "zc_js_programs_reminder_survey_connect_error" : "You can connect survey-based reminder only with a survey email", "zc_integ_migration_popup_note3" : "For assistance, please contact", "zc_integ_migration_popup_note2" : "Remaining synced accounts will be removed from the new $1 integration model", "zc_js_settings_integ_recruit_zsckey_msg" : "Enter Zoho Service Communication (ZSC) key generated from your Zoho Recruit account", "zc_js_massupdate_spam_msg_show" : "You are about to mass update recipients who have marked the email campaign $1 as spam.", "zc_js_programs_migration_same_program_error" : "Target version should be different from source version.", "zc_integ_migration_popup_note1" : "Existing syncs will be supported in the new set up until July 15, 2024.", "zc_js_no_contact_search_result" : "No contact found.", "zc_autoresponders_smsmsgs_delete" : "Once this SMS has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_programs_trace_unsubscribed_contact" : "Contact unsubscribed ", "zc_js_tag_want_to_untag_contacts" : "Note: This tag will no more be assigned to the selected contacts.", "zc_js_calendar_noselectedcountries1" : "You are not subscribed to any country calendar.", "zc_js_editor_folder_empty" : "The Folder is empty", "zc_js_programs_tags_missing_error_msg" : "Missing survey tags", "zc_js_content_limit" : "Your content has exceeded the maximum limit.", "zc_js_coupon_prefix_legnth" : "Coupon Prefix Length should be 4 to 8", "zc_js_automation" : "Automation", "zc_plan_not_supported_follow_up_abcamp_description" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to follow up on sent A/B test campaigns.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_lead_stage" : "Update lead stage", "zc_js_choose_role_to_assign" : "Choose a role to assign.", "zc_js_sync_hoursync_enabled" : "To create|enable a sync in the selected module, you need to disable your existing sync of 3 hours.", "zs_js_bulk_contact_limit_maximum" : "To add more than 20 contacts, try import contacts.", "zc_js_and" : "and", "zc_sub_type_update_action_multiple_contact1_msg" : "<span class='fntwht600'>Subscription status of $1 contacts were updated</span>", "zc_js_rss_sc_fetch_count" : "Fetch count", "zc_js_label_notes_deleted_successfully" : "Label notes deleted successfully", "zc_js_doesnt_contain" : "doesn't contain", "zc_js_workflow_field_invalidmapping" : "Invalid Mapping", "zc_js_settings_integ_highrise_sitename" : "Highrise Site", "zc_js_clone_privilege_error" : "You do not have the permission to clone this campaign. Contact your organization administrator.", "zc_js_programs_action_paused_desc" : "Your action has been paused and will not be performed", "zc_js_workflow_update_date_msg" : "Update to the date of action", "zc_js_wft_detail_view_camp_signup_menu_campaigns_title" : "Associated Campaigns", "zc_sub_contacts" : "Marketing Contacts", "zc_campaigns_list_global_ab" : "A/B", "zc_js_customview_is_deleted_$1" : "View  \"_$1\"  has been deleted successfully.", "zc_js_bulk_create_max_seg" : "Create $1 segments", "zc_js_list_description_mandatory" : "Provide the source of your list.", "zc_js_filter_contacts_add_datefilter" : "Filter by date", "zc_js_social_chooseaccount" : "Choose the accounts where you would like to post this campaign.", "zc_js_selection_no_campaigns" : "Zero results found. Please make a valid selection.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_code" : "Code", "zc_js_single_page_provide_sender_name" : "Provide a sender name", "zc_crm_account_info" : "CRM Account Information", "zc_js_external_reach_count" : "Reach count", "zc_leadgeneration_AlertWithCancel" : "Are you sure you want to remove this signup form from library ?", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_domain_deleted" : "Your domain <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> is deleted. Associate another domain.", "zc_js_merge_space" : "Spaces are not allowed.", "zc_js_segment_trigger_on_segment_entry" : "On Entering a Segment", "zc_manage_users_other_org_invite_response_msg" : "An email invite is sent to this user successfully. However, this user is already present in another organization.", "zc_js_campaigns_create_ab_zohoformscampaign" : "Zoho Forms A/B campaign", "zc_js_journey_chosen_email_actions_send_existing" : "Allow all contacts who've received emails and performed selected responses", "zc_js_programs_trace_Ignored_Criteria" : "Ignored via Exit Criteria", "zc_js_youtube_api_error" : "Unable to communicate with YouTube server. Check if the URL is correct else try later or contact to resolve this problem.", "zc_editor_builder_table_row_errormsg" : "Enter the rows in proper format.", "zc_gravatar_condition_accept" : "We will use Gravatar to check for the profile image of your contacts. If there's no image available, we'll assign them a default one.", "zc_js_campaign_activity_fields" : "Campaign activity fields", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_confirm2" : "with a time interval of", "zc_js_common_filter_allother_active_users" : "All users excluding me", "zc_consent_staus_NotApplicable" : "Not Applicable", "zc_js_sync_customviewLimt_reached.recruit" : "The same custom view cannot be used multiple times for the Zoho Recruit sync. Please use a different custom view. If you want to use the same custom view, contact us at", "zc_js_massupdate_segment_msg_show" : "You are about to mass update contacts from the segment <strong><div id='segmentName' class='txtovflw nwrp' style='max-width:200px; display:inline-block; margin-bottom:-3px;'></div></strong> belonging to the mailing list <strong><div id='listName' class='txtovflw nwrp' style='max-width:200px; display:inline-block; margin-bottom:-3px;'></div></strong>.", "zc_js_calendar_camp_filter" : "Campaign filter", "zc_js_delete_custom_field_pick_item" : "Are you sure you want to delete this pick list item?", "zc_js_programs_confirm" : "Confirm", "zc_programs_ignore_reason_deny" : "Consent denied", "zc_js_contacts_sync_crm_push" : "Pushdata", "zc_js_list_signupform_select_more_fields" : "Select more fields", "zc_js_more" : "More", "zc_editor_builder_width_emptymsg" : "Width field cannot be left blank.", "zc_customscore_rule_created" : "Custom rule created", "zc_js_sf_no_setup_configure" : "This form requires no additional setup.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_goal_stopped_version" : "Goal <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is stopped", "zc_js_setting_newui_sync_hub_and_campaign" : "Data Sharing", "zc_js_autoresponders_create_content" : "Create New Content", "zc_export_summary_privilege" : "You do not have the permission to export campaign reports", "zc_js_delete_Segment_success" : "Segment deleted successfully.", "zc_js_no_topics" : "No topics available", "zc_js_disable_dormant_popup" : "Are you sure you want to unmark this campaign dormant?", "zc_integration_denied_shopify_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>The contacts in your Shopify account will not be imported.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs w80'>Shopify campaigns in draft cannot be sent, but campaigns that are scheduled or in progress or in testing will be sent as usual.</span></div><div class='mt30'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Recipients who have purchased your products won't be tracked.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>E-commerce reports and the summary of your campaigns won't be generated.</span></div>", "zc_js_campaign_filter_sort_recent_sent" : "Recently Sent", "zc_wrokflow_contextual_error_message" : "Configured message contain a few errors.", "zc_js_email_already_added" : "You have already added the email address.", "zc_js_calendar_august" : "August", "zc_js_programs_criteria_process_desc_campaign" : "Exit process when the recipient have", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Custom_AlreadyUsed" : "Custom Field Already Used", "zc_advreports_timelyunopenedSubscribers" : "Not opened recently", "zc_manage_optin" : "Manage Opt-in", "zc_js_survey_create" : "Create Survey", "zc_js_editor_img_size_banner" : "Banner", "zc_js_recruit_integ_permission_admin" : "You've disabled the permission to integrate with Zoho Campaigns. To enable integration, login to Zoho Recruit, go to Setup > Security Control > Profiles.", "zc_js_sms_merge_tag_info" : "While adding merge tags make sure to stay under your gateway's character limit.", "zh_product_audience_group_deleted" : "Audience group deleted successfully", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notconnect_eop_process" : "You cannot connect an end-of-workflow action with a process element.", "zc_js_products_product_add_audience_field" : "Add product audience field", "zc_js_subscriber_inference" : "Contact Inference", "zc_js_event_no_present" : "No Events", "zc_integration_denied_zohowebinar_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>The webinar created in Zoho Meeting cannot be sent out as email campaigns.</span></div>", "zc_js_search_autoresponders" : "Search for autoresponders", "zc_js_company_detail_emptyerrmsg" : "You need to fill the imprint information.", "zc_common_select_text" : "-- Select --", "zc_js_socialcampaigns" : "Social Campaigns", "zc_wf_js_select_type" : "Please select a type", "zc_js_programs_order_follow" : "Purchase follow-up", "zc_js_list_setup_list_edit_no_privilege" : "You do not have privileges to update this mailing list.", "zc_js_disable" : "Disable", "zc_journey_subscripiton_management" : "Subscription Management", "zc_js_programs_trigger_signup" : "Signup trigger", "zc_js_wf_singleaccount2" : "You cannot push data to more than one Zoho CRM account. Please choose one account and remove the others.", "zc_bulksegment_fld_item_msg" : "$1 Items as segments", "zc_js_wf_singleaccount1" : "You cannot push data to more than one Zoho CRM account. Please choose one account and remove the others before {1} as draft.", "zc_js_massdelete_all_desub" : "Unselect all contacts", "zc_editor_poll_content_hovmsg" : "<b>Note:</b><i> Add a poll to your campaign and know your recipients' opinion on a topic.</i>", "zc_js_merge_list_confirmation_delete_new_msg" : "Deleting \"From List\" will remove the contacts from the selected list. Do you want to delete this list?", "zc_import_status_pattern_check" : "Pattern check", "zc_js_calendar_september" : "September", "zc_js_socialshare" : "Social Share", "zc_js_webinar_not_administrator" : "Only an administrator in Zoho Meeting can connect the account.", "zc_js_cannot_delete_fromlist" : "Deleting and merging the FROM LIST(S)", "zc_js_rss_sc_closed_edit_info_msg" : "You cannot edit a campaign that has been closed.", "zc_customscore_default_disable" : "Default scoring disabled", "zc_js_alternative_fromname_msg" : "This data will be used when no contact/lead owner's name and email address are available from Zoho CRM.", "zc_js_contains" : "contains", "zc_js_contacts_topic_this_month" : "This month", "zc_js_dash_by" : "by", "zc_js_customprograms_item_send_survey" : "Send survey email", "zc_crm_integ_org_errmsg_multiorg" : "This organization is already integrated.", "zc_js_addemail" : "Oops! You forgot to add an email address.", "zc_js_programs_criteria_process_desc_contact" : "Exit process when recipient's", "zc_contacts_sync_errMsg" : "Hey, you're missing something.", "zc_js_programs_unknown_error" : "Unable to perform the operation. Please try again.", "zc_js_role_privilege_common_apply_subscribers_others_only" : "Note: Due to insufficient privilege, this will be applied to other users' contacts only.", "zc_js_display_name_err" : "Display Name cannot be empty", "zc_js_autoresponders_create_first_message_of_this_series" : "Create the first message of this series.", "zc_crm_sync_mapping_title" : "Mapped Fields", "zc_js_permission_access_other_users" : "You do not have permission to access other users' contacts.", "zc_js_products_product_data_field" : "Data fields", "zc_js_common_manual" : "Manual", "zc_journey_new_standard_plan_adv_seg_error" : "You have configured advanced fields in this <span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>$1</span> $3 that is available only in the professional plan.<a href=$2 class=\"linktxt\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade now</a>", "zc_js_massupdate_allclicked_msg_show" : "recipients who have clicked links in the email campaign", "zc_js_contact_import_xls_error_sendmail_msg" : "If you are still unable to import, please send an email to", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_goal_achievement" : "Goal achievement", "zc_campaign_coupon_revert" : "Revert", "zc_js_dormant_report_error_popup" : "You cannot send this campaign as you've exceeded the maximum limit of 25 contacts.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_confirm_noaction" : "You have not created any action for this workflow, do you want to continue?", "zc_subscribers_rtbf_reason" : "Reason for erasure", "zc_js_enable_this_consent1" : "Enabling will not activate this consent series immediately. Make sure to activate your emails manually.", "zc_leadgeneration_Hot_Leads" : "Hot Leads", "zc_js_programs_item_skip_desc" : "Set conditions to decide when a contact should skip this component.", "zc_campaigns_add_unsub_contacts_remove_contacts" : "Remove contacts", "zc_editor_builder_addlink_tab_errorInFileUpload" : "Error in uploading. Please try again.", "zc_leadstats_Last_Month" : "Last month", "zc_recaptcha_add" : "Add Now", "zc_scoring_name_field_empty_error" : "Please enter a name for the rule", "zc_js_sf_set_as_default" : "This signup form is set as the default form for the associated mailing list.", "zc_export_summary_privilege_list" : "You do not have the permission to access this list", "zc_js_autoresponder_status_disabled_cannot_start_trigger_consent" : "The consent series is suspended. You cannot start the series now.", "zc_js_back_to_leads_view" : "Back to leads view", "zc_js_shopify_select_productMsg" : "Select at least one product.", "zc_editor_builder_brdsize_errmsg" : "Border size cannot exceed 10.", "zc_js_common_minutes" : "minutes", "zc_js_emoji_smiley" : "Smileys", "zc_integration_denied_paypal_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your contacts won't be updated into the selected lists.</span></div>", "zc_js_shopify_date_filter_validate_msg" : "Date filter cannot be left blank.", "zc_subscriberstats_Add_lead_criteria" : "Add contact criteria", "zc_js_alluser_campaign" : "All User's Campaign", "zc_journey_emailactivity_error_no_specific_link" : "Please select atleast one specfic link.", "zc_js_reports_date_error_msg" : "You can map a \"Date\" field only with another \"Date\" field.", "zc_integ_migration_survey_msg1" : "Survey campaigns created and scheduled by organization users will be stopped.", "zc_js_today" : "today", "zc_js_add" : "Add", "zc_user_self_removal_request_to_admin_success_msg" : "An email request is sent to your organization administrator.", "zc_js_programs_trace_exited_process" : "Exited process", "zc_js_sugarcrm_instance_eg" : "For e.g. (", "zc_spotlight_search_placeholder" : "What do you want to do?", "zc_js_customprograms_source_domain_deleted" : "Source domain has been deleted", "zc_js_calendar_holidays" : "Holidays", "zc_editor_all_files" : "All Files", "zc_js_journey_specific_sales_person" : "Specific salesperson", "zc_js_criteria_number_invalid" : "Please provide a valid criteria.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_crm_fetchview" : "Fetch View", "zc_settings_campaign_policy_content_approval" : "Content Approval", "zc_js_campaign_module_field_empty" : "Custom field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_product_rp_campaigns" : "You do not have permission to access campaigns. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_journey_to_event_start_time" : "Event starting time", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_underline" : "Underline (Ctrl+U)", "zc_js_test_email_not_delivered" : "Not delivered", "zc_js_is_not_clicked_any_link" : "is not clicked any link", "zc_js_filter_contacts_time_between_consented" : "Expressed consent between", "zc_js_no_privilege_to_list" : "You don't have permission to access the associated list.", "zc_js_page_delete_tab_for_$1" : "Deleting the Zoho Campaigns tab for the page \"$1\" will cancel the running page campaign (if any) and those scheduled will not start.