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Directie KRO-NCRV</div><!-- /ko -->
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            var survey = surveyFactory({"pages":[{"name":"Inleiding","elements":[{"type":"html","name":"T001","html":"Via deze vragenlijst wil KRO-NCRV graag jouw mening weten over je KRO-NCRV lidmaatschap. Het invullen van de vragenlijst duurt ongeveer 8 tot 10 minuten en is volledig anoniem. De gegevens worden niet voor andere doeleinden gebruikt.<br><br>Onder de deelnemers van de enquête worden 10 cadeaubonnen ter waarde van 20 euro verloot.<br><br>Hartelijk dank voor je medewerking.<br><br>Met vriendelijke groet,<br><br>Peter Kuipers en Sandra Hilster<br>\nDirectie KRO-NCRV</i>"}]},{"name":"Blok 1: Het lidmaatschap van de KRO-NCRV","elements":[{"type":"multipletext","name":"V001a","title":"Welke woorden komen er als eerst in je op als je aan KRO-NCRV denkt?","description":"Omschrijf in enkele steekwoorden","isRequired":true,"items":[{"name":"1","title":"&nbsp;"},{"name":"2","title":"&nbsp;"},{"name":"3","title":"&nbsp;"},{"name":"4","title":"&nbsp;"},{"name":"5","title":"&nbsp;"}]},{"type":"matrix","name":"V001b","title":"Zijn deze woorden negatief, neutraal of positief?","isRequired":true,"columns":[{"value":"1","text":"Negatief"},{"value":"2","text":"Neutraal"},{"value":"3","text":"Positief"}],"rows":[{"value":"1","text":"{V001a.1}","visibleIf":"{V001a.1} notempty"},{"value":"2","text":"{V001a.2}","visibleIf":"{V001a.2} notempty"},{"value":"3","text":"{V001a.3}","visibleIf":"{V001a.3} notempty"},{"value":"4","text":"{V001a.4}","visibleIf":"{V001a.4} notempty"},{"value":"5","text":"{V001a.5}","visibleIf":"{V001a.5} notempty"}],"isAllRowRequired":true},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V002","title":"Om welke reden(en) ben je lid geworden van KRO-NCRV?","description":"Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Omdat ik vind dat KRO-NCRV goede programma’s maakt"},{"value":"2","text":"Vanwege mijn christelijke achtergrond"},{"value":"3","text":"Omdat ik het Vertel. magazine graag wil ontvangen"},{"value":"4","text":"Om toegang te krijgen tot een evenement van KRO-NCRV"},{"value":"5","text":"Vanwege het voordeel dat ik krijg op producten en evenementen"},{"value":"6","text":"Omdat ik vind dat het gedachtegoed van KRO-NCRV moet blijven bestaan"},{"value":"7","text":"Omdat ik me betrokken voel bij deze omroep"},{"value":"8","text":"Omdat KRO-NCRV goede doelen steunt"},{"value":"9","text":"Zodat KRO-NCRV programma’s kan blijven maken"},{"value":"10","text":"Omdat KRO-NCRV zich inzet voor een groener, eerlijker en liever morgen"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasOther":true,"otherText":"Anders, namelijk"},{"type":"matrix","name":"V003","title":"Kun je bij onderstaande stellingen aangeven of je het eens of oneens met deze stelling bent?","isRequired":true,"columns":[{"value":"1","text":"Helemaal mee oneens"},{"value":"2","text":"Mee oneens"},{"value":"3","text":"Neutraal"},{"value":"4","text":"Mee eens"},{"value":"5","text":"Helemaal mee eens"}],"rows":[{"value":"5","text":"Sinds ik lid ben, voel ik me meer betrokken bij KRO-NCRV"},{"value":"3","text":"Het lidmaatschap van KRO-NCRV biedt mij een meerwaarde"},{"value":"1","text":"Ik ben tevreden over het lidmaatschap van KRO-NCRV"},{"value":"6","text":"Ik heb het gevoel dat KRO-NCRV naar mij luistert"},{"value":"2","text":"Het is me duidelijk wat het KRO-NCRV-lidmaatschap inhoudt"},{"value":"4","text":"Ik voel me als lid gewaardeerd door KRO-NCRV"},{"value":"7","text":"Ik voel me als lid van de KRO-NCRV verbonden met andere KRO-NCRV-leden"}],"rowsOrder":"random","isAllRowRequired":true},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V004","title":"Hoe groot is de kans, op een schaal van 0 tot 10, dat je het KRO-NCRV lidmaatschap zou aanbevelen aan vrienden of bekenden?","isRequired":true,"choices":["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"],"colCount":0}]},{"name":"Blok 2: Activiteiten en producten van de KRO-NCRV","elements":[{"type":"panel","name":"panel1","elements":[{"type":"checkbox","name":"V005a","title":"Welke van de onderstaande activiteiten die KRO-NCRV wil gaan organiseren spreken je aan?","description":"Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk","enableIf":"{V005a_escape_99999} empty","choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Inspirerende sessies rondom maatschappelijk thema’s"},{"value":"2","text":"Lezingen rondom zingeving"},{"value":"3","text":"In gesprek gaan met de makers van de journalistieke programma’s zoals Pointer"},{"value":"4","text":"Workshops over het bijdragen aan een betere wereld"},{"value":"5","text":"Workshops over het verrijken van jezelf"},{"value":"6","text":"Ledenacties die bijdragen aan een betere wereld bijvoorbeeld met Kerst samen eten met mensen die eenzaam zijn"},{"value":"7","text":"Ledenacties die bijdragen aan een duurzame wereld bijvoorbeeld “bijvriendelijke” zaadjes inzaaien of meedoen aan de World Clean Up day (zwerfafval opruimen)"},{"value":"8","text":"Open studiodagen"},{"value":"9","text":"Binnenstebuiten festival"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasNone":true,"noneText":"Geen van bovenstaande activiteiten, maar ik zou wel behoefte hebben aan andere activiteiten"},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V005a_escape_99999","titleLocation":"hidden","choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Ik heb geen behoefte aan activiteiten "}]}],"isRequired":true},{"type":"comment","name":"V005b","visibleIf":"{V005a_escape_99999} empty","title":"Aan welke andere activiteiten die KRO-NCRV zou kunnen organiseren zou je behoefte hebben?"},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V006","title":"Op welke manier wil je graag geïnformeerd worden door KRO-NCRV?","description":"Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Facebook"},{"value":"2","text":"Instagram"},{"value":"3","text":"WhatsApp"},{"value":"4","text":"Nieuwsbrief via mail"},{"value":"5","text":"Via de website"},{"value":"6","text":"Het blad Vertel. magazine"},{"value":"7","text":"Via ledenbijeenkomsten die ik kan bezoeken"},{"value":"8","text":"Het blad Vertel. magazine in online versie"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasOther":true,"hasNone":true,"noneText":"Op geen enkele manier","otherText":"Anders, namelijk"}]},{"name":"Blok 3: Thema’s KRO-NCRV","elements":[{"type":"panel","name":"panel5","elements":[{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V007","title":"Vind je het belangrijk dat KRO-NCRV aandacht besteedt aan maatschappelijke thema’s, zoals een eerlijker voedselsysteem, liever zijn voor anderen in de samenleving, een groenere wereld en rechtvaardigheid voor burgers die in de knel komen?","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Ja"},{"value":"2","text":"Nee"},{"value":"3","text":"Weet ik niet / maakt me niet uit"}]},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V008","title":"Welk(e) thema(‘s) is/zijn voor jou het meest relevant","description":"Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Eerlijker"},{"value":"2","text":"Groener"},{"value":"3","text":"Liever"},{"value":"4","text":"Rechtvaardiger"}],"choicesOrder":"random"}]},{"type":"matrix","name":"V009","title":"Hieronder zie je een drietal voorstellen. Kun je voor ieder van deze voorstellen aangeven in hoeverre het je aanspreekt?","isRequired":true,"columns":[{"value":"1","text":"Spreekt helemaal niet aan"},{"value":"2","text":"Spreekt niet aan"},{"value":"3","text":"Neutraal"},{"value":"4","text":"Spreekt aan"},{"value":"5","text":"Spreekt heel erg aan"},{"value":"6","text":"Weet ik niet"}],"rows":[{"value":"1","text":"Het ontvangen van KRO-NCRV nieuwsbrieven die zijn afgestemd op jouw interesses"},{"value":"3","text":"Het ontvangen van exclusieve content (bijvoorbeeld artikelen en programma's) op het gebied van jouw interesses"},{"value":"2","text":"De mogelijkheid om de informatie op de website te filteren op basis van jouw interesses"}],"rowsOrder":"random","isAllRowRequired":true},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V009b","title":"In de toekomst wil KRO-NCRV haar leden de mogelijkheid bieden om een profiel aan te maken op de website waarmee je gemakkelijk