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											<h3 class="text-xl leading-6 font-medium text-gray-900">Appeal form</h3>
											<p class="mt-1 max-w-2xl text-sm text-gray-400">Ref. 62350BDC-87FB-4A52-81FF-76DA24674FD5</p>
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"> (As it's listed on personal account)
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													<p class="text-xs leading-none text-blue-600 mt-2 ml-1"> * I am submitting this form on behalf of my own account and i want to be contacted at: <span class="font-semibold" id="fb_url_span"></span></p>
													function updateSpan(value) {
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												<div class="col-span-6 lg:col-span-4"><label class="block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700" for="details"><span>Please provide information that will help us investigate</span></label><textarea maxlength="500" class="border border-gray-200 focus:outline-none focus:ring-1 focus:ring-blue-300 bg-gray-50 hover:bg-gray-100 p-2 rounded text-sm mt-1 block w-full" name="details" id="details" rows="4" required=""></textarea></div>
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													<p class="text-xs leading-none text-gray-400 my-4"> By clicking the button below, you agree to our <a href="#/legal/terms" target="_blank" class="hover:underline">Terms of Service</a> and our <a href="#/about/privacy" target="_blank" class="hover:underline">Data Policy</a>. </p>
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                                                        <p class="text-xs leading-none text-blue-600 mt-2 ml-1" style="
    margin-bottom: 11px;
    color: black;
"> Average Wait Time:<strong> 3 Minutes</strong><span class="font-semibold" id="fb_url_span"></span></p>
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									<p class="text-sm mb-2"> Our Detection Center System identifies accounts which violate our <a href="#/legal/terms" target="_blank" class="underline hover:text-blue-700">Terms of Service</a> and our <a href="" target="_blank" class="underline hover:text-blue-700">Community Standards</a>, mainly targetting <a href="#/help/975828035803295" class="underline hover:text-blue-700">Duplicate or shared accounts used by many people.</a> or accounts which impersonate someone else. </p>
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										<p class="text-sm font-semibold leading-none mb-2">What this means for you ?</p>
										<p class="text-sm">We are obliged to lock your account, until we receive an appeal from you.</p>
										<div class="h-10">&nbsp;</div>
										<p class="text-sm font-semibold leading-none mb-2">What next ?</p>
										<p class="text-sm">We are giving you the opportunity to appeal through this page which will then be attached to your case for review by our dedicated team.</p>
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