\n Do you still want to delete the tab?", "zc_js_domain_already_verified" : "$1 is already added/verified by $2. Please contact for further assistance.", "zc_js_camp_theme_enter_name" : "Give a name to your campaign theme.", "zc_js_getting_started_testcamp_campaignname" : "First Test Campaign", "zc_js_delete_Segment_With_Contacts" : "The segment and the contacts were deleted successfully.", "zc_sms_msgmd_api_key_err" : "Please enter the MessageMedia API key", "zc_contacts_sync_invalidEmail" : "Oops! This email address is no longer valid. Please enter a valid one.", "zc_journey_on_purchase_followup" : "ON PURCHASE FOLLOW-UP", "zc_js_emoji_symbols_sign" : "Signs & Symbols", "zc_js_campaigns_normalschedule_describe" : "Your campaign will be scheduled for the date, time, and time zone you choose", "zc_js_autoresponder_email_not_created" : "Email was not created for this date.", "zc_workflow_v2_qualify" : "contacts qualify for this workflow", "zc_js_massupdate_nocontacts_view" : "No contacts in this view to Mass Update", "zc_js_html_editor_alnmnt" : "Alignment", "zc_js_webhook_actions_sentforreview" : "Under Review", "zc_js_campaigns_create_ab_surveycampaign" : "SurveyMonkey A/B Campaign", "zc_editor_builder_table_width_errormsg" : "Specify width in appropriate format.", "zc_error_subscription_poll_edit_payasuse" : "You cannot edit poll details in Pay-As-you-Go plan.", "zc_advreports_unsent" : "Never received campaign", "zc_sms_integration_apikey" : "API key", "zc_js_sub_mergetag_info" : "Since your subject contains a merge tag, please enter email default value and social default value for the tag. If the tag doesn't consist of a value, tag will be displayed empty.", "zc_editor_component_boxed_properties" : "Boxed Text Properties", "zc_journey_emailactivity_links_not_availbable" : "There are no links available in the selected email campaign.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_creator_app_reactive_msg" : "This sync cannot be activated, as the synced application might have been changed or deleted.", "zc_data_mig_transfer_map_allusers" : "Please map the unmapped users.", "zc_leadgeneration_success_subscribe" : "successfully subscribed", "zc_js_not_between" : "not between", "zc_consent_staus_LegalOblgatn" : "Legal Obligation", "zc_leadgeneration_Last_Name" : "Last Name:", "zc_js_otheruser_campaign" : "Other User's Campaign", "zc_js_no_yet_created" : "No yet created", "zc_editor_builder_width_percentage_maxmsg" : "Width cannot exceed 100%.", "zc_js_domain_dkim_match_dup_record" : "Your DKIM record is matched but other records have been found for the same host name $1. Below is the existing DKIM record we found in your DNS.", "zc_user_self_removal_request_to_admin_error_msg" : "Removal request cannot be raised due to some technical issue. Please try again.", "zc_js_common_showall" : "Show All", "zc_enable_topic_confirm" : "Enabling Topic Management replaces Contact Preference as your means of managing email preference. Once you enable Topic Management, you won't be able to revert to Contact Preference.", "zc_js_sf_optin_single" : "Confirmation emails turned off", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_active_state" : "Workflow is in active state", "zc_js_empty_identifier_field" : "Identifier field cannot be empty", "zc_status_reviewed" : "Reviewed", "zc_js_programs_shutdown_title" : "Confirm Shutdown", "zc_js_lead_website" : "Website -", "zc_js_ecommerce_no_scope" : "Please enable the scope $1 in your shopify app", "zc_js_integ_pause_sync" : "Are you sure to pause the sync ?", "zc_js_emoji_signboard" : "Signboards", "zc_js_email_already_selected" : "Email address already selected.", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_override" : "Contact can enter the workflow", "zc_js_hide_theme_help" : "Hide Help", "zc_js_signupform_delete_confirm_msg" : "Are you sure you want to delete this signup form?", "zc_js_calendar_errpasttimeschedule" : "You have scheduled for a past time", "zc_js_journey_segment_entry_trigger" : "Segment Entry", "zc_js_deprecated_eop_update_based_action" : "The End of Workflow component is deprecated. Replace it with the \"Update fields actions\" component available under the Process section.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>", "zc_js_list_mailin" : "Mail-In", "zc_js_signupform_page_body" : "Page body", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_error_batchsize" : "Invalid batch configuration. Please select a batch size between 2 - 10.", "zc_editor_emailinvite_merge_tags" : "Email InviteTags", "zc_js_settings_portal_myportal" : "My Portals", "zc_plan_not_supported_attachments" : "Upgrade to Subscription plan to avail this functionality", "zc_js_invalid_phone_field" : "Invalid Phone field value", "zc_js_all_lead_empty" : "Mandatory field cannot be empty", "zc_js_address" : "Address", "zc_js_contacts_sync_candidate_recipients_msg" : "Push data to candidate is limited to records that have mandatory fields such as first name, last name, email address, etc.\n\nDo you want to continue?", "zc_js_campaigns_smartsend_describenew1" : "Your campaign will be sent within the next 24 hours at the time your recipients are most likely to open it.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_error_select_program" : "Please select a workflow.", "zc_js_customprograms_field_select" : "Select a field", "zc_js_search_text_conditions" : "You've exceeded the maximum limit of 100 characters.", "zc_js_crm_field_change" : "You can not map a single Zoho CRM field with multiple Zoho Campaigns fields.", "zc_js_segment_trigger_choose_segment" : "Choose a segment", "zc_sync_select_a_type_of_sync" : "Select a type of sync", "zc_js_journey_updated_field" : "Updated field", "zc_js_test_email_landed_spam" : "Landed in spam", "zc_js_programs_trigger_datefield" : "Date-field trigger", "zc_js_reply_not_starred" : "Not starred", "zc_js_sync_choose_sub_type" : "Please choose a Subscription Type to proceed.", "zc_js_file_attachment_search_error_msg" : "Search string cannot be less than 3 characters", "zc_ab_pollexpired" : "You cannot send this campaign as the associated poll has expired. To send the campaign, change the poll's date of expiry.", "zc_js_campaigns_schedulelater_fixedtz" : "Fixed Time and Time Zone", "zc_js_my_campaign" : "My Campaigns", "zc_js_calendar_defaultmsg" : "Your country is preselected for you.", "zc_js_senderaddress_publicdomain_restriction_msg" : "You've selected a public email address; add your domain specific email address.", "zc_campaign_coupon_used" : "Used", "zc_js_customprograms_videotag_select" : "Select a video tag", "zc_js_journey_deal_zoho_crm_fields" : "ZOHO CRM fields", "zc_js_contacts_sync_disabled" : "Denied", "zc_js_name" : "Name", "zc_search_users" : "Search Users", "zc_js_cmp_theme_sender_info" : "Provide sender information.", "zc_sms_sent" : "Sent SMS", "zc_js_to_list_cannot_empty" : "Enter List Name", "zc_js_products_product_lead_remove" : "Are you sure you want to remove the selected leads from the product?", "zc_js_journey_deal_stage" : "Deal stage", "zc_js_campaigns_mailBlock" : "Email Sending Blocked", "zc_js_product_duplicate_code" : "This product code already exists", "zc_js_workflowv2_trigger_to_the_existing_list" : "Trigger to the existing contacts", "zc_js_programs_action_remove_from_list" : "Remove from list", "zc_js_forward_captch_validation" : "Incorrect text entered. Please try again.", "zc_js_eventbrite_invalid_event_date" : "Invalid event date", "zc_js_open_Location_map" : "Location map", "zc_journey_reenrolled_list" : "Contacts Re-enrolled", "zc_js_common_filter_producttopics_title" : "Product Topics", "zc_import_status_file_reading" : "Reading file", "zc_js_want_delete_this_image" : "Are you sure you want to delete this image?", "zc_list_clone_no_privilege_components" : "You cannot clone few entities associated with the mailing list as you don't have the privilege to edit mailing lists", "zc_js_enter_field" : "Please select a field to map", "zc_js_settings_subscription_cancel_error" : "Unable to cancel your subscription now. Please try again later or contact our support team at", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_signup" : "ON FORM SUBMISSION", "zc_segment_field_modified_msg" : "The following fields related with this has been modified/deleted.", "zc_js_calendar_followupdet" : "Follow-up Reminder", "zc_js_programs_error_comment_delete" : "Unable to delete please try again.", "zc_programs_error_select_domain" : "Please select a domain", "zc_js_signupform_heading" : "Heading", "zc_campaigns_lead_camp_specific_score_disable" : "Campaign Specific Scoring  - Disabled", "zc_js_domain_spf_dup_record" : "The SPF record for Zoho Campaigns is not found and there are many other SPF records in your DNS for the domain $1. We recommend that you maintain a single SPF record for your domain. Below is the existing SPF record we found in your DNS.", "zc_js_portal_already_connected" : "This portal has already been integrated by another user.", "zc_js_saved_at" : "Saved at", "zc_js_eventbrite_web_reg_rep" : "Registrants report", "zc_js_more_sender_address" : "more sender address(es)", "zc_js_dropbox" : "Dropbox", "zc_js_customprograms_domain_select_withouta" : "Select domain", "zc_js_event_invalidEventDesc" : "Selected event has been deleted in your Eventbrite account. We cannot send campaign for this event. Edit this campaign and choose another event.", "zc_js_video_notag" : "No Merge Tags found", "zc_js_pp_default_text5" : "Additional Info", "zc_js_pp_default_text4" : "Terms of Use", "zc_js_pp_default_text2" : "Privacy Policy", "zc_topic_virtual_no_topic_error" : "There are no topics available", "zc_js_modified_content_want_to_save" : "Do you want to save the modified content?", "zc_js_pp_default_text1" : "I agree to the", "zc_js_privilege_List_workflow" : "This workflow cannot be activated as the workflow owner does not have sufficient privilege for the source list.", "zc_js_message_activated_successfully" : "Message activated successfully", "zc_js_sf_reports_conversions" : "Conversions", "zc_onepage_import_again" : "Import Again", "zc_js_programs_start_editing_text" : "Start editing", "zc_calendar_admincalendar" : "Push Campaign to my calendar", "zc_js_list_signupform_field_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this signup form field?", "zc_js_segment_trigger_trigger_for_both" : "Existing and new contacts from the selected segment", "zc_js_autoresponders" : "Autoresponders", "zc_js_integrate_your_account" : "Integrate your Account", "zc_js_sync_highrise_token_error" : "The sync cannot be enabled as the API key is invalid.", "zc_js_journey_on_updating_field" : "On updating field", "zc_js_hf_custom_error_limit" : "Maximum character limit is 300.", "zc_js_list_getting_started" : "Getting Started", "zc_journey_subscripiton_management_option_mark_nonmarketing" : "Mark contacts as non-marketing", "zc_js_re_enrolled" : "Re-enrolled", "zc_js_source_name_empty" : "Enter Source Name", "zc_js_alert_crm_push_into" : "Please select the Zoho CRM module to which contacts should be pushed.", "zc_bulkseg_encrypt_err" : "This segment cannot be edited as a custom field associated with it is encrypted.", "zc_editor_builder_createlink_phone_errormsg" : "Please provide a valid phone number.", "zc_js_consent_scheduleauto" : "Schedule My Consent Email", "zc_js_custom_field_decrypt_affected_entities" : "Turning off encryption for <strong>$1</strong> will affect these features:", "zc_js_product_campaign_dissociate_success" : "Campaign dissociated successfully", "zc_js_Autoresponder_custom_datefield" : "Select a custom date field", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notification_email_text_desc" : "Set up notification emails when contacts pass a particular stage of workflow.", "zc_js_programs_trace_exited_content" : "Exited Reason", "zc_js_contacts_sync_criterialimit" : "You have reached maximum criteria limit.", "zc_js_massupdate_field_empty_msg" : "If no new value is given, the field will be left blank removing the existing value.", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_fnt_sze" : "Font Size", "zc_js_delete_this_autoresponder_withcrm" : "Are you sure you want to delete this autoresponder?\n\nNote: Related autoresponder campaign record in Zoho CRM will also be deleted.", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_additional_criteria" : "Additional criteria", "zc_subscriber_enabled_move_to_donotmail_action_tooltip" : "Move to Do-not-mail", "zc_js_domainauth_warning0" : "Your domains are not yet authenticated.", "zc_js_domainauth_warning1" : "One of your sender domains is not authenticated.", "zc_js_domainauth_warning2" : "More than one of your sender domains is not authenticated. ", "zc_misms_brandname_err" : "Please provide the SMS brandname ", "zc_js_managetopic" : "Manage Topics", "zc_journey_new_standard_plan_adv_seg_error_wf_exit" : "You have configured advanced fields in this workflow's exit criteria that is available only in the professional plan.<a href=$2 class=\"linktxt\" target=\"_blank\">Upgrade now</a>", "zc_js_webhook_actions_unsubscribe" : "Unsubscribe", "zc_scoring_negative_score_enabled" : "Enabled successfully", "zc_js_massupdate_nocontacts_segment_msg_show" : "The selected segment has no contacts. Mass Update cannot be done.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_name_size" : "Name should be less than 20 characters.", "zc_integration_denied_dynamics_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your $1 data will not be synced with Zoho Campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Delete existing syncs.</span></div>", "zc_js_product_customers_remove_success" : "Customers removed successfully", "zc_js_customprograms_page_select" : "Select a page", "zc_campaigns_delete_success1" : "Campaigns deleted successfully.", "zc_js_clicksbylocation" : "Clicks By Location", "zc_js_folder_deleted" : "Folder deleted successfully!", "zc_js_programs" : "Programs", "zc_js_error_while_creating" : "Unable to create custom field. Please try again.", "zc_js_settings_integ_crm_zsckey" : "ZSC key", "zc_js_programs_trigger_updated" : "Trigger configured successfully.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_theme" : "Are you sure you want to delete this theme?", "zc_js_calendar_feb" : "Feb", "zc_js_testmail_no_posts" : "There are no new posts to send. If you want to proceed with a sample email of the old posts click proceed.", "zc_js_merge_to_list" : "Please select a list", "zc_js_campaigns_consent_tobesent" : "Since there is already a campaign to be sent, you cannot create a new consent campaign now.", "zc_js_customprograms_domain_text" : "Domain", "zc_autoresponder_no_more_Campaigns" : "No other messages created.", "zc_integration_denied_outlook_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Importing your Office 365 contacts with Zoho Campaigns will be stopped.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs w90'>Events will not be created in your Office 365 calendar when a campaign is scheduled or sent.</span></div>", "zc_js_sync_see_more" : "See more", "zc_plan_not_supported_rsscamp" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to create RSS campaigns ", "zc_leadsub_select_valid_starting_date" : "Please select the Valid Starting Date", "zc_js_start" : "Start", "zc_js_role_privilege_contact_present_want_associate_updated_new" : "<div class='txtcnt f16 mt10 lh15'>This contact has already been added to your organization.