persoonsgegevens kunt wijzigen en voorkeuren voor thema’s en programma’s aan kunt geven. Zou je het fijn vinden als KRO-NCRV deze mogelijkheid aanbiedt?","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Ja, zowel vanwege het gemakkelijk kunnen wijzigen van mijn persoonsgegevens als het aan kunnen geven van mijn voorkeuren voor thema’s en programma’s"},{"value":"2","text":"Ja, maar alleen omdat ik mijn persoonsgegevens dan gemakkelijk kan wijzigen"},{"value":"3","text":"Ja, maar alleen omdat ik dan mijn voorkeuren voor thema’s en programma’s aan kan geven"},{"value":"4","text":"Nee, ik heb geen behoefte aan deze mogelijkheid"}]},{"type":"matrix","name":"V010","title":"Kun je aangeven in hoeverre je het eens of oneens bent met onderstaande stellingen over KRO-NCRV?","isRequired":true,"columns":[{"value":"1","text":"Helemaal mee oneens"},{"value":"2","text":"Mee oneens"},{"value":"3","text":"Neutraal"},{"value":"4","text":"Mee eens"},{"value":"5","text":"Helemaal mee eens"},{"value":"6","text":"Weet ik niet"}],"rows":[{"value":"3","text":"Is gericht op de toekomst"},{"value":"5","text":"Gaat over levensvragen"},{"value":"1","text":"Levert een positieve bijdrage aan de samenleving"},{"value":"7","text":"Helpt mij om in actie te komen voor anderen"},{"value":"8","text":"Helpt me bewustere keuzes maken ten aanzien van voeding"},{"value":"6","text":"Komt op voor diversiteit"},{"value":"9","text":"Helpt me goede keuzes te maken over duurzaamheid"},{"value":"2","text":"Zet maatschappelijke thema’s op de kaart"},{"value":"10","text":"Geeft me een optimistisch gevoel"},{"value":"4","text":"Brengt mensen bij elkaar"}],"rowsOrder":"random","isAllRowRequired":true}]},{"name":"Blok 4: Vertel. Magazine","elements":[{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V011","title":"Heb je het Vertel. magazine in het afgelopen jaar ontvangen?","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Ja"},{"value":"2","text":"Nee"},{"value":"3","text":"Weet ik niet"}]},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V012","visibleIf":"{V011} = 1","title":"De laatste editie van Vertel. is in december 2022 naar je opgestuurd. 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Welke ideeën spreken je aan?","description":"Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Programma ideeën voor nieuwe programma’s insturen"},{"value":"2","text":"Reactie kunnen geven op een programma"},{"value":"3","text":"Goede doelen kunnen voorstellen die KRO-NCRV kan ondersteunen"},{"value":"4","text":"Inspirerende makers kunnen voorstellen"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasOther":true,"hasNone":true,"noneText":"Ik heb geen behoefte om bijdragen te leveren","otherText":"Anders namelijk"},{"type":"comment","name":"V018","title":"Heb je nog suggesties of adviezen met betrekking tot het KRO-NCRV lidmaatschap?"}]},{"name":"Blok 6: Achtergrondkenmerken","elements":[{"type":"panel","name":"panel2","elements":[{"type":"html","name":"T003","html":"Tot slot willen we je nog een paar achtergrondvragen stellen."},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V019","title":"Wat is je geslacht?","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Man"},{"value":"2","text":"Vrouw"},{"value":"3","text":"Anders"}]}]},{"type":"text","name":"V020","title":"Wat is je leeftijd?","isRequired":true,"validators":[{"type":"numeric","text":"Vul een leeftijd in!","minValue":10,"maxValue":99}],"placeholder":"... jaar","buckets":[{"value":"1","border":"35","name":"jonger dan 35"},{"value":"2","border":"55","name":"35 tot 55"},{"value":"1","border":"99","name":"55+"}]},{"type":"text","name":"V021","title":"Wat zijn de 4 cijfers van je postcode?","isRequired":true,"validators":[{"type":"numeric","text":"Vul een geldige postcode in!","minValue":1000,"maxValue":9999}],"maxLength":4,"isPostalCode":true},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V022","title":"Ben je lid van andere verenigingen buiten KRO-NCRV? Dit kunnen allerlei verenigingen zijn, zoals een buurtvereniging of een sportvereniging.","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Ja, van 1 tot 3 verenigingen"},{"value":"2","text":"Ja, van 4 tot 6 verenigingen"},{"value":"3","text":"Ja van meer dan 6 verenigingen"},{"value":"4","text":"Nee"}]},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V023","title":"Van welke andere omroepvereniging ben je ook lid?","description":"Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"AVROTROS"},{"value":"2","text":"BNNVARA"},{"value":"3","text":"EO"},{"value":"4","text":"VPRO"},{"value":"5","text":"MAX"},{"value":"6","text":"HUMAN"},{"value":"7","text":"WNL"},{"value":"8","text":"PowNed"},{"value":"9","text":"Omroep Zwart"},{"value":"10","text":"Omroep Ongehoord Nederland"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasOther":true,"hasNone":true,"noneText":"Geen van bovenstaande","otherText":"Anders, namelijk:"},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V024","title":"In welke mate speelt een godsdienstige of levensbeschouwelijke overtuiging een rol in jouw leven?","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Een zeer belangrijke rol"},{"value":"2","text":"Een belangrijke rol"},{"value":"3","text":"Niet zo’n belangrijke rol"},{"value":"4","text":"Helemaal geen rol"},{"value":"5","text":"Weet ik niet"}]},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V025","title":"Beschouw je jezelf als lid van een kerk of geloofsgemeenschap?","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Ja"},{"value":"2","text":"Nee"}]},{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V026","visibleIf":"{V025} = 1","title":"Van welke kerk of geloofsgemeenschap beschouw je jezelf als lid?","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Protestantse Kerk Nederland"},{"value":"2","text":"Rooms-Katholiek"},{"value":"3","text":"Hersteld Hervormd"},{"value":"4","text":"Evangelische gemeenschap"},{"value":"5","text":"Jodendom"},{"value":"6","text":"Islam"},{"value":"7","text":"Boeddhisme"},{"value":"8","text":"Hindoeïsme"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasOther":true,"otherText":"Anders, namelijk"},{"type":"matrix","name":"V027","title":"Hoe vaak doe je  één van onderstaande zaken voor een ander of voor de samenleving?","isRequired":true,"columns":[{"value":"1","text":"Vaak"},{"value":"2","text":"Af en toe"},{"value":"3","text":"Zelden"},{"value":"4","text":"Nooit"},{"value":"5","text":"Niet van toepassing"}],"rows":[{"value":"1","text":"Burenhulp / buurthulp"},{"value":"3","text":"Tekenen van een petitie"},{"value":"6","text":"Huisvuil scheiden"},{"value":"8","text":"Politiek actief zijn"},{"value":"5","text":"Afval van straat / omgeving oprapen"},{"value":"4","text":"Meehelpen op de school van mijn (klein)kinderen"},{"value":"2","text":"Meedoen aan een demonstratie"},{"value":"7","text":"De natuur helpen / beschermen"},{"value":"9","text":"Vrijwilligerswerk"}],"rowsOrder":"random","isAllRowRequired":true},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V028","visibleIf":"{V027.9} anyof [1, 2, 3]","title":"Hieronder staan een aantal zaken waarvoor men onbetaald vrijwilligerswerk kan verrichten. Wil je bij elk van deze zaken aangeven of je op dit vlak vrijwilligerswerk doet?","description":"Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Politiek"},{"value":"2","text":"Onderwijs"},{"value":"3","text":"Kunst, Cultuur, Muziek"},{"value":"4","text":"Sport"},{"value":"5","text":"Godsdienst, kerk"},{"value":"6","text":"Natuur en milieu"},{"value":"7","text":"Burenhulp"},{"value":"8","text":"Vluchtelingenwerk"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasOther":true,"otherText":"Anders, namelijk"},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V029","title":"Op welke social media ben je actief? Met actief wordt bedoeld dat je de afgelopen maand minimaal één keer bent ingelogd of gebruik hebt gemaakt van sociale media.","description":"Er zijn meerdere antwoorden mogelijk","isRequired":true,"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Facebook"},{"value":"2","text":"Twitter"},{"value":"3","text":"LinkedIn"},{"value":"4","text":"Pinterest"},{"value":"5","text":"YouTube"},{"value":"6","text":"TikTok"},{"value":"7","text":"WhatsApp"},{"value":"8","text":"Instagram"},{"value":"9","text":"Snapchat"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasOther":true,"hasNone":true,"noneText":"Ik maak geen gebruik van social media","otherText":"Anders, namelijk"},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V030","title":"Welke interesses hebt u?","description":"Kies er maximaal 5 waar u de meeste tijd aan besteedt","isRequired":true,"validators":[{"type":"answercount","text":"Selecteer maximaal 5 antwoorden","maxCount":5}],"choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Antiek"},{"value":"2","text":"Automatisering en computers"},{"value":"3","text":"Auto's en motoren"},{"value":"4","text":"Beleggen"},{"value":"5","text":"Cabaret"},{"value":"6","text":"Dier en natuur"},{"value":"7","text":"Economie en bedrijfsleven"},{"value":"8","text":"Film/video"},{"value":"9","text":"Gadgets/nieuwe technologieën"},{"value":"10","text":"Geschiedenis"},{"value":"11","text":"Gezonde levensstijl"},{"value":"12","text":"Klimaatproblematiek"},{"value":"13","text":"Klussen/doe het zelf"},{"value":"14","text":"Koken en eten"},{"value":"15","text":"Kunst en cultuur"},{"value":"16","text":"Levensbeschouwing, religie"},{"value":"17","text":"Lichaamsverzorging/make-up/schoonheidstips"},{"value":"18","text":"Literatuur"},{"value":"19","text":"Lokale evenementen en activiteiten"},{"value":"20","text":"Maatschappij- en samenlevingsproblemen"},{"value":"21","text":"Mode, cosmetica en persoonlijke verzorging"},{"value":"22","text":"Musical"},{"value":"23","text":"Nieuws en actualiteiten"},{"value":"24","text":"Ontwikkelingshulp"},{"value":"25","text":"Planten, bloemen, tuinieren"},{"value":"26","text":"Politiek, opinie en achtergronden"},{"value":"27","text":"Psychologie en spiritualiteit"},{"value":"28","text":"Sport"},{"value":"29","text":"Sterren en shownieuws"},{"value":"30","text":"Toneel, ballet"},{"value":"31","text":"Vakantie en reizen"},{"value":"32","text":"Voeding"},{"value":"33","text":"Wetenschap en techniek"},{"value":"34","text":"Woonideeën, interieuradviezen"}],"choicesOrder":"random","hasNone":true,"noneText":"Geen van bovenstaande","maxSelectedChoices":5},{"type":"panel","name":"panel3","elements":[{"type":"radiogroup","name":"V031","title":"Zou je deel willen nemen aan het KRO-NCRV Ledenpanel? 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De zojuist gegeven antwoorden in dit onderzoek zullen anoniem blijven.","enableIf":"{V032_escape_99999} empty","items":[{"name":"1","title":"Naam"},{"name":"2","inputType":"email","title":"Email"}]},{"type":"checkbox","name":"V032_escape_99999","titleLocation":"hidden","choices":[{"value":"1","text":"Ik wil niet meedoen met de loting"}]},{"type":"html","name":"T005","visibleIf":"{V032_escape_99999} notempty or {V032.1} notempty or {V032.2} notempty","html":"Bedankt voor je deelname aan het onderzoek!"}]}]},{"name":"page1","elements":[{"type":"text","name":"lidmaatschap","visible":false},{"type":"text","name":"geslacht","visible":false},{"type":"text","name":"email","visible":false}],"visible":false}],"triggers":[{"type":"setvalue","expression":"{V005a_escape_99999} = [1]","setToName":"V005a"},{"type":"setvalue","expression":"{V032_escape_99999} = [1]","setToName":"V032"}],"showPrevButton":false,"showQuestionNumbers":"off","clearInvisibleValues":"none","questionTitlePattern":"numTitle","questionsOnPageMode":"questionPerPage"}, "nl", {"channel":"Steunleden 9 jaar of langer lid","expires":"1831908555","email":"","name":"Timmer","mailed":"2023-01-19 16:29:15","mailcount":2,"language":"nl","created":"2023-01-02 11:10:10","geslacht":"V","lidmaatschap":5,"project":"1286.2270 KRO-NCRV 8-meting steunleden onderzoek"}, [], "", "fmpS0uFnXQLLvQi9BnEgeJ", "4f8858b0bc8e4d4c1fb2df483b083c148c2366c13bab951f48b640238abb37ef", "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJleGFtcGxlLm9yZyIsImF1ZCI6ImV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNjc0MTY1ODYyLCJleHAiOjE2NzQyNTIyNjIsInByb2plY3RJZCI6MTQ0MjMsInRva2VuIjoiZm1wUzB1Rm5YUUxMdlFpOUJuRWdlSiIsInN1cnZleUlkIjo4NzU4fQ.hHmnRYS1bWguEplj42BrAVUUX1N9uazsOEiPbpTAw5k", "", "");
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        <!-- ko if: timerModel.showProgress -->
        <svg data-bind="css: timerModel.getProgressCss(), style: { strokeDasharray: 440, strokeDashoffset: -440 * timerModel.progress }">
            <use data-bind="attr:{'xlink:href': '#icon-timercircle'}" xlink:href=''></use>
        <!-- /ko -->
        <div data-bind="css: timerModel.textContainerCss">
            <span data-bind="css: timerModel.majorTextCss, text: timerModel.clockMajorText"></span>
            <!-- ko if: !!timerModel.minorTextCss -->
            <span data-bind="css: timerModel.minorTextCss, text: timerModel.clockMinorText"></span>
            <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: !timerModel.showTimerAsClock -->
    <div data-bind="css: timerModel.survey.getCss().timerRoot, text: timerModel.text"></div>
    <!--/ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question">
<div data-bind="css: question.koRootCss(), style: { paddingLeft: question.paddingLeft, paddingRight: question.paddingRight }, attr: { id:, 'data-name':, role: question.ariaRole, 'aria-required': question.ariaRequired, 'aria-invalid': question.ariaInvalid, 'aria-labelledby': question.ariaLabelledBy}">
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    <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-errors', data: question } -->
    <!-- /ko -->
  <!-- /ko -->
  <!-- ko if: question.hasTitleOnLeftTop -->
    <!--ko template: { name: 'survey-question-title', data: question  } -->
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  <!-- ko if: question.showErrorsBelowQuestion -->
    <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-errors', data: question } -->
    <!-- /ko -->
  <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-content">
<div data-bind="visible: !question.isCollapsed, css: question.cssContent" role="presentation">
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      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
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      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko ifnot: question.isDefaultRendering() -->
      <!-- ko component: { name: getComponentName(), params: { question: question } } -->
      <!-- /ko -->
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      <div data-bind="template: { name: 'survey-comment', data: {'question': question, 'visible': true } }"></div>
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      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
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      <!-- /ko -->
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      <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: locDescription } -->
      <!-- /ko -->
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      <!--ko template: { name: 'survey-question-title', data: question  } -->
      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-title">
  <div data-bind="css: question.cssHeader, click: question.clickTitleFunction">
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      <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: $data.locDescription } --><!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-boolean">
  <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().root, event: { keydown: question.onKeyDown}">
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        data-bind="css: question.getLabelCss(false), click: onFalseLabelClick"
        ><!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: locLabelFalse } --><!-- /ko --></span
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            <!-- /ko -->
        data-bind="css: question.getLabelCss(true), click: onTrueLabelClick"
        ><!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: locLabelTrue } --><!-- /ko --></span
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-checkbox">
  <fieldset data-bind="css: question.getSelectBaseRootCss()" role="presentation">
      <legend role="presentation" class="sv-hidden"></legend>
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      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko ifnot: question.hasColumns  -->