</div><div class='txtcnt f14 mt10 lh15'>Note: Field updating depends on your privilege</div>", "zc_js_contact_tags_delete_tags_button" : "Delete Tag", "zc_js_preheader_link_add" : "Add Preheader", "zc_js_alert_select_push_into" : "Please select Zoho CRM's module to which contacts have to be pushed.", "zc_js_customfield_decimalength_errmsg" : "Please enter a valid number in the decimal places.", "zc_js_massupdate_unsent_msg_show" : "You have opted to update fields for the contacts who have not received the email campaign.", "zc_autoresponders_condition_delete" : "This autoresponder will stop filtering contacts based on this criteria. Do you still want to delete it?", "zc_js_ecommerce_purchased_items_for_total" : "Purchased $1 items for a total of $2", "zc_integ_topic_check" : "We request you to complete the Topics migration before proceeding with the Integrations migration.", "zc_js_upload_html_file_with_extension" : "Please upload an HTML file with a .html or .htm extension", "zc_js_topic_mig_banner_ok" : "Ok, Got it", "zc.products.response.action.choose.lead" : "Choose the lead level you want to add leads", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_activate_empty" : "Workflow cannot be activated as there is no message in the process.", "zc_js_year_compare_err" : "You can only compare the quarterly reports of 5 consecutive years", "zc_js_dashboard_audiencechange_3months" : "Last 3 months", "zc_js_sync_other_users_msg_new" : "Permission denied! You cannot edit or delete other user's sync details.", "zc_journey_subscripiton_management_option_remove_topic" : "Remove subscription from marketing topics", "zc_js_calendarview" : "Calendar View", "zc_sms_msgmd_password_err" : "Please enter the MessageMedia password", "zc_subscriber_disabled_reactivate_action_tooltip" : "Please select contacts to reactivate.", "zc_sms_misms_username_err" : "Please enter the MiSMS username ", "zc_js_programs_trace_deleted_contact" : "Contact deleted", "zc_js_campaigns_create_coupon_campaign" : "Coupon Campaign", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notconnect_condition_eop" : "You cannot connect a decision with an end-of-workflow action.", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_enter_list" : "Contacts Entered", "zc_js_common_hours" : "hour(s)", "zc_js_customprograms_source_form_deleted" : "Source form has been deleted", "zc_custom_field_deletion_msg" : "As this custom field has more than 1500 values, it'll take a while to delete all those values. We'll notify you once the field and its values are deleted.", "zc_instant_pause_message" : "This email will not be sent to your contacts. Are you sure you want to pause this email?", "zc_journey_on_emailactivity" : "On Email Activity", "zc_js_bulk_segment_check_errmsg" : "Bulk Segments are for creating multiple segments and you've less number of segments created.Are you sure you want to proceed?", "zc_js_product_hide_additional_data" : "Hide additional data", "zc_manage_list_change_type_master_list_popup" : "Once this list is set as a master list, contacts can be added to this list irrespective of any conditions. You can then segregate the contacts into different lists by defining a criteria.", "zc_js_fb_account_not_associated" : "The corresponding page is not active, please go to Settings-->Integrations and reconfigure.", "zc_js_common_filter_inactive_users" : "Inactive users", "zc_campaign_coupon_mark" : "Mark as Used", "zc_js_autoresponder_replyseries" : "Reply Series", "zc_js_filter_contacts_time_between_unopened" : "Unopened between", "zc_cmp_chaincmp_lists_migrated_create_alert_msg" : "You cannot create a chain campaign as all the target mailing lists of the parent campaign have been migrated to Zoho Marketing Automation.", "zc_js_programs_reminder_add_surveycompletepath" : "Add path for survey completed", "zc_js_event_no_present_live_in_backstage_account" : "Either your Backstage portal is not created or there are no live events in your Backstage account.", "zc_js_add_new" : "Add new field", "zc_js_campaign_filter_default_save_success" : "The default view has been saved successfully.", "zc_js_cyclic_repeat_on" : "Repeat On", "zc_js_programs_selected_field_deleted" : "The action is stopped as the field associated with it has been deleted.", "zc_programs_associate_webinar" : "Select webinar", "zc_js_rp_campaigns_no_report_view_privilege_msg" : "You do not have privilege to access the campaign report. Contact your organization admin.", "zc_js_journey_selected_email" : "Selected email", "zc_leadscore_reset_confirm_errormsgone" : "Please fill the missing information.", "zc_crm_integ_env_select" : "Please select an environment.", "zc_js_field_length_less_than_$1" : "Field length should be less than $1.", "zc_js_sync_list_man_msg" : "Remove from Mailing List option can be enabled only if the list is selected", "zc_js_contacts_google_logoutSuccessMsg" : "You are now logged out of Google.", "zc_customscore_duplicate_actionname" : "Oops! Looks like the criteria name already exists.", "zc_js_contact_support_enter_description" : "Please enter the description", "zc_journey_field_update_action_text" : "Update field values for contacts entering this stage of the workflow.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_pushreports" : "Push Reports", "zc_js_journey_owner" : "Owner", "zc_js_common_heres_why" : "Here's why", "zc_js_programs_crm_task_desc" : "Create a task in CRM from workflow for contacts reaching this level", "zc_editor_builder_wdgt_emptymsg" : "Select at least one widget and proceed.", "zc_js_want_to_clear_contacts_from_List" : "Note: This contact if present in other lists, will not be deleted from those lists.", "zc_js_rss_internal_error" : "An internal error occurred while pausing your RSS campaign. Please try again later.", "zc_plan_supported_custom_roles" : "Upgrade to Subscription plan to add role", "zc_js_Autoresponder_schedulelater" : "Schedule for Later", "zc_js_more_litmus_credits" : "Buy More Litmus Credits", "zc_js_sc_tz_pg_end_time" : "Change End Time", "zc_js_programs_msg_sendforreview_desc" : "Send this message for review", "zc_js_mailpolicy_approver" : "Select at least one approver", "zc_editor_anchor" : "Anchor", "zc_crm_integ_org_select" : "Please select an organization.", "zc_js_images_limit_exceeds" : "You can't upload more than 5 images at once.", "zc_dashboard_top_lead_sources" : "Top lead sources for the current month", "zc_plan_not_supported_ecomemailcamp_description" : "Ecommerce campaigns allow you to send invitations for upcoming events.", "zc_js_workflowv2_select_domain_cart" : "select any domain which have Abandoned Cart", "zs_js_event_clone_accountlock" : "Unable to clone this campaign as your configured Eventbrite account has been locked.", "zc_js_programs_response_overlay_unopen" : "Unopen", "zc_js_workflow_activation_revied_delay" : "The wait action used in your workflow has been revised. Please reconfigure this component to activate this workflow.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_servicelimitmsg_new" : "You cannot enable new sync as the the daily sync limit of $1 is reached.", "zc_integration_denied_twitter_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not share your campaigns with X.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not tweet about your campaigns.</span></div>", "zc_js_lead_campaign" : "Campaign -", "zc_workflow_v2_no_form" : "No form configured to allow re-entry of contacts into the workflow", "zc_js_is_clicked_specific_link" : "is clicked specific link", "zc_js_signupform_tracking_code_deleted_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to delete the tracking text?", "zc_js_calendar_couponcode" : "Coupon Code", "zc_js_campaign_tracklinks" : "Tracked Links", "zc_js_enter_valid_number_$1" : "Please enter a valid number in field $1.", "zc_js_programs_delay_deleted" : "Delay deleted.", "zc_data_new_mig_transfer_usaccount_deleted" : "Configured $1 account is successfully removed. Please associate another account.", "zc_workflow_ignore_list_remove_reason" : "Removed from List", "zc_js_mailpolicy_review_msg" : "Thank you! Your campaign is being reviewed by the administrators. You will be notified shortly.", "zc_js_programs_trace_skipped" : "Skipped", "zc_js_autoresponders_add_another_followup_message" : "Add another follow-Up message", "zc_js_tag_long" : "Tag name is too long.", "zc_js_simplifieddashboard_viewreport" : "View detailed report", "zc_js_initializing" : "Initializing", "zc_make_topic_live_msg" : "To enable Topic Management, you need to create a Topic first.", "zc_js_insights_lead" : "Lead", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_searchpages" : "Search pages", "zc_js_contacts_topic_enter_date_and_time" : "Please enter the date and time", "zc_js_contacts_sync_gtw" : "GoToWebinar", "zc_js_programs_conversion_stats" : "Overall stats", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_bold" : "Bold (Ctrl+B)", "zc_js_filter_blocked_subsribers" : "Blocked contacts", "zc_js_programs_confirm_removal" : "Confirm Removal", "zc_js_calendar_nov" : "Nov", "zc_js_role_privilege_common_apply_subscribers_others_only_without_note" : "Due to insufficient privilege, this will be applied to other users' contacts only.", "zc_js_sync_field_select_combination" : "Sorry You Selected wrong field combination, Kindly select another field combination", "zc_js_product_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this product?", "zc_js_programs_existing_included" : "Include Existing", "zc_js_signupform_removal_tracking_text" : "Tracking", "zc_js_choose" : "Choose", "zc_js_programs_first_msg_not_active" : "First message is not active.", "zc_js_other_crm_invalid_url" : "Invalid URL.", "zc_js_workflow_activation_skip_criteria_removed" : "The skip criteria action is deprecated from workflows.Remove the configuration to activate this workflow", "zc_leadscore_reset_confirm_errormsgthree" : "Citing a reason for reset helps in later reference.", "zc_js_search_$1" : "Search for $1", "zc_websiteautomation_page_visits_untrack" : "Untrack", "zc_workflow_list_remove_contacts" : "Remove contacts in the workflow if they are removed from the selected mailing list.", "zc_js_two_comparecamp_delete" : "The campaign '$1'and '$2' is deleted.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_assign_tags" : "Assign tags", "zc_error_subscription_edit_customrole" : "You cannot edit custom role privileges in Email-based plan.", "zc_onepage_import_mapped_fields_count" : "$1 Fields Mapped", "zc_js_pollclickacticity" : "Poll Click Activity", "zc_js_settings_report_type_msg" : "Select the format in which you would like to receive your report.", "zc_license_upgrademsg_prof" : "Unlock this feature by upgrading to the Professional plan", "zc_js_merge_delete_msg" : "Deleting a merge tag that is used, will display the tag itself in your email content. \n Do you still want to delete?", "zc_js_programs_msg_criteria_error" : "Error occurred with message skip criteria", "zc_js_preheader_title" : "Preheader :", "zc_pro_workflowv2_prompt" : "Are you sure you want to move the selected Workflow(s) to another folder?", "zc_plan_not_supported_ecomemailcamp" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to create Ecommerce campaigns ", "zc_js_journey_deal_name" : "Deal name", "zc_js_forward_recaptch_validation" : "Captcha not verified.", "zc_js_sf_external_report_confirmation" : "Opt-in contacts", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_cannot_remove_error" : "You need to have at least $1 criteria.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_anonymize_enabled" : "Limited tracking enabled successfully.", "zc_js_settings_subscription_title" : "Subscription", "zc_deals_info_contact" : "Associated Deals Summary", "zc_js_subscriber_automationsummary_name" : "AutoresponderSummary", "zc_js_programs_message_deal_create" : "Create a deal in CRM for your leads", "zc_js_editor_align_center" : "Center Alignment", "zc_js_contacts_sync_ms" : "Microsoft", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_lead_score" : "Lead score updates", "zc_topic_virtual_desc_error" : "Please enter the topic description", "zc_js_signupform_lists" : "Drag & Drop your lists here", "zc_js_massupdate_finish_normal_msg" : "<div class='p20 bdrbtm f20  txtcnt'><span class='fr'><i class='zcicon-closex f20 csrpntr fr' onclick='massupdatesuccess()'></i></span>Mass Update Fields</div><div class='mt20 f14'><div class='ml20 f16 txtgreen  lineheight'>Mass update successful!</div><div class=' p20'><div class=' ml20 cmpfrm w80'><ul><li class='vm'><label>Number of contacts selected:</label></li><li class='vm'><div class='f15'>$1</div></li></ul><ul><li class='vm'><label>Field updated:</label></li><li><div class='f15'>$2</div></li></ul><ul><li class='vm'><label>$4:</label></li><li><div class='f15'>$3</div></li></ul></div></div></div>", "zc_sub_type_action_completed" : "Subscription type has been updated", "zc_js_year_comparison_err" : "Year wise comparisons are for accounts that are more than a year old.", "zc_manage_list_split_cannot_change_primary_list" : "When changing the type to primary list ->  You cannot set the primary list of a topic here. Go to Contacts -> Manage Topics -> Choose a topic and select the primary list.", "zc_js_campaign_web_asso_success" : "Web assistant group associated successfully", "zc_js_smart_list_activate_$1" : "Making the list $1 smart will remove the existing contacts that do not match the defined criteria. Do you still want to mark it a smart list?", "zc_js_setting_newui_header_footer" : "Header and Footer", "zc_js_Autoresponder_cyclic" : "Cyclic Autoresponder", "zc_js_programs_continue" : "Continue", "zc_js_import_stopped" : "Import stopped", "zc_js_journey_on_lead_scoring" : "On lead scoring", "zc_js_contacts_sync_invoice" : "Invoice", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notconnect_trigger_processexit" : "You cannot connect the trigger to a Move to end-of-workflow component.", "zc_js_campaigns_reply_text" : "Use sender's address as reply-to address", "zc_js_create_action_value_empty" : "Please enter a value.", "zc_advworkflow_msg_complete_note" : "Your message is not yet ready. Click Complete to finish creating your message.", "zc_js_common_click" : "Click", "zc_js_mapped_field_delete_common_message" : "This field is configured to $1. Deleting this field will disable the $2. Are you sure you want to delete this?", "zc_js_products_product_select_lead_level" : "Please select a lead level", "zc_free_litmus_offer_resubmit_url" : "Resubmit your review URL", "zc_js_crm_owner_title" : "CRM Owner Information", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_trigger_select_list_datefield_desc" : "The workflow will trigger based on the date in the date field you select.", "zc_js_copied" : "Copied", "zc_js_tab_cannot_empty" : "Tab name field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_incl_consent_url" : "A consent merge tag must be added to the content of the email.", "zc_js_massupdate_selected_msg_show" : "You have selected $1 contacts for mass update.", "zc_js_consent_view_request_added" : "Request added successfully", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_converted" : "Goal achievers ", "zc_js_programs_trigger_link_deleted" : "Chosen link has been deleted", "zc_js_webhook_name_exists" : "Webhook name already exists. Please try again.", "zc_js_calendar_markedprivholiday" : "Marked Private Holiday", "zc_sms_clikatell_apikey_note" : "Provide the Clickatell API key here.", "zc_js_of_the_page" : "of the page", "zc_js_campaigns_consent_view" : "View Consent Email.", "zc_js_settings_sync_invalid_zoho_account_email" : "This account isn't the same as the existing account. Recheck your email address.", "zc_js_dash_scheduled" : "Scheduled", "zc_workflow_cancel_msg" : "Canceling the schedule will stop the workflow trigger and move it to draft. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_contacts_sync_zanalytics" : "Zoho Analytics", "zc_js_campaign_confirm_panel_popup_content" : "Your organization administrator has changed your sender address privilege. Contact your administrator.", "zc_js_domain_spf_sync_fail_fix" : "The SPF records must begin with 'v=spf1' and end with '~all'. Check this in your DNS and update the accurate record.", "zc_js_AddBulkContacts" : "Add Multiple Contacts", "zc_js_dormant_compare_error" : "You cannot compare a dormant campaign. Please select another campaign.", "zc_editor_crm_merge_tags" : "CRM Merge Tags", "zc_js_calendar_maxfifrem" : "You cannot set more than 15 reminders for a holiday.", "zc_js_programs_error_preview_msg" : "Unable to load preview. Please try again.", "zc_leadgeneration_hide_preview" : "Hide Preview", "zc_js_shopify_not_connected" : "You haven't configured your Shopify account in Zoho Campaigns.", "zc_js_save_draft" : "Save as Draft", "zc_js_contacts_topic_this_week" : "This week", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_specific_date" : "Specific date", "zc_display_text_value" : "You need to enter a display text", "zc_js_enter_valid_email_$1" : "Enter a valid $1 (Email Field)", "zc_editor_poll_rating_thanksmsg" : "We really appreciate you taking the time out to rate us.Thank you for rating us.", "zc_js_campaign_exclude_atleast_one" : "Select at least one campaign for excluding contacts.", "zc_js_isnt" : "isn't", "zc_js_till_today" : "Till Today", "zc_primary_list" : "Primary List", "zc_js_synctonacts" : "Sync Contacts", "zc_js_list_signupform_remove_url" : "Are you sure you want to remove this web page URL?", "zc_js_gdpr_popup_eu_user_existing_content" : "To comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have added a set of features. Since you are part of the EU, it is mandatory that your account is tailored to suit the GDPR requirements.", "zc_common_edit_coupinfo" : "Edit Coupon Info", "zc_js_url_fetch_unable" : "Cannot fetch content for the URL provided.", "zc_js_settings_cm_sync_account_already_used" : "This Zoho Contact Manager account is already used in some other organization.", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_segment_deleted" : "Segment <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted. Select another segment.", "zc_subscriberstats_Remove_lead_criteria" : "Remove contact criteria", "zc_js_customprograms_page_text" : "Page", "zc_bulksegment_fld_ass_note_msg" : "Bulk segments are created based on items of the $1, present in the list.For e.g., $1 have items such as Apple, Orange, and Grapes but if contacts in the list have only Apple, Grapes in it, then new segments would be created for Apple and Grapes alone.", "zc_js_unknow_error_contact" : "We are facing a temporary server problem. Please contact for further assistance.", "zc_js_change_status_allowed" : "Do you want to restrict the access to this mailing list?", "zc_js_autoresponders_create_email_content" : "You can create a new content for this date and the series that follows", "zc_settings_manageusers_privilege" : "Privilege", "zc_js_contacts_editcontact_rolebased_emailaddress_not_allowed" : "You cannot update with a role-based address.", "zc_exp_enable_pass_protect" : "Enable password protection", "zc_js_sync_fetchOnce_confrimMsg" : "You can use the Periodic Sync (Daily,Weekly,Monthly) option if you are going to use the selected custom view (or) criteria more than once. Do you want to proceed with the \" Fetch Data Once \" option ?", "zc_editor_builder_table_max_errormsg_cols" : "A table cannot contain more than 20 columns.", "zc_js_programs_response_overlay_specific_link" : "Specific link", "zc_js_schedule_timewarp" : "Schedule as time warp", "zc_js_products_product_added__successfully" : "Product added successfully", "zc_js_page_tab_created" : "Your page tab was successfully created.", "zc_leadsub_is_receive" : "is received", "zc_js_webhook_select" : "Select webhook", "zc_js_event_changeMsg" : "Changing the event will delete existing content (if any).", "zc_shopify_integration_products_select" : "You have selected some products in this collection. Do you want to add them in your campaign?", "zc_js_post_deleted" : "This post is deleted.", "zc_js_sent_failure" : "Failed to send test email. Please try again later.", "zc_js_crm_push_alert" : "You've forgotten to select how you'd like to push contact data to Zoho CRM.", "zc_sms_mergetag_enable_parts" : "Your message contains 'merge tag'. It's prescribed to send this message in parts.", "zc_js_settings_company_profile_valid_phone_number" : "Enter a valid phone number.", "zc_integration_crm_deny_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Email campaigns will not be pushed with $1.