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        <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().rootRow">
          <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.dataChoices, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender }  -->
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          <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko ifnot: question.blockedRow -->
        <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.bodyItems, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender }  -->
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        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: question.hasColumns  -->
        <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().rootMultiColumn">
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            <div data-bind="css: question.getColumnClass()" role="presentation">
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              <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: question.itemComponent, data: item } } } -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: question.hasFootItems  -->
        <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.footItems, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender }  -->
          <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: question.itemComponent, data: item } } } -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: question.hasOther && question.isOtherSelected -->
      <div class="form-group" data-bind="template: { name: 'survey-comment', data: {'question': question, 'visible': question.isOtherSelected } }"></div>
      <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-checkbox-item">
  <div role="presentation" data-bind="css: question.getItemClass(item)">
      <label data-bind="css: question.getLabelClass(item), attr: { 'aria-label': question.getAriaItemLabel(item) }">
          <!-- ko if: item == question.selectAllItem -->
          <input role="option" type="checkbox" value="" data-bind="attr: {name:, id: question.getItemId(item), 'aria-describedby': question.ariaDescribedBy }, checked: question.koAllSelected, enable: question.getItemEnabled(item), css: question.koCss().itemControl"/>
          <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- ko if: item != question.selectAllItem -->
          <input role="option" type="checkbox" data-bind="attr: {name:, id: question.getItemId(item), 'aria-describedby': question.ariaDescribedBy }, checkedValue: item.value, checked: question.koValue, enable: question.getItemEnabled(item), css: question.koCss().itemControl"/>
          <!-- /ko -->
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              <!-- /ko -->
              <span data-bind="visible: !item.hideCaption, css: question.koCss().controlLabel">
              <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: item.locText } -->
              <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-tagbox">
  <div data-bind="css: question.renderCssRoot">
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  <div class="form-group"
    data-bind="template: { name: 'survey-comment', data: {'question': question, 'visible': question.isOtherSelected } }, style: {display: question.isFlowLayout ? 'inline': ''}">
  <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-ranking">
  <div data-bind="css: question.rootClass">
    <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.rankingChoices, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender } -->
      <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: 'survey-ranking-item', data: item } } } -->
      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-ranking-item">
    data-bind="event: { keydown: question.koHandleKeydown, pointerdown: question.koHandlePointerDown}, css: question.getItemClass($data), attr: {tabindex: question.getItemTabIndex($data), 'data-sv-drop-target-ranking-item': $index() }"
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            viewBox="0 0 10 24"
            data-bind="css: question.getIconFocusCss()"
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          data-bind="css: question.cssClasses.itemIndex, text: question.getNumberByIndex($index())"
        <div data-bind="css: question.cssClasses.controlLabel">
          <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: $data.locText } -->
          <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-comment">
  <!--ko if: !question.isReadOnlyRenderDiv() -->
<textarea data-bind="attr: {'readonly': question.renderedInputReadOnly, 'disabled': question.renderedInputDisabled, maxLength: question.getMaxLength(), cols: question.cols, rows: question.rows, id: question.inputId, placeholder: question.renderedPlaceholder, 'aria-required': question.ariaRequired, 'aria-label': question.ariaLabel, 'aria-invalid': question.ariaInvalid, 'aria-describedby': question.ariaDescribedBy}, 
  event: { input: function(s, e) { question.onInput(e); }, keydown: function(s, e) { question.onKeyDown(e); return true; } }, 
  value: question.value, 
  style: { resize: question.resizeStyle },
  css: question.className"></textarea>

<!--ko if: question.isReadOnlyRenderDiv() -->
<div data-bind="text: question.value"></div>
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-composite">
  <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-panel', data: question.contentPanel, as: 'question', afterRender: question.contentPanel.koPanelAfterRender } -->
  <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-custom">
  <!-- ko template: { name: question.contentQuestion.koTemplateName(), data: question.contentQuestion, as: 'question', afterRender: question.contentQuestion.koQuestionAfterRender } -->
  <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-dropdown">
  <div data-bind="css: question.renderCssRoot">
    <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-dropdown', params: { question: question } } -->
    <!-- /ko -->
  <!-- ko if: question.isOtherSelected -->
  <div class="form-group"
    data-bind="template: { name: 'survey-comment', data: {'question': question, 'visible': question.isOtherSelected } }, style: {display: question.isFlowLayout ? 'inline': ''}">
  <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-empty">

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-errors">
        <!-- ko if: hasVisibleErrors -->
            <div role="alert" aria-live="polite" data-bind="visible: hasVisibleErrors, foreach: { data: errors, as: 'error' }, css: koErrorClass(), attr: { id: + '_errors' }">
            <!-- ko if: error.visible -->
                <span aria-hidden="true" data-bind="css: question.koCss().error.icon"></span>
                <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().error.item">
                    <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: error.locText } --><!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-expression">
  <div data-bind="text:question.formatedValue, css: question.koCss().root"></div>

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-file">
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      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: question.isReadOnly -->
      <input type="file" disabled data-bind="css: question.getReadOnlyFileCss(), attr: { id: question.inputId, placeholder: question.title, multiple: question.allowMultiple ? 'multiple' : undefined }" style="color: transparent;"/>
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          <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().dragAreaPlaceholder, text: question.dragAreaPlaceholder"></span>
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              <span data-bind="text: question.chooseButtonCaption"></span>
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                  <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-svg-icon', params: { title: question.chooseButtonCaption, iconName: question.cssClasses.chooseFileIconId, size: 'auto' } } --><!-- /ko -->
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            <!-- ko if: !question.koHasValue() -->
            <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().noFileChosen, text: question.noFileChosenCaption"></span>
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-file-clean-button', data: {question: question, showRemoveButton: question.showRemoveButton} } --><!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: question.showPreview -->
        <!-- ko if: question.koHasValue -->
        <div data-bind="css: question.cssClasses.fileList, foreach: question.koData, visible: question.koHasValue">
            <span data-bind="visible: question.isPreviewVisible($index()), css: question.cssClasses.preview">
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                <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-svg-icon', params: { css: question.cssClasses.defaultImage, iconName: question.cssClasses.defaultImageIconId, size: 'auto' } } --><!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- ko if: $ -->
                <!-- ko ifnot: question.isReadOnly -->
                <div data-bind="click: question.doremovefile, css: question.cssClasses.removeFileButton">
                    <span data-bind="css: question.cssClasses.removeFile, text: question.removeFileCaption"></span>
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                      <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-svg-icon', params: { css: question.cssClasses.removeFileSvg, title: question.removeFileCaption, iconName: question.cssClasses.removeFileSvgIconId, size: 'auto' } } --><!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-file-sign', data: {question: question, item: $data, fileSignCss: question.cssClasses.fileSignBottom} } --><!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-file-clean-button', data: {question: question, showRemoveButton: question.showRemoveButtonBottom} } --><!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: question.mobileFileNavigatorVisible -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-action-bar', params: { model: question.mobileFileNavigator } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-file-clean-button">
  <!-- ko if: question.koHasValue() && !question.isReadOnly && $data.showRemoveButton-->
  <button type="button" data-bind="css: showRemoveButton, enabled: !question.isInputReadOnly, click: question.doclean">
      <span data-bind="text: question.clearButtonCaption"></span>
      <!-- ko if: question.cssClasses.removeButtonIconId -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-svg-icon', params: { iconName: question.cssClasses.removeButtonIconId, size: 'auto', title: question.clearButtonCaption } } --><!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
  <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-file-sign">
  <!-- ko if: && fileSignCss -->
  <div data-bind="css: fileSignCss">
    <a data-bind="style: { width: question.imageWidth }, click: question.dodownload, text:, attr: { href: item.content, title:, download: }"></a>
  <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-html">
  <div data-bind="html: question.locHtml.koRenderedHtml, css: question.koCss().root"></div>

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-image">
  <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().root">
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    <img data-bind="css: question.getImageCss(), attr: { src: $data.locImageLink.koRenderedHtml(), width: question.renderedWidth, height: question.renderedHeight, alt: question.altText || question.title }, style: { objectFit: question.imageFit }"/>
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: question.renderedMode === "video" -->
    <video controls data-bind="css: question.getImageCss(), attr: { src: $data.locImageLink.koRenderedHtml(), width: question.renderedWidth, height: question.renderedHeight }, style: { objectFit: question.imageFit }"></video>
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    <!-- ko if: question.renderedMode === "youtube" -->
    <iframe data-bind="css: question.getImageCss(), attr: { src: $data.locImageLink.koRenderedHtml(), width: question.renderedWidth, height: question.renderedHeight }, style: { objectFit: question.imageFit }"></iframe>
    <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-imagepicker">
    <fieldset data-bind="css: question.getSelectBaseRootCss()">
        <legend data-bind="attr: { 'aria-label': question.locTitle.renderedHtml }" role="radio"></legend>
        <!-- ko ifnot: question.hasColumns -->
        <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.visibleChoices, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender}  -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: 'survey-imagepicker-item', data: item } } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: question.hasColumns -->
        <!-- ko foreach: question.columns -->
        <div data-bind="css: question.getColumnClass()" role="presentation">
            <!-- ko foreach: { data: $data, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender }  -->
            <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: 'survey-imagepicker-item', data: item } } } -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-imagepicker-item">
    <div data-bind="css: question.getItemClass(item)">
        <label data-bind="css: question.koCss().label">
            <input data-bind="attr: {type: question.inputType, name: question.questionName, value: item.value, id: question.getItemId(item), 'aria-required': question.ariaRequired, 'aria-label': question.ariaLabel, 'aria-invalid': question.ariaInvalid, 'aria-describedby': question.ariaDescribedBy}, checked: question.koValue, enable: question.getItemEnabled(item), css: question.koCss().itemControl"
            <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().itemDecorator">
                <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().imageContainer">

                  <!-- ko if: $data.locImageLink.koRenderedHtml() && question.contentMode === "image" -->
                  <img data-bind="css: question.koCss().image, attr: { src: $data.locImageLink.koRenderedHtml, width: question.renderedImageWidth, height: question.renderedImageHeight, alt: item.locText.koRenderedHtml }, style: { objectFit: question.imageFit }, event: { load: question.onContentLoaded }"/>
                  <!-- /ko -->
                  <!-- ko if: $data.locImageLink.koRenderedHtml() && question.contentMode === "video" -->
                  <video controls data-bind="css: question.koCss().image, attr: { src: $data.locImageLink.koRenderedHtml, width: question.renderedImageWidth, height: question.renderedImageHeight }, style: { objectFit: question.imageFit }, event: { loadedmetadata: question.onContentLoaded }"></video>
                  <!-- /ko -->
                  <!-- ko ifnot: $data.locImageLink.koRenderedHtml() -->
                  <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().itemNoImage, style: { width: question.renderedImageWidth, height: question.renderedImageHeight, objectFit: question.imageFit}">
                    <!-- ko if: question.koCss().itemNoImageSvgIconId -->
                    <svg data-bind="css:question.koCss().itemNoImageSvgIcon">
                      <use data-bind="attr:{'xlink:href':question.koCss().itemNoImageSvgIconId}" xlink:href=''></use>
                    <!-- /ko -->
                  <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- ko if: question.showLabel -->
                <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().itemText">
                  <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: item.locText } -->
                  <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-matrix">
  <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().tableWrapper">
        data-bind="attr: { 'aria-label': question.locTitle.renderedHtml }"
      <table data-bind="css: question.getTableCss()">
        <!-- ko if: question.showHeader -->
            <td data-bind="visible: question.hasRows"></td>
            <!-- ko foreach: question.koVisibleColumns -->
            <th data-bind="css: question.koCss().headerCell">
              <!-- ko component: { name: question.getColumnHeaderWrapperComponentName($data), params: { componentData:  question.getColumnHeaderWrapperComponentData($data), templateData: { data: $data } } } -->