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Member status will not be updated in $1.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>$1 data will not be synced with Zoho Campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Existing active syncs will be disabled.</span></div>", "zc_js_social_typepost" : "Oops! You forgot to add content.", "zc_leadgeneration_Resub_Email_Customization" : "Resubscribe Email - Customization", "zc_editor_poll_rating_alreadyvotedmsg" : "You've already rated.", "zc_js_import_discontinue" : "Import discontinue", "zc_js_sync_other_crm_no_optoutfield" : "There is no Email-opt-out field in this module. Add the Email-opt-out field in the specific module and try again.", "zc_js_autocyclic_every_month" : "Every Month", "zc_js_autoresponder_eamilaction_replies" : "When a contact replies", "zc_journey_selected_topics" : "Selected Topics", "zc_js_consent_campwillsentmp" : "Campaigns will be sent", "zc_editor_poll_basic_use_poll_question" : "How would you rate this feature?", "zc_js_custom_delete_msg" : "If this custom field is mapped to a merge tag, deleting it will display the tag itself in your email content. \n Do you still want to delete?", "zc_websiteautomation_page_visits_nottracked" : "Not tracked", "zc_js_isbirthdaymonth" : "month is", "zc_js_campaigns_all_contacts_topic_filter_select" : "Select topics", "zc_drilldown_click_poins_msg" : "Click the points to view month details.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_selectlink" : "Choose links", "zc_js_upload_images_css_others" : "Please upload images/css/others in zip format with .zip extension", "zc_js_programs_confirm_deletion" : "Confirm Deletion", "zc_js_merge_list" : "Merge List", "zc_export_summary_export_limit_msg" : "You have reached the maximum of 20 campaigns for a report", "zc_contacts_sync_immediate" : "IMMEDIATE", "zc_editor_listview" : "List View", "zc_js_settings_view_user" : "View Users", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_fieldupdate_popup_text" : "The workflow will trigger when there is an update in the field you select.", "zc_js_cmp_emoji_not_supported_msg" : "You can't add emojis in campaign name.", "zc_js_program_common_months" : "Month(s)", "zc_js_campaigns_smartsend_describe" : "Your campaign will be sent in the next 24 hours when your recipients' are most likely to open it.", "zc_js_reportnotification_once" : "Once", "zc_js_settings_sync_recruit_key_already_used" : "This email address is already in use. OR You may already have Zoho Recruit account associated with this email address.", "zc_scoring_condition_select_error" : "Please select a condition", "zc_subscriber_disabled_copy_to_list_action_tooltip" : "Please select contacts to copy to lists.", "zc_js_editor_divider_limit_number" : "Give value between 1 to 100", "zc_integ_migration_analytics_msg1" : "You must be the organization administrator in both applications to perform the sync.", "zc_js_sm_already_verified" : "This configuration for data migration is already verified and approved by an administrator.", "zc_js_settings_senderaddress_inactive" : "Inactive", "zc_js_journey_crm_task" : "CRM Task", "zc_js_is_not_replied" : "is not replied", "zc_js_filter_contacts_btn_updateview" : "Update custom view", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_describenew3" : "Your campaign will be sent in batches at the intervals you specify. Batch sending aids in controlling your website traffic.", "zc_free_litmus_offer_resubmit_url_msg" : "Did something go wrong when submitting the URL?", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_selected_program_deleted_indraft" : "Workflow associated with this action has been deleted. Associate another workflow before activating.", "zc_integ_migration_analytics_msg3" : "You can select only one database and one table combination at a time to create a sync.", "zc_list_migrate_list_locked" : "You cannot migrate a locked mailing list.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_no_live_event" : "No live event found in your account", "zc_export_pop_yes" : "Yes, I confirm the password", "zc_settings_mail_policy_edit_warning" : "Changing mail policy will also affect the mail policy configured workflows", "zc_js_journey_chosen_email_actions" : "Selected email actions", "zc_hierarchy_change_in_consent" : "If the topic hierarchy is changed, all the associated mailing lists will be uncategorized. Also, consent expressed by your contacts for those lists will  become invalid. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_leadstats_Enter_Name" : "Enter a name for your reference.", "zc_js_autoreponder_edit_running_message" : "Changes may take up to 24 hours to take effect, and you cannot reschedule messages planned for today. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_contacs_crmsync_contacts_click_disable_note" : "Note: Disabling the button will stop pushing the clicked recipient's data to Contacts module.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_zmeeting" : "Zoho Meeting", "zc_js_list_signupform_select_new_list" : "Select new mailing list", "zc_editor_poll_question" : "Question", "zc_js_product_rp_wagroup" : "You do not have permission to associate a web assistant group. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_programs_schedule_already" : "Already schedule", "zc_editor_builder_htmltable_max_errormsg_rows" : "A table cannot contain more than 100 rows.", "zc_editor_component_image_properties" : "Image Properties", "zc_journey_emailresponse" : "Email Response", "zc_js_signupform_reports_confirmed" : "Confirmed", "zc_js_box" : "Box", "zc_js_msdynamics_instance_eg" : "For e.g. (", "zc_js_attachment_allowed_file_types" : "(Allowed file types: .pdf, .doc(x), .txt, .rtf, .odt, .xls(x), .sxc, .csv, .tsv , .ods, .ppt(x), .pps(x), .odp or .sxi ).", "zc_js_programs_smart_on_all_days" : "All days of the week", "zc_integration_denied_googlecontacts_old_note" : "<b>Note</b>: Your Google Analytics integration will also be denied.", "zc_js_browse_file_upload" : "Browse the file for upload", "zc_js_program_reports_timelinechart_enter_exited" : "Contacts Entered and Exited", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_received" : "Received the email", "zc_js_websiteautomation_domain_reactivate" : "This website has been deleted from your organization. Do you want to add this website and re-activate the data?", "zc_segment_contact_scoring_reset_head" : "On resetting contact score in the segment \"$1\"", "zc_editor_poll_reaction_use_poll_msg" : "Get recipient feedback for your product through their reactions from this poll.", "zc_js_sf_external_report_invalid" : "Invalid submissions", "zc_js_journey_trigger_frequency" : "Trigger frequency", "zc_js_want_to_reset_customization" : "Are you sure you want to reset the customization?", "zc_js_add_atleast_one_item" : "Please add at least one item.", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_web_link" : "Provide a Company's Website link.", "zc_common_edit_sendersubject" : "Edit subject and sender details", "zc_js_sm_account_proceed" : "You have not configured your SurveyMonkey account. Please configure to proceed.", "zc_js_autoresponder_everyday" : "Everyday", "zc_js_common_wednesday" : "Wednesday", "zc_advworkflow_response_specific_click_zero" : "Response action will be triggered as soon as the contacts click a specific link in the email.", "zc_js_advreports_deliveredPercentage" : "Delivered Percentage", "zc_js_consent_view_request_note_saved" : "Note saved successfully", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_choose_remove_score" : "Select a score value to be subtracted from contacts who reach this stage of workflow.", "zc_js_products_product_add_product" : "Add product", "zc_leadscore_no_reset" : "No reset activities found.", "zc_js_consent_view_request_note_error" : "Unable to save note. Please try again", "zc_js_autoresponders_triggers_message_everyday" : "Triggers messages everyday at the specified time.", "zc_journey_annual_event" : "Annual event", "zc_js_want_to_clear_contacts_from_List_title" : "Are you sure you want to delete the contacts from this list?", "zc_js_programs_schedule_at" : "at $1, $2", "zc_js_journey_all_taks_assigned_to_one_owner" : "All tasks are assigned to one owner", "zc_js_contacts_sync_accountlimitmsg.recruit" : "Sorry.You have reached a sync limit of 5. Further sync will be possible either by deleting or disabling your existing scheduled sync. Your new sync will be activated after 24 hours", "zc_js_sm_invalid_operation" : "This is an invalid operation.", "zc_js_empty" : "EMPTY", "zc_one_topic_enabled" : "At least one brand topic must be enabled if you want to change the topics hierarchy.", "zc_js_or" : "or", "zc_js_programs_selected_crmfield_deleted" : "The action is stopped as the custom field mapped with Zoho CRM has been deleted.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_domaincheck_failure" : "<b>Verification Failed</b>: We were unable to verify the code on your website. Make sure you've added the code correctly.", "zc_js_rss_sc_special_char_err_msg" : "Special characters cannot be used.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_provide_email_address" : "Provide an email address.", "zc_temp_prompt" : "Are you sure you want to move the selected template(s) to another folder?", "zc_advworkflow_response_open_zero" : "Response action will be triggered as soon as the contacts open the email.", "zc_js_webhook_name_error_msg" : "Please enter a name for your webhook.", "zc_leadscore_disable_msg_new" : "Are you sure you want to disable scoring?", "zc_webinar_did_not_registered_for" : "did not register for", "zc_js_pm" : "PM", "zc_js_programs_programexit_criteria_saved" : "Program exit criteria updated successfully.", "zc_js_update" : "Update", "zc_js_crmsync_integ_errmsg_permission" : "Only an administrator in $1 can integrate with Zoho Campaigns.", "zc_js_invalid_pass" : "Invalid Password", "zc_js_campaign_cant_schedule_coupon_tag_missing" : "You have not added any coupon merge tags. Edit the content to add coupon tags.", "zc_collector_list_delete_err" : "Selected list is a primary list for a topic. Please select another list as a primary list and only then you can delete this list.", "zc_js_websiteautomation_error_website_invalid" : "Please enter a valid website domain.", "zc_js_regular_campaigns" : "Regular Campaigns", "zc_editor_builder_table_min_errormsg_rows" : "A table should contain a minimum of 1 row.", "zc_js_subscriber_automationsummary" : "Autoresponder Summary", "zc_js_select_one_user" : "Please choose any one user", "zc_js_insights_score_distribution" : "score distribution", "zc_report_summary_privilege_other" : "You do not have the permission to export other users' campaign reports", "zc_single_topic_enable" : "You cannot enable \"Topic Management\" when you are in \"Single Purpose\". Switch to \"Multiple Purposes\" if you want to continue GDPR compliant email marketing. You can also change your type of email marketing if you want to use topic management.", "zc_js_deleterole_user_count_content" : "This role is assigned to $1 user(s).", "zc_js_sm_subscriber_not_exist" : "Migrating your data would exceed the contact limit allowed in your current subscription plan in Zoho Marketing Automation.", "zc_js_domain_dkim_spf_wrong_record_fix" : "Copy the $1 TXT record from Zoho Campaigns and republish it on your DNS.", "zc_js_cmp_footer_width_empty" : "Footer width cannot be empty.", "zc_js_$1_cannot_empty" : "$1 cannot be left blank.", "zc_export_pass_length_err" : "Password should be a maximum of 15 characters", "zc_sms_campaign_default_name" : "Untitled SMS Campaign", "zc_advworkflow_response_reply_zero" : "Response action will be triggered as soon as the contacts reply to the email.", "zc_js_list_drag_text" : "Drop here", "zc_js_from" : "from", "zc_js_common_running" : "Running", "zc_js_programs_add_delay" : "Add delay", "zc_js_programs_action_add_tag_text" : "This action lets you assign contacts to preselected tags when they enter the workflow.", "zc_js_editor_please_enter_the_image_url" : "Please enter the image URL", "zc_js_signupform_activity_workflow_enabled" : "Click to disable this workflow for the signup form.", "zc_js_view_campaign" : "View Campaign", "zc_js_webhook_cmp_associate" : "Associate Campaign Webhook", "zc_js_settings_report_toaddress_msg" : "At least one recipient must be added.", "zc_js_product_wagroup_dissociate_confirmation" : "Are you sure you want to dissociate this web assistant group from the product?", "zc_js_custom_field_encryption_error_paid_account_fields" : "You've used your maximum of $1 encrypted account custom fields.", "zc_js_email_common_content" : "mail content", "zc_js_rss_sc_subscribe_now" : "Subscribe now", "zc_integration_commerce_deny_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Orders, products and customers will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Scheduled promotional campaigns will be moved to draft.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Scheduled promotional A/B test campaigns will be stopped.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Scheduled automated emails (abandon cart and order follow-up) will be stopped.</span></div>", "zc_js_role_deleted" : "Role has been deleted successfully", "zs_js_event_error_noEvents" : "You cannot edit this campaign as no live events are available in your configured Eventbrite account.", "zc_js_programs_selected_crmzcskey_invalid_error" : "The action is stopped as the Zoho CRM ZSC key has expired.", "zc_js_product_data_field_add" : "Add product data field", "zc_js_journey_on_list_entry" : "On list entry", "zc_js_use_this_template" : "Use this Template", "zc_js_date_last_$days" : "Last $1 Days", "zc_js_create_action_name_empty" : "Please enter an action name.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_selectcampaign" : "Select a Campaign", "zc_js_see_help" : "Do you want to continue?", "zc_js_products_product_cross_choose_min" : "Choose at least one product to cross promote", "zc_js_bulk_max_childseg_msg" : "We've found more than $1 values for the selected field which exceeds the maximum limit of  $1 segments.", "zc_editor_html_editor_georgia" : "Georgia", "zc_journey_emailactivity_replytracking_not_enabled" : "Reply Tracking is not enabled for the selected email campaign.", "zc_js_programs_error_select_list" : "Please select a mailing list.", "zc_js_programs_template_title_new" : "Create template", "zc_js_hotwarm_higher_start_score" : "Please enter a lesser start value and a higher end value.", "zc_js_rp_campaigns_no_other_edit_privilege_msg" : "You do not have privilege to modify other user's campaign. Contact your organization admin.", "zc_plan_not_supported_coupcamp_description" : "Coupon campaigns allow you to send email campaigns with an attached digital coupons.", "zc_js_due_in_months" : "Due in Months", "zc_js_social_ei_time_past" : "<b>This is an invalid time</b> The time chosen to send an email invite is earlier than the start time of page campaign. Choose a valid time to send an email invite.", "zc_leadstats_Lead_view_creation" : "Lead view creation", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_remove_format" : "Remove Formatting", "zc_selection_err_message" : "Please select an $1", "zc_js_journey_chosen_domain" : "Chosen domain", "zc_import_status_scheduling" : "Scheduling import", "zc_js_common_zoho_backstage" : "Backstage", "zc_js_share_reports_password_cannot_empty" : "Enter access code", "zc_js_attachment_upload_no_file_error_msg" : "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try uploading the attachment again.", "zc_js_google_sheetNotfound" : "Requested Spreadsheet is not present in your configured account.", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_open" : "Open trigger", "zc_js_Autoresponder_delete" : "delete", "zc_programs_workflowv2_webinar_popup_title" : "This workflow will trigger to contacts in the selected list based on the selected webinar", "zc_js_programs_empty_list" : "Empty source list", "zc_js_campaigns_create_ab_coupon_campaign" : "Coupon A/B Campaign", "zc_js_contacts_platform_cv_free_errMsg" : "This option does not apply to free users of $1. Kindly upgrade your Zoho Platform account to avail this option.