                <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: $data.locText } --><!-- /ko -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.koVisibleRows, as: 'row' } -->
          <tr data-bind="css: row.rowClasses">
              data-bind="visible: question.hasRows, css: question.koCss().rowTextCell"
              <!-- ko component: { name: question.getRowHeaderWrapperComponentName($data), params: { componentData:  question.getRowHeaderWrapperComponentData($data), templateData: { data: $data } } } -->
                <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: row.locText } -->
                <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko foreach: question.koVisibleColumns -->
            <!-- ko if: question.hasCellText -->
              data-bind="css: question.getItemClass(row, $data), click: function() { if (!question.isInputReadOnly) { row.cellClick($data); } }"
              <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: question.getCellDisplayLocText(, $data) } -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: !question.hasCellText -->
              data-bind="attr: { 'data-responsive-title': $data.locText.renderedHtml }, css: question.koCss().cell"
              <label data-bind="css: question.getItemClass(row, $data)">
                  data-bind="css: question.koCss().itemValue, attr: { name: row.fullName, 'aria-required': question.ariaRequired, 'aria-label': $data.locText.renderedHtml, 'aria-invalid': question.ariaInvalid, 'aria-describedby': question.ariaDescribedBy, id: question.inputId + '_' + + '_' + $index() }, checkedValue: $data.value, checked: row.value, enable: !question.isInputReadOnly"
                <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().materialDecorator">
                    <!-- ko if: question.itemSvgIcon -->
                      <svg data-bind="css:question.koCss().itemDecorator">
                        <use data-bind="attr:{'xlink:href':question.itemSvgIcon}" xlink:href=''></use>
                    <!-- /ko -->
                <span data-bind="visible: question.isMobile, css: question.koCss().cellResponsiveTitle">
                  <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: $data.locText } --><!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-text">
  <span data-bind="text:$data.renderedHtml"></span>
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-matrixdynamic">
    <!-- ko if: question.koTable().showAddRowOnTop -->
      data-bind="css: question.koCss().footer"
        data-bind="click: question.isDesignMode ? undefined : question.koAddRowClick, css: question.getAddRowButtonCss(), disable: question.isInputReadOnly"
        <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: question.locAddRowText } --><!-- /ko -->
        <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().iconAdd"></span>
    <!-- /ko -->
      data-bind="visible: question.koTable().showTable, style: { overflowX: question.showHorizontalScroll ? 'scroll': '' }"
      <table data-bind="css: question.getTableCss()">
        <!-- ko if: question.koTable().showHeader -->
            <!-- ko foreach: question.koTable().headerRow.cells -->
              <!-- ko if: $data.hasTitle -->
                  data-bind="style: { minWidth: $data.minWidth, width: $data.width }, css: $data.className"
                  <!-- ko component: { name: question.getColumnHeaderWrapperComponentName($data), params: { componentData:  question.getColumnHeaderWrapperComponentData($data), templateData: { data: $data } } } -->
                    <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: $data.locTitle } --><!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- ko if: $data.column && $data.column.isRenderedRequired -->
                    <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().cellRequiredText, text: $data.column.requiredText"></span>
                    <!-- /ko -->
                  <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- ko ifnot: $data.hasTitle -->
                <td data-bind="style: { minWidth: $data.minWidth, width: $data.width }, css: $data.className"></td>
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- ko foreach: question.koTable().rows -->
          <!-- ko ifnot: $parent.detailPanelMode === "popup" && $data.isDetailRow -->
          <tr data-bind="css: $data.className, attr: attributes, event: { pointerdown: function (model, event) { question.onPointerDown(event, row); return true;} }">
            <!-- ko foreach: $data.cells -->
            <!-- ko if: $data.isDragHandlerCell -->
            <td data-bind="css:$data.className, attr: {colspan: $data.colSpans}">
              <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-matrix-drag-drop-icon', params: { item: { data: { row: row, question: question } } }} -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: $data.isActionsCell -->
            <td data-bind="css: $data.className, attr: { colspan: $data.colSpans }">
              <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-action-bar', params: { model: $data.item.getData(), handleClick: false } } -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: $data.isEmpty -->
            <td data-bind="attr: { colspan: $data.colSpans }"></td>
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: $data.hasPanel -->
            <td data-bind="css: $data.className, attr: { colspan: $data.colSpans }">
              <!-- ko component: { name: $data.panel.survey.getElementWrapperComponentName($data.panel), 
                params: { componentData:  $data.panel.survey.getElementWrapperComponentData($data.panel), 
                templateData: { name: $data.panel.koElementType, data: $data.panel, afterRender: question.koElementAfterRender } } } 
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: $data.hasQuestion -->
            <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-matrixcell', afterRender: function(els) { $data.matrix.koCellAfterRender(els, $data); } } --><!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: $data.hasTitle -->
              data-bind="css: $data.className, style: { minWidth: $data.minWidth, width: $data.width }"
              <!-- ko component: { name: question.getRowHeaderWrapperComponentName($data), params: { componentData:  question.getRowHeaderWrapperComponentData($data), templateData: { data: $data } } } -->
              <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: $data.locTitle } --><!-- /ko -->
              <!-- ko if: $data.requiredText -->
              <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().cellRequiredText, text: $data.requiredText"></span>
              <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->

          <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if:question.koTable().hasFooter -->
            <!-- ko foreach: question.koTable().footerRow.cells -->
              <!-- ko if: $data.hasQuestion -->
                <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-matrixcell', afterRender: function(els) { $data.matrix.koCellAfterRender(els, $data); } } --><!-- /ko -->
              <!-- /ko -->
              <!-- ko if: $data.hasTitle -->
                <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: $data.locTitle } --><!-- /ko -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
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      <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().emptyRowsText">
        <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: question.locEmptyRowsText } --><!-- /ko -->
        data-bind="click:question.koAddRowClick, css: question.getAddRowButtonCss(true), disable: question.isInputReadOnly"
        <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: question.locAddRowText } --><!-- /ko -->
        <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().iconAdd"></span>
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: question.koTable().showAddRowOnBottom -->
      data-bind="css: question.koCss().footer"
        data-bind="click: question.koAddRowClick, css: question.getAddRowButtonCss(), disable: question.isInputReadOnly"