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_provide_password" : "Provide the password.", "zc_js_autoresponders_activate_ar" : "Activate your autoresponder", "zc_js_autoresponders_deleted" : "Autoresponders deleted successfully.", "zc_js_campaign_rss_failed_starting" : "An internal error while starting your RSS campaign. Please try again.", "zc_import_request_message" : "Thanks for raising a request to upgrade your plan. Our support team will contact you soon.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_recruitField" : "Recruit Field", "zc_js_creator_field_empty" : "Select at least one Zoho Creator field to proceed.", "zc_js_autoupgrade_failtxt" : "Failed", "zc_js_coupon_expired" : "Coupon expired", "zc_js_webhook_response_code" : "HTTP Response", "zc_js_select_list_or_enter_new_list" : "Select at least one mailing list or create a new mailing list.", "zc_js_external_deactivate_confirmation" : "Deactivating this form will stop data submission from the form to the associated lists. Are you sure you want to deactivate this form?", "zc_js_programs_freeze_popup" : "Confirm Freeze", "zc_js_non_subscriber" : "Non-marketing", "zc_js_campaign_event_eventNotFound" : "Unable to clone this campaign as the event must have been deleted or unpublished.", "zc_js_enter_valid_url" : "Enter a valid URL.", "zc_js_sync_no_modules_service" : "You don't have any custom module in $1.", "zc_editor_poll_smiley_alreadyvotedmsg" : "You've already shared your response.", "zc_js_no_google_acc_err_msg" : "Connect your Google Analytics account and get the tracking code.", "zh_products_data_updated" : "Product data updated successfully", "zc_js_ImportContacts" : "Import Contacts", "zc_move_to_unsubscribed_max_limit_reach" : "You are not allowed to move any contacts to Unsubscribe, as you have already exceeded the maximum limit for this organization. For further details, please contact our support", "zc_topic_delete_warning_msg" : "You cannot delete this topic as it is used in the components mentioned below.", "zc_js_sync_periodicsync_enabled" : "To enable|create a sync for every 3 hours, please disable the existing sync (Daily, Weekly, Monthly or 3 Hours) respectively.", "zc_js_programs_this_criteria" : "please remove this criteria.", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_under_eop" : "Under end-of-program", "zc_backstage_plan_error" : "You should be a paid user in Zoho Backstage to create a sync.", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_noreports_note" : "Email open tracking disabled for this campaign.", "zc_js_user_you" : "You", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_item_exit_from_program" : "Exit from workflow", "zc_js_sync_criteria_values_err" : "This criteria can only hold upto 10 values.", "zc_js_Autoresponder_of" : "of", "zc_js_programs_error_select_emailAction" : "Select an email campaign.", "zc_js_programs_stopped_case_unknown_error" : "Technical error occurred. Something went wrong in one of the processes of this workflow. Please contact for more information.", "zc_js_campaign_scheduled_want_delete" : "This Campaign is already scheduled. Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?", "zc_js_programs_trigger_no_upcoming_webinar" : "No upcoming webinar found in your account", "zc_workflow_v2_initate_qualified_contacts" : "Initiate your workflow for qualified contacts", "zc_scoring_negative_score_disabled" : "Disabled successfully", "zc_consent_staus_legmtIntrst" : "Legitimate Interest", "zc_js_folderpriv_advcampaign_$1" : "You don't have privileges to see the other $1 advanced campaign.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_emailaction_already_exist" : "An autoresponder/workflow has already been created for this campaign.", "zc_js_select" : "Please select a field.", "zc_js_subscribers_tagged_subscribers" : "Tagged Contacts", "zc_js_program_select_cart" : "Choose the store with abandoned carts", "zc_js_list_progressing" : "Progressing", "zc_subscriber_disabled_mass_update_action_tooltip" : "Please select contacts to mass update.", "zc_js_subscriber_custom_tag" : "Contact Custom Tags", "zc_leadscore_reset_completed" : "Reset Completed", "zc_js_no_list_search_result" : "No list found.", "zc_other_service_change" : "Other service primary list cannot be changed", "zc_js_custom_field_decryption_completed" : "Encrytion turned off", "zc_js_sm_title" : "Service Migration", "zc_js_images_file_size_exceeds_new" : "One of the images you've tried to upload exceeds the maximum size limit of 3 MB.", "zc_autoresponders_followup_message" : "Follow-up Message", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_italic" : "Italic (Ctrl+I)", "zc_js_contact_already_present_cannot_add_again" : "This contact is already present in $1 List. You cannot add this contact again.", "zc_js_roles_user_view" : "Users with $1 role can view", "zc_js_common_zoho_meeting" : "Zoho Meeting", "zc_js_choose_one_mod_crt_msg" : "choose at least one module criteria.", "zc_js_custom_information" : "Custom Information", "zc_js_enter_valid_criteria" : "Please enter the required search criteria.", "zc_js_settings_sync_select_service" : "Select a service.", "zc_js_common_saturday" : "Saturday", "zc_plan_not_supported_surveycamp" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to create survey-based campaigns", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_subscript" : "Subscript", "zc_js_bulk_segment_paid_version_msg" : "You cannot send campaigns to bulk segments with your current subscription plan.", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_criteria_without_save" : "Please save the criteria before adding a new one", "zc_js_massdelete_all_sub" : "Select all Contacts matching the current view", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_custom_date_field" : "Custom Date Field", "zc_js_shopify_no_privilege_update_credentials" : "You do not have privilege to update the authentication details.", "zc_contacts_sync_crm_cmpselectfield" : "Select Campaign Field", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_tw_link" : "Provide a X Profile link.", "zc_js_html_editor_horizontal" : "Horizontal", "zc_js_domain_dkim_spf_wrong_record" : "You've mistakenly pasted the $1 TXT record in $2 text box on your DNS.", "zc_js_common_yes" : "Yes", "zc_integ_migration_popup_msg1" : "You've integrated this organization with multiple $1 organizations /accounts that aren't supported in the new integration model. Please choose from one of the following $1 organizations to proceed:", "zc_js_programs_trigger_campaign_choosen_deleted" : "Chosen campaign has been deleted", "zc_js_assistant_alias_success" : "Selected domains are made alias successfully.", "zc_js_domainkey_enabled" : "Domainkey Signature of ZohoCampaigns domain is enabled.", "zc_js_deprecated_eop_crm_based_action" : "The End of Workflow component is deprecated. Replace it with the \"Zoho CRM actions\" component available under the Process section.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn how to use this component.</a>", "zc_js_programs_trace_migrate_in" : "Migrated in", "zc_js_list_already_added" : "List is already added by another user of your organization.", "zc_js_customprograms_source_tag_deleted" : "Source tag has been deleted", "zc_leadsub_stat_delete_msg" : "stats deleted successfully", "zc_primary_list_empty" : "Some of your topics do not have a primary list. Every topic must have a primary list if you want to enable topic management.", "" : "Unavailed coupons", "zc_js_campaigns_batchsend_error_timeinterval" : "Invalid batch configurations. Please select valid time Interval[ 60, 180 ,360 ].", "zc_no_opens_six_months_new" : "No opens in past 6 months", "zc_editor_builder_brdsize_emptymsg" : "Border size field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_products_product_cross_promotion_campaign_delete_msg" : "Cross promotion campaign deleted successfully", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_attachment_nodata" : "No attachment files available", "zc_unbounce" : "Unbounce", "zc_js_common_criteria_deleted" : "Segment removed due to one of the following reasons", "zc_js_test_email_comments_field" : "Comments field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_nimbusAdcom_pwd_err" : "Please enter the Nimbus Adcom password", "zc_js_sync_noNewcontacts" : "No new contacts are added to your account.", "zc_filter_empty_campaign_msg" : "There are no campaigns matching your filter criteria", "zc_js_customprograms_item_conditions" : "Conditions", "zc_sms_clickatell_password_err" : "Please enter the Clickatell API key", "zc_js_Autoresponder_emailcampaign_select" : "Select an email campaign/autoresponder.", "zc_js_campaigns_cntlist_received" : "received", "zc_js_settings_integ_cm_zsckeyMsg" : "Enter Zoho Service Communication (ZSC) key generated from your Zoho Contact Manager account.", "zc_js_journey_to_event_ending_time" : "Event ending time", "zc_js_settings_companyprofile_title" : "Company Profile", "zc_js_programs_msg_stopped" : "Message Stopped", "msdynamics" : "MS Dynamics 365", "zc_editor_builderimgcus_width_maxmsg" : "Width cannot exceed 570 px.", "zc_js_tag_name_text" : "Tag Name", "zc_js_autoresponders_immediately_after_email_open" : "Immediately after email open", "zc_js_programs_trigger_for_existing_success" : "Trigger started for existing contacts.", "zc_plan_not_supported_image_editor" : "Upgrade to Subscription plan to edit image.", "zc_js_workflowv2_no_accounts_exists" : "No accounts exists", "zc_js_dash_paused" : "Paused on", "zc_js_sync_creator_field_delete_msg" : "Are you sure you want to delete this mapped field?", "zc_js_date_tomorrow" : "Tomorrow", "zc_js_disable_this_drip" : "Disabling this autoresponder will cancel all the scheduled messages. Are you sure you want to disable?", "zc_js_programs_freeze" : "Freeze", "zc_js_programs_ab_test_sample_size_error" : "You have not given any size for test group.", "zc_js_sms_missed_content" : "You've missed out to fill up the content", "zc_js_workflow_create" : "Create Workflows", "zc_js_calendar_oct" : "Oct", "zc_js_nosentchains" : "There are no sent chains for this campaign.", "zc_editor_html_editor_tahoma" : "Tahoma", "zc_delete_topic" : "Topic has been deleted successfully", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_decrease_indent" : "Decrease Indent", "zc_integ_not_connected" : "Not Connected", "zc_js_dont_allow_special_characters_alone" : "You cannot enter a forward slash only.", "zc_js_test_mail_reached_limit_email_address" : "You have reached the maximum number of email addresses to send the test email. Please contact", "zc_js_products_product_lead_moved_successfully" : "Leads moved successfully", "zc_js_contacts_sync_contacts" : "Zoho Contacts", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_ejected_list" : "Contacts Ejected", "zc_integration_denied_tumblr_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not share your campaigns with Tumblr.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>We'll not post your campaigns on Tumblr.</span></div>", "zc_workflow_v2_no_exit_criteria" : "No exit criteria configured for contacts who've achieved their goal", "zc_js_programs_template_success" : "Template created successfully", "zc_custom_birthdayfield_type" : "Anniversary", "zc_js_recom_together" : "Bought together", "zc_sms_bulksms_username_err" : "Please enter the BulkSMS username ", "zc_bulkseg_privilege_err" : "This segment cannot be edited as the privilege to access a custom field associated with it has been revoked.", "zc_segment_field_deleted_msg" : "The following fields related with this segment have been deleted.", "zc_js_selected" : "Selected", "zc_js_workflowv2_version_desc_header" : "Any changes you make to this workflow will be saved to a new version. ", "zc_plan_not_supported_customize_tracking_text" : "Upgrade to Subscription plan to avail custom tracking", "zc_leadsub_list_delete_no_privilege" : "List Deleted or no Privilege", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_lead_score" : "LEAD SCORE", "zc_js_customfunc_add_param" : "Add Arguments", "zc_js_enabled" : "Enabled", "zc_js_sync_no_contacts_account" : "No contacts found in this account. We suggest you try associating another one.", "zc_js_external_form_already_inuse" : "You cannot access this form as it is already used by another external form.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_solution" : "Solution", "zc_report_summary_intesting" : "You cannot export the report of campaigns that are in testing", "zc_js_start_with_splchar" : "You cannot start with a special character.", "zc_editor_select_anchor" : "Select Anchor", "zc_advworkflow_msg_create_note" : "Create a message for your recipients who enter this workflow.", "zc_js_programs_error_select_video_tag" : "Please select a video tag.", "zc_program_campaign_fields" : "Campaign fields", "zc_js_signupform_difftype_select_conf_msg" : "You have chosen a signup form of different type. This will result in the loss of customizations made to the previous form. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_campaign_filter_default_update_success" : "The default view has been updated successfully.", "zc_editor_builder_link_errormsg" : "Select a text to add link.", "zc_js_upload_file_to_import" : "Please upload a file to import.", "zc_js_sf_reports_sourcedelay" : "A time-based report is being prepared and will be updated shortly.", "zc_editor_tour_signupdisable_msg" : "Let your audience subscribe to this mailing list by enabling signup form subscription right away.", "zc_js_sync_crm_choose_mailing_list" : "Choose Mailing List", "zc_js_email_field_cannot_empty" : "Email address field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_common_message" : "Message", "zc_js_signupform_reports_not_confirmed" : "Not Confirmed", "zc_integration_denied_googleanalytics_old_note" : "<b>Note</b>: Your Google Contacts integration will also be denied.", "zc_js_restored_success" : "Restored successfully.", "zc_js_baclstage_yettocheckin_rep" : "Yet to check in Report", "zc_js_consent_mp_popupheading_newp2" : "You can only send campaigns to categorized mailing lists. Some of the selected lists are uncategorized.", "zc_js_mass_op_msg" : "This will take a few minutes. You will receive an notification once the operation is complete.", "zc_no_list_available" : "No Lists Available", "zc_js_file_type_not_supported_fmt_msg" : "Try importing a file with .csv, .xls, .xlsx extensions.", "zc_js_custom_field_encryption_error_free_account" : "In free edition, you can encrypt only $1 account custom fields.