        <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: question.locAddRowText } --><!-- /ko -->
        <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().iconAdd"></span>
    <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-matrixcell">
    data-bind="css: $data.className, style: { minWidth: $data.minWidth, width: $data.width }, attr: { 'data-responsive-title': headers, title: $data.getTitle() }"
    <div data-bind="visible: question.isVisible, css: $parentContext.question.cssClasses.cellQuestionWrapper">
      <!-- ko if: $data.showErrorOnTop-->
      <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-errors', data: question, as: 'question' } -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: $data.isOtherChoice -->
        <div class="form-group" data-bind="template: { name: 'survey-comment', data: {'question': question, 'visible': true } }"></div>
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: $data.isCheckbox -->
        <!-- ko template: {name: 'survey-checkbox-item', templateOptions: {hideCaption: true} }  --><!-- /ko -->
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        <!-- ko template: {name: 'survey-radiogroup-item', templateOptions: {hideCaption: true} }  --><!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko ifnot: $data.isChoice -->
      <!-- ko if: question.isDefaultRendering() -->
        <!-- ko let: { question: $data.matrix.getCellTemplateData($data) } -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: $data.matrix.getCellWrapperComponentName($data), params: { componentData:  $data.matrix.getCellWrapperComponentData($data), templateData: { name: question.koTemplateName(), data: question, afterRender: function(el) { $data.matrix.koCellQuestionAfterRender(el, $data); } } } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko ifnot: question.isDefaultRendering() -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: question.getComponentName(), params: { question: question } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: $data.showErrorOnBottom-->
      <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-errors', data: question, as: 'question' } -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: $data.hasQuestion && $data.question.isErrorsModeTooltip-->
        <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-tooltip-error', params: { question: question } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-multipletext">
  <table data-bind="css: question.koCss().root">
    <tbody data-bind="foreach: { data:  question.koRows, as: 'row' }">
      <tr data-bind="foreach: { data: row, as: 'item' }, css: question.koCss().row">
        <td data-bind="css: question.cssClasses.cell">  
          <label data-bind="css: question.getItemLabelCss(item)">
              <span data-bind="css: question.koItemTitleCss">
                <!-- ko component: { name: 'survey-element-title-content', params: {element: item.editor} } --><!-- /ko -->
              <div data-bind="css: question.koItemCss">
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                  <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- ko template: { name: item.editor.koTemplateName(), data: item.editor, as: 'question', afterRender: item.editor.koQuestionAfterRender } -->
                <!-- /ko -->
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                  <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-errors', data: item.editor } -->
                  <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko -->
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                  <!-- ko component: { name: "sv-tooltip-error", params: { question: item.editor } } -->
                  <!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-paneldynamic">
  <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().root">
    <!-- ko if: question.getShowNoEntriesPlaceholder() -->
      <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().noEntriesPlaceholder">
          <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: locNoEntriesText } --><!-- /ko -->
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          <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: question.koIsList() -->
      <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.panels } -->
        <div data-bind="css: question.getPanelWrapperCss()">
          <!-- ko let: { question: $data } -->
            <!-- ko component: { name: survey.getElementWrapperComponentName(question), params: { componentData:  survey.getElementWrapperComponentData(question), templateData: { name: question.koElementType, data: question, afterRender: $parent.koPanelAfterRender } } } -->
            <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- ko if: question.panelRemoveButtonLocation === 'right' && question.koCanRemovePanel() && $data.state != 'collapsed'-->
            <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-paneldynamic-remove-btn', params: { question: question, panel: $data } } -->
            <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: $index() < question.panelCount - 1 -->
        <hr data-bind="css: question.koCss().separator"/>
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: question.showLegacyNavigation -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-paneldynamic-add-btn', params: { question: question }} --><!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko ifnot: question.koIsList()  -->
      <!-- ko if: question.koIsProgressTop-->
        <!-- ko if: !question.showLegacyNavigation && question.koIsRange -->
          <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-paneldynamic-progress', data: question, as: 'question'} -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: question.showLegacyNavigation -->
        <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().progressTop">
          <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-paneldynamic-navigator', data: question, as: 'question'} -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: question.koPanel() -->
      <div data-bind="css: question.getPanelWrapperCss()">
        <!-- ko let: { question: question.koPanel() } -->
          <!-- ko component: { name: question.survey.getElementWrapperComponentName(question), params: { componentData:  question.survey.getElementWrapperComponentData(question), templateData: { name: question.koElementType, data: question, afterRender: $parent.koPanelAfterRender } } } -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- ko if: question.panelRemoveButtonLocation === 'right'-->
          <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-paneldynamic-remove-btn', data: { question: question, panel: question.koPanel() }, as: 'question'} -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko-->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko if: question.showLegacyNavigation && question.koIsProgressBottom--> 
      <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().progressBottom">
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      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
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    <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().footer">
      <hr data-bind="css: question.koCss().separator"/>
      <!-- ko if: question.koIsRange() && question.koIsProgressBottom -->
         <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-paneldynamic-progress', data: question, as: 'question'} -->
         <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().footerButtonsContainer">
        <!-- ko component: { name: "sv-action-bar", params: { model: question.footerToolbar } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-paneldynamic-navigator">
  <div style="clear: both;">
        <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().progressContainer">
          <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-paneldynamic-prev-btn', params: { question: question }} --><!-- /ko -->
          <!-- ko if: question.koIsRange -->
            <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-paneldynamic-progress', data: question, as: 'question'} --><!-- /ko -->
          <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-paneldynamic-next-btn', params: { question: question }} --><!-- /ko -->