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_notconnect_trigger_programexit" : "You cannot connect the trigger to a Exit from workflow component.", "zc_leadstats_between" : "is between", "zc_js_other_crm_unauthorized_error" : "You do not have the permission to access this instance URL", "zc_js_alert_ticket_invalid" : "ZSC key for this account is no longer valid.", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_add_filter_criteria" : "Please add a filter criteria", "zc_js_editor_fit_pagewdt" : "Fit page width", "zc_js_product_campaign_url_all_dissociated" : "All the URLs associated with this campaign get dissociated", "zc_js_sync_account_already_used" : "The $1 account with this email address is integrated with another organization.", "zc_js_sync_field_already_mapped" : "You've already mapped \"$1\".", "zc_js_campaign_filter_dormant" : "Dormant", "zc_js_cyclic_years" : "year(s)", "zc_js_delete_custom_field_warning_msg" : "You cannot delete this custom field as it is used in the components mentioned below. Please remove this field from these components to proceed.", "zc_js_settings_sync_recruit_account_already_used" : "This Recruit account is already used in some other org.", "zc_js_journey_zoho_crm_module" : "ZOHO CRM module", "zc_js_websiteautomation" : "Website Automation", "zc_js_creating" : "Creating", "zc_unbounce_missing_page" : "You cannot integrate this account as it doesn't contain any unbounce page to fetch data from.", "zc_js_html_editor_title_tooltip" : "Title (tooltip)", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_process_condition_desc_multi" : "Segment your contacts based on their field value and create separate contact paths for each segment.", "zc_js_campaign_scheduled_invalidtime" : "Invalid Time", "zc_email_campaign_tracking_nocomplete_note" : "<b>Note</b>: Response actions, Contact scorings, Autoresponders, and Workflows set for opens on this campaign will not be triggered.", "zc_js_campaigns_confirm_recipients_schedule" : "Are you sure you want to schedule at $1.", "zc_js_massupdate_nocontacts_msg_show" : "There are no contacts in the list. Mass update cannot be done.", "zc_js_journey_selected_the_list_nomore_form" : "No forms were available", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_process_condition_desc_wait" : "Wait until conditions are satisfied for contacts to perform further actions in the workflow", "zc_editor_component_video_properties" : "Video Properties", "zc_js_sc_create_cnt_success" : "Content Created Success Fully", "zc_js_date_current_week" : "Current Week", "zc_js_no_segment_access_privilege" : "No Segment Access Privilege", "zc_delete_topic_button" : "Delete Topic", "zc_programs_select_an_event_err" : "Please select an event.", "zc_js_contact_type_recovered" : "Recovered", "zc_js_hide_hid_flds_text" : "Hide hidden fields", "zc_js_visitors_count" : "Visitors Count", "zc_site_analytics" : "Site Analytics", "zc_js_domain_dkim_match_dup_record_fix" : "Remove other DKIM records for the host name shown above. ", "zc_js_sf_overlay_color" : "Overlay color", "zc_product_topic_delete_last_one" : "You cannot delete this product as it has the only enabled topic. You need to have at least one topic enabled.", "zc_js_custom_field_decrypting" : "Turning off", "zc_onepage_import_upload_comp" : "Computer", "zc_js_reports" : "Reports", "zc_js_programs_goal_error_percent" : "Please enter the percentage ", "zc_js_immediate_sync_already_active" : "You already have an active immediate sync for this view. You cannot initiate another immediate sync for the same view.", "zc_js_settings_tools_title" : "Tools", "zc_leadgeneration_Add_list" : "Add a list", "zc_contacts_sync_invalidTicket" : "Oops! This key is no longer valid. Please enter a valid one.", "zc_campaign_coupon_prefix_invalid" : "Invalid prefix entered.", "zc_js_journey_path_b" : "Path B", "zc_js_journey_path_a" : "Path A", "zc_import_status_file_duplication_checking" : "Checking for duplication", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_font_color" : "Font Color", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_superscript" : "Superscript", "zc_js_programs_multi_condition" : "Multi-way condition", "zc_campaigns_attachments_view" : "View", "zc_js_programs_error_select_leadscore" : "Please provide valid lead score.", "zc_js_social_ei_cancel_aftr_pgends" : "Any email invite scheduled after the page campaign ends will be canceled automatically.", "zc_js_company_name" : "Company Name", "zc_integration_denied_woocommerce_solutions_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Disconnect your WooCommerce store with Zoho Campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs w80'>All access to your products, customers, orders, and more will be revoked.</span></div>", "zc_js_cyclic_repeat_every" : "Repeat every", "zc_js_autoresponders_triggers_everyweek" : "Triggers messages every week at the specified day.", "zc_autoresponder_msgschedule_updated_successfully" : "Message schedule updated successfully.", "zc_no_opens_one_months_new" : "No opens in past 1 month", "zc_onepage_import_file_deletion_alert_msg" : "Already selected file will be deleted.", "zc_js_list_customization_update_profile_old_email_msg" : "The tag ##OLD_EMAIL## is mandatory", "zc_js_calendar_editreminder" : "Edit Reminder", "zc_js_settings_integ_auth_token" : "Authentication token", "zc_js_duplicate_entries_found" : "Duplicate entries will be removed.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_reports" : "Zoho Reports", "zc_js_event_no_present_live_in_eventbrite_account" : "No live events in your Eventbrite account. Try integrating another Evenbrite account.", "zc_js_sf_form_already_inuse" : "This form is already linked with $1. Do you want to move to its overview page?", "zc_js_invalid_identifier_field" : "Invalid Identifier field value", "zc_js_sync_integ_to_newtopics_integration" : "Please migrate to the latest version of topics before you migrate to the latest version of Integrations.<a href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn more.</a>", "zc_js_contacts_google_logoutErrMsg" : "Error occurred while logging out of Google. Please try again later.", "zc_programs_report_trigger_type_email" : "Email action", "zc_js_list_setup_mailinkey_generated" : "Mail-In address generated successfully.", "zc_js_insights_score_range" : "Score Range", "zc_js_contact_inference_name" : "ContactInference", "zc_js_cmp_theme_empty_unsub_link" : "Provide an Unsubscribe link.", "zc_js_programs_confirm_remove_from_list" : "Your contacts will be removed from this list. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_js_webhook_actions_resumed" : "Resumed", "zc_editor_survey_merge_tags" : "Survey Merge Tags", "zh_product_audience_apply_filter" : "Apply filters to refine the campaign audience", "zc_js_assistant_app" : "Wep apps", "zc_js_survey_integrate_account" : "Integrate your SurveyMonkey account.", "zs_js_read_terms_proceed" : "Please read and accept the Terms of Service.", "zc_js_library_images_select_valid" : "Select a valid image file.", "zc_js_programs_trace_exit_Criteria" : "Exited through Exit Criteria", "zc_js_customprograms_source_abandoned_deleted" : "Source abandoned cart has been deleted", "zc_js_programs_action_remove_tag_text" : "This action lets you remove preselected tags from contacts when they enter the workflow.", "zc_sms_vonage_api_key_err" : "Please enter the Vonage API key", "zc_js_html_editor_table_column" : "Columns", "zc_js_enter_valid_number" : "Please enter a valid number.", "zc_js_exclude_firstname" : "First Name", "zc_js_uploading_image" : "Uploading Image", "zc_js_sync_new" : "Sync New", "zc_editor_contact_merge_tags" : "Contact Merge Tags", "zc_editor_builder_insertHTML_errorMsg" : "Insert valid HTML.", "zc_js_advreports_Last6month" : "Last 6 Months", "zc_js_contacts_sync_backstage" : "Zoho Backstage", "zc_js_cloudservice_integrate.head" : "With this integration, we'll be performing the following actions:", "zc_js_cannot_add_more_list" : "You cannot add more than 5 lists.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_crmaccountmsg" : "Your Zoho CRM account is in Free Edition. This option is available only for Professional and Enterprise Edition customers.", "zc_marketinig_switch_g_c" : "If you switch to consent-based email marketing, both purposes and topics will be converted into topics. Are you sure you want to switch to consent-based email marketing?", "zc_campaigns_templates" : "Templates", "zc_editor_component_button_properties" : "Button Properties", "zc_js_Autoresponder_selectlist_err" : "Please select a list to associate.", "zc_js_editor_paragraph" : "Paragraph", "zc_js_deprecated_movetoend_based_action" : "The Move to end of workflow component is deprecated from Zoho Campaigns. Please delete this component to activate the workflow.<a class='prgerrlink linktxt' href='' target=\"_blank\">Learn more.</a> ", "zc_js_am" : "AM", "zc_js_programs_trigger_deleted" : "Trigger deleted successfully.", "zc_js_change" : "Change", "zc_autoresponders_msgs_delete" : "Once this message has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Do you still want to proceed?", "zc_js_autoresponders_triggers_message_specific_click" : "Triggers message series at the specified time after specific click.", "zc_js_cmp_width_less" : "Width cannot be less than 0 pixels.", "zc_js_zf_chooseForm" : "Select Form", "zc_js_Autoresponder_Edit_Content" : "Edit Content", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_closed" : "TO FIXED GROUP", "zc_webinar_attendeess_seg" : "Webinar attendees", "zc_js_cyclic_weeks" : "week(s)", "zc_js_is_sub_allowed" : "Signup form subscription allowed.", "zc_marketinig_switch_g_p" : "If you switch to permission-based email marketing, both purposes and Topics will be converted into topics. Are you sure you want to switch to permission-based email marketing?", "zc_js_dashboard_audiencechange_12months" : "Last 12 months", "zc_folder_exist" : "Folder name already exists.", "zc_js_programs_error_comment_connection_out" : "Note not saved due to connection error", "zc_common_select" : "SELECT", "zc_js_recruit_field_change" : "You can not map the single recruit field for multiple campaignFields.", "zc_webhook_select_parameter" : "Select parameter", "zc_js_cmp_name_empty" : "Provide company name.", "zc_js_setting_newui_imprint_details" : "Imprint Details", "zc_js_accept_terms_and_conditions_unsplash" : "Please accept the Terms and Conditions.", "zc_js_subscribers_contacts_marked_reassociate" : "Contact$1 added to list$2", "zc_js_customfn_execute" : "Execute", "zc_integration_denied_other_crm_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your email campaigns will not be shared with $1.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your campaign activities will not be pushed as member status in $1.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your $1 data will not be synced with Zoho Campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Delete existing syncs.</span></div>", "zc_js_button_maxvalerrmsg" : "Input only numerical values ranging 0-570", "zc_js_subscribers_active_contacts" : "Active Contacts", "zc_js_mapped_list_paypal" : "PayPal", "zc_common_end" : "End", "zc_leadstats_Last_Three_Months" : "Last three months", "zc_js_common_campaign" : "Campaign", "zc_js_htmlversion" : "HTML Version", "zc_js_settings_sync_reports_account_already_used" : "This Zoho Reports account is already used in another organization.", "zc_js_workflow_active" : "Active", "zc_js_start_end_cant_schedule_past_date" : "The End Date/Time cannot be earlier than the Start Date/Time.", "zc_crm_sync_next_retrieval_list_view" : "Next Retrieval", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_emailaction_invalid_configuration" : "Invalid configuration. Please re-configure the trigger.", "zc_js_settings_integ_apisecret_msg" : "Please provide the api secret.", "zc_js_filter_contacts_clear" : "Clear Filter", "zc_consent_multi_purpose_select_purpose" : "Choose a purpose", "zc_js_calendar_campcreatedon" : "Campaign created on", "zc_workflow_v2_exit_criteria" : "Exit criteria for contacts who've achieved their goal is configured", "zc_js_wf_single_cannt_remove" : "You need to have at least one action configured for the response.", "zc_editor_emptymsg_merge_tags" : "To define tags for your contacts go to Settings >> Merge Tags.", "zc_js_programs_reminder_msg_connect_error" : "Reminder component can be connected only with emails", "zc_js_programs_error_select_datefield" : "Please select a date field.", "zc_js_add_will_cause_max_sender" : "You can add a maximum of 5 sender addresses only.", "zc_js_common_time" : "Time", "zc_js_new_post_text" : "New Post", "zc_js_edit_subject" : "Edit Subject", "zc_js_consent_view_request_confirm_rtep" : "Adding a request for 'Email preferences' will send an email with link to update email preferences.", "zc_js_manual_post_info" : "Since your subject contains a merge tag, posting this will display the tag itself. Either remove the tag or replace the tag with a value in the next page.", "zc_js_role_privilege_delete_list_suscriber_note" : "Note: Deletion of contacts from organization depends on your privilege.", "zc_list_clone_sub_exceed" : "Migrating this mailing list will exceed the lead limit in Zoho Marketing Automation. Upgrade your subscription plan in Marketing Automation to migrate and add more leads.", "zc_cmp_not_sent" : "Campaign is not completely sent.", "zc_js_forms_found_no_forms_account" : "No forms found in your Zoho Forms account.", "zc_js_test_mail_selected_already" : "You have selected 5 emails.", "zc_js_wa_empty_url" : "Validation URL cannot be blank.", "zc_js_eventbrite_invalid_event" : "Invalid event", "zc_subscribers_import_protected_file_password_error" : "Please enter the password to open this file.", "zc_js_settings_themes_title" : "Campaign Themes", "zc_js_contacts_move_contact_to_do_not_mail_registry_heading" : "Move contact to Do-not-mail registry?", "zc_js_workflow_select_date_msg" : "Update date to", "zc_js_settings_mergetags_title" : "Merge Tags", "zc_js_pc_cancel" : "Are you sure you want to cancel this schedule?", "zc_js_autocyclic_daily" : "Daily", "zc_js_data_proc_basis_select_msg" : "Choose a Lawful basis", "zc_js_datefield_trigger_v2_additional_criteria_enabled" : "Additional criteria enabled", "zc_journey_configure_crmpush" : "Configure Push action to CRM", "zc_plan_not_supported_surveycamp_description" : "Survey-based campaigns allow you to send email campaigns relevant to surveys conducted. ", "zc_js_archive_msg" : "This campaign has been archived under the selected list.", "zc_platform_accounts" : "Zoho $1 Accounts", "zc_calendar_usercalendar" : "Push Campaign to Campaign's owner calendar", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_license_error" : "Unable to activate workflow. Please refresh and try again.", "zc_editor_builder_vertical_maxmsg" : "Vertical spacing cannot exceed 50 px.", "zc_js_tag_sort_a_to_z" : "A to Z", "zc_js_products_product_customer_moved_successfully" : "customers moved successfully", "zc_journey_wait_time" : "Wait Time", "zc_js_desk_noorg" : "No Organization has been found for your account. Make sure you have an active account in ZohoDesk.", "zc_editor_emptyerr_merge_tags" : "No tags are defined here.", "zc_manage_list_spliting_master_list_desc_note" : "A master list can be used as a repository for your contacts. Once contacts are added to this list, they can be further segregated and grouped into any other mailing list based on certain criteria that you define.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_freeze_desc" : "Contacts added to the mailing list after freezing this workflow will not go through the path. Only the contacts added after the workflow is resumed will go through the path. Are you sure you want to freeze this workflow?", "zc_manage_list_split_activate_popup" : "The set criteria will be applied to the contacts already in the mailing list as well as new contacts that join the list.", "zc_js_customview_activity" : "Activity", "zc_unassociate_topic_msg" : "Do you want to disassociate the selected contact from this topic?", "zc_library_new_collection" : "New Collection", "zc_js_domain_dkim_dup_record" : "More than one DKIM record is in your DNS for the host name $1. Below is the existing DKIM record we found in your DNS.", "zc_js_go" : "Go", "zc_js_service_newflow_migrated_msg" : "$1 account has been migrated successfully", "zc_js_autocyclic_every_year" : "Every Year", "zc_leadgeneration_Submit_Subscriber" : "Submitted Contacts", "zc_js_contacts_sync_invalid_emailaddress" : "Invalid username or password.", "zc_js_segments_selected_from" : "Segments selected from", "zc_js_popup_cookie_usage" : "Cookie Usage", "zc_js_folderpriv_onerecent" : "You don't have privileges to see the other one campaign.", "zc_js_html_editor_url" : "URL", "zc_js_hotwarm_activate_msg" : "Activate feature now", "zc_js_subscribed" : "Marketing", "zc_js_complaince_gdpr_settings_off" : "Consent GDPR setup disabled", "zc_js_programs_schedule_holiday_non_annual_date" : "On $1, $2 at $3,$4", "zc_setting_integ_true" : "Push all email campaigns as event", "zc_js_journey_downloading_attachment" : "Downloading attachment", "zc_js_emails_ignored" : "The following email(s) will be ignored", "zc_js_padding_numeric_range" : "Note- Input only numerical values ranging 0-200", "zc_js_aleast_one_value_persent" : "At least one value should be present.", "zc_cmp_childcmp_list_migrated_create_alert_msg" : "You cannot create a child campaign as the target mailing list of the parent campaign has been migrated to Zoho Marketing Automation.", "zc_js_calname_invalid" : "Please enter valid Calendar Name", "zc_js_crmsync_integ_errmsg" : "You've not created any account in $1. Please try again after creating one.", "zc_js_list_setup_description_updated" : "Mailing list description updated successfully.", "zc_js_campaigns_schedulelater_basic" : "Select a Time Zone", "zc_consent_multi_purpose_heading_consentrequired" : "Consent", "zc_js_alert_select_opens_clicks" : "Please select the status of contacts to be pushed.", "zc_js_cmp_service_sync_switch_to_common" : "Switch to Common limit", "zc_js_schedule_earlier_date" : "You cannot schedule a campaign for an earlier date/time.", "zc_js_programs_overall_report_not_converted" : "UnConverted", "zc_js_mailpolicy_choose_admin" : "Please select an administrator", "zc_journey_selected_tag_deleted" : "The selected tag was deleted.", "zc_js_html_editor_pls_give_img_url" : "Please give an Image URL", "zc_auto_please_choose_valid_time" : "Please choose a valid time.", "zc_js_subscribers_import_starts_on" : "starts