          <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-paneldynamic-add-btn', params: { question: question }} --><!-- /ko -->
        <div data-bind="text: question.koProgressText, css: question.koCss().progressText"></div>
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-paneldynamic-progress">
  <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().progress">
      data-bind="css: question.koCss().progressBar, style: { width: question.koProgress }"
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-radiogroup">

  <fieldset data-bind="css: question.getSelectBaseRootCss()" role="presentation">
    <!-- ko ifnot: question.hasColumns -->
      <!-- ko if: question.blockedRow -->
      <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().rootRow">
        <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.dataChoices, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender }  -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: question.itemComponent, data: item } } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- ko ifnot: question.blockedRow -->
      <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.bodyItems, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender }  -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: question.itemComponent, data: item } } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: question.hasColumns -->
      <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().rootMultiColumn">

        <!-- ko foreach: question.columns -->
        <div data-bind="css: question.getColumnClass()" role="presentation">
          <!-- ko foreach: { data: $data, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender } -->
            <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: question.itemComponent, data: item } } } -->
            <!-- /ko -->
          <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: question.hasFootItems  -->
      <!-- ko foreach: { data: question.footItems, as: 'item', afterRender: question.koAfterRender }  -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: question.getItemValueWrapperComponentName(item), params: { componentData:  question.getItemValueWrapperComponentData(item), templateData: { name: question.itemComponent, data: item } } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- /ko -->

    <!-- ko if: question.hasOther && question.isOtherSelected -->
      <div class="form-group" data-bind="template: { name: 'survey-comment', data: {'question': question, 'visible': question.isOtherSelected } }"></div>
    <!-- /ko -->
    <!-- ko if: question.showClearButtonInContent -->
        data-bind="click:question.clearValue, css: question.koCss().clearButton, value: question.clearButtonCaption"
    <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-radiogroup-item">
  <div role="presentation" data-bind="css: question.getItemClass(item)">
    <label data-bind="css: question.getLabelClass(item), attr: { 'aria-label': question.getAriaItemLabel(item) }">
        data-bind="attr: { name: question.questionName, id: question.getItemId(item), 'aria-describedby': question.ariaDescribedBy }, checkedValue: item.value, checked: question.renderedValue, enable: question.getItemEnabled(item), css: question.koCss().itemControl"
      <!-- ko if: question.koCss().materialDecorator -->
      <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().materialDecorator">
        <!-- ko if: question.itemSvgIcon -->
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          <use data-bind="attr:{'xlink:href':question.itemSvgIcon}" xlink:href=''></use>
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->
        data-bind="visible: !item.hideCaption, css: question.getControlLabelClass(item)"
        <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: item.locText } -->
        <!-- /ko -->

<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-rating">
    <div data-bind="css: question.ratingRootCss">
        <fieldset role="radiogroup">
            <legend role="presentation" class="sv-hidden"></legend>
            <!-- ko if: question.hasMinLabel-->
            <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().minText">
              <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: question.locMinRateDescription } -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko foreach: question.renderedRateItems -->
            <label data-bind="css: question.getItemClass($data.itemValue)">
                data-bind="attr: { name:, id: question.getInputId($index()), value: $data.value, 'aria-required': question.ariaRequired, 'aria-label': question.ariaLabel, 'aria-invalid': question.ariaInvalid, 'aria-describedby': question.ariaDescribedBy }, checkedValue: $data.value, enable: !question.isInputReadOnly, event: { click: function(data, event) { question.setValueFromClick(; return true; } }"
                <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().itemText">
                <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: $data.locText } -->
                <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- ko if: question.hasMaxLabel-->
            <span data-bind="css: question.koCss().maxText">
              <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-string', data: question.locMaxRateDescription } -->
              <!-- /ko -->
            <!-- /ko -->


<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-signaturepad">
    <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().root, style: { height: signatureHeight, width: signatureWidth }">
            data-bind="text: placeHolderText, css: question.koCss().placeholder, visible: $data.needShowPlaceholder()">
            <canvas tabindex='0'></canvas>
        <!-- ko if: question.canShowClearButton -->
        <div data-bind="css: question.koCss().controls">
            <button type='button'
                data-bind="click: question.clearValue, css: question.koCss().clearButton, attr: { title: question.clearButtonCaption }">
                    <!-- ko ifnot: question.koCss().clearButtonIconId -->
                    <!-- /ko -->
                    <!-- ko if: question.koCss().clearButtonIconId -->
                        <sv-svg-icon params="iconName: question.koCss().clearButtonIconId, size: 'auto'"></sv-svg-icon>
                    <!-- /ko -->
        <!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-text">
  <!--ko if: !question.dataListId && !question.isReadOnlyRenderDiv()-->
    <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-text-input' } --><!-- /ko -->
  <!--ko if: question.dataListId && !question.isReadOnlyRenderDiv()-->
    <!-- ko template: { name: 'survey-question-text-input' } --><!-- /ko -->
    <datalist data-bind="attr: {id: question.dataListId}">
    <!-- ko foreach: question.dataList -->
      <option data-bind="value:$data"></option>
  <!--ko if: question.isReadOnlyRenderDiv() -->
  <div data-bind="text: question.value"></div>
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-text-input">
  data-bind="disable: question.isInputReadOnly, 
    style: question.inputStyle, 
    attr: { type: question.inputType, size: question.renderedInputSize, id: question.inputId, placeholder: question.renderedPlaceholder, maxLength: question.getMaxLength(), min: question.renderedMin, max: question.renderedMax, step: question.renderedStep, 'aria-required': question.ariaRequired, 'aria-label': question.ariaLabel, 'aria-invalid': question.ariaInvalid, 'aria-describedby': question.ariaDescribedBy, autocomplete: question.autocomplete, list:question.dataListId }, 
    event: { keydown: koOnKeyDown, keyup: koOnKeyUp, change: koOnChange, compositionupdate: koOnCompositeUpdate, blur: koOnBlur },
    value: question.koReadOnlyValue,
    css: question.getControlClass()"/>
<script type="text/html" id="survey-question-buttongroup">
  <div role="group" data-bind="css: question.koCss().root">
      <!-- ko foreach: question.visibleChoices -->
        <!-- ko component: { name: 'sv-button-group-item', params: { question: question, item: $data, index: $index } } -->
        <!-- /ko -->
      <!-- /ko -->

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