on", "zc_leadsub_atleast_select_one_list" : "Select at least one list to continue", "zc_js_in" : "in", "zc_js_editor_from_computer" : "From your computer", "zc_js_is" : "is", "zc_auto_holiday_isannual_popupnote" : "Note: You will not be able to create any new promotions for this autoresponder from the new version. To create new promotions, switch your autoresponder to Cyclic.", "zc_js_settings_sync_invalid_zoho_account" : "This account isn't the same as the existing account. Recheck your ZSC key.", "zc_js_schedule_date" : "scheduleDate", "zc_plan_not_supported_archivecamp" : "Upgrade to the Subscription plan to avail campaign archives", "zc_js_email_id_entered" : "Enter email address(es).", "zc_editor_userdefined_new_merge_tags" : "Contact Custom Merge Tag", "zc_js_testmail_no_feed" : "Unable to fetch RSS Feed and failed to send RSS test email. Please try again later.", "zc_js_contacs_crmsync_reimport_msg" : "you cannot reimport, since reimport limit for a day has been reached.", "zc_score_updated" : "Score updated", "zc_list_topic_empty_err" : "You cannot enable topic as there are no primary list associated to it.", "zc_programs_trigger_lable_smart" : "SMART SERIES", "zc_js_advreports_delivered" : "Delivered", "zc_campaigns_backtopfivestats" : "Back to Top Five Stats", "zc_js_programs_response_overlay_open" : "Open", "zc_js_calendar_addaction" : "Add Action", "zc_js_cyclic_trigger_panel_topic" : "Cyclic Trigger", "zc_js_product_select_wa_group" : "Please select a web assistant group", "zc_js_journey_crm_deal_active_for" : "Active for", "zc_js_list_customization_update_profile_new_email_msg" : "The tag ##NEW_EMAIL## is mandatory", "zc_js_notweblink" : "Not a Weblink Collector", "zc_js_smart_archive_link_removed" : "We removed your archive links.", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_change_to_smart_list_popup_desc1" : "Changing a master list to a smart list will remove all criteria that is already set. Only the criteria that is specified for the smart list will be active.", "zc_js_product_report_lead_levels" : "Lead levels", "zc_js_selected_zurvey_not_found" : "Selected survey is not found in your Zoho Survey Account.", "zc_js_google_invalid" : "Your Google Analytics Account is Invalid. ", "zc_js_common_filter_all_active_users" : "All active users", "zc_js_subject_cannot_empty" : "Subject field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_editor_use_this_image" : "Use this image", "zc_js_mailing_lists_clear_subscribers_scheduler_invoked_note_message" : "Note: This mailing list is locked as we're clearing the contacts and you cannot edit, add, or delete any contacts to this mailing list.", "zc_js_field_not_allow_standard" : "You cannot map standard fields of $1 with custom fields of Campaigns.", "zc_js_filter_contacts_time_between_unsent" : "Unsent between", "zc_js_images_file_size_exceeds" : "One of the images you've tried to upload exceeds the maximum size limit of 1 MB.", "zc_js_sub_tag_not_allowed" : "The merge tag you are trying to use is not supported.", "zc_js_workflowv2_customprograms_item_program_deleted" : "Workflow <span class", "zc_sm_user_nopriv" : "You don't have the privilege to perform this integration. Please contact your organization administrator to integrate with your SurveyMonkey account.", "zc_js_common_updating" : "Updating", "zc_gtw_user_nopriv" : "You don't have the privilege to perform this integration. Please contact your organization administrator to integrate with your GoToWebinar account.", "zc_js_settings_formtheme_title" : "Signup Form Themes", "zc_js_file_type_not_supported" : "This file format is not supported. Please provide a valid file format.", "zc_js_cannot_verify_more_than_$1_sender_email_addresses" : "You cannot verify more than 5 sender email addresses.", "zc_js_list_listkey" : "List Key", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_subscribers_end_of_program_list" : "Contacts Under End-of-workflow", "zc_email_campaign_not_sent_List_based_summary" : "No Emails Delivered for the subscribers present in the list.", "zc_js_programs_smart_send_label_cancel" : "Hide advanced options ", "zc_js_postcampaigns" : "Post Campaigns", "zc_js_lead_lastmonthdata" : "Last Month -", "zc_journey_subscripiton_management_option_unsubscribe" : "Unsubscribe from all topics", "zc_programs_merge_delete_text" : "Delete merge", "zc_js_sf_wft_action_disable" : "Activity-based workflow is disabled for this signup form.", "zc_js_sync_msdynamics_invalid_url" : "Oops! The MS Dynamics 365 instance URL is invalid. <a class=\"linktxt\" onclick='window.location.hash=\"#settings/integrations/msdynamics\";'>Click here</a> to re-integrate your account.", "zc_js_want_to_delete_images" : "Are you sure you want to delete these images?", "zc_common_Agree" : "I Agree", "zc_plan_not_supported_webhooks_description" : "With webhooks extract real-time data including subscribes, unsubscribes, date and time a campaign was sent or delivered.", "zc_js_choose_email_to_send" : "Choose an Email to send", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_activate_error_item_eop_connect" : "Component should be connected to end-of-workflow actions", "zc_js_no_campaigns" : "No campaigns available", "zc_js_customfield_label" : "Custom Field Label", "zc_js_webhook_actions_testnoconclusion" : "A/B Test Inconclusive", "zc_js_Autoresponder_untrack" : "Do you want to untrack this?", "zc_js_signupform_removal_multiple_list_subscription" : "Multiple list subscription", "zc_js_custom_score_backmsg" : "Back to my campaign", "zc_js_donotmail" : "Do-Not-Mail", "zc_js_crmsender_msg" : "As Personalize sender details with CRM data is enabled, you can't enable this option.", "zc_js_library" : "Library", "zc_js_programs_emailaction_select_email" : "Select an email", "zc_programs_ignore_reason_topicunsubscribe" : "Unsubscribed from Topic", "zc_webhook_campaigns_field" : "Campaigns Field", "zc_programs_associate_video" : "Select Video ", "zc_js_programs_condition_selected_field_deleted" : "The condition is stopped as the field configured in it has been deleted.", "zc_js_baclstage_checkedin_rep" : "Checked in Report", "zc_scoring_score_invalid_error" : "Please select a score to be assigned", "zc_js_setting_newui_customization" : "CUSTOMIZATION", "zc_js_contacts_sync_editlimitmsg" : "You have reached the sync limit of 10. To initiate this sync delete or disable any existing syncs.", "zc_js_url_deleted" : "The URL must have been moved or deleted.", "zc_js_email_updated_successfully" : "Email address updated successfully.", "zc_js_exclude_contact_sendcampaign" : "The contacts given below will be excluded while sending this campaign.", "zc_js_programs_schedule_holiday_daily" : "Everyday at $1,$2", "zc_js_products_audience_group_err_msg" : "Please name the audience group", "zc_js_programs_confirm_delay" : "It may take 24 hours for the delay to take effect. Do you want to continue?", "zc_leadsub_invalid_days_select" : "Invalid Days selected", "zc_editor_not_selected_any_file_yet" : "You've not selected any file yet.", "zc_js_campaigns_create_surveycampaign" : "SurveyMonkey Campaign", "zc_js_duplicate_email_field" : "Duplicate value is found for Email field", "zc_js_clear_Segment_contacts_success" : "Contacts in this segment were cleared successfully.", "zc_js_journey_open_trigger_description" : "This workflow will be triggered when contacts are imported from another application using an API call.", "zc_journey_email_response_v3_popup_description" : "Enable a response action based on contact response to send emails.", "zc_js_tags_select_atleast_one_contact" : "Select at least one contact to assign a tag.", "zc_js_filter_show_filter" : "Add filter", "zc_js_calendar_june" : "June", "zc_webhooks_select_param_type" : "Please select the parameter type", "zh_product_audience_group_updated" : "Audience group updated successfully", "zc_js_exclude_lastname" : "Last Name", "zc_js_calendar_err" : "Some error occured. Please try again", "zc_js_delete_primary_list_err_user" : "Selected list is a primary list for a topic. Contact your administrator to delete this list.", "zc_js_select_image_to_upload" : "Please select an image to upload.", "zc_js_customprograms_item_merge" : "Merge", "zc_js_integ_reinteg_success_msg" : "Account integrated successfully", "zc_js_hide_more_options" : "Hide more options", "zc_js_hf_custom_error_special" : "These special characters are not allowed.", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_customfields_nodata" : "No custom fields available", "zc_js_consent_view_request_confirm_rtf" : "This will remove all user data permanently. Are you sure you want to continue?", "zc_js_domain_invalid" : "Invalid domain name", "zc_js_contacts_sync_cretor_view_delete_msg" : "This sync cannot be edited, as the synced view might have been changed or deleted.", "zc_webhook_custom_value" : "Custom Value", "zc_js_show_hid_flds_text" : "Show hidden fields", "zc_js_programs_empty_template_name" : "Enter a name for your template", "zc_js_select_ecommerce_field" : "Select $1 Field", "zc_editor_dynamic_content_tipmsg" : "Send personalized content to each recipient based on specified value.", "zc_js_rss_sc_mismatch_blog_url" : "Mismatch your blog URL.", "zc_custom_birthdayfield_valid_format" : "Please select a valid format", "zc_js_webassistant_banner_add" : "Add Banner", "zc_js_reallymassDel_rtbf" : "Data of the selected contacts will be deleted immediately.", "zc_js_tracking_texts" : "Back to tracking texts list", "zc_js_settings_name_already_used" : "This name is used in another organization.", "zc_js_common_filter_created_date" : "Creation Date", "zc_js_litmus_hide_msg" : "We apologize for the inconvenience as this feature is unavailable right now. Our technical team is working on it and it will be available soon. If you have any queries please contact <a href='' class='txtorng'></a>", "zc_js_common_add_new" : "Add New", "zc_js_programs_reminder_add_specificpath" : "Add path for specific clicks", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_move_regular_to_master_list" : "Using a master list, you can set multiple criteria for contacts to segregate and group them in different mailing lists. Do you want to continue?", "zc_js_workflow_audiencechange_1days" : "Last 1 day", "zc_js_customprograms_item_add_score" : "Add score", "zc_license_upgrademsg_paid" : "Unlock this feature by upgrading to a paid plan", "zc_js_common_monday" : "Monday", "zc_js_domain_dkim_key_mismatch" : "The DKIM record in your domain DNS is incorrect. Below is the existing DKIM record we found in the DNS for your domain", "zc_editor_vcf_mergetag_new" : "vCard merge tag", "zc_js_Autoresponder_segerr" : "Please choose a mailing list before checking this option.", "zc_js_calendar_july" : "July", "zc_js_rss_sc_close_camp_msg" : "<div class='tl f16'><div>Closing this campaign will have the following effects:</div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check f24 vm' style='color:#9D9D9D;cursor:default;'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All posts to social media will be stopped.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check f24 vm' style='color:#9D9D9D;cursor:default;'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled posts will be moved to Inactive Feeds.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check f24 vm' style='color:#9D9D9D;cursor:default;'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Editing a closed campaign will not be allowed.</span></div><div class='mt15' style='margin-left:35px;'>Are you sure you want to continue?</div></div>", "zc_product_hierarchy_change_msg" : "Upon changing the hierarchy, all topics under the selected product will no longer be associated.", "zc_js_mailing_lists_merge_scheduler_invoked_note_message_single" : "Note: The source list is locked as we're merging the contacts and you cannot edit, add, or delete any contacts to the mailing list. You'll receive a notification email once the contacts are merged to the target list.", "zc_js_invalid_parameters" : "Invalid parameters", "zs_js_event_accountlock" : "Your configured Eventbrite account has been locked. Please contact Eventbrite for more details.", "zc_compliance_settings" : "Compliance settings", "zc_js_products_product_islead" : "is lead", "zc_js_programs_error_start_msg" : "Unable to start message. Please try again.", "zc_js_role_privilege_export_subscribers_others_only" : "You do not have privilege to export contacts added by you. Do you want to export others contacts anyway?", "zc_js_list_not_having_privilege" : "You do not have the permission to access this option. Contact your organization administrator.", "zc_campaigns_all_blocks_selected" : "All the blocks have been selected", "zc_js_post_type_must" : "Please choose a post option", "zc_head_title" : "Zoho Campaigns", "zc_leadgeneration_error_msg" : "Error while uploading. Please try after sometime.", "zc_js_journey_on_reaching_stage" : "On reaching stage", "zc_js_domain_spf_no_record_fix" : "Copy the accurate SPF record shown above and publish it on your DNS.", "zc_js_contacts_sync_eventbrite" : "Eventbrite", "zc_subscribers_select_crm_field" : "Select CRM Field", "zc_js_signupform_created_successfully" : "Your signup form is created successfully.", "zc_js_select_view" : "This field cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_autoresponder_is_not_activated" : "The autoresponder is not yet activated.", "zc_js_reports_field_empty_analytics" : "Select at least a analytics field to proceed", "zc_js_subscriber_leadinference" : "Lead Inference", "zc_js_no_campaign_search_result" : "No email campaign found.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_dfea_connect_process_not_eop" : "You need to configure process elements to connect to end-of-workflow actions.", "zc_js_programs_update_deal" : "Update deal", "zc_js_cmp_service_sync_switch_to_separate" : "Switch to Separate limits", "zc_js_subscriber_Lead_inference_name" : "LeadInference", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_notreceived" : "Contacts not received the email", "zc_js_websiteautomation_domain_exist" : "Website Automation already configured for this domain.", "zc_leadsub_number_only_allow" : "Only numbers are allowed", "zc_js_programs_source_segment_deleted" : "Source segment has been deleted.", "zc_js_autoresponders_show_all_emails" : "Show all Emails", "zc_js_programs_notconnect_absplit_exceptmsg" : "Cannot be connected", "zc_js_dormant_error_popup" : "You cannot send a dormant campaign to more than 25 contacts.", "zc_js_contacts_platfrom_msg" : "Enter Service Integration(SI) Key generated from your Vertical CRM account.", "zc_js_consent_view_request_confirm_rta" : "Adding a request for 'Right to access' will send an email with link to update user information.", "zc_license_upgrademsg_ec" : "Unlock this feature by upgrading to a subscription plan", "zc_integration_denied_nimbus_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>You will not be able to send SMS campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Reports of SMS messages pending to be sent will not be fetched.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>All scheduled SMS campaigns will be canceled.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Your leads' mobile number and the content of your campaign will not be shared with Nimbus Adcom.</span></div>", "zc_segment_more_then_lack" : "$1 cannot be more than 100000.", "zc_js_products_product_report_customer_count" : "Customer Count", "zc_leadsub_select_view" : "Please select view", "zc_js_settings_integ_crm_zsckey_msg" : "Enter the Zoho Service Communication (ZSC) key generated from your Zoho CRM account.", "zc_contacts_segments_condition_is_empty_or_false" : "is empty or false", "zc_js_settings_userprofile_title" : "User Profile", "zc_leadsub_is_true" : "is true", "zc_js_select_atleast_one_list" : "Select at least one list to merge.", "zc_js_settings_report_disable_msg" : "Are you sure you want to disable report settings?", "zc_dashboard_recent_autoresponder_widget" : "Recent Autoresponders", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_closed_desc" : "The workflow will trigger for a closed group of contacts. Select a source list.", "zc_js_calendar_remindertext" : "Reminder", "zc_js_foldermove_allotherservice" : "Selected modules will not move to other folder as they all belong to other service.", "zc_js_programs_opentrigger_internal" : "For internal use", "zc_js_customprograms_attachment_download_file_text" : "Attached File", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_configure_err_new" : "Configure <span class='prgerrlink linktxt' style='text-decoration: underline;'>$1</span> trigger", "zc_js_filter_bounced_subsribers" : "Bounced contacts", "zc_js_global_search_no_active_subscribers_mass_update" : "You cannot mass update the blocked, bounced, and do-not-mail contacts.", "zc_js_programs_error_msg_criteria" : "Message has been stopped due to custom field deletion in skip criteria. Edit the criteria and reactivate the message.", "zc_js_books_field_empty" : "Select at least one Zoho Books field to proceed.", "zc_js_custom_field_encrypting" : "Turning on", "zc_js_contacts_sync_highrise" : "highrise", "zc_js_programs_ab_split_text_desc1" : "This action lets you create two different paths and randomly split the contacts through them. Drag the handle across the bar and choose the percentage of contacts to send down each path.", "zc_js_programs_internal_notification" : "INTERNAL NOTIFICATION EMAIL", "zc_js_websiteautomation_hide_conditions" : "Hide Conditions", "zc_js_cmp_common_day" : "Day", "zc_consent_settings_purpose_delete_single_purpose" : "You cannot delete this purpose. You need to have atleast 1 purpose for sending emails.", "zc_js_report_chain_reply_open_count" : "Opened/Replied count", "zc_report_summary_inprogress" : "You cannot export the report of campaigns that are in progress", "zc_js_preheader_charremaining" : "characters remaining.", "zc_js_role_privilege_massupdate_subscribers_others_only" : "You do not have sufficient privilege to mass update contacts added by you. Do you want to mass update other users' contacts?", "zc_email_campaign_not_sent_seg_based_summary" : "No Emails Delivered for the subscribers present in the segment.", "zc_js_content_limit_twitter" : "Your content has exceeded the maximum limit for X.", "zc_js_html_editor_img_file_size" : "File size limit is 3 MB", "zc_js_campaign_field_change" : "You cannot map a single Zoho Campaigns field with multiple Zoho CRM fields.", "zc_js_products_product_lead_level" : "Product lead level", "zc_js_programs_cart_change_desc" : "Check for the configuration which you have done with the previous cart", "zc_js_bigstock_image_payment_failed" : "Payment Failed. Please Try Again.", "zc_js_webhook_deleted_succ" : "deleted successfully.", "zc_js_common_filter_brandtopics_title" : "Brand Topics", "zc_customscore_url_delete" : "Oops! Looks like the URL you've used as criteria is removed from the campaign now. <a class=\"linktxt f14\" id=\"editdeletedurlscore\" onclick=\"editCustomScoreforDeleteCase()\">Edit criteria</a>", "zc_js_one_comparecamp_delete" : "The campaign '$1' is deleted.", "zc_integration_books_deny_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Existing active syncs will be disabled.</span></div>", "zc_js_subscribers_list_all_list" : "All Lists", "zc_js_autoresponder_messages" : "messages", "zc_js_emailAction_please_select_campaign" : "Please select an email first.", "zc_editor_enable_rtl" : "RTL layout", "zc_js_library_template_content_not_saved" : "This template content is not saved properly. Kindly edit this content", "zc_js_settings_sync_provide_sync_description" : "Enter Sync Description", "zc_js_programs_contact_migration_started" : "Migration started successfully", "zc_js_settings_sync_invalid_communication_key" : "Your ZSC key is no longer valid. Please provide a valid ZSC key.", "zc_js_wf_activatedwfedit" : "Active workflow cannot be edited", "zc_js_settings_updload_msg" : "Error while uploading", "zc_unconfirm_confirmation_email_error_msg" : "An error occurred. Please try after some time.", "zc_js_add_contact_enter_valid_ip_address" : "Please enter a valid IP address", "zc_js_unsubscribe_alert1" : "Please enter a URL", "zc_js_sm_no_cf" : "No custom fields", "zc_js_campaigns_license_emailcredit" : "Insufficient Email Credit", "zc_js_manageconsent_report" : "Consent Report", "zc_js_save_changes" : "Save Changes", "zc_js_customprograms_trigger_file_deleted" : "File <span class='prgerrlink'>$1</span> associated with the trigger is deleted. Select another file.", "zc_js_products_product_customer_remove" : "Are you sure you want to remove the selected customers from the product?", "zc_consent_multi_purpose_delete_error" : "You cannot delete this purpose as you have already setup a consent email for it.", "zc_js_signupform_input_field" : "Input field", "zc_js_contacts_mass_associatetagcontacts_inprogress" : "Assigning tags to contacts in this view is already inprogress.", "zc_js_workflowv2_webinar_not_live" : "Chosen webinar in trigger is not in live", "zc_auto_calendar_promtion_and_message_has_same_name" : "Your promotion and message name will always be maintained the same.", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_tag_nodata" : "No tags available", "zc_bulksegment_fld_seg_msg" : "Add $1 Items as segments based on contacts' data", "zc_js_programs_subscribers_click" : "Clicked a link in the email", "zc_js_maxlimit" : "Description cannot exceed 100 characters.", "zc_js_contacts_topic_any_sent_campaign" : "Any sent campaign", "zc_js_contacts_crm_free_module_errMsg" : "You cannot create more than one sync per module as a free user of Zoho CRM.", "zs_js_select_page" : "Please select a page.", "zc_js_library_image_deleted_success" : "Image deleted successfully.", "zc_list_clone_entities_not_associated" : "Entities that can not be associated with the list clone.", "zc_journey_selected_list_deleted" : "The selected list was deleted.", "zc_js_cmp_theme_notvalid_tw_link" : "Enter a valid twitter profile's link.", "zc_js_domainkey_disable" : "Domainkey Signature is disabled.", "zc_js_consent_campwillnotsentmp" : "Campaigns will not be sent", "zc_js_create_action_name_maxlen" : "Name cannot exceed 50 characters.", "zc_customscore_score_range_error" : "Please put a score -50 to 50.", "zc_settings_campaign_policy" : "Campaign Policy", "zc_js_campaigns_org_inactive" : "Organization Blocked", "zc_js_products_product_customer_xaxis_level" : "Customer levels", "zc_js_initiating" : "Initiating", "zc_consent_unclassified_lists_selection_heading" : "<span class='fntwht600'>$1</span> of the selected mailing lists is uncategorized", "zc_campaign_add_emoji_err_msg" : "You can't add emojis in preheader.", "zc_integ_migration_confirmationpopup_msg1" : "Once you've migrated to the new $1 integration setup, you can't revert to the old setup.", "zc_js_workflowv2_programs_no_active_msg" : "Workflow cannot be activated as there is no active message.", "zc_settings_sync_multiLineWarning" : "Please select a multiline field", "zc_integ_migration_confirmationpopup_msg2" : "Except for the selected $1 account, all remaining synced accounts will be removed from the new $1 integration model.", "zc_js_list_priv_revoke_msg" : "One of the autoresponders was created using shared list. Revoking the list privilege will disable the autoresponder. Are you sure you want to revoke the list privileges?", "zc_leadgeneration_Warm_Leads" : "Warm Leads", "zc_js_html_editor_center" : "Center", "zc_js_campaigns_schedulelater_timewarpnew" : "Recipients' Time Zone", "zc_js_common_learn_more" : "Learn more", "zc_programs_ignore_reason_deleted" : "Contact Deleted", "zc_js_html_editor_tooltip_increase_indent" : "Increase Indent", "zc_js_contact_support_enter_valid_contact_num" : "Please enter the valid contact number", "zc_js_there_are_no_domain_available" : "No domain available", "zc_js_common_result" : "Search results for", "zc_js_zs_nosurvey" : "No survey found in your Zoho Survey account.", "zc_js_settings_report_empty_msg" : "Required fields cannot be left blank.", "zc_js_delete_subscribers_from_list_note" : "Note: Deleting contacts from this segment will delete them from other mailing lists. Deletion of contacts from organization depends on your privilege.", "zc_js_campaign_confirm_panel_popup_title" : "Sender Address Privilege Changed", "zc_js_massupdate_append_with" : "Append with", "zc_js_existing_camp_theme_enter_name" : "Select a theme", "zc_js_started" : "Started on", "zc_manage_list_split_setup_without_save" : "Please save the criteria before activating the setup", "zc_js_contacts_mass_delete_mandatory_param" : "The selected view is no longer available. Please refresh the page and try again.", "zc_integration_denied_shopify_solutions_msg" : "<div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10'>Disconnect your Shopify store with Zoho Campaigns.</span></div><div class='mt15'><i class='zcicon-check-circle zcgrnclr f20 vm curauto'></i><span class='vm ml10 abs w80'>All access to your products, customers, orders, and more will be revoked.</span></div>", "zc_js_programs_select_stage_err" : "Please select a stage", "zc_js_autoupgrade_successtxt" : "Success", "zc_js_bulk_segments" : "Bulk Segments", "zc_js_no_result_found_$1" : "$1 not found", "zc_no_workflowv2_rss_priv" : "Followup campaign option is not available for RSS Campaigns.zc_js_list_segment_delete_modules_configured_modules_info", "zc_js_download" : "Download", "zc_settings_senderaddress_duplicatemsg" : "Duplicated email address found.", "zc_editor_poll_smiley_thanksmsg" : "Thanks for your honesty.", "zc_js_product_rp_url" : "You do not have permission to associate a URL. Please contact your org admin for further assistance", "zc_js_workflowv2_trigger_webinar_caps" : "WEBINAR", "zc_js_list_setup_signup_stats_submits_heading" : "Submissions", "zc_js_no_more_campaigns" : "No more campaigns available", "zc_campaigns_list_global_survey" : "Survey", "zc_js_editor_table_width_proper_format" : "Enter the width in proper format.", "zc_programs_trigger_popup_create_videotag" : "Create a video tag", "zc_js_workflow_stopped" : "Stopped", "zc_js_domain_dkim_dup_record_fix" : "Check your DKIM host name and record in your DNS and update the relevant record. ", "zc_js_common_loading" : "Loading", "zc_js_massupdate_delivered_msg_show" : "contacts who received the email campaign", "zc_js_sync_v3_errmsg_enter_fld" : "Enter a field name before you map a new field.", "zc_js_sync_crm_campaign_enable_msg" : "Create Campaign option must be enabled", "zc_js_websiteautomation_create" : "Create", "zc_js_subscriber_associatedlist" : "Associated Lists", "zc_js_contacts_sync_crmField" : "CRM Field", "zc_cmp_draft" : "You cannot create a new campaign as the previous campaign is still in draft.", "zc_websiteautomation_goal_number_of_actions_recorded" : "Number of actions recorded", "zc_js_sync_creator_emailfield_msg" : "No email fields found in this view.", "zc_js_programs_smart_send_select_atleadt_one_day" : "Please select at least one day to add wait time", "zc_js_signupform_image" : "Image", "zc_max_limit_reached_delete_sub" : "You have reached the maximum limit of deleting contacts. Upgrade your plan to add or delete more.", "zc_js_programs_trigger_event_account_suspended" : "Your EventBrite account has been suspended", "zc_js_emoji_sport" : "Sports and Activities", "zc_js_autoresponder_trigger_reply" : "Triggers message series at the specified time when a contact replies to the email", "zc_js_contacts_crm_cm_limit" : "You cannot select more than 3 modules.", "zc_workspace_name_limit" : "Workspace name value should contain at least $1 characters.", "zc_workspace_no_users" : "No users selected", "zc_workspace_license_unsupported" : "This feature is available only in Professional subscription plan. Please subscribe to a pricing plan to access the feature.", "zc_js_sms_longcode_select_validation" : "Select a long code to proceed", "zc_workspace_no_roles" : "No roles selected", "zc_workspace_role_assigned" : "Role assigned successfully", "zc_js_sms_originator_select_validation" : "Select any originator to proceed", "zc_workspace_user_already_exists" : "User already exists", "zc_js_sms_settings_unsub_enabled" : "Unsubscribe Link will be added for the SMS broadcast.", "zc_js_sms_country_select_validation" : "Select any country to proceed", "zc_js_sms_campaigns_own_gateway_service_description" : "The Zoho Campaigns SMS gateway will enable you to send promotional SMS messages to your contacts' mobile numbers.", "zc_js_sms_longcode_purchased_failure_insufficient_credits" : "Insufficient SMS Long Code Credit.", "zc_workspace_no_privilege" : "You don't have privilege to perform this action", "zc_workspace_user_invited" : "User invited to the workspace successfully.", "zc_js_sms_longcode_purchased_failure" : "'$1' Long Code couldn't be added, try selecting a different one.", "zc_workspace_user_novalue" : "Please enter user name to proceed.", "zc_sms_title" : "SMS", "zc_workspace_desc_limit" : "Workspace description value should contain at least $1 characters.", "zc_workspace_invalid_emailid" : "Invalid emailId", "zc_js_setting_sms_tendlc" : "10 DLC", "zc_js_sms_country_regulations_wait" : "Please wait", "zc_workspace_user_atleast" : "An user must be present in atleast one workspace.", "zc_js_sms_new_maximum_urls" : "Maximum one URL is Allowed", "zc_workspace_select_topic" : "Select atleast one topic", "zc_workspace_license_expired" : "This feature is available only in Professional subscription plan. Please upgrade to access the feature.", "zc_move_to_max_limit_reach" : "The subscription type of the selected contacts cannot be changed, as the maximum conversion limit for this organization has been reached. Please contact for further assistance.", "zc_js_sms_longcode_purchased_success" : "'$1' Long Code added successfully", "zc_workspace_user_removed" : "User removed successfully", "zc_js_sms_longcodes_search" : "Search", "zc_workspace_field_empty" : "This field can't be empty", "zc_workspace_user_max_limit" : "User maximum allowed limit reached", "zc_workspace_topic_associated" : "Cannot remove the associated topics used in active entities", "zc_js_setting_newui_sms_sender_details" : "Sender details", "zc_js_sms_settings_unsub_disabled" : "Unsubscribe Link will not be added for the SMS broadcast.", "zc_js_rp_campaigns_no_lauch_privilege_msg" : "You do not have privilege to launch a SMS Campaign. Contact your organization admin.", "zc_workspace_user_added" : "User added successfully", "zc_js_journey_live_edit_delete_confirm" : "If this component is deleted, those contacts who've already entered it may not be able to move forward in the workflow. Are you sure you want to proceed?", "zc_workspace_user_already_invited" : "User in list already invited"});//NO OUTPUTENCODING</script><script>$("#THANKSPAGE").css("position","absolute");
$("#THANKSPAGE").css("right","0px");</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></head><body class=" center"><div id="formData"><input type="hidden" id="orgNameFull" value=""><input type="hidden" id="campaignUrl" value="">
<input type="hidden" id="pageId" value="1">
<input type="hidden" id="listId" value="">
<input type="hidden" id="contactId" value="">
<input type="hidden" id="pagelistid" value="">

</div><input type="hidden" name="isUnsubFeedbackNeeded" id="isUnsubFeedbackNeeded" value="0"> 
var pagetitle=$("#unauthPageTitle").text();
pagetitle= $("#orgNameFull").val();
var pageId=$("#pageId").val();
if(pageId == 1)
else if(pageId == 15)
$("#formContainer").find("[changetype='SIGNUP_TEXT_2']").html("&nbsp;" + $("#contactEmail").val()+"&nbsp;");
$("#formContainer").find("[changetype='SIGNUP_TEXT_4']").html("&nbsp;" + $("#orgName").val()+".");
else if(pageId == 3)
addUpdateProfileFieldsNewForUnauth("detailView");//NO I18N
else if(pageId==11)
addTellafrndFields("detailView");//NO I18N
else if(pageId==24)
$("#formContainer").find("[changetype='SIGNUP_TEXT_1']").html("&nbsp;" + $("#orgNameConsent").val());
else if(pageId==4)


else if(pageId ==12)
if($("#errorCase").val() == "true")
if($("#contactBlockMail").val() !== "" && $("#contactBlockMail").val() !== "null")
else if(pageId>31 && pageId<36 || pageId==7|| pageId==27 || pageId == 10)
var key="Your email address has already been removed from this list. You will no longer receive emails from this list.";//NO I18N
var isNewUnsubFlow = $("#isNewUnsubFlow").val();
var rtbfOff=$("#rtbfOff").val();
if( $("#isNewUnsubFlow").val() == "true"&& $("#rtbfOff").val()=="true")
if(pageId==34 || pageId==35)
key="Your email address has already been removed from this topic. You will no longer receive emails from this topic.";//NO I18N


if(pageId>32 && pageId<36)
var isAlreadyRemoved = $("#isAlreadyRemoved").val();
if(isAlreadyRemoved == "true")
if(pageId == 1)
if(pageId==7 || pageId==10)
var isUnsubFeedbackNeeded=$("#isUnsubFeedbackNeeded").val();
if($("#feedbackSettings").html()!==undefined && $("#feedbackSettings").html()!=="")
var st=$("[changetype='SIGNUP_TEXT_2']").css("font-size");
var color=$("[changetype='SIGNUP_TEXT_2']").css("color");
var family=$("[changetype='SIGNUP_TEXT_2']").css("font-family");
function sendUpProfileLink()
var upd = "1ba88ada236609d3";
var r = "1ba88ada23dc223e";
var n = "11699e4be5b9aa9";
var od = "3z0061485093d56fa9b052b5e28b4b6bf1a79b7bb5b983c3e2a3867c07ada3460d";
$.post("/ua/upc",{"upd":upd,"r":r,"n":n,"od":od,"mailSent":"true"},function(msg) //No I18N
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<script>$.fn.loadButtonForUnsub = function(msg){
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return this;//To make method chainable...
$.fn.disableClickForUnsub = function(msg){
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return this;//To make method chainable...
$.fn.endLoadForUnsub = function(revertMsg){
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return this;
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